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Author Topic: Angels Guild - What the Heck?  (Read 5912 times)


Sibbicai excitedly agrees,
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2015, 11:11:46 pm »

Sibbicai excitedly agrees, wanting to use his magic for something. He watches the transformation take place and he too changes form into an Umberhulk and assists the digging top side clearing around the hole of dirt and pushing it topside and away from the hole.  After no dirt seems to rise from the hole he asks Quenton  why the digging has stopped?

There can be only One.


Daniel, watching keenly from
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2015, 07:57:19 am »

Daniel, watching keenly from the top of the hole, notes the stoppage of work and bends down trying to see why, "What is it, Quenton?  Why have you stopped?"


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*Q climbs out of the hole and
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2015, 11:51:09 am »

*Q climbs out of the hole and polymorphes back into his normal form* 

Well... I hit a layer of solid bed rock, not surprising really. But... I thought I saw something... not sure who... or what... I thought I saw a face looking at me in the muck and the mire. *shrugs* it looked mad. That seems odd. 



A thoughtful Daniel strokes
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2015, 12:21:04 pm »

A thoughtful Daniel strokes his mustache, "No, not so odd.  I felt an anger in my augeries and now we have a face, fleeting as it is.  I think we should do some exploration below soon.  Try to make contact , friendly if possible.  The Angels have been here for some decades, but only now does this strike us?  Something must of happened to cause this anger.  We need to figure out what."


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*Kyle slowly backs Eldarin
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2015, 01:37:26 am »

*Kyle slowly backs Eldarin off to give him a break from the lifting and stares into Quenton's hole*

"Are you saying there is an angry spirit afoot...Daniel? If so...we would need to delve into the history and legends of this area...see what was here before Port Hempstead and the homes around here. Could shed some light on this before we confront whatever Quenton saw."



*Sibbicai polymorphs back as
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2015, 05:42:36 am »

*Sibbicai polymorphs back as well and listens in*. Agreed he says, I enjoy reading and delving in books and I'm quite good at gathering information for as young as I am. 

There can be only One.


"I concur. Some delicacy is
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2015, 08:31:25 am »

"I concur. Some delicacy is required here. Since this house seems to be the epicenter, the history of this plot of land is in order. We can ask the locals for history, and Port Hempstead may have records on who's owned the lands before. 

"It's not out of the question to ponder if the sheer volume of magic in one location is tipping the balance too. I mean..." He gestures around the room; " This is a LOT of magic of varying types. It could be irritating someone or something sensitive. Kyle, if you want to do the deeper dive into the history, I can research previous owners and the history of this plot."

A pause later...

"I wonder if it would be worth asking the kobolds, assuming we can find a speaker and broker a truce long enough to talk? Their kind have been in the hills far longer than we have I think."



Daniel nods to the others,
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2015, 09:23:38 am »

Daniel nods to the others, "Since we are in agreement, perhaps some direction.  Master Sibbicai, would you be so kind as to enquire in Hempstead for records pertaining this parcel?  Master Kyle could go with you, he is the oldest recognized member of our Guild."  Daniel looks to Andrew briefly as if willing to let him confirm his suggestions or offer his own role before continuing. "I can attempt contact with the kobolds with Quenton.  I think it best one or more of us stay in the area in case our 'guest' returns."

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"In that case, I'd be
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2015, 11:07:35 am »

"In that case, I'd be interested to examine the magic of our items in the shop and if it's contributing to the dischord. I did catch a faint hint of emotion, I believe; perhaps with some help I can delve deeper. Muse, I wish Minu was here to help, this is her area. I hope she got my letters." He paces a moment, running his silver heart and clef along its chain. "In the meantime perhaps I can entice Celador to assist? If not I'll need to recruit. This kind of pulling of strings really needs more than just one."



"Will do. Sibbicai and I will
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2015, 11:06:48 pm »

"Will do. Sibbicai and I will comb through the City archives. And I'll nedd to touch base with Ferrit. The two of us are founding members of the guild. I'm sure we can find something."


//PM coming to you Raven. Need to get my Lore Skill and INT



"You want me to talk to
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2015, 11:24:33 am »

"You want me to talk to Kobolds? That's probably not the best idea, I mean they are barely better than stinking gobbos... but I guess I can try to be nice to em..."



"In the meantime perhaps I
« Reply #51 on: September 21, 2015, 10:45:26 am »

"In the meantime perhaps I can entice Celador to assist? If not I'll need to recruit. This kind of pulling of strings really needs more than just one."

