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Author Topic: In Vale  (Read 936 times)


In Vale
« on: October 25, 2015, 01:57:25 pm » getting this going. :)  Please rp here for Vale recovery started by Charm.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde
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Jo tucked Mari into the cloak
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 10:06:01 pm »

Jo tucked Mari into the cloak and went to check on the wagon as the gnomes, Trius, and Sibbicai talked into the night.  First company he'd had in over a week since Andrew and now there wasn't enough room in the lean to.  Well, maybe with Mari's help he could actually get a real roof on it with another week.  Trius said he was staying as well.  Maybe there was something to his tricks with plants.  Jo thought Fern would like him at least.  Turning back to the crude structure, half ruin, half lean to, Jo leaned on the crumbling wall and listened to the night, Mari's soft snores behind him.  Yes, it was nice to have a bit more company out here.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Two metal clad warriors full
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2015, 07:56:23 am »

Two metal clad warriors full of zeal,  confident beyond measure  in their ability  to smite any foe.

A pair of  hearty gnomes; full of (pleasant) quirks and surprises, one with  an insight to nature.

A self absorbed wizard, confident that his  memorization  of a few parlor tricks  gives him mastery over the universe.

A druid overwhelmed by the scope of the task that lie ahead.

Are these then the lot that will restore Vale ?   Well, we must work with what we have.

The  paladin spoke of others that would arive, assist. One a priestess of Katia. There was talk of others, renowned personages that they held out hope would arrive and set all right.  Maybe it would be so, maybe not,  Best to work with what we have now ,no matter how thin the talent pool is.

We shall see.




Jo had worked steadily with
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2015, 10:30:05 am »

Jo had worked steadily with Mari's help.  The crude lean to was expanded to four stone walls with a rough timber roof.  The firepit had been replaced by a stone fireplace against the north wall with four bunks against the remaining.  Two shuttered windows faced south on either side of the door.   At least the company wouldn't have to sleep in the mud anymore.  The finishing touch was a small wooden dragon Jo had carved from some partially burnt timbers.  That piece rested on the mantle.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Trius seems to wander about
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2015, 02:31:28 pm »

Trius seems to wander about Vale, stopping periodically to pick up soil  and examine it closely. At one point, if any were watching, he would be seen to head to the fringe of the wood and  talking to a small animal.

Wandering back to what was once the center of Vale, he  inspects the work Jo and Mari  have put in and nods in approval.

He then leans down and carefully plants a few sprigs of ivy on the  outside of the stone walls. He mumbles an incantation and the ivy begins to grow and climb the walls.

Turning to the others he says :

"Well my friends, the ivy, if it takes, will provide a fine layer of insulation  and weather protection. "

After a short pause he continues:

He points vaguely to the woods " I have enlisted a colony of beavers to assist. They will provide  a supply of timber and I think maybe a reliable source of water"  





A hawk flits through the
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2015, 04:13:18 am »

A hawk flits through the treeline from Vale. Sharp eyes observing the increasing activity, the sympathetic building and the presence of a Druid. They had been building, they were staying - the Druid was gathering nature to his will, Foresta should know but where was she. The Hawk heads for the Five Oaks Grove, The FOG within the Fog.

Trius finds a beaver who directs him to a very overgrown doorway with all the appearance of destruction and decay that is what remains of Vale and yet. So well concealed and overgrown this is no accident - it says Druid. Perhaps the dwelling below survives perhaps not.



Trius examines the doorway
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2015, 02:37:57 pm »

Trius examines the doorway closely, searching carefully for runes or other marks. There is no doubt, to those attuned,  that the emanations of nature are strong here. 

He consults with the beaver for a bit and then moves to a comfortable spot close by an oak where this door can be easily observed.

Soft chanting can be heard. 

Trius seems to fade into the background.



The elf, Rodlin, spoke of aid
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2015, 09:09:00 am »

The elf, Rodlin, spoke of aid from the Wolfswood rangers and the presence of an older group called the Vahkar once based in Vale.  The Bird Lord was coming but nobody could say when.   Despite the good news, Jo only grew more frustrated with his lack of success at trying to make things grow in the dirt.  He'd worked for weeks with almost nothing to show for his efforts.  Seeds planted failed to germinate, the fires, put out, smouldered anew.  Rodlin spoke of a blessing, to remove the taint from the land - make it fertile again.  In his heart, Jo agreed, but felt powerless to do such magic.  Fern was willing and perhaps able,  but lacked the experience.  So they waited for the Bird Lord, Plenarius.  To make matters worse, Mari had left after the roof on the shelter was completed.  She said she'd be back, but wouldn't say when.  Jo settled into a routine of salvaging what stone and timber he could, stockpiling it away from the fires and going out on increasingly farther patrols all to keep his body busy and his mind occupied.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

