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Author Topic: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...  (Read 2216 times)


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2009, 10:39:47 pm »
*After hearing of the devastation Vrebel rushes to aid those who are in need.  He helps those that are digging and clearing debris on his way to the tower academy.  Once inside the academy he looks for Jaelle and finally finds her among all the diplaced people*

Hi Jaelle, Im here to serve, got me axes, shovels and picks just point me in the right direction *grins*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2009, 10:57:17 pm »
*Jaelle greets him with a smile, as she has greeted many of the other volunteers*

"Excellent. We need more people with your strength clearing the debris. Right now the city is a mess but the streets are wide enough that people can weave their way through. It's the docks that are the biggest priority, so you can help there. There are others out there already. You can join them."

//Nehetsrev, so sorry, looks like I missed yours earlier. I will edit my post after yours to reflect. Didn't mean to ignore you! You must have posted while I was typing.

Lord Dark

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2009, 11:13:15 pm »
*Tod looks a little puzzled at getting his role but looks up to Jaelle and gives a very determined looking nod.*

You got it Miss Jaelle!

*gives Jaelle a thumbs up and rushes away to find Katrien Hommel to figure out what she has at the Foundation, what the Tower has, and how the tower and Foundation can work together to help people and Hempstead.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2009, 11:53:11 pm »
Benjamin stops at the tower and turns over several pies, breads, and dried meats to feed the hungry along with a bagful of various potions and bandages to the healers."A few supplies from the Angel's, Miss Jaelle," He shrugs then listens to her orders. After he hears what is needed, with a nod makes his way clear of the city and returns in less than a day with several oak beams tied to his ox.  He lugs them to the basement and uses his carpentry skills to help firm up the foundation.  Very colorful, occasional cursing can be heard clearly on the first floor wafting up from the basement as he works.  From the sounds of it, Benjamin is having a fairly hard time of the work, but hasn't given up.


A grim faced Daniel Benjamin reports to Jaelle with a few healing supplies in a bag.  He immediately sets to work alongside  Essa with a puzzled frown and a shrug, forgetting to even sneer at her in his determination to aid the healers as best he can. He works until exhaustion claims him, sleeping wherever he is, then rising to start over. "Lord Protector grant me your strength"  is a common prayer heard on his lips.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2009, 01:11:45 am »
*Jaelle finishes conferring with the contractors, then calls over any volunteers about to head out to clear the debris, asking them to also pass on the word to those already out there, either working on the base of the Tower or out on the docks clearing*

"Listen up! The Tower took some minor structural damage in the waves. It's not serious at the moment but I don't want it to become so, especially not when we are using it as a base of operations and there are so many injured here that would have to be moved.

Here's what we need: iron bars or beams, some large blocks of stone, and some planks of wood. We need a good deal of each, but a lot of the houses in this area were ruined in the tsunami, as were many ships, so we should be able to scavenge a good portion of it at least from the city, enough to tide us over.

If you find workable metal, wood, or stone, send it back this way. The builders will use it to reinforce the base of the Tower so we can keep housing the people here while the city finds its feet."

//Alright, Pankoki has given me a list, but keep in mind that some of this is going to diverge between IC and OOC, especially in how things are gathered. The nuggets are the "stone" for example! We can RP scavenging things from the city, but OOC we will have to gather them from wherever.

What we need: (Total, then how many left to gather)
- 50 iron ingots (Finished)
- 50 copper nuggets (Finished)
- 50 tin nuggets (Finished)
- 50 iron nuggets (Finished)
- 30 oak planks (Finished)

***Note: The reinforcements of the Tower are now complete

The hardest are the iron and the oak. The copper and tin are either done or being taken care of already, so feel free to jump in with whatever you can do if you want to help. I'm happy to take supplies off characters--just let me know to log in and get them.


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2009, 01:18:45 am »
[INDENT]A small, patched, oarless boat with a lantern hung from it is propelled from the shallows of the new shoreline with a length of flotsam pushed from the back, its motions made less than smooth by the large, gray muzzled dog that sits nervously in front of an only slightly larger halfling with bells at her wrists, a shovel on her back, and an assortment of keys about her person.

The lightness of her black-eyed gaze seems to some almost obscene in the wake of disaster, her lilting voice counting the wrecked ships and buildings one-two-three in rhyme akin to children's verses of events that have faded so far into history as to have become mere words. The singsongy melodies are broken by splashes as, at a word from her, the dog upsets the boat by leaping from it into the water and paddling to concentrations of rubble and debris, sniffing. Now and then she follows shortly after with her shovel, shaking herself off and digging where he pauses. It is soon apparent that she is singing gaily to the dog.