"Feel free to entice or recruit as neccesary, old friend.  I must say, Celador has been very reclusive of late.  I meant to raise the issue of recruiting a wizard at our meeting, but I shall raise the issue now for consideration instead."  Daniel mutters something about herding cats and wizards after he finishes speaking.  He glances in the direction Sibbicai went with Kyle toward Port Hempstead meaningfully.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


The bard, wishing to get to
« Reply #52 on: September 21, 2015, 11:20:14 am »

The bard, wishing to get to work, starts a holistic assessment of the magics of the store. He finds himself looking into the hole Quenton's dug repeatedly, trying for a glimpse of the creature that his halfling friend swears he saw. He sings soothing songs he's written in the desert forest, hoping it will come and listen while he looks for magical "hot spots", especially around areas where wooden items were located. Not too long after he begins, a bird drops a letter onto his head. He rushes to read it before it can disintigrate. If anyone is around and looking in his direction, they will see the bard tear up and kiss the parchment before holding it to his chest. His song cheers considerably after receiving the missive, and he looks out the window as often as in the hole now.

//Andrew is spellcraft checking the combination of magics that the store radiates, as so many of the items are enchanted and not all with neutral magics. He'll try to hone in on areas that may feel "irritating" to a magic-sensitive being. He'll also poke his head down into the hole and sing to the dirt. He can't help himself. 



Master Sibbicai and Kyle
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2015, 12:32:11 am »

Master Sibbicai and Kyle spend many, many hours in the archives of Port Hempstead. Several record keepers assist them with their various requests, bringing ledger after ledger. The candles burn low, are replaced, and burn low again. They track down land deeds and auditing files for the various land holdings in the Port Hempstead Fields area from owner to owner, but do not see anything that jumps out at them. Kyle finally finds the first recorded record for the land where the Angel’s Hall sits. It appears that the land was granted to an individual by the reigning Duke of Port Hempstead nearly 750 years ago, after it was forcibly taken from a kobold tribe in the name of economic progress. Sibbicai grimaces… “Kobolds.”


Andrew walks the now decaying hallways and rooms of the shop… he reaches out to the Heartsong and he feels discord. The air resonates with an increasing level of disharmony… anger… a hint of vengeance? The vibrations feel old, as if they have been floating in the ether for centuries, and like a cello who’s strings are suddenly stroked in a violent motion of the bow, suddenly come to life. Placing a bare hand on a now rotting wall he can almost feel it trembling slightly. None around him seem to notice.

Time after time he looks into the hole, but does not see any appearance of the face seen by Sibbicai. He feels that the soothing songs are falling on deaf ears… but that might simply be his imagination.


Daniel continues to find rot throughout the building. The vines and weeds outside get thicker on a daily basis. He does his best to repair things and keep the building from falling as the others work on their tasks and lines of investigation.



*Sibbicai heads into town
« Reply #54 on: September 22, 2015, 02:31:00 am »

*Sibbicai heads into town with Kyle, he first stops at his parents house and tells them about what has happened and asks them if they know the area he mentions as it once was, or who to speak to in public records office?*

//Sibs parents are retired dragon called adventurers turned traders moving goods to surrounding areas from Hemp.

// sadly I cant make the quest, by the time I get home (at 11pm pst) from work it will be over.

There can be only One.


Thorn stands on a box and
« Reply #55 on: September 22, 2015, 09:48:27 am »

Thorn stands on a box and announces to passing traders. "Sadly it seems the blight that has befallen the Fallen Angel would appear to have followed them to there holding warehouses in Hempsted too. There is a terrible affliction of unnatural plant growth and in particular the spread of rare pipeweeds. This is a bigger garden than first thought!" 

He steps off his box, picks it up for possible resale and walks away.



Shaking his head, the bard
« Reply #56 on: September 22, 2015, 12:21:25 pm »

Shaking his head, the bard looks out the window again. He talks half to himself and half to anyone in the room. "Old...older than our little venture. Old, angry, and getting angrier. Stroking the wood, the bard lets out a long breath, and calls to his guildmate weeding outside. "Daniel! It's worse - feel the walls. It almost feels like trembling. In the chance that my imagination is taking me on a journey again, is it instead that the building is about to come down?" He runs a long finger around the window's frame. "I feel that this has been festering for an elf's life, old friend. Just roiling, waiting. Something has brought all this discontent together very suddenly. I don't believe it's the magics of our shop that is directly the trouble, not from what I've felt at any rate."



Daniel strides in clutching
« Reply #57 on: September 22, 2015, 03:34:33 pm »

Daniel strides in clutching some weeds, "Eh?"  Looking up he considers, "It is possible the roof timbers could give, but these walls are stone and waddle.  We shall have a mess and .." He pauses. "We may need to shut down the store for a time.  I would hate to be responsible for someone getting hurt in a collapse.  Best to side on caution, do you not agree?"



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


"I have to agree. We can't
« Reply #58 on: September 22, 2015, 04:40:06 pm »

"I have to agree. We can't have anyone hurt. I'll update the signs."



"Does anyone know how to say
« Reply #59 on: September 24, 2015, 01:45:27 am »

"Does anyone know how to say 'parley' in Kobold? Seems that some Duke of Port Hempstead granted this land to merchants or other commercial ventures some 750 years ago...after forcibly evicting the kobolds that were here. Wonder if the kobolds over the hill are of that same tribe that got forced out? Could explain some things..."


