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Author Topic: Haven  (Read 513 times)

Lance Stargazer

« on: January 23, 2012, 03:34:00 pm »
*The city seems calmed after the horrors suffered on the last week. The sudden mist lifed and the life of people coming back to the normal . . . .

. . . . Except for some families .

Two small girls are disappeared off sudden, people has become real paranoic on strangers , the dissapareances stopped same as the strange happenings and yet two children and one adult mother of one children dissapeared during the night of terror,  The worried families and the guard found trail of blood towards one of the town houses on the outskirts, the very home of the smith nonethe less, the inhabitants were put to the authorites disposal for investigation before the angry mob burn the house to ashes.  The smith claimed inocence though even as one body was found on the backyard of their property.

this adds to the other two dsappeared on town and the citizens are in disarray.  yet the tense calm reigns on the town ..... for how long ?  *

Lance Stargazer

Re: Haven
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 10:27:50 am »
*The town crier on the villages near Haven and Haven itself are speaking of the next update on the news*

On another terror night, The home of the Masterson's family was secured by the authorities, the rumor says that there has been a murder and some less than savory activities there, the gossip goes from the summoning of a Demon, to undead feasting on human blood and flesh, the authorities haven't said much about this yet, but mostly to keep the calm and not to put the morale off

This has been a bit contradictory since the very same night an slim figure attaired on "too cheery clothes" and "bells" was yelling all over the town about a "Magic Fog" around the town, just some people remembers or can confirm to have seen such fog, if ever so sligthly

Search parties are done on the town looking for a small girl by name Ritsu, the daiughter of the Masterson's family, which was lost and apparently taken away by goblins ... yes... as if it was not bad enough all the "accidents" and dissapeareances on the town. Some people have gone to the local hero Shiff Dragonheart in order to help them with the search.

There has been not much news of trouble by the gnolls on the mines near the town , which amoung all the problems that had come to this is not such a bad thing.the least the town needs is even more problems there.

There is also another events that turned out that night, Arthur The smith was also found dead on his slumber, there has not been found any traces of violence on this murder, he was apparently asphixiated and great respect was given to the body to the one perpetrating the crime... which if you ask me we all know whom was . . . . .

Good riddance i say


Re: Haven
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 06:55:41 pm »
The ever present figure of Shiff Dragonheart, encased in his adamantium armor and hefting his mithril blade about like a child wields a rattle, can be seen on the border of Haven nearest the Mines, grinning and carrying on.

"Of course them scrawny gnolls ain't coming to mess with us during this mess," he said to a milita man a full quarter of his age, "I'm here!  Ain't no gnoll that dumb after all these years.  I'm angry enough when they try to hurt my town.  They ain't gonna try when someone else already has me mad."


Re: Haven
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2012, 12:36:34 pm »
Ty sends word to a ranger he knows, and prepares to follow a trail...


« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2012, 07:45:46 pm »
Wish they stop messing with my town. *Rory grumbles off and on as she goes off exploring to see what she can find out*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Haven
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 03:29:27 pm »
*The tense calm that the town is interrupted as more and more so called Witch hunters arrive to the town, Some members of the Lucindite church had traveled to Haven to ensure and protect those wronged aimed by the lust of violence on their words this "witch hunters" had.

It has been reported that several lynching had been rummored to happened on the outskirts of Haven and the near area, So far the wich hunter had really done nothing but to bring more work to the hands of the already full hands of the guard and the Enforder guild, led diligently by Kit Ironfist. She has been back to the activity as if the wond that keep her for doing the patrol had never happened.

The town has been freed of any remanant Goblin or goblin undeads on the south, after the return of the group of the town, the guard movilized their people back into the forest to drive and finish off the rest of the abominations that were attacking the town on the last "strange" events. The report for those who asks is that on the cave they found the rest of some adult clothings and blood and gore over it, apparently a ritual was performed over the place, some days or hours before the guard could actually reach the cave, a small teddy bear was found shreed in there showing that there was actually a child there at least.

As this happens too, a new develop had happened outside the Saddlebag and as yet another canvas was found set there again by an unseen perpetror... the draw show a big red dot that keeps dripping red ink, down to the ground, it reads  The Dot is still here!!

The meaning of this new canvas is yet unknown, but people is happy that the finding of this was not found in as grim conditions as the last one.

The people rest calm, but antsy, no more disaapears had been reported nor sighting of the mist over the town, People may have missed the dissapearing and marked them as the work of the witch hunters.

Its all coordinated to be a big propaganda? or was just several coincidences.


Re: Haven
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 04:58:33 pm »
Jehoram pauses as he hears the rumors originating from Haven. A mysterious mist, disappearances, demons, undead, and perhaps most unnervingly canvasses? A name begins to form on his lips, a name that had had an aura of silence around it even before the war. He shook his head, he might be wrong but the chance his suspicions were right was too tempting. With a nod he urged his steed south, fully intent on discovering more.

There was unfinished business to take care of.

Guardian 452

Re: Haven
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2012, 09:24:16 am »
The door to the Saddlebag pawnshop flies open and out sails a man... his arms flailing as he is tossed thru the air by Dot. He was one of the "witch hunters" who have descended onto Haven City. Apparently he got a bit too mouthy while inside The Saddlebag and Dot "took out the trash". The man lands with a thud and skids thru the grass..... "AND STAY OUT!!!" Yells a defiant Dot standing in the doorway. Dot turns on her heels and heads back into the shop then double takes seeing the new canvas hung on the Saddlebag wall. "SON OF A LICH! Yer &@#M right I'm still here!" She yells wishing whomever hung the sign hears her... but unfortunately she only makes a passerby nearly drop the vases of water he was carrying as she yelled.


