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Author Topic: At the edge of the Gobling waste land  (Read 454 times)


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2009, 07:36:08 pm »
// @ nehetsrev, it`s in the tittle!.. ''at the edge''.. I think it was pretty evident? you can't be at the edge if you are near the town.
 //edit, if I wanted to say at the edge near the town, that is what I would have written, but that is not what I wrote. It`s simply at the edge of the goblin waste land.


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2009, 09:53:48 pm »
// BTW, did Fehriel happen to smelt that sign in Hlint after he vowed to take his business elsewhere? ;)

Script Wrecked

Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2009, 10:13:46 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
// @ nehetsrev, it`s in the tittle!.. ''at the edge''.. I think it was pretty evident? you can't be at the edge if you are near the town.

// Any boundary is an edge. Where Hlint meets the Wastelands is a boundary, and therefore an edge of the Wastelands is near the town. //

Quote from: Hellblazer
//edit, if I wanted to say at the edge near the town, that is what I would have written, but that is not what I wrote. It`s simply at the edge of the goblin waste land.

// Unfortunately, what you wrote, "the edge of the goblin waste land" is not exclusive of the edge in immediate proximity to Hlint, whatever your intentions. //


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2009, 10:24:54 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
// @ nehetsrev, it`s in the tittle!.. ''at the edge''.. I think it was pretty evident? you can't be at the edge if you are near the town.
 //edit, if I wanted to say at the edge near the town, that is what I would have written, but that is not what I wrote. It`s simply at the edge of the goblin waste land.

//There are TWO edges of the goblin wasteland that the road between Hlint and Fort Llast passes through though, and which one the sign was installed in wasn't specified until your 5th post in this thread.  Shame on me for assuming you meant the edge closest to Hlint itself, as that in my mind made the most sense given the situation.
*Amgine continues to smile to the Halfling and answers*

"Yes Miss, I do quite like this town.  It's quiet, and has always been a safe refuge for me in my many travels through the area.  Thank you for the information too.  Perhaps I'll see about contacting officials at Blackford Castle to see if they know more, and whether they might want such a sign removed and the persons responsible for it brought in for slandering a fine town within their enlightened kingdom.  Since I live in Blackford msyelf, it shouldn't be too much trouble for me.  Thank you for your time, and may you have a wonderful day."

*with that he prepares to leave as politely and pleasantly as he came*


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2009, 10:39:43 pm »
*the agent waves and smiles cheerily*



Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2009, 10:45:05 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
// BTW, did Fehriel happen to smelt that sign in Hlint after he vowed to take his business elsewhere? ;)

Nope, unless I absolutely have to, I do all my crafting at Hempstead now.


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2009, 10:46:32 pm »
Quote from: Nehetsrev
//There are TWO edges of the goblin wasteland that the road between Hlint and Fort Llast passes through though, and which one the sign was installed in wasn't specified until your 5th post in this thread.  Shame on me for assuming you meant the edge closest to Hlint itself, as that in my mind made the most sense given the situation.
*Amgine continues to smile to the Halfling and answers*

"Yes Miss, I do quite like this town.  It's quiet, and has always been a safe refuge for me in my many travels through the area.  Thank you for the information too.  Perhaps I'll see about contacting officials at Blackford Castle to see if they know more, and whether they might want such a sign removed and the persons responsible for it brought in for slandering a fine town within their enlightened kingdom.  Since I live in Blackford msyelf, it shouldn't be too much trouble for me.  Thank you for your time, and may you have a wonderful day."

*with that he prepares to leave as politely and pleasantly as he came*

//well really if you were going to put a sign that would slander in some ways, a town would you really do it infront of the guards? He might be abrupt and of low cha, but he is surely not stupid.


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2009, 10:52:57 pm »
//Okay, I'm gonna play the parent role here and break up the kiddies, and ask that this get locked now...  It's becoming a nit pick fest and thats not the point, and it seems to have ended its usefulness...

OR Hellblazer and Nehestrev can just walk away from it forget about the sign...

Cause Tyra will do worse with the next one  :P


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #28 on: June 11, 2009, 12:48:24 am »
Right, this is getting a little silly and overly force-emotey.

Consider the point made, and I won't ask how Fehriel transported a couple hundred pounds of smelted sign thousands of miles from Port Hempstead to the Goblin Wastelands in anything resembling a timely fashion ;)


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2009, 02:05:19 am »
//hehe it's called ox and bulls strength ;)


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2009, 04:29:28 am »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
// Any boundary is an edge. Where Hlint meets the Wastelands is a boundary, and therefore an edge of the Wastelands is near the town. //

// Unfortunately, what you wrote, "the edge of the goblin waste land" is not exclusive of the edge in immediate proximity to Hlint, whatever your intentions. //

Sure SW, but we all knew where he meant. If Hellblazer had meant the edge near Hlint, he'd have said that.


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2009, 04:38:39 am »
The sun shining nicely and the birdsong in tune, Xaltotun approaches Hlint, passing the remnants(?) of a sign.

He looks at it, and thinks for a little on it

Everyone is entitled to their points of view, he muses. He wonders if it is worth the effort of dismantling it, or destroying it, or reporting it. Coming to a conclusion and with a slightly heavy heart, he casts a spell of invisibility onto the sign and then goes to find a guard and pass the whole sorry mess into their hands to deal with.

He has quite forgotten how long his spell will last as he forgot about small details like that so, so long ago.

Script Wrecked

Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2009, 05:35:27 am »
Quote from: Xaltotun
Sure SW, but we all knew where he meant.

// How can you possibly say "we all knew" when at least one person obviously didn't. "We" doesn't mean "everyone except". It means all. //

Quote from: Xaltotun
If Hellblazer had meant the edge near Hlint, he'd have said that.

// As he meant the "edge on entering the Wastelands from the west", why didn't he say that? "The edge" is not explicit enough when there are at least two possible candidates. Sorry, you don't give meaning by what you don't say. //


Re: At the edge of the Gobling waste land
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2009, 07:31:27 am »
*Passing by the site of the sign on his way toward Blackford Castle, Amgine sees it appears to be gone once more (due to the invisibility spell cast upon it).  He shrugs his well-muscled shoulders and decides to continue to the castle to at least make a report of the two signs he's seen so that the proper authorities can decide what, if anything needs to be done.*