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Author Topic: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...  (Read 2215 times)


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #60 on: November 16, 2009, 07:26:13 am »
*Jaelle's answer to Trouble is short and to the point. After a warm but weary greeting from the slender elven woman (he can even have a hug if he wants one!), who looks strained and tired but never less determined, she only has to think for a moment before answering.*

"I heard the druids up in Krandor were able to counter some effects of the waves. Figure out what they did, please. Figure out how they did it, and what it might take for us to do the same. The more we can prevent, the less we have to fix."


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #61 on: November 16, 2009, 10:37:29 am »
*Andrew goes door-to-door, looking for survivors who have returned to their homes, and advises them of the new storm coming in a calm and matter-of-fact manner.  He helps pack and carry when he can, persuading, cajoling or pleading as necessary to get the remaining people out of the city.*

Milady, no, you can't take your settee.  I'm sorry, there isn't room in the cart.  Yes, you can take your clothing chest; please hurry, delicate flower, there are more people who must be advised of this evacuation.

*a block later*

Sir, I do understand.  I know you want to show solidarity to the city.  It's my home too.  And we welcome your help.  But we need to get your family safe, sir.  They'll be needed when the reconstruction begins.  Help me get them to the Hempstead Fields, then come with me and I'll take you to someone who can put you to work preparing, and you can have the peace of mind that your wife, daughter and son are safe while you do.  Does that sound fair?

*a few houses later*

No, of course not - this is not the end of the world.  It's nature, nothing more or less, sir.  And we'll survive this as we've survived before.  But we'll need every man, woman and child to do so - and your obligation to your city and your community is to survive.  Do I make myself clear?

*near the docks, a shattered backbone of row-houses with a single intact door and a six-year-old girl standing in that door, near her mother*

Milady, no!  He won't come looking for you here.  He won't.  He'll come to the fields or Wayfare or the Stormcrest Shack...staying here is folly.  You have warning, and the chance to get out and live...wait, LISTEN to me!  Listen!  Do you know what I've had to do the last week?  *his eyes are rimmed red with tears held back by anger and pain*  I will not, WILL NOT, pull another little girl or boy out from under a chunk of stone or dock wood and wonder who will miss them, or who they could have grown to be!  If you want to stay, stay.  But when your husband comes looking for his family, let him at least find his daughter safe and sound.  Don't make her the next child we find buried in the rubble.  *he listens a moment more*  ...of course.  Give me your name and I'll put it on the evacuee list.  If he comes looking, we'll let him know where you are.  I'll carve a note into the door for him if you wish.  We'll find neighbors for you to tent with in the fields.  Get some clothes, get your beautiful girl a toy or two, and let's get you both to safety.

*Andrew helps the cartman load another chest of someone's most treasured possessions into the bed and leads a group of evacuees out toward the Hempstead Fields.  After a week of grim silence while piling bodies or gathering materials, he once again opens his voice and sings*

Life and pain lay twain in twain and joy's a fleeting mistress
At mercy we to air and sea and nature's fickle caresses
But with resolve we march to solve the problems surge before us
We'll take what's thrown and through it shone and turn it into progress

This is our city
This is our home
This is where our songs we blend
This is our city
This is our home
Together family, together friends
Port Hempstead will stand strong again


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #62 on: November 16, 2009, 01:59:01 pm »
[INDENT]For some time she can be seen with the large dog she sing-songedly addresses as Danto, digging and dragging and diving, and aiding where she can with both the work crews volunteering from the Tower and those that belong to the kingdom. Here and there she can be seen trotting lightly across broken cobbles, delivering messages, and then again when a strong-armed farmer and member of the Silverguard stripped to the waist help her drag her little boat over and around some of the debris, tiredly and without bothering to ask why she would want to go further out in a less-than-seaworthy vessel, though she has somewhere acquired some makeshift oars.

A few working in the wreckage of the docks stand and squint when she is noticed quietly paddling off, dog in tow, with no apparent destination in sight, but with an elbow to the ribs from another they quickly get back to their bone-weary work.

