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Author Topic: News from Audira  (Read 195 times)


News from Audira
« on: March 20, 2008, 02:46:00 am »

Jnaar Itenu Ravorinin of Sedera and Queen Alise Langovale of Kuhl are happy to announce the successful signing of a mutually beneficial trade agreement between the two nations. Both rulers foresee this new trade arrangement and it's significant reduction on trade tariffs as the beginning of a long and fruitful friendship for the two kingdoms. Although a representative of the Jnaar was unavailable for further comment, it would appear the new agreement is to take effect immediately and several merchants have already begun the journey across the Sea of Fury with laden ships.



Re: News from Audira
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 07:21:01 am »
** Whilst in Audiria on a short-break Holiday, Sall and Tegs over hear the new's whilst watching a small tavern brawl in the flaming phoenix.**

"Hmm... well... aint that a bloody coincidence huh sweets?" he nudges her, ducking slightly as an ale mug goes flying over his head, shattering off the wall.
" You getting one of those ideas love?" she asks, pushing a rather drunk fighter who staggered too close away from her.
" Well.. yeah.. but this time... I truly honestly swear... it's a good one. A really really good one."

The drunk fighter spins around, a snarl on his face and a broken bottle in his hand. Hardly able to focus, he rushes Tegan, flailing the broken bottle infront of him.
Her eyes narrow and a few words escape her mouth.
Suddenly paralysed to the spot, unable to move, the drunken fighter can only stare around in panic as Sall leans casually over and gives him a slight push, sending him toppling to the floor.

" Arn't all your idea's really good though love?" she winks.
Sall coughs and grins.
" Er... that's debatable. Come on... should be able to hop on a boat from here to Westgate in Kuhl."


Re: News from Audira
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2008, 07:39:19 am »
*Before leaving Audiria Sasha reads the notice stunned. After some time and reading it several more times she leaves, incredulous at the statement.*


Re: News from Audira
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2008, 09:16:23 pm »
Sitting at the back of the Flaming Phoenix tavern Jin listens to the rumors.  He nods grimly to himself after what he has unsurprised at the turn of events after what he had witness.  

An of duty Sedrian navy officer celebrating their recent victory over the pirate army offers him a drink.

"Thankyou my friend."  Jin accepts the drink with a smile and leaves it mostly untouched in front of him.

"I never seen a dragon like that before!"  Replied the officer.  

"I have.  You can tell by the eyes and scales."  Jin comments.

"A stroke of luck that dragon arrived when it did.  One for our side eh?" Grins the officer.

"Luck?  No I'm sure it wasn't luck. As for sides - Dragons rarely do anything for the benefit of men."

"You going to drink the rest of that?"

"Here have one more drink on me friend.  If you see a dragon again, let me know."


Re: News from Audira
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2008, 03:42:54 am »
*Jacc looks up overhearing Jin*
 Dragons rarely do anything for the benfit of men?
 Come now Jin, you know that is a very general comment and very untrue as well.
 Was it not a dragon that called many of us to fight against Bloodstone?
 Was it not dragons that selfishly helped us years ago when we asked for help?
 Is it not us that maybe just do things for the benefit of men?
 Dont get me wrong, I am not saying all dragons are good, just as not all men are good. But to generalise like that is not to the benefit of anyone.


Re: News from Audira
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2008, 04:06:39 am »
Jin looks to Jacchari.
"Yes, perhaps I stand corrected.  Though truly the Gold that called us had the interests of his own kind as well as that of men.  Bloodstone was first and foremost the greatest killer of Dragon kind known.  The death of Sinthar was the end of a great evil.  It paved the way for the return of Dragon kind."

He pauses wait for the Navy officer to finish his drink, then speaking quietly he continues.

"Bloodstone was created in a world where Dragons warred.  I fear a return to those times."

"Clearly that dragon was acting under the  orders of another.  I did not realise how precise the control could be."

"Perhaps it now our time to seek out those good Dragons that are left free, for it seems that they will need allies, as will we."

"I have a terrible suspicion, but this tavern is not the place for such talk."


Re: News from Audira
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2008, 04:16:47 am »
*nods quietly to Jin*

