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Author Topic: Dark Elves in Silkwood  (Read 1108 times)


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2011, 09:11:55 pm »
*Word spreads that authorities in Haven have issued a 50 True bounty on any dark elf heads brought in.*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2011, 11:17:32 pm »
The sentries at the entrance to the temple regard Aesthir with a cool but polite demeanor. After a short while Cedric comes out and nods to him and says "Ahhh... appears generosity was not the only impetus for what you did. It is appreciated nonetheless. Come..." He walks into the street, and Aesthir is very conscious of a lack of invitation into the building.

//PM me some questions or grab me in game and we can begin a dialogue... ;)


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2011, 12:26:14 am »
High Justiciar Reus, Healer of Rofirein sighs deeply as he hands the pouch to the courier. The weight of many years full of adversity and conflict seem to hang heavy on his shoulders. "Deliver this to Unit Knight Captain, High Protector Poetr." He strokes his long handlebar mustache in thought as the courier leaves.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2011, 08:25:42 am »
Upon receiving the missive, Daniel expression hardens to one of firm resolve then he loads Edward and his beast of burden with supplies, food, and tools. He leaves a note at the Guildhall that says simply, "I have been called to do the Great Dragon's will in Silkwood. Messages can be sent to myself in Aeridin's Gove in the Vale." Further messages are dispatched to the Temple in Vehl calling for volunteers from the faithful as well as notices tacked to the board in Center and Hlint.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Guardian 452

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2011, 11:03:49 am »
Quote from: gilshem ironstone
Gel'larian comes in to the shop, battered and dirty.  With an exasperated calm he comes in to find Enzo.

Master Reynolt.  This dark elf matter is getting out of hand.  Every move we make, they increase their desperation.  Now, they are killing their own to avoid capture.

He slams his fist on a table.

 I need your help, Folian's help  it!

I want a dark elf alive, so we can get some answers about why this wood is.. crawling with dark elves!

*Enzo speaks in a calm mannor*

The boy *he motions to Myrddyn who is also in the shop at this time* has told me of some of the goings on he has been a part of in the Silkwood. I do agree that things seem to be getting worse instead of better which leads me to beleive that whatever their goal is, it has not been acomplished or we have not yet stopped it. Myr mentioned they witnessed several of the spiders hatching babies, and then running into several dark elves that were comming down into the caves as they left. If this was their goal... they'd have left once Myr and his companions killed all the spiders... so there must be more to this.

I understand your desire to capture one of their ranks. You must understand that not only will they kill their own to avoid being captured. They would take their own live just as swiftly to avoid capture. Beyond that... should you manage to catch one. Getting it to talk will be about as likley as getting me to stop wearing green and start wearing fushia colored armor. That is if the one you manage to catch even knows anything at all. You see I doubt the average foot soldier will even know what all is happening aside from his direct orders given to him. Now should you be able to capture someone who seems to be more in charge you may get lucky and find some papers or other clues to aid you. I  dont advise putting all your eggs into this capture and interogation basket. It just isnt the same with them as it would be for someone of the surface.

I would reccomend some more effort going into where the hells they are comming from. Have they discovered some new route to the surface from that spider cave? Or perhaps some other nearby cave we do not yet know about? You know how vast the deep is... and also that it changes with earthquakes, volcano eruptions and such. If this is the case.... we must seal off this new passage.... Mistone is no place for such a thing.

Please use my place here as you see fit to rest, and what ever else you need. I will be making contact with others who walk these woods and hopefully we can solve this before things get much worse.

Myself and the boy will both be doing what we can to put an end to this threat.


gilshem ironstone

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2011, 11:29:31 am »
Enzo's words soothe his ire somewhat. He crosses his arms and thinks for a moment.

Perhaps we can still try and capture one, at least to find out where it goes to get its orders.  In the meantime, I will try and find out where they are coming from.  If you want to travel with me, I will be leaving at dawn and heading towards the spider cave.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2011, 11:32:33 am »
Upon his arrival at the Vale, Daniel speaks quietly to the healer of Aeridin showing the man his orders and inquiring as to where command center could be placed for supplies and coordination that would not overly impact the harmony of the grove.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2011, 12:10:36 pm »
*Call it fate, but Rory finds Enzo soon after he leaves his home. By her appearance Enzo could tell she's been scouting, laying low to the land. Rory tells Enzo the facts of what she's been up to, why and what she's found. That's she's going back to find the Dark Elves trail, that she has starting point. She stresses they must use the forest to their advantage or their lives are in danger.*

Guardian 452

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2011, 12:37:28 pm »
*Enzo leaves word with the temple of Aeridin and its healers to ask those who are working on this matter to stop by his place and cooridiante information and such*

//Enzo's place is 155 Folians Vale, Silkwood forest. It is the tree stump house in the back left corner of the area as you look at the map.