She must eventually arrive back, as she is later seen making a light run to where some of the gathered druids have paused in their rounds, stepping into their circle as though she belonged and were simply late. Two of the druids shift to make room for her without looking, then glance and blink at the halfling they were moving for. A moment's conversation later, they are back to discussing, with the bedraggled pair listening and only occasionally making a comment or question.

Never long in one place, she is also seen rejoining the company from Spellgard, most of them speaking with her and gesturing to different parts of their surroundings, while others seem uncomfortable with treating her as a peer.

Those interacting with the other concentrations of injured in the refugee camps outside, or inside the market housing Deliar's clergy, can find her running water and bandages back and forth, or occasionally see the beast of a dog loping across the fields with a package hanging from its mouth. She walks through the temple, singing lightly and apparently just to visit, making only a few stops to help in the cleansing of large batches of water.

Many, many lengths of time later, when the stars are shining on those still working to exhaustion at the tasks of salvage, rescue, evacuation, and everything else, she wades barefooted back towards the water, blinking wearily with dark shadows beneath her eyes and looking around for the little boat, and finally just continuing to make her way toward the tower, where she places herself outside and near the flow of traffic. She lifts a wooden carved flute to her lips and plays a rather different melody that calls on the wind, a touch of magic in the notes that needed no magic to draw attention to them, as though in spiraling music somewhere in the city, a hand beckoned, turned and ran, then beckoned again, like a small bird whistling and chirping and hopping from branch to branch.

Here and there, some follow, though not necessarily having even come from the tower. A few members of the guard and other volunteers, a few dim-eyed survivors that tugged the arms of their rescuers her way instead of out. There is no compulsion in its song, and so all make their own choice of whether to stay or go.

She waggles her fingers in hello after lowering her flute, when it appears she has as many as she is going to get.

There are many people here, working. Adventurers using Tower as base, adventurers using themselves as base. Silverguard, and farmers, and some from Prunilla and also the Wind Trader. Spellgard has been called in at request from them, and one of the more noticeably organizations of druids, from the Silkwood I think.

There are the sea elven envoys, they are about a mile or so that way, charity organizations that way, people burning their loved ones this way, and so on. Best if it is not each to his own.

The druids from the Silkwood are not stormchasers, but think they might aid with a natural barrier further out to sea, as they can't do anything for the city structure itself and prolly wouldn't anyway. That is good. If there are any of you that are inclined that way, they probably also could use help. The barrier itself will need help, because it will need maintenance. Focused on what they have to do to put it up, they have not yet gotten to that part. I think in this there is room for use, and now that the druid from the sea elves is talking with the druids from the Silkwood, maybe they can make arrangements. Also, I think they will be trying to use diamonds as components for their earth and stone rising, so maybe they could use a handful.

If the druids can be aided in not so much shaping but maintaining a natural barrier out to sea, then those of the arcane can make a second layer. Great shields of magic and force are good for stories, but against that kind of force would probably be more death than life... and also it would just wash off to somewhere else, and I think no one - including the druids - are very happy about that. We are thinking of the floaty things - what? Yes. Buoys, created in a hurry, but shielded with magic individually, to break up what comes after the barrier.

I am saying that Storold would be of good use in this, and so somebody should poke his head, but many others as well. Those to help make floaty things, those to help with shield spells, those to make shield scrolls, those to gather the things that are needed to make shield scrolls... If many can be charged with magic and anchored a shorter distance from the city, the great force of the united water will be further made into smaller forces of smaller waters. What is making them talk far too much instead of acting, though, is how to anchor them there? Surely nothing to be spared for structures at such short notice? So I don't know. Tying down, weighting down, not my brain area!

The ones outside are dipping into stores of food and are probably causing damage to the fields that are their life support just by being there in numbers. A lot are under ration. They can be helped with food, and clothing, and healing supplies. I think that soon they will be getting some help from elsewhere in the kingdom, but I think also that it will be land travel, and that is very slow. Things that will help in the removal of diseases are most greatly prized, whether magical or herbal. They are also out of belladonna and angelica, but I couldn't tell you what that is for. Anyone with any healing ability both in the camps and in the temple and of course here are working triple time as they are trying to take care of the volunteers as well as the injured and the milling throng.

