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Author Topic: Seeking Speakers  (Read 266 times)


Seeking Speakers
« on: September 15, 2010, 01:15:48 pm »
A message originally brought by the wind in the trees, soon turns to the wagging of tongues and to the ears of those it should reach.

The majority of the message is such:

The rulers of the Kingdom of Kuhl have approached the speakers of the woodland realm with an offer of an alliance. The strong Kingdom of Kuhl offers peace and protection to all denizens of the Great Forest and the forest itself - and through this continuous growth, prosperity and freedom to all.

To this end, a council meeting will be held within the Great Forest, and two speakers must be chosen to represent both Dregar and Mistone, and will be given the opportunity to sway the council's decision For or Against the Alliance.

This meeting is coming soon, and to this end, Speaker's must be chosen.

Therefore, a meeting is to be held soon at the StormCrest Crossroads.

It is requested all those with their souls steeped in nature's balance should attend this meeting, to cast your vote for Speaker, or indeed, nominate yourself as Speaker, and to give all information you can to those who wish to be Speaker regarding the "Dragon Cult", their campaign's and their intentions.

If this message has come to your ears, then it is assumed you also have knowledge, or indeed have had dealings before with the Dragon Cult.

We request you also attend, and give evidence or testimony either For or Against the intended Alliance, so that the nominated Speakers may make an informed decision.

Calendar :

// This is an open invite for all.

// If more than two Druids nominate themselves, a Vote or Dice may decide. My Character Trouble is NOT nominating himself for Speaker... so two Druids/Ranger's/Clerics of a Naturey base must be selected.

//Although anyone is invited, only Druids, Rangers and Clerics of a Nature-based Faith may Vote or Nominate a speaker.

Those not of the above may give testimony For or Against the Alliance to those nominating themselves as Speakers.


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 06:43:47 pm »
Originally posted by LordCove 9-15-2010:

A message originally brought by the wind in the trees, soon turns to the wagging of tongues and to the ears of those it should reach.
The majority of the message is such:

The rulers of the Kingdom of Kuhl have approached the speakers of the woodland realm with an offer of an alliance. The strong Kingdom of Kuhl offers peace and protection to all denizens of the Great Forest and the forest itself - and through this continuous growth, prosperity and freedom to all.

To this end, a council meeting will be held within the Great Forest, and two speakers must be chosen to represent both Dregar and Mistone, and will be given the opportunity to sway the council's decision For or Against the Alliance.
This meeting is coming soon, and to this end, Speaker's must be chosen.

Therefore, a meeting is to be held soon at the StormCrest Crossroads.
It is requested all those with their souls steeped in nature's balance should attend this meeting, to cast your vote for Speaker, or indeed, nominate yourself as Speaker, and to give all information you can to those who wish to be Speaker regarding the "Dragon Cult", their campaign's and their intentions.

If this message has come to your ears, then it is assumed you also have knowledge, or indeed have had dealings before with the Dragon Cult.
We request you also attend, and give evidence or testimony either For or Against the intended Alliance, so that the nominated Speakers may make an informed decision.

Calendar :

// This is an open invite for all.

// If more than two Druids nominate themselves, a Vote or Dice may decide. My Character Trouble is NOT nominating himself for Speaker... so two Druids/Ranger's/Clerics of a Naturey base must be selected.

//Although anyone is invited, only Druids, Rangers and Clerics of a Nature-based Faith may Vote or Nominate a speaker.
Those not of the above may give testimony For or Against the Alliance to those nominating themselves as Speakers.


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 06:44:52 pm »
Originally posted by davidhoff 9-15-2010:

//The calendar link works, but for some reason if I go to the calendar and look for the entry on 9/19/10 it does not show there. Not sure why, but wanted to let you know.


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 06:45:48 pm »
Originally posted by Aerimor 9-15-2010:

//Aerimor would be very interested in attending. I however work during the scheduled time.


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2010, 06:46:29 pm »
Originally posted by Script Wrecked 9-15-2010:

// The complete link is: //


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2010, 06:47:18 pm »
Originally posted by Pseudonym 8-16-2010:

*Frakk runs and hides behind the legs of the pinkskin druid, Trouble*

Frrrakk isss not worrrthy mighty masssterrr! Frakk thinksss Grrrovel be the drrruid to ssspeak forrr the grrreenssskinsss!


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 06:48:07 pm »
Originally posted by Lord Cove 9-17-2010:

Originally Posted by Pseudonym View Post
*Frakk runs and hides behind the legs of the pinkskin druid, Trouble*

Frrrakk isss not worrrthy mighty masssterrr! Frakk thinksss Grrrovel be the drrruid to ssspeak forrr the grrreenssskinsss!
*Trouble both rolls his eyes and grins wryly at the little goblin*

Grovel huh... fair enough. I'll put his name forward.
Best be sure he can actually attend tha' meeting in the Great Forest though


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 06:49:22 pm »
Originally posted by lonnarin 9-17-2010:

//Grovel will come if he can this Sunday. Certainly been eager to get more involved with the druid community, and his presence should lend more widespread awareness of the growing power of the greenies. It's quite simple actually, one needs green to fight green! The Green Dragon Cult and he have yet to cross paths, but they sound like an abomination needing purging, for certain. Will try to drop in!

"Indeed brother Frakk. Is wise idea! We come joint he fight gainst the cult, theys all OWES us gobbos! We get famous like in Wayfare that time we faces the beholder and the flayerlich!


Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 06:50:02 pm »
Originally posted by LordCove 9-19-2010:

The Druidic visit to the Kuhl Forest:

All Druids requested to attend.

Current nominations:



Re: Seeking Speakers
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 06:50:57 pm »
Originally posted by Harlas Ravelkione 9-19-2010:

Calendar event has been set for Saturday and updated.