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Author Topic: A meeting called for military force  (Read 614 times)


A meeting called for military force
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:52:16 am »
Daniella Stormhaven sends out missives to the temples of Vorax and Rofirein as well as to leaders within the Toran church and heads of various military forces and nations across Layonara to meet and discuss an offensive push against the lands overtaken by the Dragonstealers.

As part of the missive she states:

"We cannot sit by and attempt merely to survive, it is only ensuring that they have the time and resources to destroy us all.  We retook Hurix, we can do this again.  It's our turn to make a move."

//If a GM wishes to be present for this please let me know, otherwise, I will try to pick a time that accommodates as many timezones as possible and put an event on the player calendar.  I think we've put up with the Cult long enough, don't you?
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Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 12:15:15 pm »
Daniel steps forward quickly to answer the call, "Now is the time to strike our enemy." He says grimly.  "They have much to answer for."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 02:58:42 pm »
Sitting quietly in Marshall Tomyris's office enjoying a glass of wine after having inspected the new horses for Lor's Cavalry, Angela can't help but to peek up curious as the missive arrives. Without a word Sasha hands over the paper and after short break for reading Angela doubles over in the chair laughing, the paper falling to the ground. Between the fits of laughing Angela manage to gasp out a few sentence to Sasha

"I hope the last thirty years they ruled in Kuhl haven't made them stronger, or that the Cult won't be mean enough to enlist the public  in their army and make the holy toranites slaughter the very people they wish to save."

Straightens out in the chair looking at Sasha with an amused glint in her eyes

"Maybe we should remind them of Rael and how he took over Prantz and later killed the last descended of King Weylends line, and pulled down Torans temple. After all time seems to matters little to them, thirty years or sixty.... "

"hmm nah we better not, they never had a sense of humor. Tell them we'll be interested in listing to what they have to say, if they decides for a frontal attack on the cult then maybe they will finally success in killing off Toran for real."

Shortly after a courier is send to Daniella Stormhaven expressing Lor's desire to be present at the meeting.

  //in order to avoid any misunderstandings, this is not an attack on Daniella's player but Angela's mistrust and dislike of Toran being reflected


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2010, 05:41:52 pm »
*Görmungard, on an almost routine trip to Mount Norand and the temple therein, hears of the happening from the temple upkeep*

"By all that be holy, oi'll make me way thar 'n' see what com's uht ov eht...*

*At that moment, his boots again take control of the proceedings of his mind*

"Maybe oi'll travel thru Belinara te git thar..." *He pauses for a moment, looking at something in the distance, and after a cleric of the temple waves a hand in front of his face, he splutters and coughs*
"Wha'? Wha's wrong?"

*The cleric says* "Yeh were saying something 'bout attendin' eh meeting held by eh lady Daniella Stormhaven?"

"Oh roight!! That... Well oi better make me way thar roight 'way. Bu' 'ere, take dis as eh donation" *He chuckles with his heavy laughter and hands in some food stuffs for the clergy of the temple and the folks of the Runic Anvil*

*After this he goes to the great doors of the clanhome and exits... But where?*

//As a sidenote, Görmungard is wearing Styrbjorn's Legendary Boots of Fleetness, that give -1 to Intelligence and -8 to Listen as effects, and on the description the boots are said to inspire fleetmindedness and yearning of traveling and exploration, also making the wearer of the boots to be a daydreamer :D


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2010, 06:03:02 pm »
*The missive is received by Griff Silversand from a fellow Voraxian Paladin and Griff reads it*

*He stands up and reaches for his axe and holds it high*

By Vorax eht is toime!  I will answer dis call'n and we shall meet our enemy at der house.  The days of waiting ta see der next move n clean up deh mess are ova.  Now weh bring deh battle ta dem!  PRAISE VORAX!


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2010, 06:34:39 pm »
Hearing rumors of something building, Drexia pursues the trail, until she fins the source.

She leaves a note at the temple, with instruction to give it to Daniella, the next time she is in.

Dear Daniella,
I have heard that you are putting out a call to strike back against the Green Dragon Cult. If you will have me, I would certainly appreciate being a part of any discussions and planning. If you wish another pair of hands to fight against the Drachs, you have mine.



Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2010, 06:50:51 pm »
As more people respond, people are given the time and place of the meeting and asked to bring part of their force with them to help defend the meeting... just in case.  Each notice is sealed in blue wax with a symbol of an Ankh.

