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Author Topic: End Game  (Read 7365 times)


End Game
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:23:55 pm »
//Continued from “The Assault” This will be the last installment of this plotline. For those players already involved, or those wanting to become involved, please begin posting here in this thread. At this point it is unknown whether this will be RP heavy like the first installment “Reward” (Click Here) or Action as in “The Assault” (Click Here) when it goes to an in-game session. Player forum involvement will dictate this over the next few weeks. If you are new, please read through the threads for the previous two installments to get up to speed and figure out a RP way of inserting your character...//-----IGA bird circles slowly in the air around the two captured rune stones, the consciousness inside its avian form carefully considering both actions and impacts on The Balance.The Rofirein knights seem very grateful for both the assistance of the adventurers and their sacrifices in the assault itself. Deverain is seen among them, working himself to the point of exhaustion. Many of the wounded are brought back from death’s door, the soul mother robbed of her chance to cut their strings this time around. The Rofirein officer in charge, Lieutenant Vercilaas, is insistent on returning to Fort Vehl with their dead before heading elsewhere. He refuses to leave any of their dead in the swamps. He also cautions against moving the stones to Dapplegreen, but defers to Aesthir’s decision as the ranking Co’rys officer present. Regardless, it is obvious he will return their dead and wounded to the temple first.Mangus trips on a gnarled root hidden within the muck and water of the swamp. A nearby knight quickly offers his hand to pull him to his feet, ignoring the fact that orcish blood flows through the veins of the wet and tired adventurer. This is something Mangus has rarely seen or experienced… an appreciation and concern for who he is as a person, not a reaction to the color of his skin and his large jutting teeth.Storold and Vreeble are seen conferring. Those close to them overhear conversation regarding the strange stones. The bird flutters to their position and fluidly shifts into the shape of Foresta. She joins the conversation.The time is nearly upon them, equipment has been stowed, men are mounted, and the dead are secured. Lieutenant Vercilaas calls out to the adventurers, “What shall it be brave ones? Will you accompany us to Vehl, and then to Dapplegreen… or do you make haste direct? If you head to Dapplegreen, do you think it wise to take those stones to a lightly defended population center?” To Aesthir he gives a wry grin and says “Perhaps your superiors will want to weigh in on your decision too…”
The following users thanked this post: Lance Stargazer, Brutus_Clawfoot

Lance Stargazer

*Aesthir regards the
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 12:32:00 pm »

*Aesthir regards the Lieutenient Vercilaas, and agrees with the overseen of the legal procedures due rank and file,*

I appreciate your confidence Lieutenient, at this point of course I am here as an overseer for the legal activities are to be done in proper way and fashion, since the Constable was not directly involved and I have my jurisdiction tied to Vehl, even more with this being a Rofirenite development and investigation, of course you and the temple may have the right to decide the proper course of action, and with that moving this things should remain in control of the Temple for the time being, ....  unless its your desire to be passed to the guard of Vehl for custody. Yet I uinderstand if this decision would fall into the hands of your supperiors.  - 

*The man speaks openly for the people to listen to him, and he acts professional and responsable, showing pride and the Politely right statements , once they are moving away , as Aesthir gestures the Liuteniant to walk alongside with him to a more separated area of the camp*




Foresta standing just behind
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 01:46:56 pm »

Foresta standing just behind the main group chewing on a corn stalk stops and looks as if she is committed to speaking but nonetheless pauses a moment before speaking.".............yeah, what he said!"



Aesthir and Lieutenant
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 04:17:26 pm »

Aesthir and Lieutenant Vercilaas can be seen walking a short distance away from others and are having an involved, but very civil conversation about something...



*Storold tries to gather as
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2014, 09:16:55 am »

*Storold tries to gather as many of the others as possible*


I truely advice that we do not move these stones much closer to populated areas. What I am really afraid of are some evil powers stealing them and using them for ill intent. That is why I suggest we call someone knowledgeable about the Pits here to examine the stones and give us a good idea of what we are dealing with. I suggest either Connor or the Pit stalkers, since Moraken is probably still upset about me giving him up to the deamon we dealt with to get these stones. But I would just like your input before I tell someone to come all the way out here, so that you wont be upset about their involvement.



