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Author Topic: Great forest giants  (Read 109 times)


Great forest giants
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:55:37 pm »
Word spreads out from Mirtirx (carried mostly by Wren Thendor). Warning to all who have been making war with the giants of the great forest. They are now working together and setting ambushes. Be warned they know how to use the terrain as well as we do. Do not go into the giant lands under manned. You risk your neck if you do.
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Re: Great forest giants
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 03:58:52 am »

Reports from traveller's and adventurers passing through Hilm Castle and Sulkin from the Great Forest warn of horns sounding in the night, and gruesome warning posts placed seemingly by the Giants themselves.

Several reknowned and capable Giant hunters that often roamed the forests are, as of this time, reported as having been missing for sometime.


Re: Great forest giants
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 05:14:09 am »
*Bjorn scratches his head*

Wonder how they ambush so well with all the noise their stomping makes.  Must beh some kinda magic at work.  Hmmm, don't think i ever faces those before.  Need ter find some lads familiar with the area to show meh around.

*ponders and sends a note to Wren along those lines*


Re: Great forest giants
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 06:53:29 pm »
Wren and Emie find that the Giants inaddition to roaming in groups, and are still as wild and frenzied as ever to any unfortunate soul they come across.

 There also appears to be a few extra clearings where the giants have chopped and hacked trees down for some unknown purpose.

It is however, just before approaching the area around the Dun Lake, that they found changes of interest.

Across what were usually the well-trodden dirt paths the adventurers follow, are spikes, with the latest giant victims impaled upon them.
Some are adventurer's who though to assist in the culling of the growing Giant populations.
Yet other's appear to be simple travelers, merchants, and hung from a tree in grizzly pose is even the body of a woman.

They also found lone giants, hidden within the dense brush, watching and waiting.
They seem different than the usual Giant tribes.
Thier tattoo's were more flamboyant and extravagant, with a headress seemingly made from vines and wood which makes them standout.

And beyond these, they found smaller groups of giants wandering the Dunn Lake shores they strode with purpose, watchful eyes penetrating the woodlands.
And around the neck of one, was a battered ivory horn.
It becomes obvious, that the giants are actually patrolling.
 Wren later along with Elgon, Drachus, and Gimli went to investigate further. They met heavy resistance, to the point where they were forced to retreat and one of them fell in the fighting. It seems now that some of the giants are resistant to magic as well.


Re: Great forest giants
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2009, 12:24:25 pm »
Further reports come in from the Great Forest.

Large bands of adventurers trekking into the wilderness have reported gruesome remains of previous Giant hunters.

It seems that, when attacks on Clans are discovered by other Giants, the sound of blown horns fill the air and they swiftly group for both protection and attacks against intruders.

Rarely seen Giants carrying large horns, often accompanied by giants with detailed tatoo's, seem to be responsible for the new communication between clans.

The area has currently been deemed a "Avoid unless necessary" area.