Um... maybe of nothing we can do anything about, but also more than just water has been moving - there are deep creatures drifting into sea elven territories, so maybe they will be having their hands full. Webs full. Fins full. Hee hee. I cannot swim so far, though.

The general agreement seems to be that the fastest aid in material form is sand on the west side, but while I don't know what they were thinking to do with the sewers, somebody said that the builders were getting some plans together and would announce them in awhile... maybe if those that are focused on the sewage problem, especially those with good ideas, could combine efforts, it would help?

Not that anyone should stop working! But maybe we can coordinate, no?

Everybody is very tired. Yours and theirs and also mine.
She pats the wet dog that has a bandage wrapped around a paw. Few said it outright, but I think too that many are heartened that so many came to help, and do so tirelessly and without complaint. The first was a surprise and catastrophe, but I think that with the many shoulders together on all sides, that the next and any following can be shunted off without much hurt. That is all, all done! Many roads branching and joining ahead! Only a show-er of possibilities and nothing more!


Mastiff of Liv

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #63 on: November 16, 2009, 11:21:01 pm »
*A dwarf with a graying beard is seen leading two oxen through the debris of Hempstead.  He manages to get them to the damaged structure of The Foundation.  He first thinks of tying their leads to a post and heading inside but realizes it would be much safer to enlist the aid of three refugees.*

"Ye two grab dat chest an' me an' dis feller got dis one."

*upon entering the building, he appears to know his way around..."

"Miss Kat, Miss Kat.  It do be Durgen.  Oi 'ave been away from our work for too long.  Word spread ta me about dis disaster.  Oi've been busy bakin' bread an' pies knowin' ye'd be openin' up da doors for any survivors.  War do ya wan' me ta set dees supplies?'

"Oi gotta one chest 'ere full o' breads, still fresh enough from da trip oi'd say.  Dis other one nearly be full of pies.  Oi 'ope dees 'uman folk can 'andle a bit of rhubarb although some of 'em do be berries of some koind er 'nother."

"Naw Oi do nah 'ave a good bedsoide manner but Oi can do me best ta raise some spirits if'n me grin does nah frighten da children.  Ahh *snaps his fingers* maybe some magic tricks."

//Durgen will deposit the dozens of loaves of breads and pies in the available donation chest, preferably if they exist at The Foundation.

Mastiff of Liv

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #64 on: November 16, 2009, 11:30:29 pm »
* A woman mostly adorned in red garb manages her way through what remains of Hempstead*

"Darn it Wilbur, you dumb ox, I hope you ran yourself clear of the storm and the butcher's cleaver!"

*She heads toward the tower and seeks out Tod.  Finding him, she can't help but produce a small crooked grin*

"Tod, I hear you are putting together some sort of militia.  Well, you can sign me up.  I can bop some on the head if need be and provide a helping hand when not."


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #65 on: November 17, 2009, 01:22:07 pm »
*Andrew walks in, staggering into the doorframe and pushing off it into the room. He speaks to the person in charge.*

I think we're nearly evacuated.  I've gone door to door and no one else is answering.  Oh, and Mr. Fenbrook here *he gestures to a stocky and weather-beaten man beside him* would like to help with the preparations, if someone can put him to work?

*He stands back in some shadows and takes out a bottle of clear liquid that smells like moonshine.  A hearty swig later he tucks it back in his pack, missing the flap twice in the process.*

What else needs to be done?


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #66 on: November 17, 2009, 01:26:46 pm »
//As an FYI, see here: Pankoki's absence. Until he's back, a lot of the things related to the next wave of the tsunami will be paused. By all means, continue to RP! But be aware that an OOC occurrence is affecting the IG schedule of events here, and as such any delay in the continuation of events and the delay of the coming wave should be placed in that mental "suspension of disbelief" category, unless Pankoki says otherwise when he returns. Likely the easiest thing to do is to ignore any passing of time for now and wait for his return.