Guardian 452

Re: Haven
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2012, 12:49:56 am »
*after the days battles have settled Dot heads back to the Saddlebag. She pauses looking at the parchment on the wall that reads "The Dot is Still Here" She smirks looking at the Dot symbol that had been changed into a target.... Dot takes out a quill and ink and darkens in one of the words on the parchment*

It now reads.... "The Dot is STILL Here!!!!!!!
(yes she adds a bunch of exclamation points on it too)


Lance Stargazer

Re: Haven
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2013, 02:27:04 pm »
*The defeat of the three vampires on the alleys of Haven, had spread like fire on a oil warehouse, this had brought several reactions amoung the people of the town, some believe that with this the hauntings will stop for sure, but some others have started to watch upon their neighbours suspiciously as if wondering who was the one guilty for all the tragedies on the town *

*The enforcer's guild have diligently put calm amoung the remaining "witchhunters" alongside with the Spellgardian guards stationed on Haven to help with the situation*

*The death of the shadow sorceress had put more reactions as well, as more townsfolk also blamed her as the cause of all the bad things happening to their town, the woman was taken away by the very same Shiff Dragonheart and delivered to the authorities for proper burial rites, the body of the woman was burned on the next dawn, the blessings of Aeridin given so the soul can return to the proper cycle, as death is just no other than part of the life*

*The witchhunters start to withdraw slowly seeing that their job is not as easy as they thought there, just some of them remaining, The sign of the "Dot is STILL here" is still shown pridefully on the outside of the Saddlebag pawn shop*


Re: Haven
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2013, 11:17:32 am »
So, yeah.  That felt good.  One nasty vampire chick - nasty little vampire chick - down.

They were scattered over town, some recovering from deaths, some recovering from what'd been an all-night fight followed by a forced march for ten hours and then hours and hours more of battling vampires.  Not moving was bliss.  He was sitting with Glitch, companionable silence now, the elf was still kind of shredded after his own dirt nap and was half in reverie.  Plenty of time to think the whole thing over while the guy rested.  Plus he couldn't find Niamh.  He watched the town dragging and burning the remnants of the previous night's attack and leaned back against the cottage wall.

If Niamh hadn't been there two nights ago - why had she been there? - they'd have all been facing the wrong direction, it was her who alerted them to the south gate attack.  He'd only had time to smile at her before the defense began and he hadn't seen her since.  Why did he suck at this woman thing so much?  Whatever, she wasn't interested anyway.  Picking at grass around the cottage he found a few specks of blood and gazed at the gates again.

The attack that had painted the south gates red had been brutal, wave after wave.  Town was covered in mist and blood, no one got any rest at all, and he'd considered calling a short nap but...yeah.  Well.  Good thing they'd gotten their butts out the gates at the crack of dawn yesterday, otherwise they'd have been toast.  His cattle prodding had worked.  In fact...most of this job had worked, and worked well.  When he'd first left Gram's house and saw the collection of of Fort Vehl all over again.  He'd sworn never again, back then.  But, hey, things change.  Even with all the wisecracking they'd listened - to him, which was still weird, but he'd learned a lot since that disaster trip under Co'rys' main fort - and to each other.  The guys scouting, Vell and Rasa and Naldin, were crack at it.  The half-giant Glokk knew how to hit stuff into next week and Fea was dodging around and under the big man during fights, kicking and punching.  He saw the quiet woman in green with the wolf necklace over by a water keg, and near her Ryubi - without him and Cel they'd have been sunk for magic.  Mel and that other gnome Corky knew when to sing and when to shut up although they didn't know when to stop flirting.  Whatever, it was funny.  Good for Mel.  And anyway if Corky hadn't been yapping out ideas at that first rune he'd have never thought of Ritsu's name and the whole thing would have gone down different and not in a good way.

Yeah, that reminded him he had to have a little chat with Rasa about when to keep vows and when not to.

And Rory.  They'd had words in the past but she was good, really good, and she'd turned the whole thing around for them.  Her and that skunk of hers.  She'd sent the note with the map and who knows how she got that, she'd sent the note with the alternate route...saved them a lot of pain and time, got them there before daylight ended, warned them about the vampire girls before they got to that chamber, and found the missing kids while they dealt with the vamp-mist.  Not someone he wanted as an enemy.  He had spent a hard bit of True to get special snacks for the skunk.  Didn't figure the skunk as an enemy either.  Kinda cute, actually, even if he did have to burn his shirt now.

So,'d worked.  They found the cave, wiped out a lot of vampires and the freaky vampire kid he'd seen in that undead town in Dapplegreen, and made it stick...that make him laugh, which got a half-lidded look from Glitch.  He shook his head and twirled the grass around one finger.  Stick - stuck - what would Dad say when he told him that the instrument the old man had made was used to impale an ancient vampire?  Sucked though, he really liked that guitar.  Speaking of impaling, he should check on Cel, guy was hurting.

Man, Cel...who'd have thought that lightweight could rip a magic-stuck sarcophagus lid off?  Dude was something else sometimes.  Just manhandled it with a wild-man scream.  Course, it cost him as he'd dropped right after, but if he hadn't done that, the oak neck of a guitar would not be resting in what was now a pile of ash.

A friend of his Gramps was dragging a zombie body to a burn pile outside town.  He should go help.  Check on Cel, speak to Loo McSpiffy, let Gram know he was alive before she hunted him down and gave him a frying pan upside the head for scaring her.  He patted Glitch to let him know not to get up, and slid his back up the wall until he was standing, tired but confident.  He'd faced his enemy in the last couple days.  It was good.