I agree with Storold on
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2014, 01:30:28 pm »

I agree with Storold on this.  We take em' to Vehl there's all sortsa crazies there that would give there left leg to put their hands on these.  Heck for all we know them demons could have a way of activatin' some detonation in em' and make em blow sky high and killing folks for miles.  Its best to keep them away from any big cities with someone who knows how to move about magically incase the demons come back for em'.  The demons might also be tryin' to scry for them too so maybe we can conceal them somehow.

I dont mind sticking around until Connor or the Pit Stalkers can have a looksy.  As for Moraken, I helped defend his abode from a drach incursion back during the cult wars so I think he owes me a favor but its your call.

Vrebel  spits some blood and then plops down on a tree stump that has recently been charred from the fighting.  He is obviously still recovering from the fighting and body stacking but seems determined to figure out the situation.




Erumph!  "Swoosh....spash!" U
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2014, 01:12:37 pm »
 Dang vines! 
*Somewhere in the back of the thick mud of his consciousness he could hear his grandmother shouting at him. "Mangus! You intolerable dillywink! Watch where you're going! How many times do I have to tell you? You need both feet to meet the street!?"
 More pressingly he found himself dealing with the thick mud of the swamp. Yet not for long. When one of the soldiers reached out to help Mangus get up, his first reaction was to jerk away and curl into a defensive position, expecting yet another 'kick the orc when he's down' session but he quickly realized that the soldiers truest intention was to help him up.*
Erm.... Thanks matey! *He accepted the help* Me gramma woulda beat me over me head eef she'd er seen me trip like dat!
*Another voice in the back of his thick consciousness chimed in and more subtly whispered...* "Dey ain' beat'n on me cause Er fight'n  fer dey cause...." *But that voice was merely a passing suggestion like a vague distant wind above the trees.
As he gathered himself, he overheard the conversation between    Lieutenant Vercilaas and Aesthir. They were talking openly. Almost as if in response, he said to the soldier who helped him up,*Yew here dat? Dey gonna take dem stones to Vehl? Heh! Dem poor folk in dat town don' needs no more hardship! How come dey don' take dem stones far away from where people is, so dem pit folk kin git's to know'm better? Couldn't find yew no better army den what we got right here to guard'm!
*He looked around quietly realizing his voice carried more than he had intended. Some soldiers and others were looking at him with different and mixed expressions. In response he said...*
Bah! What'deh Er knows? All's Er knows is Er gonna be deh one haul'n'm to wherever dey sticks'm!
*With that he proceeded to try to wipe off some of the mud and muck from the swamp but it was a feeble and fairly careless attempt.*


*Storold nods to Vrebel* I
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2014, 10:05:33 pm »

*Storold nods to Vrebel* I believe it would be best if you ask Moraken for his oppinion then. If he comes out here we will just have to deal with him trying to blow me up, if that is what he wants to do. Thankfully this is in the middle of nowhere so people wont get hurt.

I will try to contact Connor and the Pit Stalkers, I have been removed from the church too long to actually know if Connor is part of their number, so I will contact both just in case. Hopefully one of these three parties will be able to show up within a reasonable time to help us determine what to do with the stones. I will meanwhile try to keep the stones hiden from scrying eyes and I trust that the more seasoned warriors amoung our number can keep spies and the like away through more conventional means.


*Storold takes some time to carefully study the magic around the stones to determine if it would be affected by any protective magic he might lay down around them before starting to cast spells to ensure that the stones are not a danger to the group and to shield them somewhat from scrying from afar.*



Vincent was again tossing and
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2014, 12:39:54 am »

Vincent was again tossing and turning in his bed. The cozy Brelin Inn held little comfort for him. The midnight hour was nigh and he was awake. He could feel his pulse throbbing in his temples and his mouth was dry. As he rolled over to grab a glass of water that he had placed on his night stand he froze in mid-reach. The Pit creature Dalianavera was sitting on the window sill, a supple tail flicking to and fro in the moonlight. He quickly rubbed his eyes, sure he was imagining the sight… but when he again looked in the direction of the window, she was still there.

In a soft and seductive voice she said, “My little Vincent, It is now time for the second phase of my plan, and I need your help…”

He could perceive that comfortable warm sensation creeping into his mind… that familiar tickle. She needed him… and that felt good. Before he knew what he was doing he heard his voice uttering from his own lips these words… “Yes, if I can.” He could not help himself, and in fact he was not even sure he wanted to do anything other than help her.

She approached him and smiled. He could see the tips of her razor sharp teeth again. He also thought he saw something familiar in her black eyes… affection?

“My Vincent…I must depart for a time. Until then, you will be the beacon that guides me back to this world.” She briefly touched his bare chest near his heart. He felt no pain, but was nevertheless surprised to see white glowing sigils pulsing in time to his heartbeat under his skin. There was no visible part of his body where they were not present. After a few brief seconds they disappeared and she stepped away. He could only watch. His body did not seem to want to obey.

In one swift motion she crouched and slapped the floor. There was a bright flash of light and a crack of thunder. The windows to the small inn blew out into the night, taking large chunks of the frame with them. Vincent was tossed back onto his bed. Air was sucked out of the room. When he looked she was gone again.

Other frightened tenants and the innkeepers rushed to Vincent’s room, kicking in the door, demanding to know what had happened…


//Another relevant party has been sent a PM.



Several adventurers and
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2014, 12:43:00 am »

Several adventurers and Rofirein Knights who happen to be on guard duty around the strange stones briefly see runes of unfamiliar and unknown origin light up in a bluish white color. It happens so quickly a few have to look to comrades to confirm they actually witnessed the anomaly.



Vincent stared out beyond the
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2014, 05:24:18 am »

Vincent stared out beyond the shattered window frame, his mind racing. He had rather hoped to be with Moraken by now; the wizard who might help him better understand. Yet it did not seem to matter any more, and what if Moraken was to tell him things he did not want to hear. I mean all that pulsating body thing was good, right! Surely the truth was right here, with him. She had never actually said goodbye did she, but she meant it surely, promised to return. Promised more.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF" the man shouted, and Vincent was drawn back to a situation not without risk. These Inn people could do him harm in their ignorance, not understanding the full importance of his situation. he considered, and drawing on an inner strength he calmly explained "Easy citizens, Just a specialist wizard nightmare, nothing to see here!" His eyes flicker to the shattered window frame and he grimaced. "Well almost nothing I suppose, shadows in the night, my over stressed sleep, barely nothing. " He shrugs apologetically.  "Spells can do terrible damage dont you think.....fortunately I am here to defend you all....perhaps over some drinks, all on me of course, perhaps some late supper, I can reassure you...Innkeeper you will have that frame fixed at my expense ...I insist!....I am a specialist did I say that already?"



Vrebel blinks a few times
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2014, 11:27:53 am »

Vrebel blinks a few times when the stones light up and looks to Storold

You do that?

He returns his gaze to the swamps and outer areas and then leans over Storold drawing his greatsword.  He cleaves a large cobra that was directly behind the old bald mage.

Maybe we should find a cave or somethin' this place reeks of death and aint good for moral.  Plus it aint good to be keepin' these stones so close to were we found em' in case they come back.



Lieutenant Vercilaas rushes
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2014, 01:17:00 pm »

Lieutenant Vercilaas rushes into the holding area where the stones are being kept, following the Knight who brought word of the temporary activity of the artifacts. He barks orders to his men and within a few short minutes there is a sparse perimeter around them. It is obvious to the adventurers that the line of armored men is much too thin for comfort. There is tension in the air for the space of about five minutes as men stare into the brush and swamp mists. No threat materializes.

Lieutenant Vercilaas orders the men to stand down, dispatches a patrol, and then addresses everyone else. “Our defense here is untenable. If we are attacked here we will be overcome. With the approval of the ranking Co’rys official” (He glances at Aesthir) “we depart for Fort Vehl. The stones will be taken to the temple of Rofirein. We will decide their fate from there.” (He then looks to Storold) “We cannot wait for your friends any longer. The danger is too great. The artifacts will be much safer in Vehl, even considering the risk to the city. They cannot fall into the hands of the enemy. I would recommend sending word to your allies of the change in plans… the method should be very secure.”