Script Wrecked

Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2010, 07:11:01 pm »
Quote from: akata
Sitting quietly in Marshall Tomyris's office enjoying a glass of wine after having inspected the new horses for Lor's Cavalry, Angela can't help but to peek up curious as the missive arrives. Without a word Sasha hands over the paper and after short break for reading Angela doubles over in the chair laughing, the paper falling to the ground.


Argali picks up and reads a discarded missive, her brow furrowing in concern.

"They arre knowing the Hurrix was the decoy, no?"

After a few moments of thought,

"She hopes they arre making the prroperr plan, and not just running with the 'good idea'."

// Can I suggest that if this event is going to be a planning event (i.e., mainly discussion) centered around the player characters, that the majority of it takes place on the forums in the four weeks leading up to it?


Script Wrecked. //


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2010, 07:27:00 pm »
Quote from: Script Wrecked

// Can I suggest that if this event is going to be a planning event (i.e., mainly discussion) centered around the player characters, that the majority of it takes place on the forums in the four weeks leading up to it?


Script Wrecked. //

//I would actually prefer that it happens not only on the forums, but also in game leading up to the event itself.  I need the event there in case there are GM's that are willing and able to play the other NPC military personell that could attend the meeting as well, but by all means I don't want to post this and let it die while waiting.  So yes!  definitely!  use the boards and game :D


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2010, 08:49:41 pm »
*Zigruum lays nestled high in an oak tree above Palden lake nursing a hangover.  He overhears two Toranite paladins discusing the rumors as they make their way to Llast.*

This be news!  We gonna bring de foite te them Voraxian style!

*He hurrily slides down the tree and goes to investigate the truth of the matter*

They nae gonna leave me outa this one.  Foinally we be doin' somethin' bout these bominations!


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2010, 10:00:18 pm »
*Wren get word of the call to arms*

Well I am up for this those  GDC cowards have ducked me long enough.

*He twirls the dragon scale he has been wearing around he neck for the last year as he goes looking for a portal*

Lord Dark

Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2010, 08:49:31 am »
*Tod catches wind and gets all worked up, shaking a little with excitement. He leaves a note for her at the temple explaining his want to participate*

You better know to expect me along!


//I'll try my best to be there!


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2010, 01:20:33 pm »
More missives are sent to the leaders of nations across Layonara asking them for their cooperation and support, and inviting them to the meeting.  People are asked to put aside their personal feelings and prejudices in order to fight against a common enemy, for the common good.


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2010, 12:55:06 am »
Quote from: Lord Dark
*Tod catches wind and gets all worked up, shaking a little with excitement. He leaves a note for her at the temple explaining his want to participate*

You better know to expect me along!


//PM en route.


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2010, 01:25:53 pm »
Rumors continue to circulate about the possibilities of a huge army moving against Kuhl.  Some say that sounds silly because an army that large would be slow and hard to move.  Others seem too excited about the possibility of the people uniting with a common goal and think that anything is possible and with that many forces the Dragon Stealers will surely be squashed, even with their dragon men.


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2010, 11:40:27 am »
The rumors continue to grow as the meeting draws nearer.

//Reminder, this is this weekend:


Re: A meeting called for military force
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2010, 11:44:11 pm »
Before the date of the announced meeting is held, making sure to leave enough time, plain clothed messengers are sent out, staggered as to not draw much attention, to each of the nations, organizations, and religions that had previously been notified of the meeting as well as to those of the adventuring population that had contacted Daniella Stormhaven, notifying of a change of date to three weeks prior.  The reason stated to ensure safety of those gathered, and give time in case there would be an attack at the previously stated date.

Each messenger is given the order to destroy the message rather than let it come into the wrong hands, and is not told what is in the message, except that it is only to be delivered into the hands of the person intended.  Each letter is sealed with an ankh.

//For clarification- the date will not be changed on the calendar since the time was picked to accommodate various timezones.  We'll just pretend that the original date was actually to be three weeks past what we actually hold ;)  

Script Wrecked

A meeting called for military force
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2010, 07:56:45 am »
A dwarven lass leaves the hallowed ancestral halls of the Ulgrids. Wrapped in a heavy red cloak emblazoned with the Axe of Vorax, she heads out into the cold white of the Brech mountains. Despite the impediment the heavy snows bring, there is a definite spring to her step.