//Enzo does have Elves (specifically for Dark Elves) as one his favored enemies so he definatly feels he has skills, knowledge etc to help in this matter.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2011, 02:13:37 pm »
Upon hearing the reknown man's request, Daniel sends assurances he will do so first opportunity.  Rangers are asked to dispatch messages to Enzo. Daniel dislodges the crow by tossing some corn kernals on the ground, after the bird finishes eating, a message is attached to his leg. You are welcome to join, but be aware the eyes of the Gold are upon us, Miss Tyra.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2011, 04:34:06 pm »
A large mercenary company called The Mithril Legion recently departed Haven. Eager to reap a profit on the bounties for dark elven heads they made their way toward the Silkwood. The local townsfolk watched them with apprehension, hoping they would be able to help put down the incursions.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2011, 06:43:17 pm »


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2011, 09:00:32 pm »
//and all us minions of the Deep sit there with our popcorn and bloodwine hoping they get turned into swiss cheese ;)

gilshem ironstone

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2011, 09:28:35 pm »
Quote from: Dremora
//and all us minions of the Deep sit there with our popcorn and bloodwine hoping they get turned into swiss cheese ;)

I don't think Nym gets popcorn where he is ;)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2011, 09:49:33 pm »
// Pop corn , iron Rods  who can say the diference this days ? ;)

*Put the thread back on track*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2011, 11:50:12 pm »
Cedric, of the Longsword hands off a package containing envelopes to a messenger after his conversation with Aesthir. Please deliver these to Lady Daniela and Sir Lance Stargazer. They must be apprised of the situation. *He shakes his head wearily, still recovering from his recent battle.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2011, 12:50:02 am »
*A couple of days after, the figure of the Protector Aesthir is seen arriving to the Folian's Vale, he looks around with a secure smile and prideful stride of the black stallion and smiles pleasently to himself as he spots Daniel, approaching he smiles at him with the very same smile*

- Brother, seems that the gold has decided that we have to work together again in more than one way .*he unmounts of the steed and aproaches to extend his hand for a brother's greeting offering his whole arm to him with a knowing smile* I am glad to see that the temple has decided to deploy its best men for the task  **a calm smile as he says that with pause and security*

*he then looks at him and awaits for an answer*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2011, 01:00:18 am »
*Sensing the unease in the Silkwood a stout dwarf has set off into the wood to investigate the cause.  Hearing the rumors of dark elves about from a local ranger Zigruum uses caution as he walks the woods staying in badger form most of the time and wearing his quitest leathers and gear.  He lingers in the shadows and blends with the foliage as he wanders the wood hearing what Nature will tell him*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2011, 01:13:04 am »
Zigruum can sense great sadness and loss as he walks the woods in badger form. Animals are in hiding, and those he can find out and about are not being social, even to a druid, and exude an aura of fear. There is a tension in the woods thick enough to cut with a knife. You know in your heart that the balance has tipped on its ever volatile fulcrum and will not be able to recover without help from nature's protectors. While in badger form you have witnessed large raiding parties of dark elves slipping silently through the trees, flitting from shadow to shadow, hunting anything that will shed blood.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2011, 08:44:26 am »
- Brother, seems that the gold has decided that we have to work together again in more than one way .*he unmounts of the steed and aproaches to extend his hand for a brother's greeting offering his whole arm to him with a knowing smile* I am glad to see that the temple has decided to deploy its best men for the task **a calm smile as he says that with pause and security*
 Daniel responds by clasping Aesthir's arm, "Greetings brother, I am thankful to the Gold you have come. Word has reached my ears a mercenary company seeks glory and true by slaughter. It is my wish that you deal with them. I will have no looting, lawlessness, rape of the forest, or discomfort brought heedlessly to the folk of Silkwood." His visage grows stern. "You are to communicate this to the leader of these mercenaries and politely inform them that any such accusations against any member of the company will be investigated and prosecuted to the full lethal extent of the Gold's Law. Is this understood? Also, they will report to you and you to me. It is my intent to use these warriors as a anvil with our own men as the hammer once the dark elves are located. Inform them to camp in the clearing nearer to Haven, Sir. Any dark elves they come across there are their own to deal with as they see fit." Daniel regards Aesthir calmly awaiting acknowledgement of his orders.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde