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Author Topic: Tragedy in Wayfare.  (Read 793 times)


Tragedy in Wayfare.
« on: October 22, 2010, 01:45:35 pm »
[SIZE=18]Wayfare has added its name to the list of casualties from the mysterious Mist Creatures.

The Mist struck in the day, emerging beside the pond there and spreading outwards like a blanket.
Several civilians and a small girl were caught outside, the civilians fell along the road and the little girl was slain whilst protecting her sister.
Outrage and panic has swept the old Fort, and much alike many towns and villages across all lands, guard's and defenses have been doubled until something can be done to stop these attacks.
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Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 01:55:18 pm »
As the word of the attack in Wayfare spreads, a man fitting Steel's description portals in and pokes around a bit.  The next day, it was said that the mother of the dead child finally returned and preparations for the funeral and burial started to be arranged as well as an urgent message being sent out to Knight of the Wyrm Daniel Poetr to return to Ft Llast with haste.


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 06:47:33 am »
Several funerals were held in Wayfare, including the funeral of 8 yr old Rachel Tariana Poetr.  The small private ceremony was attended by close friends and family of the girl's parents, Protector and Knight of the Wyrm Daniel Poetr and his wife Bella, as well as the surviving Poetr children, Charlie, age 18, and Rebecca, age 4.  Due to Rebecca's shock over the events, the family wished to keep things small, however, the town has placed a small memorial for the young girl in support of the family's loss.

//feel free to post if you feel your character would have attended the funeral


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 09:26:53 am »
Lana Poetr, looking drawn and grief-stricken, attended the funeral of Rachel, her young step-granddaughter, with her tearful daughters, Bria and Katelyn. Ferrit and Kyle Pandorn, Lana's parents, were also present in the sad gathering.
 Later, Lana gathered the grieving family to help plan a schedule to be sure someone was always with Rebecca, Bria and Katelyn until the threat of the mists was resolved. There was heated discussion over who should join in the search for the cause and who should remain behind to help keep the girls safe.
 Bria and Katelyn protested mightily that they could take care of themselves and Becca, too.

Lord Dark

Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 04:28:22 pm »
Tod attended the funeral with his head hanging low in his grief. He stays off to the side with little expression on his face and wipes his eyes every once in a while.

He was serious and firm with the girls at the meeting saying that they do need someone there and he volunteered to stay and keep them company.


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 06:38:05 pm »
Zira and Zak attended, each carrying a small child, but remained out of the way of the family unless it looked like they needed something.  After the services and only a few remained, Zira placed a dozen red roses on the casket, kissed her fingertips, then put the fingertips down to the casket/ground and said a short prayer, then prayed upon the ground/casket a bless.


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 07:20:59 pm »
*A wirey elven figure dressed sharpley in black and blood red arrives late and keeps his distance.  The figure enshrouds himself in invisibilities throughout the course of the funeral. If any with the capability and desire to keep an eye upon him, would notice he in turn keeps a watchful gaze on Daniel Benjamin throughout the ordeal.  The figure remains uncharacteristically without words and unseen.  

When the words have all been spoken and the crowd disperses, the figure unsheaths a glittering and enspelled rapier and uses its tip to prick a finger before returning it to its scabard.  The elf then produces a single white rose and allows a single drop of his blood to fall upon it.  With quiet intones he refreshes his shroud of invisibility and approaches the grave.  After speaking words only for his ears, he bends and places the flower with the others upon the child's grave.  He stands once more and scans the area with eyes of spelled sight and leaves unless interacted upon.*


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 07:37:20 am »
After hearing of the tragic news...Leaf arrives in Wayfare carrying a few baskets of prepared foods for the surviving Poetr family. After he drops off the baskets at the Poetr residence, he attends the funeral.  Once the service is over Leaf walks up to the Protector, places a hand on his shoulder and mutters a soft voice to him....

"I am truly sorry for your loss my friend, If there is anything I can do for you or your family, please do not hesitate to ask"


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 04:11:42 pm »
*Fellow Knight of the Wyrm, Justice is a quiet (though large) addition to the small ceremony. Having no appropriate words (specifically and generally), Justice remains mute throughout, his sorrowful face speaking volumes*


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2010, 04:27:52 pm »
To: Daniel and Bella Poetr and Family
197 Wayfare
Kingdom of Brelin

Daniel, Bella

I am sorry I am not able to attend the funeral.  I am boarding ship now to return to Leringard after the attack on Fort Vehl, to assure my son's safety.  I beg your understanding.

My heart breaks for you both.  Condolences are ashes on my tongue in the face of your loss.  I have only one small thing for Bella to know; the children are cared for.  The boy's relatives are being sought, he is with the Rofierinites right now, but the girl you would not let go of - her mother survived.  I saw them reunited.

It's precious little but I hope this brings you some small peace.

I will sing for Rachel.

Your friend,

Andrew Reid


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2010, 07:28:48 pm »
*A hooded halfling appears silently between the stones.  After a few moments of motionlessness, her head turns slowly from one side to the other.  Slowly, as if burdened, she climbs the nearby hill and sits out of the way, still and silent, for several hours.*

*Well after nightfall, when there is no one to disturb, she approaches the cemetery.  Quietly repeating the phrase, "Ud'm ryd weuh," again and again, she slowly walks among the graves, unconsciously poking her finger into the freshly turned dirt.  She stops last at the child's grave, and pauses briefly before placing a lily beside it and making a hole with her finger.  She announces the phrase once more with more emphasis, then falls silent and leaves town.*


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2010, 09:51:39 pm »
*That night...Kyle returns to the graveyard with a bouquet of red roses and places them next to the lily. Fighting back tears...he says a silent prayer to Ilsare to comfort those who fell to the mist. His most heart felt one is for his step-greatgrandaughter Rachel. After a few more moments of staring...he turns and heads for Lana's house.*


Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2010, 11:46:20 pm »
A woman dressed in a black dress and a veil stands with a small boy in a black tunic aloft in her arms on the edge of the gathering looking toward the grave.  The little boy looks on curiously, a look of sadness on his face.  "She played tag with me," he says to his mother, who nods to confirm his statement.

When the crowd leaves, the woman sticks a bronze bastard sword in the grave and hangs a bronze helmet on top, like the memorials for fallen warriors.  The little boy than leans a small bronze shield, one seemingly hammered until it was flat by an inexperienced smith, handed to him by his mother against the sword.  The two leave soon after, not stopping to speak to any one unless approached, where the woman would simply apologize for not being there for her.