My stomach she is growling,
Because she has no food
Danto, you are a'howling,
For want of something chewed

We've enough for next day's end,
And then we have no more
But we sail with a friend,
Along a broken shore

Being small of stature, she is often calling the dog back to help her dislodge things as they aid in the search for the increasingly unlikely survivors, and while she gets her share of odd looks, dirty looks, or being unnoticed altogether, there are those here and there that hide a smile where none had been before. Small hurts and bruises and wounds gained in relief efforts close slowly over as she passes crews of volunteers, singing, and those of those she joins that appear to need the help of her and "Danto."[/I][/INDENT]

Lord Dark

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2009, 01:37:58 am »
*Tod comes back from the Foundation and he goes around the crowds asking for able people and those he knows personally to help defend the vulnerable from looters and scavengers and become a part of an unofficial militia similar to the Silverguard.

As he spots those who have already volunteered with helping the wounded and sick in the Tower, he gently urges them to get themselves something to eat and rest as he takes over until they're ready to continue, and is pretty persistent if they're stubborn.

Tod helps around with little chores and helps instruct volunteers who are not sure on what to do or how to do something.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2009, 03:18:01 am »
*Without a thought, Vrebel listens to Jaelle's words and heads out to the docks were he is told he is most needed.  While there he asks what needs to be done and works tirelessly almost in a frenzy helping to salvage what is left and to look for survivors.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2009, 05:16:14 am »
*Huntemara comes in Hempstead together with her mother Sonya Darsus. They look around at the devastation and they go to teh angels guild hall to help there a bit. Soon Hunty leaves the guild hall and goes to the tower academy to help there. She enters the Tower academy and looks around to see where she is needed. Then she starts helping wherever she is needed.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2009, 06:45:16 am »
*A large wolf is seen paddling through Hempstead past some small boats and on the back a small green halfling is hugging its neck.
Keppli eventually finds the the people working on the docks, and scrambles through her pouches for some materials she's been working on...
The wolf barks loudly and Keppli cups her hands round her mouth and shouts to them
"Hey! I know it's not much but I made some supplies! I hope it helps... even just a little...!"

She holds out a large plank of oak with two copper ingots stacked on top, two loaves of bread and a roast for the people working.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2009, 08:09:05 am »
**A wet and bedraggled Lareth, stumbles into the tower academy, a hollow look on his face.  Quietly, he listens to Jaelle speak and then heads out to help**

I too can take the form of a Golem, I will aid Timulty in clearing the docks...

**he speaks quietly, a look of determination on his face**


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2009, 08:38:12 am »
*Andrew returns. His nearly six-and-a-half foot frame is stooped, face haggard and eyes haunted.  His stomach is growling audibly but he refuses food with a look that says he might never eat again.  His red velvet finery is stained, matted with muddy salt water and other more horrible fluids.*

Is there...*he turns his head away a moment, holding his breath but his hands tremble* there something else I can do for a while.  I've had my fill of death.

*He listens as an assistant ticks off the list of the building materials still needed and relaxes a minute bit.  He nods and leaves without further speech, heading back into the floodwaters.  He does not sing.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2009, 08:38:56 am »
*Amgine smiles pleasantly as he recieves direction to help repair the Tower Academy's foundation, nodding politely before heading off to confer with the folk already working on that detail.  After being given an assessment of what will be needed, he begins salvaging materials from other buildings too damaged already to be repaired*
 *Emwonk continues his 'Current-guided' mission of zapping scavengers and leading other workers to corpses that need hauling off to pyres, or the occasional survivor found burried under rubble.*
 (Sometime later...)
 *A halfling dressed in a purple suit with a matching wide-brimmed purple hat sporting a large white feather arrives on a pony.  Violin in hand, he plays soothing and uplifting melodies as he makes rounds between the various groups of volunteers, occasionally pausing to hand out small packages of fine pipeweed from his family's farm near Haven to those who appreciate such.  For those who seem especially weary or are wounded, Lyle plays and sings songs full of healing and renewing energy, often in the name of Prunilla.  He also sets a large, humanoid-shaped mound of compost and debris, which he calls "Lump," to work in helping to move heavy debris and rubble along side those clearing the docks.
 Eventually he makes his way to the Tower Academy and the Foundation, setting about interviewing survivors, and writing down their names and locations and making special marks next to names of individuals who tell him of missing family members.  Later he heads to the sites of the pyres and begins interviewing workers there, checking to see if any of the missing persons he's been told of have been found and identified, and what fate befell them, in hopes his efforts will help to reunite families, or at least bring closure to those who don't know what happened to a lost loved one.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2009, 09:21:47 am »
As she passes through Hlint the news reaches her ears by way of town cryer and she immediately heads back towards Port Hempstead gathering whatever bandages and supplies for food along the way to offer to aid those in need, and to find her friends to make sure those she knows are alright.
 Her heart sinks though as she passes the fields and then makes her way carefully through the waters and debris. Forced to swim in some places and in others to move along by aid of what she can find to keep herself afloat.
 Stopping first at the guild hall, she looks on the verge of tears, a quiet feeling and eerie darkness lingering over what is left, if anything as she turns to make her way towards the docks assuming there is anything left.
 Finally Elohanna reaches the Tower Academy, very wet, cold and shivering as tears mingle with the rain, she enters the tower to find the sounds of children, and survivors helping others, and the voice of Jaelle having taken charge.
 She steels herself and moves toward Jaelle, looking much like a drowned rat and offers whatever aid she can.
 Amireana having heard the news come to her from Amgine, has headed the way to Vehl to find out if there is anything she can do to help and if the city itself is still there before turning her way to Port Hempstead.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2009, 10:46:33 am »
*Tralek wades into Hempstead passing bear jerky and water canteens out to those he finds as he meanders around.  After hearing her cries, he helps one elderly woman out from under some fallen beams and gives her aid.  He then learns that the base of operations is in the Tower, and makes his way there.  He takes a quick mental note of the items being requested from Jaelle and sets out to get some oak and iron.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2009, 10:52:09 am »
*The knight clad in blue and gold finally reaches to the city, his expresion is lost for a moment as the tragedy drifts slowly upon his head, As he advances into the debris and the flood.

