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Author Topic: The "Rush" is on!!!!!!  (Read 1493 times)


The "Rush" is on!!!!!!
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:14:52 pm »

Bring your Pickaxes and Chisels!!!!

Dillon, the “Great Merchant of Port Hempstead” will be trekking to the Bullseye in Center to offer a very lucrative mining contract! No written notices! The details of the order will be presented in person and mining teams and companies will have 14 days to complete the order… no more, and no less!

100,000 True! You heard correct…. 100,000 True! Come one, come all! //This will be a RP only session and will be on the calendar. Expect about no more than an hour or so. If miners begin working on this immediately after the RP session though, expect all types of baddies to cross your path when you’re out there in “there them hills.” Expect to get beat on…I'm going to be sticking around in GM mode for several hours. Quest reward will be given to those who are working on the order for the entire time I am online.1, 2 , or even 3 players WILL NOT be able to accomplish this task. You may not even be able to carry everything with that many people! You will need a full team working in cooperation. An in-game session will be put on the calendar to turn in your goods and collect you’re reward 14 RL days after this quest is initiated.The Key word here is "Teamwork." It will make you, or break you.

There will be tasks for all levels of players.... 1st through Super Epic!

*Note: I adjusted the time a little later due to a conflict with my schedule.

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Mining and heavy lifting eh? 
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2015, 12:49:00 am »

Mining and heavy lifting eh?  Who wants to join Team Kurn?  A bounty such as this... would be a sad thing indeed if anything unfortunate were to happen to the competition.  *evil grin*



Dillon and his assistant
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2015, 02:38:21 pm »

Dillon and his assistant leave the Bullseye and quickly melt into the shadows. He gives her some quick instructions and she disappears around the edge of a building to carry out her task. This group was smart… perhaps too smart. They did not take the bait like many others have. Dillon would have to discuss this with Boris Shiel. He did not relish the idea of being in the same room with the fat smelly man, but business was business… and there may now be a wrinkle that needs to be “ironed out.”


//PM replied to: Whispered inquiries go out, palms are greased, and snippets of information are exchanged behind closed doors and in dark alleyways.

This is probably going to go to calendar in a couple of weeks. The currently posted "Turn-in" date will be removed. Player actions in-game on 08/22 have changed the course of this quest. Good RP session. Your suspicions have paid off... or at least kept you out of indentured servitude and treble damages. ;-)



Thistle trading has
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2015, 11:52:55 am »

Thistle trading has temporarily closed it's Ox bags while an internal and external review of it's core business is undertaken as part of a top down examination of processes and core areas of business. While this major regrouping exercise is underway trading will be withdrawn though all charitable divisions will remain open during this time. It is expected business will soon reappear with exciting new lines at unbeatable prices. Watch out for special launch oxen and other events coming to a camp site near you soon! 



* After turning down the
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 05:17:15 pm »

* After turning down the offer for this contract there was quite a bit if grumbling and drinking among those who showed up for what turned out to be a suspiciously shady event. Later in the evening, a stooped and demoralized human who introduced himself to you as “Charles” showed up. He was very nervous and kept looking to the shadows as he approached your table. He whispered loud enough for all of you to hear: “I do not have long… I cannot be seen here with you, I have an iron-bound non-disclosure agreement in force with that “snake” Dillon. I’m in indentured servitude… and will likely die in it. Don’t get involved with him. His deals have more loopholes than my granny’s knitting basket. Someone needs to stop him though. You might find out more in Vehl." He refused to answer any more questions and departed, looking over his shoulder more than a few times before he reached the door.

* You noticed that the merchant from Thistle Trading left shortly after Dillon.

* In unrelated news, another wagon train has come up missing near the goblin badlands. This makes three in the last fortnight.

* The next morning, you hear a body is discovered behind the entrance to the Center Crypts. Word is that homicide is the cause of death… and it appears to be a stabbing of some type.



A woman in black is seen in
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 11:02:48 am »

A woman in black is seen in Center soon after, investigating the crime at the crypts...



It turns out the woman ends
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2015, 10:13:31 pm »

It turns out the woman ends up meeting with Rodle and Blain, two Urban Rangers working with the Rofireinite Temple in Fort Vehl.  After a tense first few moments, the woman identifies herself as Tyrra, and they reveal to her that a playing card featuring a small dog drawn in black on a white field was found on the dead body of "Charles."  He was killed by a quick stab between two ribs, angled up toward the heart.  They describe the killer as a "ghost," having left no signs of his crime behind, besides a dead body.  Having recognized the card style and the method of killing, she heads inside the Bullseye, but when looked for, no one can find her inside, and any trace of her being there is gone.