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #67 on: November 19, 2009, 10:35:32 am »
*Unther comes to town from Ft. Wayfare, oblivious of the disaster at first, but he notices the need of others.. But first continues to Ft. Vehl, meets a group there and comes back with a frown on his face and muttering something about deities.
He comes to the Hempstead fields, and heals the injured there with the gifts Dorand grants him, and after exhausting all of the blessings he has, he ventures forth into the city, and recedes into the Hall of Dorand, located in Allurial's district.
From here he is seen to exit and enter the city and the Hall, healing and feeding the ones that lost their homes, belongings or just plain injured.*

"Weh'll make dis place anew, by Dorand oi shall..."


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #68 on: November 19, 2009, 12:56:38 pm »
*Andrew moves among the survivors in the Hempstead Fields.  He stops here and there to perform magic for a child, or to sing a song to dry a tear.  He spends the better part of an afternoon showing several groups how to prepare charcoal as a substitute for alum in water purification and helps to dig a charcoal pit.  After the noon rest, he falls into a rhythm helping to put up a pole barn to contain loose livestock, and begins to sing a song of hope for the men and women around him*

Wake and rise, stretch and pray
We've lived to see another day
And while we mourn we still can say:
We are here, here we are, here we stay.

Backs to work, children play
Livestock graze and chickens stray
Manure and sweat our new bouquet
We are here, here we are, here we stay.

Hitch the cart and haul away the city's disarray
Like a courted maiden she reveals more everyday
Peeling off the sea's debris the better to display
We are here, here we are, here we stay

Bunched together we in a storm induced soiree
Our city holding tightly to the hopes that guide our way
But yesterday, tomorrow, and certainly today:
We are here.  Here we are.  Here we stay.

*He takes out his violin and carries the tune, a mishmash of marching song wedded to country dance, wandering the camp to raise spirits and bask in the smiles he receives.  Only after dusk does he retreat to a small tent near the forest edge, where a long-legged girl and a bottle of something clear and firey awaits.*

Lord Dark

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #69 on: November 19, 2009, 06:52:25 pm »
*Once Tod notices Hanta, he waves cheerfully, if tiredly, and nods up to her.*

Yep! But I don't think the city's goin' to need the militia as much as the camps do out in the fields. Y'know those pesky gnolls, bugbears an' kobolds right? Don't let any of 'em come near the camps! If any griffons decide to live dangerously, come let me know an' we can shoot 'em down if they're plannin' on carryin' anyone off.

*He grins up to her and pauses to see if she wants to do that.*

*Tod notices Andrew singing in one of the camps and comes by to drop off a canteen of water for when Andrew's finished, before going to go check on something else.*

Mastiff of Liv

Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #70 on: November 19, 2009, 09:38:07 pm »
*Hanta monitors Tod's demeanor but does not comment on it*

Of course Tod.   How can I say no to those droopy eyes.  Protecting the camps it is.  Bugbears and gnolls huh?  Nothing hairier than a dwarf will get near those refugees.  
I hope a griffon does show up. *ponders* I wonder how many families it would feed?  Don't worry about that Tod, you can count on me.

*Now with a purpose, Hanta heads outside the city in the direction of the camps*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #71 on: November 24, 2009, 12:57:41 pm »
((Alright guys, thank you for showing patience while I was hospitalized. The time lapse makes things a little awkward as usual and we lost some momentum because of it but we'll slowly work our way back into action.

For the sake of saving typing time, the section in bold in Acacea's last post before this one is a fairly accurate accounting on the general flow of the different factions, rumors and needs in the city. Some extra updates below and some more "Wordly" updates in the other thread soon.))

[INDENT]...City builders are seen entering the tower and asking for skilled evocation mages that have some experience or feel capable of dealing with some structure demolition...

...Word goes around the city that some minor earth tremblings will be felt in the immediate future. Citizens are told to expect this and not be alarmed, that this is simply the druids doing something off the coast to help with protections...