After some hours he's seen carring an elven lass on his back moving around the city, Together they move over the Tribute to Allurial, helping with to whom they found to reach to a safer places,  After some hours, they are seen entering the Orcbasher guildhall.*


Some hours after a man aproaches to Jaelle near the Tower :

Milady, I come in behalf of the Orcbasher guildhall, And I've come to express the intent of our guild to help in with this tragedy.

I see you have some advancement in the coordination of this, Please let us know if something is requirered.

*he awaits for her answer, and once he's dismissed he moves near Where Caerwyn is to greet him and check what he can do to help him as well *

Lord Dark

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2009, 01:07:05 pm »
*Tod runs around making sure that volunteers are resting a least the minimal amount of time and begins to wag a finger in Andrew's direction for being so reckless with himself before he rushes off.*

*He sometimes goes out into the docks and the merchant district to help there, he brings bits of food for Vrebel and tries to get him to take five.*

No need to get all worked up, we gotta last else we'll be too pooped to poop an' then we'll completely crash an' then nothin' will get done an' then it'll just get worst for us! So take a breather every once in a while an' everything will go great!

*He yells at Tim and Lareth until they finally hear him over the noise they make in golem form. He pulls out parcels of food containing strips of meat and an apple, secretly slipping them a slice of pie.*

How about if Lareth works a while in golem, an' then in a couple hours, Tim, you can work for a few, an' then Lareth, an' then Tim, an' back an' forth! I was just tellin' Vrebel down yonder that we can't over do ourselves, we need to make sure your golemy joints don't get rusty. So maybe spreadin' out our efforts so they'll last the longest would be great instead of gettin' a bunch done in a short amount of time then havin' to take a big break. Good job out there!

*If he spots Amireana before she heads off to Vehl, he pauses her a moment to say "Hi" and to talk a little*

Anyone of Rof'ren can help with stoppin' the greedy Missus Amireana, would you like to work on that? I'm lookin' for others who know how to guard really well too so they can maybe help ya. How does that sound?

*Then sometime later when Tod spots Lance's representative looking around for Jaelle, Tod waves him over.*

Hiya! Glad you're here, Miss Katrien said that a miny militia would be good. So if you could Lance to maybe gather some church buddies like Miss Daniella, Argos, um... *snaps his fingers trying to think* Oh! Miss Jillian, Jacob an' Jacob's brother, how about Aesthir? Surely he could help with looters...

*Tod nods and grins to the representative seeing if he remembered it and would go tell Lance*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2009, 01:56:45 pm »
*After working hard for an extended period, Amgine manages to gather enough stone blocks (49 iron nuggets) for the Tower Academy's foundations, as well as quite a bit of salvaged iron (18 iron ingots). He sits down to eat and rest for only a little while before heading back out to work some more.*
 *Time passes and Amgine continues to work like a tireless ox, and eventually the rest of the required iron (26 iron ingots) is salvaged and brought back to the Tower Academy.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2009, 03:13:56 pm »
A messenger from the Trade Council arrives at the tower, asking for those in charge. Concern is written all over his face as he queries for the leaders managing things here.


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #39 on: November 14, 2009, 03:45:35 pm »
Buddy Arrives home to his house in Hempstead and fid the awefull mess. He immediately goes to inspect it to make sure it is safe to inhabit. Once he feels safe to enter he rolls up his sleeves and starts to clean up. Once it is somewhat clean he then opens his home to any dwarves that my need shelter. Leaving Azka's area alone.

//I'm away from game and have no idea what it looks like. Buddy's house is next door to the Academy but closer to the water. If anything is required to to repair his house please let me know. He would rather replace anything broken with higher quality materials.