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Author Topic: PC's beware!  (Read 295 times)


PC's beware!
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:32:01 pm »
Across the world, in almost every nation people stir.

Mercenaries, mercenary groups, bounty hunters, assasin guilds, assasins, thieves guilds, thieves and so on, all rally, eager to get themselves a piece of the golden pie that the Lord of Ash has offered.

PC's should beware, nowhere may be safe anymore.

Whose got your back?
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith, jrizz, merlin34baseball, Lance Stargazer, Zoogmunch, willhoff, geloooo


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 10:54:12 am »
Ni'haer nods to Leisa and gives her a smirk.

"We have much work to do. Make as much poison as you can!"


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 06:19:46 pm »
The first blow against adventurers has been struck!

Rumours are spreading that in Sederra within hours of the Kuhl Proclamation a number of adventurers and retired adventurers have been rounded up by a newly formed Mercenary Company.

The Sands of Fate company out of Audiria is headed by a notorious criminal , Kendred Tye, who has brought together a band of dangerous individuals, supposedly with backing from Kuhl. Kendred was last heard of being taken prisoner by the Black Wizards when he killed one of their people and had not been seen since. Within hours of the edict being issued he was on Sederran soil and forming his company.

Already at least 25 adventurers or retired adventurers have either been executed on the streets of Audiria or captured and incapacitated by the group and placed on waiting Silver Crescent ships to take them to Westgate.

At this time the Sand Sea Synod has made no statement nor move to stop them.

Script Wrecked

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 04:59:54 am »
A small girl found herself orphaned once again when the home of her adoptive parents, former adventurers settled north of Center, was razed and everyone within, including servants, were brutally slain by vicious cutthroats acting on the promise of Kuhl's filthy lucre.

The young girl had valiantly run all the way to Center to raise the alarm, but alas, there was nothing to be done by the time adventurers had rushed to the site of the massacre.

Oh, except cut short the careers (and everything else) of the afore mentioned cutthroats.

The bodies of the slain were delivered to the Lucky Clovers of Center for proper burial.

The bodies of the cutthroats are found cut into suitably sized chunks for consumption by the local fauna.


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2011, 09:48:49 pm »
In the nation of Boyer, the Boyer himself has come forward and publically announced that any and all adventurers, active and retired are offered safe haven in Boyer lands from the predations of the Cults terrible bounties.

This comes after the Sands of Fate mercenary company crossed into Boyer lands and viciously captured three retired adventurers on the outskirts of Point Dart and retreated back across the border into Sederra before Boyer soldiers could reach the location. In the raid two peaceful Boyer families were killed.

Three units of Boyer soldiers have been ordered to the town of Point Dart to prevent any further raids and adventurers in the town itself have been asked to help bolster the strength of the local units.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 01:02:25 am »
Letters are sent to dwarven communities all over Layonara. The short message reads:

While this crisis lasts, the gates of the Runic Anvil are open to those hunted by the vile government of Kuhl. Please pass on this message to the needy.

Food and shelter will be provided and you may resupply yourselves here. Our armories will provide you with good rates during this time of crisis.

*signed "Kobal Bluntaxe" and stamped with the sigil of the Runic Anvil*


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 03:30:13 am »
A week and a half after their attack in Point Dart the Sands of Fate have struck again, this time across the border into Succession and the town of Boulder.

The brazen attack left residents stunned as the growing group of bounty hunters swept into the region on fast horses capturing several retired adventurers from their farms outside the town and slaughtering those who got in their way. Soldiers from the city were mobilised when the smoke from fires were seen from the city's defences but they reached the region too late. Over a dozen men women and children were killed in the raid, five large farmlets raised to the ground and three more adventurers captured and carried off.

Survivors recall the terrible morning as with first light at least 30-40 riders swept through the region.

It seems the bounties of Kuhl have given rise to all manner of hopeful bounty hunters as the ranks of the Sands of Fate grow every day.


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2011, 03:39:35 am »
In other news Liwich has captured and hung for all to see three bounty hunters who tried to abduct a stonebound mage from the city. With Regnant Saviar Morgensen in Stort visiting the Battle Academy, the action has forced the acting Regnant, Overseer Lady M, as she is known, to issue the following words.

"In discussion with The Sabre herself, we have decided to announce as our northern neighbours have, that Liwich will not stand for such lawlessness to go unpunished. Our city, and in fact our nation, was forged on the blood of adventurers. Our very livelihoods and safety was secured on the backs of the personal sacrifices of heroes such as Lord Reaver and Lord Gork. We remember them, we honour them, and we will not allow such transgressions to occur in our city.