...Outside in the fields, the skies see more activity as griffon riders from the halfling tribes in the desert bring aid in many different forms, whether it be food, healers or other type of personnel. Anyone attacking any griffons would quickly find out a very great deal of arrows and guards taking special interest in them...

...With the arrival of more halfling tribal activity, pairs of halfling always one dressed in dark greens and the other in light blues, start contributing to the sand bagging and reinforcement efforts. The magic they use is perhaps odd to many, using blood and strange runes on the floor to move large amounts of sand into place. One of these pairs easily does the work of two dozen strong men, and so a lot of this personnel is diverted to other pressing needs...

...The Donation Center sets up a faster runner system for the donations needed to reinforce the city. Any diamonds, angelica, belladona, sand bags, components for shield scrolls are being sent under heavy armed guards to the docks or the Deliar temple...

...Through the sea elves, it is heard that the next wave is not too far away...

((Second wave will be hitting Friday night around 6 PM PST, depending on donations and player action it will have several different results, expect some fun action either way. I'll put it in the calendar soon, but I wont be running it too late so as to not disturb Darkstorme's quest

Edit: As I've been informed from multiple sources, Darkstorme's quest is actually the day before, so nevermind on that!))


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #72 on: November 25, 2009, 08:55:26 am »
*Andrew throws himself into the work to be done once the expanding bubble of "maybe the next one won't come" is pierced by the sea elves and druids.  He helps with the re-evacuation of those who have snuck back into the city and volunteers his services, be they ever so humble, to the magicflingers working on whatever magical defenses the city is building.  When he has time, he's either volunteering at the Tower Academy or bolstering the spirits of the citizens gathered in the Hempstead Fields.  One evening he finds a gathering of children, newly frightened after they had only begun to recover, and makes up a little song for them, gently projecting all the power he has of his Goddess to soothe them*

Gather, listen, children dear
I'll sing to you a story of fear
A little boy and a little girl
Lost their home in a storm's fierce whirl

The storm it hit with no warning gave
And brought with it a killing wave
The children ran, their parents too
Ran as if death itself pursue

And came to rest on farmer's field
Alone and hurt, wounds needing healed
But they remembered well their parent's word
And, finding others, they made a herd

This little girl and little boy
Were left with nothing, not a single toy
But they pulled together others scared
Gathered close, the children shared

The dread, the pain, the loss and tears
Confusion in the face of fears
Of losing more, who'll care for me?
Where is daddy, where is mommy?

Held together frightened all
Huddled, shaking, crying, small
But close they stayed and found a glow
In friends that would not let them go

Men and women came to assist
Fed them, warmed them, wounds they kissed
Families reuninted, some
And others found new loving home

And this our promise made anew
We will all take care of you
You have each other and hands that love
And the watchful eyes of the Gods above


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2009, 05:41:21 am »
When Jaelle hears that evocationists are needed to help with controlled demolitions, she goes up to her office in the Tower and unlocks a few carefully warded cupboards and assembles a crate of items. She then moves back downstairs and asks for any mages, wizards, sorcerers or other casters who feel like they want to help with demolitions. (There seems to be some tiny regret that she cannot go and blow up large parts of Hempstead, as this is probably the only time she might get away with it, but she defers to the other casters and lets them have the "fun"). She also tries to find the person asking for demolitions help, so that people know what actually needs to be done. When she has both parties hooked up to work together, she addresses any Tower students going to help--and by extension the other casters.

"These should mean that even those with meager stamina for casting can help without draining themselves dry. I think things are still soaked enough and the rain is heavy enough that as long as you are smart about things, we can get away with using controlled blasts of fire to take things down. There are firebrand gems here, which are good for controlled structural weakening, and wands of fireballs and burning hands, if you are very certain you can take something down safely."

//Assuming she manages to find the city planner or whoever it is ...

"Listen to this man (//or woman). He will tell you where to go and what you need to do. Be very careful not to do more harm than good, though."