Armed with a copy of the list
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2015, 08:22:19 am »

Armed with a copy of the list from Kurn, Jo finds the city clerk and begins the ardous process of comparing the names against indentured servitude contracts on file.   From time to time,  the clerk hears him mutter, "I hate paperwork!" as he checks off another name.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Once again Vehl does not
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2015, 01:56:35 pm »

Once again Vehl does not disappoint you in its disgusting lack of law and order. A bribe had to be paid to the clerk in order for his memory on where the records were located to sharpen enough to cease wasting your time. (//Please deposit 100 true in a trash receptacle at your convenience)

Scrolls, logbooks, loose papers… your mind becomes numb with all of the reading, thinking, crosschecking, etc. Hours pass. There are approximate 42 names spanning a three month period. Dillon and his cohorts have been very busy it seems. You notice that most of the names show up in blocks of individuals  timeframe-wise. This seems to indicate whole groups fell victim, similar to what was attempted with your party. Copies of the court orders for servitude are also found… one name in common on all. They are all signed by Judge Inseler Dragbottom. The odds are against something like this happening… very much against it. You know this is not enough evidence to proceed against a “hanging judge” like Inseler though. That would be suicide. You also notice that all of the indentured servants have Fort Vehl home addresses… another improbability from a statistical standpoint.



Kurn continues to check with
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2015, 03:56:02 pm »

Kurn continues to check with the Temple of Rofirien about a possible sting operation using a confiscated ship in their possession.  He lays out plans to make it seem as a ripe target to be plundered by the guild's pirate ship.  Meanwhile he continues to show up for his shift on the ship, swabbing and drinking with the pirates and trying to get a gauge as to their purpose and any further intel.



By night. a
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2015, 05:00:01 pm »

By night. a long-though-vanquished shadow lurks among the roof tops around the guild's headquarters, keen to avoid the light of certain lanterns.  It watches and waits for their secrets to expose themselves, cogniscient that other eyes watch and wait for it as well.

By day, a mute fiddler entertains at the One Eyed Harpy, listening and learning all she can.



During one of Kurn’s most
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2015, 09:53:45 pm »

During one of Kurn’s most recent inquiries he is directed by Reus, Healer of Rofirein to one of the departments overseeing confiscated contraband because he heard word of a small ship being forfeited in a smuggling hearing. Kurn learns that the ship in question is Chebec class, a small and fast three-masted vessel with both square and lateen sails, commonly used by pirates and smugglers. It has six ballistae, 3 port and 3 starboard. It also has a platform in the fore to accommodate two spell casters.  It is a 120 ton vessel and is about the smallest size ship that could stand up to the Pirate Carrack class ship he has infiltrated, which sits at approximately 600 tons, has four masts, 20 ballistae, and has a crew of approximately 400 Pirates. Even having disabled most of the Pirate ship’s siege weapons, the Chebec would have an extremely tough time with the vessle... even if she sailed against it with a full crew.

He found a ship... but now the problems. The Rofirein temple is not going to release it. They have it scheduled to go to auction in two weeks. The ship also requires a minimum crew of 75 professional sailors to operate and can accommodate up to 200 sailors and marines. Asking around a little more he finds that the auction price is expected to be somewhere around 500,000 True. Sailors also have to be hired and paid.

During his duties on the Pirate vessel he learns that they will soon be making a trip to Arnax via Lor. The captain has been tight lipped about why. Scuttlebutt is there is a slave delivery being made to the City of Screams. Kurn also learns that his pirate vessel is independent of WT trading and the Halflings... in fact "business relations" are a little strained at the moment.


The shadow waits and watches… patient. Oblivious to the gnats that buzz about her head, she sees the same legitimate business activities day after day. Occasionally though she sees other interesting things. Insurance company officials inspecting cargo, and when they leave the cargo being unloaded and bricks and straw re-loaded into the boxes before the wagons depart. She sees men hustled into the main office by knife wielding Halflings that never come back out. She also notices quite a bit of goblin traffic to and from the business.



An arrow flies from the
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2015, 09:21:20 am »

An arrow flies from the shadows during one of Kurn's treks between the Temple and the pirate ship, striking a loitering crate nearby.  A lavender scrap of silk hangs from the fletching:




Jo takes his newfound
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2015, 10:46:14 am »

Jo takes his newfound knowledge to Reus, asking for an audience and advice on how to proceed.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Kurn travels to the Harpy
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2015, 01:07:05 pm »

Kurn travels to the Harpy taverns hoping this isn't another attempt by a missionary to save his soul.