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Author Topic: End Game  (Read 7360 times)

Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir nods slowly at the
« Reply #80 on: August 06, 2014, 01:47:21 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly at the reply, standing by the entrance of the tent , he watches as where the events are being unfolded, he still attaired in his armor with the Vehl guard colors , once he realizes where the conmotion is, he gestures to the man to come with him, and proceed towards where the half elves are, not before casting a true sight on himself, he takes a conservative stance , moving to the outskirts of the circle, trying to measure the situation and of course not making the authority of the Captain to look less, and eventually coming closer to the circle*



The taller half-elf smiles
« Reply #81 on: August 06, 2014, 03:51:03 pm »

The taller half-elf smiles broadly, though its meaning is unclear. "Oh, I can assure you of two things, Unit Captain V-e-r-c-i-l-a-a-s," he says, enunciating similarly and maintaining calm within his voice and demeanor. "The first is that I can gain entrance to your monastery with or without your leave, though I would prefer to avoid making a mess."

The half-elf takes a step toward the Captain, keeping his eyes to the mounted man. "Second, I will give you no information under threat of sword, so unless you would deal with the stones and all their consequences on your own, tell your men to stand down and withdraw...or tell us what law we have broken, Servant of the Gold, and arrest us."



As the half-elf takes a step
« Reply #82 on: August 06, 2014, 04:09:00 pm »

As the half-elf takes a step forward and makes his statement the Knights quickly begin drawing weapons and spreading their formation. The Unit Captain also frowns when he hears Connor mention the “stones.” His demeanor immediately becomes suspicious. As this is taking place he says, “You will not gain entrance to our monastery without my leave sir. Attempting to do so will put you in a position of trespass on Rofirein property. Under the current circumstances, we will use deadly force to stop you if necessary… and it will be justified."


*As Aesthir approaches the mounted Knights he sees the situation degenerating very quickly. His professional assessment of the Knights and their demeanor is that an offensive action is imminent, and his past dealings with the Unit Captain does not give him any hope that a "cooler head" will prevail once that begins. Weapons have been drawn and there is a lot of... "enuncinating" going on between the Captain and the half-elf. The female half-elf appears to be very agitated and uncomfortable...*


// If this is going to go to combat shoot me a PM. We can set an in-game date to resolve. ;-)



When swords are drawn the
« Reply #83 on: August 06, 2014, 04:34:00 pm »

When swords are drawn the female half-elf rolls her eyes a bit. A silent prayer for patience in dealing with tactless soldiers is cast up, hoping to keep herself Balanced rather than irritated and sarcastic. Seeing how the events are going thus far, however, she begins readying herself to call up some potentially necessary spells.



"And, you, sir," says the
« Reply #84 on: August 06, 2014, 04:35:46 pm »

"And, you, sir," says the half-elf. "will not learn the truth of the stones without me. I am here by request and favor, and I can easily return should your hospitality worsen, but I will not be threatened."

"So I say again, sir..." he continues before his voice takes on a more serious tone. "Sheathe...your...swords."


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir gestures to Kalvin
« Reply #85 on: August 06, 2014, 04:45:00 pm »

*Aesthir gestures to Kalvin to go back to the place where the stones are guarded and to stay put there, he makes sure he doesn't make any visible sign towards any particular place, then moves forward at the conmotion, he doesn't run, but walks steadily fast, then speaks once he is close enough , as he hears the replies from Connor he approaches *

Good people, lets not make the work of the enemy easier, words and intents could be easily misunderstood, lets make things with clear head and civilized ways.  

*At this moment he manages to get at least closer to the circle, his demeanor as not threatening but neither shy*

*he nods at the two half elves then to the captain*  I am Aesthir Stargazer, *more with the intent of stating that to newcomers* I am here representing Co'rrys and Vehl interests *The man wears the colors of the guard on his armor, then speaks to the Captain* Of this two travelers I had traveled in the past if any scarcedly, and this gentleman is an ally to the gold, or at least was so during the last time we traveled together, Even if I don't know the reasons for them to be here, i could guess it. I can tell you that there is no need for innecesary violence sir.

*Then he speaks to the two half elves, he give a more acknolegeable nod at Anna*Its been a while since we had met, and again not in the most favorable circunstances.  An invitation and a favor you say? By Storold I presume?

