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Author Topic: Werewolves spotted  (Read 185 times)


Werewolves spotted
« on: October 28, 2007, 06:19:47 pm »
Talk is going around about missing livestock, attacks happening on the roads, sightings of wolves walking on two legs.


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2007, 06:21:44 pm »
*A blue haired man standing tall in his dark trench coat walks up*

One of those spotting's has been dealt with by me and others in the swamp near Velh. I will keep looking for more and put them to rest.


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2007, 07:04:24 pm »
A cloaked figure walks out from the Kobold camp outside Port Hempstead, snarling, having just killed not one but two weres with the help of his animal companions.

Folian help us...  More Rogue's...  My Lord have mercy on the Humans...


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 03:28:26 pm »
*scrawled onto rough parchment and posted in the Groves in both Silkwood and the High Forrest by a smelly, hooded little man*

People of the woods beware!  Grovel and his brothers finding many of these, even far from their common hunting grounds.  We thinking one of them infecting lots of new ones, too many big wolfmen for them to be born this way, we would have noticed their pups.  We fight them best we can, but always more!

Be prepared for travel, bring silver or magic blades and eat all of what you hunt to not make obvious trail for them to follow.  If you get bit, drink lots and lots of powdered silver and put self out of misery with silver before disease spreads!  If you meet odd people in the woods, feed them silver buckle gin to prove that they not infected.  No mercy to the bitten!  Plague must be stopped before all the woods is cursed!

-Grovel Foaming Wolf


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2007, 06:09:59 am »
*a hooded woman in black clothing walks up*

I have spotted and killed one werewolf that was in the barn on the fields near hempstead. It was my first encounter with them and I hope killing it with my blades was enought.


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2007, 06:23:04 am »
*behind her a man in red and dark grey, his hair hangs in his face loosely but hradly covvers his short beart. He stores a bottle in his back and nods to her words*

That I can confirm... Seemingly they are sprerad all over the land. And vey, very close to the villages and cities. Recently I saw one near  Fort Llast...

*he lowers his haed and starts to play with an arrow in his right hand*

You better be prepared... for the gods know what...


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2007, 12:21:03 pm »
I had to kill a wer rat in the sewers in Hempstead a couple of weeks back. I couldnt find the nest if there was one.

So be careful mushie hunters!

Oh..and for any were sighitngs I would recommend you contact miss Clarissa, Champion of Toran.

Shes on the hunt  for the cause of all recent were sightings. Especially if you anyone comes across a big male. I mean a big big male. Apparently he is the cause of the trouble. At least for teh wolfy ones.

Abi Firesteed


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2007, 12:28:05 pm »
*eander reads the notice and shakes his head before he takes a gulp from a bottle of wine*
*he grumbles before he takes another sip*


Re: Werewolves spotted
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 01:59:50 am »
*Word is discretely passed around that the werewolves seem to be carrying a particularly virulent strain of some disease - possibly, but not necessarily lycanthropy.  Incubation period is within minutes, but the full extent of the disease is not yet known.  Anyone bitten or scratched by a werewolf is generally advised to seek a healer immediately.*

*Meanwhile, another werewolf corpse is burned, with the aid of a farmer, out behind a barn.*