Therefore I am obliged to inform all that any found to be engaging in collecting bounties on adventurers and stonebound will be hung until they are dead. There will be no trials, no exemptions and no backing down.

It is my belief that in the next few days the Sabre herself will make a public announcement from Liwich Castle in relation to these events but for now Liwich declares its loyalty to those who have in turn shown theirs."


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2011, 12:03:16 pm »
Dim sits the tavern, lit only by the ever-burning fire that warms the place. The hour matches the mood--long after midnight, yet still hours before dawn. Tankards are clean and put away, the bar is waxed, and only one soul remains, stretched but upright on a couch in front of that sole light source. It is the Steward, his crimson eyes penetrating the darkness across the room as though it were not even there. Printed parchment lies on the table near him.

"Ah, Willie. Shall we tempt the Sands of Fate?"


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2011, 01:53:13 pm »
*Farros scratches his head at hearing the news and mutters to himself*

"*Personal* sacrifices of G'ork?  More like the mass baby sacrifices of G'ork... heheh"


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2011, 10:57:44 pm »
A woman sits at the fountain in Port Hempstead shaking and crying uncontrollably. When asked what the matter was, it took several minutes for her to get out exactly what had happend. She (Paula) and her friend Jane were doing some hunting outside of Hilm Castle when a band of attackers took them over. Jane was captured and taken as a slave.  Paula escaped  with her life only. They took every scrap of clothing and left her with nothing but this account. How Paula escaped is a miracle but she is now staying with a Deliarite friend in Hempstead where she is being comforted. She talks about wether she will find her friend Jane again.  Any word on Jane would be appreciated.

Lance Stargazer

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2011, 11:10:08 pm »
*As the recent events with the attacks and the enviroment tense as its usual in Hilm, the guard patrol seems to have been doubled, Several guards with the design of a star on their coats can be seen amoung the regular patrols.

The patrols does not seem to go outside Hilm castle and word of warning is given to the people traveling thru the Hilm protectorate, as the tension grew, There is extreme vigilance on the gates, as the guard keep special eyes on mercenaries that come over the doors of the castle*


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2011, 11:42:06 pm »
After they (Kalin, Hardy, Raz, and the Copperstones) escorted the helpless female adventurer safely back to Mistone, Hayley and Kylie went back to The Great Forest and patrolled the area. No other signs of Jane were discovered. According to Raz, there were tracks that lead into Kuhl's territory.

The sisters posted up signs around Hilm castle to warn adventures of mercenary ambush.

Lance Stargazer

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2011, 11:46:01 pm »
*The guards of Hilm stop a moment as spot the sisters they will stop and inquiry about the known information they had on the attack aside as the description of the "attackers", the guards won't press them to cooperate, just ask respectfully about the information given *


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2011, 02:17:26 pm »
Kylie describes the female adventurer's demise. The female adventurer was traveling with her female companion, Jane, when they were attacked by the mercenaries in the Great Forest. The female adventurer forfeited all of her possession and they let her go. Unfortunately, her friend Jane had no valuables and they captured her. It was a week later when she finally made her way to Hilm Castle and that was where she encountered the party consisting of Hardy, Kalin, Raz, Hayley, and Kylie.

Coincidentally, the party had just been ambushed by a group of mercenaries when the female adventurer came straggling into Hilm Castle. The party inquired about her trouble and proceeded to escort her back to Mistone because that was her wish.

Meanwhile, Raz headed further into the Great Forest to try and see if he could see any tracks left behind by the mercenaries. Before heading out, Kylie offered "Breath of the Maiden" short sword to the female adventurer because she said it would make her feel safer being armed. As the group approached Nith, Raz caught up with them and let them know he saw tracks leading into the Kuhl's border. It appeared the mercenaries were capturing adventurers and transporting them into Kuhl to turn them to Myrdrachs.

The group continued their way into Nith and into Wren's house. There, Raz offered the distress maiden 1000 trues for her trip back to Mistone. After they bid farewell to her, she hopped into the portal and traveled to Center.


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2011, 12:18:15 am »
*Hayley writes a letter to Sir Lance Stargazer*

Sir Lance,

This is just to inform you what happened outside Hilm Castle a few days ago. It started out with Kylie, Sehky, and myself (Hayley), talking in Fort Miritrix. Sehky had wandered there and encountered my sister and me. He explained to us he has not seen the land around Fort Miritrix. Thus, we agreed to be tour guides and showed Sehky the landscape.

