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Author Topic: Dark Elves in Silkwood  (Read 1111 times)


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #80 on: August 16, 2011, 11:09:41 am »
Gel'larian speaks with a few druids of the grove regarding Aeridenites working alongside the Folianites of the area to help search the woods for signs of undead corruption and dark elve magics.  In the days to come, a few select teams assemble and scour the area using the skill balance between Folianite trackers, Aeridenite priests and Paladins and a few druids of the oak.  The Aeridenites from the city seem to have a better reception to the woodlands that the Toranites oor Rofirienites due to their mindset of the santity of life and preservation of nature.

Though little sign of the dark elves are found by the trackers, more than a few wandering zombies and unnaturally large and venomous spider nests are found in the area.  These are purged from the sancitity of the woods proper as quickly as they are found.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #81 on: August 16, 2011, 11:09:57 am »
*After the group broke up, Sharyn shifted her heavy pack and made her way westward finally making her way to Haven.  She moves up to the desk of the officer and drops her pack on the floor.*

The trophies you requested and said you'd pay for ... *She pulls out wooden boxes and stacks them on the corner of his desk, each one sporting blood-soaked stains and the stench of death.  It takes no time at all for flies to converge upon the gruesome containers.*

15.  You're welcome to open and go through the boxes to verify my count.

*After collecting her coin, she walks outside and breathes deep of the cool air.  She furrows her brow at what she had done, but she needed the coin.  Her mother had told her there would be days like this.  She didn't believe it then ... [Sighs]*


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #82 on: August 16, 2011, 11:33:13 am »
The Haven Officer quickly calls a subordinate after verification of the heads and payment to the adventurer and orders they be taken to the city walls and put on pikes.


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #83 on: August 16, 2011, 11:39:30 am »
As Daniel enters Haven with his retinue, he stops at the heads mounted on the wall, "How utterly barbaric, the Corrupter himself must smile when he sees such displays." He says sourly before dismounting. "See the horses, Men, then setup camp.  Patrols will begin as soon as all is in readiness."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Dark Elves in Silkwood
« Reply #84 on: August 16, 2011, 11:49:21 am »
After the Rofirein camp is set up, patrols begin shortly thereafter in conjunction with Haven forces already in the field. Over the course of about a week not a single dark elf has been sighted. An occasional undead is found wandering around Arindor's Demise, but nothing out of the ordinary has been noted.

