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Author Topic: Long are the shadows of sorrow  (Read 458 times)


Long are the shadows of sorrow
« on: June 05, 2006, 02:15:13 pm »
A tear is shed but no one sees
Life crawls by unheard
No pain can compare
But no one cares
Long are the shadows of sorrow

Who will hear my cries now??

*Written on a small s... of parchment, found by a young girl near the bank in Hlint*


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 02:17:31 am »
From the corner of the tavern, the mans nervous drunken ramblings could be heard by all. At first, those that heard it, discounted it as the babbling of a ale soaked traveller. As his words began to take on a sinister tone, more of the patrons turned to hear his tale.

"it was carnage I tell yea, dead and multilated goblins everywhere, and the smell, I tell yea, it was awfull."

His companion; a young looking man, put his ale mug on the table, and turning to the drunkard with nervous look on his face; Nodded to confirm the mans story.

"I aint never seen such a horrible sight. Now I aint no lover of Goblin kind, and I'd do all I could to rid the world of them foul green creatures. But no creature deserves such treatment. It looked as if they had been ripped limb from limb, it was hard to tell how many of them there was, there was so many pieces." Although obviously full of ale and spirit, the mans demeanour conveyed a deep terror seated in his soul. His speach, though slurred, conveyed a fear that no amount of firey liquor could dispell.

From the table opposite, a tall willowy fellow interupted the drunken story teller, "Where did you say this was mate?"

"The Goblin mines to the North West of here, in one of their alter places, you know, the one with them odd lights." Came the reply.

"If it is as you say, what did this to them then?". The willowy mans interest obviously increasing.

"I aint no idea, but what ever it was, made short work of them goblins. I tell you what though, as I entered the place where they was ripped up, I felt as if something very evil was watching me..." The drunks words trailled off and he slumped forward onto the table, the vast quantity of ale he had consumed had caught up with him. The only sound now coming from the tavern, was the sound of a drunkard snoring in the corner. Maybe he would awake with an almighty hangover, but still in the depths of his mind would be what he had seen, and the fear that he was being watched. Every corner, every tree would harbour some hidden stalker. The paranoia would eat away at him, slowly driving him to madness.

*The Wild Surge Tavern's landlord had the man carried out and thrown into the street. The taverns revellers returned to their business of drinking, eating and general merryment. None noticed the drunkards companion stand and stagger from the tavern and collapse into the undergrowth near the pond. The last thing he saw before he lapsed into unconciousness, was the eyes, those burning eyes watching his every move.*


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 12:03:00 am »
* Sallaron , sipping ale in a far corner, writing his notes, lifts his head as he hears the tale*

The Goblin Altar huh? he mumbles to himself, this may need investigating. Those caves are too close to Hlint for new evil to brew within.

*Sallaron gets to his feet and prepares provisions for a venture to the caves*


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2006, 10:13:06 am »
*on his way from a bit of late craft work in the kitchen Glenn overhears the exchange*
*he walks quietly up to the willowy man's table* Well met my name is Glenn, tell me sir do you know of this?


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2006, 04:44:16 am »
* Sallaron hears several patrons in the inn, whispering of the tale. As he leaves, he leans in closer and whispers*

Fear that which lives in the fog. Long dead has it been, and cursed it is. Beware the eyes, wreathed in flame,and look not.

* Sallaron leaves the inn*


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2006, 05:03:22 am »
Following the recinding of binding orders placed on certain public records, the Hlint recorder of deaths, has released the burial details of the current interns of the outer area of the Hlint graveyard. They will be made available for viewing within the next few days.

Recorder of Deaths (Hlint and surrounding areas)


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2006, 05:12:07 am »
*Murieann reads the notice, nodding once and commenting to herself*
  Lady Doom once again shows me it is always worth asking and placing my trust in her


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2006, 10:01:26 am »
Released for public viewing

Viewing charge applicable. 10 GP to the war effort

Recorder of Deaths (Hlint and Surrounding Areeas)


Re: Long are the shadows of sorrow
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2006, 02:42:55 pm »
Available to view on request:



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    RE: Long are the shadows of sorrow
    « Reply #9 on: August 01, 2006, 12:53:44 pm »
    *scracthes his head* ive been wondering what happened in those caves the moment i saw the red glow, i only dared to go as far as the entrance but it is still suspicious. *walks off in search of something to drink*