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Author Topic: Trouble in Krandor crypts  (Read 245 times)


Trouble in Krandor crypts
« on: March 28, 2009, 01:19:16 pm »
*Jacob can be overheard speaking with the magistrate in Krandor*

....Yes, a large skeletal dragon flew overhead, disappearing just before it flew into your crypts.  I entered the crypts hoping to learn something of what was going on.  Everything down there is tinged in a weird red light.  The undead stood unmoving the entire time I was there.  I heard cries for help and was able to locate a mage by the name of Ian Griffiths.  He had been chained to a wall in the lowest part of the crypt.   He said he had come to the crypts at the behest of Te'Thalus, who had put out a call for mages.   Master Griffiths said he was the last of a large group.  The rest had all been turned into undead creatures,  like Te'Thalus himself.
According to Master Griffiths he had been there a month or so.
It appears Te'Thalus has not been destroyed after all.
Please urge caution to those venturing there.

*Jacob hurries off to Fort Llast*


Re: Trouble in Krandor crypts
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 07:37:19 am »
*Chakar informs everyone of interest of seeing the Bone Dragon outside Krandor, raging and slaying the crawling vines and ogres, and attacking him as well, and Storold Doesscha, Amanda Doesscha and Tod Fellow when they investigated the matter and tried to calm it.

He also informs that a lich of power sacrificed a human male in the Krandor crypts not long from this occurrence, and summoned a huge, almost 5000kg or so bone golem from a red and unnatural portal.
He says that they managed to seal, or that he hopes they managed to seal, the golem into the Great Hall of Krandor Crypts and that no one should venture inside that place until further notice from authorities."