She tries to make sure the wands, gems and scrolls go to people she trusts.
(//In the crate, donated: 9 wands of fireball, 4 wands burning hands, 30 scrolls of chain lightning, 5 scrolls of icestorm, 10 scrolls of shades (either fireballs or cones of cold), 45 gems of firebrand)


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2009, 05:42:52 am »
Hopefully catching one of the runners, Jaelle asks what the angelica, belladonna and diamonds are being used for. When she learns, she posts up a message in the Tower or another point in the city where adventurers check in:

Needed: Diamonds, Belladonna, Angelica

The druids need diamonds (raw, cut or polished) to maintain their earth shaping for the barrier.

The Prunillan healers are out of belladonna and angelica, to control the worst of a spread of disease.

Both desperately needed!



Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2009, 05:58:14 am »
When she first hears about the barrier, Jaelle seems dubious. She murmurs quietly to herself,

"No good will come of trying to control the storm. Bottling the tempest will only make things worse, I think."

However, when she finally catches someone to explain the nature of the barrier, and how it is not meant to stop the tsunami from hitting but merely to absorb some of the shock and break up the wave, she looks thoughtful. As she listens more and more, she nods slowly.

"I see. So it is less about stopping the wave and the storm, and more about making the barrier part of the city and readying it to withstand the force. What about tying the buoys together, like a spiderweb, and anchoring them to various points in dock and harbor? Spiders know their business with webs, and it is the easiest way I can think of to build a structural network with little support. Perhaps we can take another lesson from our spider friends too, and use silken cord with some elasticity to it, so it will not snap under the force of things? Many of Mist's temples are built the same way--they appear delicate but can withstand the storm because they can bend or adapt and have some inner strength. Perhaps we can model the barrier system on that.

"And it is certainly clever, splitting up the wave. Like trimming the sails and tacking at the angle to the wind that allows your ship to ride the storm rather than be bowled over. Hmm--I wonder if we could do something similar? There is force in the wave certainly, and power. Is there any way to harness that power to keep the shield spells going longer? Someone should fetch one of the Spellgard experts or someone very good with that type of thing ...

//Assuming no PC jumps in here, Jaelle will eventually find someone to ask about this herself, but wanted to leave others the opportunity if they are interested ...

*Again, Jaelle digs into her own supplies and finds some materials to help them shield the buoys--three wands of shields and seven gems of the same this time. She promises to scribe some shield scrolls when she has a chance to sit down for a break, especially if anyone has the materials (eggs, honey, skullcap, fire agate dust, hickory scrolls) for a scroll but just needs a scribe.*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2009, 06:48:42 am »
*From a nearby bench, Andrew puts down his snack and stops practicing his newly learned dwarven battle tune (in it's intended language) much to the relief of quite a few.  He throws out a suggestion*

Is there any way to layer the webs?  To set a web of buoys to weaken the storm, then another closer, and maybe another?  A successive weakening of the force, like multiple lines of battle.  Then each barrier would not have to be as strong.

*listens to the idea of using the storm's power to regenerate the shields*

I'll ask around for someone with that knowledge, if you wish.  *He takes a last bite of blackberry pie and heads out, striding with all his long legs toward the first magicflinger he sees to begin inquiring*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2009, 08:15:39 am »
*Zari and Raz and Zira and Zak travel to some of the smaller outlying towns and farms that might be in the path of the tsunami along the coast and try to warn them to get out of the way and evacuate before the wave hits*


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2009, 08:47:27 am »
**Lareth stops by the tower when he returns to Hempstead, he quietly catches Jaelle's attention when he sees her**

Jaelle, I hear you need some assistance with demolitions to shore up the city before the next waves come ashore.  I can help lend my skill to this end, do you know who in the city I should speak with to find out more?


Re: In The Wake of the Hempstead Tsunami ...
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2009, 01:05:23 pm »
Jaelle listens to Andrew's suggestion and nods.

"I'll mention it to those organizing the buoys, see what they think. Thank you." (When he heads out to speak to the Spellgard mages)

When Lareth shows up, she greets him, listens, and nods, then offers to hook him up with the city official overseeing demolitions. (//Would offer a name, but Pankoki is still getting back to me!)