He issues some more orders and horses and men begin lining up into a column for departure.



Mangus grumbles more in
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2014, 08:12:45 pm »

Mangus grumbles more in controll of his tone this time to one of the young soldiers in his shifting circle, "Off to Vehl with'm. Meh! Er don see's why dey don' jis smash'm an' be done with it..." With that he offers his services to carry one of the stones to the lieutenant. By his own accounting there are a few present with the necessary thuggery to lug one of the stones around other than himself or perhaps Devarein.



Foresta is busy doing some
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2014, 04:11:57 am »

Foresta is busy doing some kind of snake count when the  bluish white shimmer appears on the rune stones and so she misses the whole thing. When the soldiers start to fuss into action suggesting prompt movement away from the site and towards Vehl. She does not seem surprised. She does not offer any opinion on the changing plans, standing alone on a dry tree stump in the swamp, and one might conclude she does not seem unsurprised either. She circles the stones trying to interpret the faded magical surge. Anyone watching might note she seems to find sure footing in the swamp almost without effort as she concentrates and checks over the runes.



*Storold speak up after
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2014, 09:14:40 am »

*Storold speak up after considering the new commanders orders*


It is true that we do not stand much of a chance should an enemy attack us... However that is not the fault as much as it is the fault of these stones. For all we know there could be a legion of deamons waiting on the other side for us to move to a given location. Like for ibstance a town... Containing innocent souls and allies alike for them to exploit.

If we bring these stones to Vehl we risk a much larger disaster that if I had fought the deamon we captured earlier. And for all your churchs hard work in Vehl to be in vain, and the town to turn into the next Stone would be a pity, would it not?


 That is why I say we shouldwait for magical reinforcements to safely deal with the stones, whatever the cost. Because the cost of these stones triggering in a civilized area is far far greater than we can imagine.



//Double post, sorry
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2014, 09:18:02 am »

//Double post, sorry



*Mangus's raw audible Orc
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2014, 04:07:13 pm »
*Mangus's raw audible Orc voice is heard plainly among the gathering. All too easily does the filter come off. He is conversing with a nearby soldier. The part of the exchange that can be heard is strictly his end of it. The soldiers voice is more soft-spoken and controlled.*
Wadayamean dey blinked?!
Well dat ain' no good!
Yeah but eef dey blinked den dey still active!
Er knows dey wanna take's em down to Vehl but eef dey is still active dats er bad idea! 
*He wanders away from the soldiers and approaches Storold, Vrebel and Aesthir cautiously, understanding that he ranks well below them, yet seeking a quick audience.*
Mister Storold, mister Aesthier sers,  *He nods politely to Vrebel* come we don jis smash dese stones to bits!? Dey ain' no good to nobody! Er could smash'm alla pieces right now!  Turn'm alla agregate!
A quick hush falls over the assembly, mostly because a good 98% of those present were struggling with the understanding of the definition of 'aggregate' with the exception of any dwarf, or rare stone mason, and the other 2% who recognized the word, as another definition for gravel, dwarves and stonemasons included, we're silently trying to figure out how an otherwise seemingly half witted Orc might command such a word. 
The world is filled with strange mysteries.  
Regardless, almost as if in answer to his own request, Mangus pulls a sledgehammer out of his bag. The tool was smaller in comparison to the many Warhammer's equipped by some of the assembly yet formidable enough for the task. He waits holding hammer in a ready stance, for Storolds, Vrebels or Asthiers answer, looking back-and-forth to each of the three.


No destroying them like that
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2014, 11:58:51 am »

No destroying them like that might produce even worse result. The problem is that no one here understands their true function... Destroying them might end up destroying most of this swamp



* Mangus frowns*  Okay Mr.
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2014, 07:27:47 pm »
* Mangus frowns* 
Okay Mr. Storold! Yew tells me don' smash'm or moves em? Er don smash'm or moves em! Er listens! Er don feel too good about mov'n em to Vehl!  Dey active! 
*He then addresses the assembly as if he were in any position to*
See here! Mr. Storold ses we don' moves dese stones? We... Don'... Moves... Dese... Stones! 
*With that he crosses his arms and nods his head defiantly.*