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Author Topic: Executions in Hurm  (Read 72 times)


Executions in Hurm
« on: June 13, 2007, 05:01:52 am »
Reports carried by traders leaving Hurm recently have told how a caravan train awaiting a customs inspection before being granted entrance into Hurm was discovered to contain in hidden compartments in several wagons a number of slaves.

Most of the slaves had been confined in the cramped and unsanitary conditions for several weeks and were weak and emaciated with many of them dead by the time authorities discovered them.

Saviar Morgensen himself came forth from the city to inspect the human cargo and summarily ordered the execution of every person involved with the caravan. The children attached to the caravan train that was supposedly carrying merchantable goods from prantz were spared the executions and were interred into orphanages paid for by Saviars rulership.

Yet another example of the treatment Slavers will receive now trying to ply their trade anywhere near the Liwich Kingdom.


Re: Executions in Hurm
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2007, 08:58:43 am »
Rhynn Frowns , as she rocks her child back and forth when news of this reaches her ears, then smiles somewhat at the outcome, knowing who she must turn to...


Re: Executions in Hurm
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 10:50:37 am »
** Sall smiles brightly at the Town crier who shouts the news, and wanders off further into town, humming an old Leringard tune to himself happily**