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Author Topic: Temptations...  (Read 236 times)


« on: July 15, 2011, 07:15:30 pm »
Adder stepped outside the shop and breathed in the fresh Dalenthar night air, shutting the door behind him quietly. The moon peeked out from behind some clouds, casting eerie shadows about. He recited a short incantation and was enveloped by magical invisibility.

A short time later he found the spot where he often glimpsed Finn, his delivery employee, sitting and sharpening weapons when the weather was fair. *He chuckled lightly* His love sick employee... rumors and snippets of conversation led Adder to believe that he was in love with someone named "Clover."  He also was lead to believe the relationship was a little "rocky" at the moment. He removed a small box containing a vial of purple fluid and placed it behind a small rock where he was sure Finn would find it. His hands were gloved, and he had never touched the box or vial with his bare hands. A label on the outside identified it as a "Love Potion" A small note inside the box had the following message penned:

"To ensure the undying love of your heart's desire, place a quarter of this fluid in a sweet drink and have them consume it."

Adder stood up. If any could have glimpsed his hooded and shadowed face they would have seen a very cruel grin. The potion was actually a very nasty disease. He wondered how long Finn would be able to resist the temptation of using it after he had someone read him the label and accompanying note. Would he let love takes its natural course and risk heartbreak? Would he use it on others in attempt to make her jealous? Would he slip the concoction to her, fulfilling a selfish desire? Adder giggled.... The possibilities were endless! It was amazing how a small stone tossed into a still pond could make such large and concentric circles, touching so many lives. Corath would be pleased if Finn faltered...very pleased.

//FYI Hellblazer and Mooneyes have been consulted on this, as well as a GM. Any others it may affect will also be consulted by Hellblazer if that eventuality materializes. We'll see what happens... ;)
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Re: Temptations...
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2011, 02:44:09 am »
As he's back to his place after helping Clover back to hers, he stays out under the stars as his usual self, sharpening his ax. Slow strokes of the wet stone, he seems to be talking to it after each strokes. After a moment he notices a small protrusion from the rocks near where he was sitting and investigates, finding the box that was left there. He looks around to see if anyone is watching and places it into his bag.

"Finders keepers"

Having no Idea what the note says, he tells himself that he can always ask clover what it is next time they are together, as only a few hours prior, he had finally told her he couldn't read and she had been so kind as to tell him she would teach him.