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Author Topic: The Assault  (Read 1989 times)


//It seems that I am
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2014, 10:47:07 am »

//It seems that I am currently not able to run nwn from my laptop. Which means I wont be able to make the quest. Sorry everyone



//Big appology here...I swore
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2014, 12:32:14 pm »

//Big appology here...I swore I thought this started at 8pm and now brother saying its at 4pm..what a dummy I am.  I made some RL plans today I can't get out of without facing even more serious demons than will be on this quest.  I'll try to get back to join you guys later if I can, but its doubtful.  Really wanted to do this one...sorry guys my mistake.  Take a demon down for Griffy.



Captain Dreardan, a long
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2014, 01:04:49 pm »

Captain Dreardan, a long column of Rofirein Knights, and a ragtag band of adventurers ride into Halin about mid-afternoon. The local population is both surprised and suspicious of this large group of “lawmen.” Most go indoors and stay there. The local militia captain approaches and when he sees Aesthir he points his thumb at the knights and says” Why’d you bring that bunch?”

Meanwhile, Captain Dreardan instructs his sergeants to resupply the men, break for meals, care for the horses, and be ready to pull out in two hours for the final leg of their journey.



//FYI. Quest time is 12PM
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2014, 01:07:00 pm »

//FYI. Quest time is 12PM Pacific Daylight Time. It has just come to my attention that there may be a glitch with the forums that shows a 1 hour difference from "real time." Please look at an alternate time zone conversion to ensure your arrival time matches up with 12PM Pacific Daylight Time - Washington State - USA.



//Thanks for the heads up.  I
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2014, 01:38:34 pm »

//Thanks for the heads up.  I think you meant PDT (Pacific Daytlight Time).  Anyways I'm pretty sure it means the quest starts at 3:00 p.m. for us EST folks instead of 4:00 p.m. as stated in the event clock.



Uh, I'll be showing up at
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2014, 02:11:17 pm »

Uh, I'll be showing up at about 3:10 eastern time (Pittsburgh pa) and I'll make sure I bring brownies for everyone!



"Dreardan's dead..." Mangus's
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2014, 06:13:48 pm »

"Dreardan's dead..."

Mangus's  rough growly voice tore into the silence like a mitherel  blade enchanted with dark fire.  Yet he stated it plainly. A small group of young men, early recruits, had gathered around him. They had joined the Rofirein army to help put an end to the attacks from Rashish the Red and his gang. Many of them were untrained fighters who came from small farming villages, so many of them directly or indirectly affected by the attacks. Too many of them,  Mangus thought, wielding short swords and axes today were using pitchforks and shovels only a few weeks previous. Yet here they were, wagering their short lives against an enemy they only knew by word-of-mouth.  
Somehow he found himself always more at ease around the younger humans. The younger ones, lacking the years of wisdom and experience, seemed more open to an Orc walking among them or  fighting beside them. He realized part of their openness came from the fact that he was likely the first Orc they had ever seen. He knew, had their parents and elders been there, they would have shooed him away from their children and, without even giving him a chance to prove himself harmless or dutiful, they would scare them into believing that all Orcs  were always evil all the time. They would instill in their children a misunderstanding of him that would last for generations. Fortunately for Mangus on this occasion their parents were not present and the cause outweighed most prejudices. And as the march to a distant tomb, where it was said a portal existed, continued, the young men around Mangus developed a fondness for him if not a curiosity. 
So when he and the others emerged from the tomb carrying two large stones, into the battlefield, it wasn't long before some of those young man, the ones who survived, gathered around him and started asking him of what was found in the tomb. 
He put the stone that he was carrying down gently and placed it next to the other. There he figured it would rest until someone with a better understanding of them could make a decision about what to do with them. 
He directed his attentions to the young man.
He told them what he knew of the fiery creatures they confronted who seemed to be able to control time and were deadly on so many levels.
He told them of the area where they found the stones, and that there were four originally only the other two had been smashed by the enemy.
He told them of the vampires, and the bats, and the bravery shown by his comrades and of the tiny woman who's stealthy abilities enabled them to gain insight of the enemy well in advance of the battle. 
And they listened. Their livelihoods, their ways of life, depended on what was found in that tomb.
And when Mangus began to run out of stories to tell, one of them asked calmly, "what about Captain Dreardan?" 
"Aye Dreadan.,.."
Mangus lowered his head and answered the question....


Captain Dreardan had ordered
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2014, 10:49:16 pm »

Captain Dreardan had ordered his men into reserve status 2 kilometers from the ancient crypt and had insisted that he accompany the small group of adventurers spearheading the assault on the portal. Their battles were fierce, and if a skilled bard had been present the stories and poems that could have been crafted would have been epic. Many adventurers fell in the assault, were raised by divine magic, and doggedly continued on with the mission.