*Aesthir observes the two and then to the Captain, hoping that his interruption had managed to calm the animosity of the situation*



The Unit Captain frowns
« Reply #86 on: August 06, 2014, 05:00:01 pm »

The Unit Captain frowns again, “Then you can identify yourself and state who “requested” your presence in order that we may verify you are not an agent of the enemy before you are allowed inside the monastery. That is my final word sir. If you do not like it… there’s the road.” *He points his sword in the general direction behind Connor with a disgusted look*

...and the enunciations continue.



The Unit Captain looks to
« Reply #87 on: August 06, 2014, 05:07:56 pm »

The Unit Captain looks to Aesthir after he speaks, then back to the two half-elves. If you are vouching for them Lieutenant, that is good enough for me. I will require their names though. He looks back to Aesthir as he sheathes his sword. His men follow suit. He makes a hand signal and his men wheel their horses about and head back toward the monastery gate. He watches Aesthir, awaiting his response.



"Right then..." says the
« Reply #88 on: August 06, 2014, 09:51:37 pm »

"Right then..." says the taller half-elf, seemingly satisfied with the alacrity by which the stand-off has abated. "Since you've finally listened to reason, my name's Connor.  Two O's...two N's.  I represent myself in this matter, though I can give my credentials if you ask nicely. As for who invited me, that would be a man named Storold. I trust he is still here and can confirm all I have said."



Unit Captain Vercilaas looks
« Reply #89 on: August 07, 2014, 12:17:00 am »

Unit Captain Vercilaas looks thoughtful for a second, “Storold… that explains a lot.” He then looks to Aesthir and says “They are your charges while in the monastery Lieutenant. Please see that they do not inadvertently injure themselves… You might also want to start getting them up to speed regarding our situation. The reason for our caution might make more sense to him then.” He shakes his head and digs his spurs lightly into his warhorse which responds by taking him away from Connor, Anna, and Aesthir. He rides to his men and begins organizing a patrol.


*As Connor, Anna, and Aesthir are speaking and moving in the general direction of Jesom’s Hope, a few things are immediately noted by both Connor and Anna. Not too far from the main gate are 25 separate patches of scorched earth. There are also powerful wards applied to the walls of the compound. You guess from their style and composition that they are Lucindite. 

Anna, the Heartsong and resonances of the surrounding area are a jumble. You feel fear, anger, sorrow, and loss. It vibrates from the surrounding rocks, the trees, and the walls of Jesom’s Hope. The vibrations come from all directions, but are originating in the general area of the monastery. It feels like men preparing for battle, for the unknown and possibly even death. The resonances are recent and ongoing.*


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir replies to the
« Reply #90 on: August 07, 2014, 12:09:39 pm »

*Aesthir replies to the captain with a small smile as if finding funny an invisible irony*

It is more than what you think, Good Captain, I may need to speak with you once we are back to the monastery, its a matter of urgency, due the developments on this place.

*He then returns to the half elves as they walk forward towards the monastery*  Welcome, Sir Storold has prepared some wards for the stones, we appreciate the help you two could provide with this ugly situation, I am not sure how familiar you are with this, but I'll explain the short version to you and the facts so we are in the same base ground. If you consider its safe to speak now of course.

*The man walks alongside the half elves towards the camp , and in the general way where Storold may be hanging *



Mangus approaches Forresta
« Reply #91 on: August 07, 2014, 06:34:13 pm »

Mangus approaches Forresta with his hands out in front of him.  He sees that she is busy planting trees and he does not want to surprise her unexpectedly.. "Er...greetn's Miss...Foresta is it? Erm... Er'm Mangus! You saved me down in dat cave where we found dem stones."

He tries to smile in such a way so that his toothy grin will not come across quite as deplorably as usual but inwardly he realizes he probably looks just as menacing to her as any other time. 

"Well, yew said Er could repay's yew iff'n Er planted er tree. So...Er wants to pay me debt. Er wants to help yew plant some er dem trees!" 

He looks around at the landscape where the celesteral rock crashed into the earth.

"Sakes! What happened here?!"



Connor and Anna walk along
« Reply #92 on: August 07, 2014, 11:34:41 pm »

Connor and Anna walk along with Aesthir as they make their way into the monastery.

"Considering how picky the Captain seems to be," Connor responds with a bit of a grin. "and considering that our 'enemy' already knows what happened, I would suspect it is safe enough for you to describe the events that have happened so far."



