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Author Topic: Notices posted around Hlint and Port Hempstead boldly titled "Liberating Subjugation"  (Read 1274 times)


Notices are posted throughout the taverns and notice boards in both the towns of Center and Port Hempstead, revealing beautiful calligraphy in purple ink.

Liberating SubjugationMy fellow adventurers, I need not emphasize my distaste regarding the chattel of sentient beings, as I am sure many of you share my revulsion.  I am also not so presumptuous as to assume that I could abolish slavery, but I find myself weighing the cost of idle rumination while I carry the potential to do more, however infinitesimal the deed may be.So I ask those willing to join me in Arnax; we will take the roads north through Fort Nesar and as far up to borders of Khul as possible.  We will then roam as far north as feasable until we reach Hilm as our final destination.  Along the way we will engage with the slavers who chose not to emancipate their ill-gotten gains and we will assail their camps and hideouts to manumit all captives.  Once in Hilm I will provide our liberated with enough Truth to allow them time to become self-sufficient.I am willing to hear any advice and information regarding my request for aidLia((I wanted to add that DM aid is not required for this in game.  What my intention is we go through the areas mentioned including caves off the road that could harbor these unsavory sorts, haha, and RP as per normal throughout the adventure having fun.  After that if possible, I would love a bit of DM interaction via forums to help specify how many slaves recovered if any and any other potential RP that can happen after arriving in Hilm.Made a minor change to the note after learning about Khul's borders closing.))

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As most objectionally take a
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2017, 02:05:42 pm »

As most objectionally take a drink at the bar, Lia asks the bartender, "Deh yo have ha rohm where hour group can discuss more privateleh?"



((At the end of this event I
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2017, 07:47:07 pm »
((At the end of this event I know everyone talked about carrying on another day.  Is that still going to happen or should we carry on our separate ways until a better plan is established?  I have a few ideas for later and have some intent to start an in forum CDQ from this.  Please let me know how the rest of you involved want to carry this forward before I move forward with those plans.))


((Sorry, I did not see the IC
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2017, 09:49:54 pm »

((Sorry, I did not see the IC post. As far as events go, you can of course do as you like, but I prefer it not to take a RR slot, which was meant for player events and not like... DM on request =X Just to clarify too what was said before everyone logged out though, this was not a CDQ or meant for any single person. I just saw a notice about people wanting to liberate slaves in a kingdom where slavery was not only legal but openly practiced and integrated in everyday life, and wanted to add a little background for you to base your actions on :) So please don't think anyone should defer to anyone else or constrain their actions/opinions based on that. Or even feel like they need to do anything special ! You can carry on to the Glittering Isles, fight bandits to Hilm, take your slave girl home and teach her to cook, whatever. :) ))



((I just remembered a few
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2017, 11:34:11 am »

((I just remembered a few players saying at the end, "lets carry this on another day."   Which I interpret as freeze frame until we can schedule something together.  I agree in that this should not continue as a round robin, but instead continue as a CDQ slot.  I wrote down some good tidbits of information that I would like the character to explore as well as see how Lia will now develop her relationship with the slave after Vrebel told the slave to follow and do as Lia says.  (Though on a side note I might propose more bandit and slave raiding excursions throughout Belinara during my turn on the RR.)

I would prefer to have our characters carry on our separate ways until a better plan is drawn out or until another excursion if that happens.  Which would have Lia bring the slave to Ferrit's for some further forum RP and of course the character moving forward with her plans instead of being in a time stop limbo, heh.  I just want to know what the others involved think as some mentioned as per stated above.



I was one who requested a
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2017, 12:53:27 pm »

I was one who requested a continuation, what form that takes is immaterial really as long as those participating are agreeable.  Myself, I'm fine with a straightforward romp after bandits and slavers in the Belinara countryside for a rr event.  DB would consider it a raiding action in enemy territory. :P 

My 2 true.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I'm fine with like DB said;
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2017, 03:45:38 pm »

I'm fine with like DB said; hunt up some bandits with respective RP.  This can be on a RR date or any other date that works.  I think if Lia wants a CDQ, she would probably have to to that on her own and contact a DM.



((I definately don't want any
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2017, 07:36:49 pm »

((I definately don't want any personal CDQ things to be set as Round Robin events as CDQ's take time and planning and are meant as clear development goals for that character, or in other words, your own special single player story event, so it seems selfish to try and have that as a round robin.  From my understanding of Round Robins, when its your turn you chose the event based on what you (or preferably your character) wants to do, but is not tied to be specific to that character, instead more of an adventure that like minded adventurers run around and enjoy some time together (emphasis on the last as I see it mostly as a day we all agree to go online together and enjoy some group play).))

As everyone goes their seperate ways Lia takes Audira (sp?) to Ferrit's and begins trying to establish a routine. ((will be starting an RP thread with Serrisa on that one soon.))  As a couple months pass and Lia feels comfortable with how the situation is developing, she begins to spread word to those who wish to join her again on Belinara to help keep the roads safe as well as free slaves.


