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Author Topic: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises  (Read 122 times)


A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« on: May 09, 2006, 09:37:33 pm »
The world seems to have shrunk and fallen silent.  You close your eyes and capture a vivid vision...Your mind sees eastward over the sparkling oceans into wide uncharted lands, nameless plains and forests unexplored. Towers of unknown kings delved by people long since lost and there, amidst your vision you see a port, it's towers flying colourful banners. Woodland surrounds the port upon which you look, the last haven of the ancient elves of Layonara; Voltrex.

You see a grove and the eyes of an Aeridinite priest alight upon a ring as he exclaims loudly with elation and he hands it to a young female elf. "The Solar Star Ring!" he speaks with jubilation.

The dim light from above falls into the crytalline heart of the jeweled ring, wherein it appears magnified and refracted to fall as a shower of rainbow hues over the lush grove. You then see him grasp a mithril stave with both hands and he strikes it upon a stone slab in the middle.  From the lustre of the staff bursts a fierce ray, a shower of phopsphorescent dust which illuminates the grove.

"The Mithril Staff" pronounces the priest, through the fading haze of magic.

The bells of an ancient temple ring out the call to the ritual across the slumbering lands of the Elven continent.  Suddenly your vision moves to four towers, elements, their symbols - Earth then Water then Fire then Air.... Then suddenly
Dawn breaks...

The rays of the Sun shower into the crystals high atop the elemental towers and redirect the solar energy to another tower, that of Nature, then transposing the rays to the grove you gazed upon.

The words of a chant echo through the canopied grove, drifting through the dusty air where they seem to gather like a translucent mist.  As the priest's chant builds in intensity the glowing aura of the collected elemental rays begin blazing light, filling your visage.

The collected ray redirects into the outstretched staff as the priest channels the energy upon a single stone slab. A young elf woman now wearing the ring focuses her ceremonial gift onto the stone where lies a single simple arrow. The arrow flows a deep yellow and pulsates in divine and arcane magical energy.

The Sun Archer grasps the arrow tightly... and pulls his bow back.  He slings the arrow loose and it pierces across the sky, over the rolling hills and valleys and climbing the mighty peaks of Voltrex to the tallest mount.  It shatters into a glacier of ice, melted within the rocky earth top as a brisk wind clows and carries a spark of magical warmth throughout... The cycle begins once more.

Voltrex is safe another century.  The Sun Archer awakes.

Your vision ends.

//Congratulations Talan!


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Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 02:52:22 am »
Congrats Talan, well done! :)


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 03:03:42 am »
//Gratz talan


RE: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 05:32:50 am »
Congrats Talan


RE: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 08:40:01 am »
Very well done Talan!!


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2006, 08:48:19 am »

Dorax Windsmith

Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2006, 12:00:46 pm »
Well done Talan.


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2006, 12:29:07 pm »
Good job Talan.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2006, 03:07:47 pm »
.. And there was much rejoicing!
  Congratulations Talan (... be sure to thank the little people for being your ears and eyes *winks*)
  Also, I would like to give a big THANK YOU - and congrats to Orth as well. He did an amazing job on Talan's ECDQ, paying careful attention to the detail in Talan and Lalaith's back story and history, and was able to weave a very beautiful and believeable tale, full of emotion, and real time challenges. All the while keeping the focus on Talan's tasks, while giving subtle hints at Lalaith's ecdq to come.
  It was truly epic.

Talan Va'lash

Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2006, 08:49:40 pm »
When I conceptualized some of the events that could happen on this quest (months ago) I knew I was giving a big challenge to whoever ended up running it.  In fact, I feel that the challenge I gave out was greater than any challenge that could be given to me.  Talan and Lalaith's story is so tangled and nuanced and filled with misperceptions that have existed for decades and become the very foundation of some of their ideas and emotions about themselves.

orth read through the pages of material Lal and I sent him about their past, and reached an understanding of the complex relationships and the paradoxal emotions that allowed him to navigate the difficult scenes that took place with a tone that felt natural.  The biggest challenge, playing an NPC that played the largest role in Talan and Lalaith's life (despite the fact that he has never appeared since we began playing the characters) he handled wonderfully.  The NPC was very defined, and there were definitely a large number of things, or ways of saying things that would have not been in line with the character.  orth deftly projected the characters last known actions and mindset almost 50 years forward (since the last time he was seen by Talan) and played him as well as I could have played him myself.  In fact, better.  I would have had more trouble projecting the character into the present time, as my conceptualization of him as he was in the past was so weighty.

Nothing on this quest brought me out of my character, or broke my immersion and with the level of difficulty involved in coming into this emotionally complex story and picking up the characters, well, I hope its obvious by this point that I was (and am) impressed.

(well, when the factions got messed up at the end and I accidentally auto-attacked and killed the "elf-male" that kinda broke the immersion for a second hehe.  Not complaining, just had to mention it as it was kinda funny... Talan kills the bad guy and swings his bow 180 degrees and starts wailing on the populace lol.)

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2006, 09:05:54 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 5/10/2006 11:49 PM When I conceptualized some of the events that could happen on this quest (months ago) I knew I was giving a big challenge to whoever ended up running it. In fact, I feel that the challenge I gave out was greater than any challenge that could be given to me. Talan and Lalaith's story is so tangled and nuanced and filled with misperceptions that have existed for decades and become the very foundation of some of their ideas and emotions about themselves. orth read through the pages of material Lal and I sent him about their past, and reached an understanding of the complex relationships and the paradoxal emotions that allowed him to navigate the difficult scenes that took place with a tone that felt natural. The biggest challenge, playing an NPC that played the largest role in Talan and Lalaith's life (despite the fact that he has never appeared since we began playing the characters) he handled wonderfully. The NPC was very defined, and there were definitely a large number of things, or ways of saying things that would have not been in line with the character. orth deftly projected the characters last known actions and mindset almost 50 years forward (since the last time he was seen by Talan) and played him as well as I could have played him myself. In fact, better. I would have had more trouble projecting the character into the present time, as my conceptualization of him as he was in the past was so weighty. Nothing on this quest brought me out of my character, or broke my immersion and with the level of difficulty involved in coming into this emotionally complex story and picking up the characters, well, I hope its obvious by this point that I was (and am) impressed. (well, when the factions got messed up at the end and I accidentally auto-attacked and killed the "elf-male" that kinda broke the immersion for a second hehe. Not complaining, just had to mention it as it was kinda funny... Talan kills the bad guy and swings his bow 180 degrees and starts wailing on the populace lol.)
 *Lalaith's translation to Talan's wordiness*
  ---- Amazing Job Orth. We were both impressed.
  ((Who'd have thought somthing as simple as cranberries.... could lead to all this *winks*))


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RE: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2006, 04:29:23 pm »
Woohoo! Nice job Talan!


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2006, 04:41:28 pm »
Awesome Talan!!

Congrats to you!


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2006, 01:08:06 am »


Re: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2006, 12:40:57 pm »
Congratulations Talan, Lal, and Orth :)


RE: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2006, 07:36:31 am »
gratz Talan  :)