Foresta pauses in her work to
« Reply #93 on: August 08, 2014, 04:58:02 am »

Foresta pauses in her work to speak with Magnus. She does not seem to react to his appearance one way or the other but is seemingly distracted by the hand trowel in her hand, tapping in against an older tree than the one she has been planting. "The question Magnus is - do YOU want to help by planting?"

She hands him the trowel and leads him to where she has been fixing a failed plant. She shows Magnus the sapling waiting to be planted. She chuckles to herself at his question about the site and adds "It seems I need to replace a sapling, and here you are..the Rofireinites need a sign, and here from the skies, is a shattered rock. Perhaps there is something about this place or time but...hey one sapling at a time...but we should get back I think as soon as we are done here." She looks to the skies and some circling birds.


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir walking with the
« Reply #94 on: August 08, 2014, 10:27:36 am »

*Aesthir walking with the other two, nods*  The good captain means well, yet he needs to learn a bit more about the wisdom in life, Leadership fell upon him all of sudden since the previous senior officer is no longer among the living. Alas that doesn't justify his extreme actions at times, but well ....

*He continues walking* I meant to ask cause i don't know what had you seen on the way here, when the pits are involved i've learned that no precaution is enough, the stones we are about to see were found in a crypt some miles to the north, it was used as a portal, what we have here is just part of the said portal, which was disrupted by one of the creatures we found there .

During the assault I was following a particular pattern in the Al'noth, which help us to find the position of the stones, They were found facing one against the other in direction to the four cardinal points. We found a large group of pit creatures, with fiery eyes and wings down that place, some of them able to comand powerful magics. At the time we finally reached the room where the portal was, there were gylphs glowing on them, one of the pit fiends that were in the room, destroyed one of the four stones, at the moment of our arrival. The three surviving stones are held in this monastery.  The glyps vanished once the stones were moved from the place, and just recently had blinked with the gylphs.

We learned originally of the portal thanks to a pit fiend that this good knights caught and interrogated in the area of Center back in Brelin. This pit fiend escaped as its my understanding, i was not present at the moment of its escape since I was doing a research on the "pattern in the al'noth " i told you previously.  This first pit fiend apparently was able to affect mortal minds, and with ease must say.

I am sure that Storold Sir, could confirm and expand a bit more on this subject. 

**He continues walking awaiting for their reply*



*Storold is spending his time
« Reply #95 on: August 09, 2014, 11:38:36 am »

*Storold is spending his time in the monestary in deep concentration close to the Stones, he is focusing on the Al'Noth to ensure that no one is scrying from afar or trying to enter the Pit of Layonara from them*



Mangus digs several holes
« Reply #96 on: August 09, 2014, 03:47:38 pm »

Mangus digs several holes around the area in dog like fashion. It is clear that digging holes is something he is quite good at. But when it comes to planting the trees in the holes and the sensitivities needed for them to be planted well, in this area he falls short. It takes him a rather long time to get just one tree planted properly. But with patients he manages to get it done. When he and Forresta are finished planting the trees, he follows Forresta back to the monastery.



"I would like to see the
« Reply #97 on: August 10, 2014, 11:59:13 pm »

"I would like to see the stones first," says Connor, his head already looking in their direction while he continues to follow Aesthir's lead as they walk through the monastery. "At some point, I might be curious about the crypt, but one thing at a time."


Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir nods slowly upon the
« Reply #98 on: August 11, 2014, 11:43:00 am »

*Aesthir nods slowly upon the reply* Of course, that is what you came all this way after all.  The crypt may not be inmediately available, but I can point out the whereabouts of its location to you of course.

*He lets a smalls space before continuing* The stones are a bit more safe here, than it was in the wild, at least the conditions for its defense had improved, even if they were not as dormant as we thought they were,  they had a small spark of activation not much time ago, and for now the stones has to remain here by order of the Guard of Co'rrys , This new developments just happened and in the same time as your arrival.

Yet there are some ways to work with this which I can discuss privately with you once the proper examination of the stones is ready.  Lets just say that there are other cogs in motion.

*As they aproach Aesthir guides Connor and Anna thru the halls towards the hall where the stones are,  alongside with the Rofirenite guard and Storold*



Connor simply nods and
« Reply #99 on: August 12, 2014, 11:17:15 am »

Connor simply nods and listens to Aesthir as they walk.  When they reach the stones, Connor pauses and regards them first from a distance, partly for caution and partly to allow Storold to become aware of his presence and not upset the Protector's efforts. From a point where all three stones can be held in his view, Connor turns his senses toward the space around the stones, looking for any effect they may be having on their surroundings.