After we had made preparations, we headed out to Sharawood. We wanted to show Sehky to watch out for those nasty bandits. Then, we headed to Clover's Mountain to show him the danger and the angry giants that roamed there. Once Sehky had seen enough, we made our way back to Miritrix to resupply and head out to the Roughland mountainous terrains.

After a few days of travel, we made our way to the Roughland area. The deadly slaads had wandered and so we were forced to put them to rest. Then, we made our way to the area where the giants roam. They were bloodthirst and so we gave them a good fight.

Unbeknown to us, a group of mercenaries were spying on us. After they had witness our victory over the giants and a little exhausted from our battle, they ambushed us. We were caught off guard but Kylie was able to blind some with her Beryl blessings. I tried to blind them as well but they overwhelmed us. Sehky tried to handicap some with his arrows while Kylie bashed at them. Lucky for us, we barely had enough strength to defeat the first onslaught.

I said first onslaught because apparently there was a second group that was watching nearby. Once they had seen us tired to our core, they charged forth. There were wizards and priestesses with them. Realizing we were outnumbered, I yelled for Kylie and Sehky to run. I concealed myself and tried to look for Sehky but he sure had some quick feet. I could not see him during the chaos. I ran to Kylie and concealed her and we make haste for the clear path.

Unfortunately, the second group of mercenaries were relentless. Some of them saw through my concealment and gave chase. Kylie and myself just kept running and never bothered to look back. The bastard wizard unleashed magic missles at us and torched us with fireballs. Nevertheless, Kylie and myself kept running and never looked back. I yelled to Kylie to head for Hilm Castle while the mercenaries gave chase. We barely made our way through the Withered land and hastily used heal potions as we struggled.

As we approached the castle gate, we screamed for help. I think the scouts on the castle tower saw us approaching and came out to help. Regrettably, the bold wizard were right on our track and fired his magic missiles; they struck us from behind and both of us fell right at the gate. After that, I blacked out.

It was hours later when one of the guards revived me. They told me what had transpired. Apparently, they rushed out to help us as the wizard tried to carry our bodies out. Seeing the guards rushing out, the wizard battled the guards as more were coming. The bloodlust wizard were able to take out two militias before he made his escape into the forest.

So you see, Kylie and myself were lucky enough to be saved by Hilm Castle guards. I hope this letter gets to you, Sir Lance, and you plan accordingly. The mercenaries are becoming more bold and more experienced mercenaries are out for the bounties. They even had the audacity to battle the guards right at the castle's gate. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I can help with making stronger bows so your archers are better equipped. I will send words once the bows are completed.

-Hayley Copperstone


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2011, 10:27:27 pm »
Riders are sent carrying sealed letters to known members of the Triple S. The letters give directions to this event.

Lance Stargazer

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2011, 09:11:44 am »
*After few days, the patrols of Hilm castle seems to have strenghtened, the description of the wizard that attacked the Copperstones is put on the list of wanted criminals, also after the guard strenghtened, a comunicated is seen over the place *

To every Hilmite and Visitor alike :

We won't stand for treachery and villany, We are people of peace and law, Be warned that if you come with ill intent you'll be judged by the full force of law. Its to be understood that anyone who attack a guard should be treated and judged with severe punishments.

Also Robbery and kidnapping would be seen specially over this days due the most recent reports. We are not a kingdom that tolerate such acts of dishonor and trachery, and those who are found guilt of this will be treated acordingly.

Come in peace, and peace you'll find .

// Pm sent

Lance Stargazer

Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2011, 09:30:40 am »
*Over the morning when the sun is raising over the Fort Llast heavy stone fences, The sun greets the body of a man hung to death in public displaying.

The man was known as Randall Cunningham and was charged for Robbery, abduction and intent of murder over the roads of Trelania, aside of the withness reports, criminal association was presented as charge but not proved.

the story on the taverns is that this one was a bindchaser, as the term start to become more and more popular, And was captured by a Toranite patrol led by Sir Armand Armstrong, as he was carrying a captured woman in a very bad shape.

The trail was fast and open to public, and he was found guilty by the withness of serveral people, he was condemned to be hung to death, and the punishment fullfilled. *


Re: PC's beware!
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2011, 10:22:22 am »
* A young female wrapped tightly in her cloak with hood pulled low over her face finds little comfort at hearing the news of the hanging of the man in Fort Last. Taking one last look at the wanted posters she quietly goes back to her rented room*