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Author Topic: Reported: No Animals  (Read 270 times)

Lord Dark

Reported: No Animals
« on: June 30, 2009, 01:21:24 pm »
*Tod reports to Kit in Haven*

Hiya! I wanted to feed some cows since I just had a pie an' I wanted some milk... but there's no cows! There's no chickens either! What if someone wanted eggs for breakfast? There's no chickens for eggs then there must be no way for eggs which means no eggs for breakfast which means you start off badly and then that's contagious an' it'll just keep spreadin' so ev'ryone will be ticked off an' then some accidents will happen an' that'll mean people will get even more ticked which means that there'll be chaos! which could mean that the gnolls could hear about the disorganization an' then they'll attack. So I suggest watchin' over the live stock, thanks!


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 08:32:55 pm »
Quote from: Lord Dark
*Tod reports to Kit in Haven*
 Hiya! I wanted to feed some cows since I just had a pie an' I wanted some milk... but there's no cows! There's no chickens either! What if someone wanted eggs for breakfast? There's no chickens for eggs then there must be no way for eggs which means no eggs for breakfast which means you start off badly and then that's contagious an' it'll just keep spreadin' so ev'ryone will be ticked off an' then some accidents will happen an' that'll mean people will get even more ticked which means that there'll be chaos! which could mean that the gnolls could hear about the disorganization an' then they'll attack. So I suggest watchin' over the live stock, thanks!
 *Passing by, he hears the reports and shyly replies*
 Ohhh... ahhh.. hummm... the Troll - was it a troll? - was really difficult to kill so... we had a little troll in the village and... hummm... it tried to by friendly with one cow, then with the second cow, then with all the chickens, then it decided to return in its cave... I decided to call him george.
 // Imagine Phobo trying to survive and running as mad and trying to send all his lightning and strikes and slash when he could and not be able to get rid of the troll - which vanished by it-self after an amount of time. In the meanwhile it has killed all the animals. Sorry :(


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2009, 09:01:22 pm »
Quote from: Fidzy
*Passing by, he hears the reports and shyly replies*
 Ohhh... ahhh.. hummm... the Troll - was it a troll? - was really difficult to kill so... we had a little troll in the village and... hummm... it tried to by friendly with one cow, then with the second cow, then with all the chickens, then it decided to return in its cave... I decided to call him george.
 // Imagine Phobo trying to survive and running as mad and trying to send all his lightning and strikes and slash when he could and not be able to get rid of the troll - which vanished by it-self after an amount of time. In the meanwhile it has killed all the animals. Sorry :(

Which is one of the reasons why dragging creatures across area transitions is frowned upon greatly.


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2009, 07:23:00 pm »
A small, dark clad woman thinks to herself, "Shure, but ah'd rather be frowned upon than deed. Besides, whit's Kit therr fur anyway?"
 /OOC This in no way condones the dragging of anything across area transitions. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2009, 01:59:59 am »
//a troll in haven? the area with trolls is like way out of there, could it have been a left over?


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2009, 03:28:03 pm »
// I am not sure what followed me... I Went in the cave, give a peek, saw a full contigent of creatures and tought I rather get out of there...


Re: Reported: No Animals
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2009, 07:56:58 pm »
//ah it was gnolls then.