Dalianavera had not lied. The power of the Rugnas was immense and of a caliber that few in the seasoned group had ever seen before. Some of the pit creatures were able to stop and bend space and time itself with their arcane abilities. She had also honored her end of the Pact with Storold…. she had not interfered with their mission.

The battered and weary group stumbled forth from the crypt into the dank Co’rys swamps carrying the mangled and lifeless corpse of Captain Dreardan. He had fallen in battle with honor, sword upheld in a futile attempt to take down one of the mighty pit fiends. His shield had been sundered in one swift blow and his sword broken in half.

The scene that greeted the weary group as they exited into the filtered light of the swamp was surreal. A mighty battle had been waged near the entrance of the crypt while they were inside. The losses of the Knights of Rofirein were heavy. Among the surviving fighters was Jason the Lucindite. He rushed to them as they stumbled out and could not voice words when he saw the body of the Captain as sorrow overcame him. The group handed over the lifeless Captain Dreardan to several of the remaining Knights, along with his broken sword conveying his heroic actions. They knew the order would take over from there.

The group quickly learned that the Rofirein Knights had observed a straggling force of Rugnas making their way to the crypt. They knew that if the adventurers were attacked from the rear in surprise that the mission was likely to fail. Lieutenant Vercilaas acted immediately ordering the attack.

Now questions remained for Aesthir and the rest of the group. They had possession of two of the four stones erected around the floor diagram that served as the portal. Script of pure Al’Noth had writhed across their surface before being unseated. The 100 pound artifacts were now dull and dead in appearance.  The giant four armed demon guarding the gateway had smashed the other two before they took him down, closing the portal and preventing intrusion into his own Pit.

There were likely to be many interested parties and competing interests eager to get their hands on the stones and Aesthir’s detailed notes if word reached the outside world.  What to do?? Perhaps… just perhaps, this story is not quite at its end yet.



Foresta, staff in hand moves
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2014, 03:13:18 am »

Foresta, staff in hand moves slowly and pondering among the scene of devastation taking note of the dead and dying among both the soldiers and nature itself. She wanders more like an accountant taking stock than an adventurer confronting loss among their own. She duly returns to the cause of all the carnage; the two rune laden stones and watches over them. Given time and her watching role, without any obvious conscious thought she shifts to the form of a bird and circles over the stones considering their impact on the balance of things.



*After appearing from the
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2014, 10:12:23 pm »

*After appearing from the crypt Vrebel wearily observes the swamp that had turned into a battlefield.  He wanders amongst the Rorfireinites helping them to carry their wounded and dead while offering words of encouragement to those soldiers still alive.  He then sends word for Storold making sure the rocks they found are well protected.  Later he will give a full report to who ever is now in charge regarding what they encountered and the strange portal area at the bottom of the crypt.*


Lance Stargazer

*The grim news are passed by
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2014, 10:00:28 am »

*The grim news are passed by Aesthir, as well. the first thing is to report the findings and the fall of the captain the next ranking officer, he will do a verbal inform of the findings and the battles faced down the crypt, he states that in observance and in respect to the Captain, the investigation has been concluded at least on this stage and not without paying a big price for them, for now he recomends to move the camp back to the area near Dappllegreen once the dead have been paid respects of course.  He discuss with the ranking officer about the details of the army and what would be his plans orders from now , all in spite of keep things in agreement to the law of course*



*After some time Storold
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2014, 10:34:42 am »

*After some time Storold returns to the group summoned by Vrebels message, he seems very somber when he sees the losses suffered by the group*


It seems you have won the day at a terrible cost. I guess I was wrong in considering these creatures a minor treat to the world. However despite your losses you prevailed, I hear that you have captured some kind of magical artifact, do you have any vetter description of its use or the magic it contains?

I am not sure myself how much I can help you with artifacts from other Pits, but maybe you could contact Connor or Moraken about it. Or even the Pit stalkers, however I will see what I can do based on the information you can provide.



After emerging from the
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2014, 11:40:31 am »

After emerging from the crypt, Deverain hands over his stone to the Roferianites, and helps them with the dead and cleaning up after their battle. He answers any questions, but leaves most of the complex details to Aesther and Vrebel.



From her watching place above
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2014, 02:56:14 am »

From her watching place above the group Foresta is reasonably assured there is no more unnatural danger for the moment. She also somewhat irreverently notices Storold has a bald patch on his head which she resists landing on, before settling on a more remote site where she shifts back to human form before moving back into the group circled around the stones. She reflects on the debate so far. "Storold speaks wisely - I think the stones might best be presented to the Pit Stalkers for opinion." She nods at the thought, supporting the action but not necessarily committed to carrying it out.



Please begin posting all
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2014, 11:27:00 pm »

Please begin posting all follow-up here: End Game  <----- Click on Link