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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 11514 times)


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #60 on: June 19, 2012, 12:03:22 pm »
Daniella packed up her saddlebags on her horse, Victory, tightening the straps securely before looking over at the small envoy she would be taking north with her.  Her face was hard as if she was going into battle, even though this was merely a diplomatic escort.

"Our mission, gentlemen of the Sixth and Seventh, is to see that Lord Kalgarl and his daughter, and their accompanying escort arrives to Fiorez City safely.  I do not need to express to you our situation, as you are all already aware.  We will not delay once we meet with them.  I want them back here safely as swiftly as we can manage, though I expect if there are those on foot or if they have a carriage it will slow us down.  We will be the outlying perimeter and I want all eyes watching for any movement or any activity that might jeopardize our charges.  Treat this as the most important mission of your lives, soldiers."

The soldiers issued their resounding acknowledgment of the orders and, mounting their horses, they made their way to the gates to start their journey northward.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #61 on: June 21, 2012, 09:19:40 am »
After several days of being gone, Lady Daniella and the 50 Siphe Garra of the Sixth and Seventh Rank returned, escorting Lord Hrathan Kalgarl, his daughter Lady Eliza Kalgarl, and their retinue.  The Hilmite regiment that had escorted them to the meeting point had turned back, leaving the charges solely in the hands of the Siphe Garra and the Toranite Commander.  Each of the nobles wore a different expression on their face as they entered the city once more and observed the goings on within the fortress walls.  Lord Hrathan seemed stern and displeased with Jaedon Siphe's absence, but also genuinely concerned and curious at the activity, and especially the presence of the Fire Giants. Lady Eliza was generally quiet, seeming to take in her surroundings with a soldier's eye with a touch of resignation and curiosity.  Lady Daniella, however, used to the situation in Fiorez City as she was, did not have the same awe and curiosity of her companions, but instead seemed to wear her tense, battle-hardened visage that she usually managed to reserve for times of great trial.  Her demeanor was polite and to the point as she made the customary introductions for the Kalgarls to Acting Lord, First Rank Nijau, leaving him to the arrangements for their rooms and accommodations.  She dismissed the guard as the Third Rank officers took over the escort duties and made her apologies as she bid the nobles farewell until they were certain to meet at a later time.  As she walked off, she was flanked by a Toranite Elite as well as Third Rank Kaytar as they headed up the path towards Siphe Castle.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2012, 03:35:37 am »
Within days of their arrival word came in that the Nesar contingent had left Sundance and was on route to the Siphe Principality. More than likely arriving on the borders within the next week to ten days.

Hours after word arrived Daniella was summoned to the main square within the castle proper by Nijau. Upon her arrival Lord Kargarl was red faced and angrily addressing Nijau. Those who had come with him standing close behind him while his daughter stood to one side seemingly unsure what to say. Nijau stood straight his hand gripping the pommel of a well used sword by his side.

As Daniella reached them she could hear Lord Hrathans voice raised again.

"There is no way, in this backwater mass of peasant hovels that my daughter will be subjected to working, eating and sleeping with the grunts of the Ninth rank. No Way!"

Nijau's response was reserved but forceful.

"Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe made it very clear to Sir lance Stargazer that the Lady Eliza was to earn her position the same way everyone else does in the Siphe Garra, Lord Kargarl. If you have issue with that I suggest you take it up with him."

Lord Kargarl wound up to let fly again at Nijau as Daniella walked up and he stopped turning to her.

"Lady Daniella, tell this cretin that my daughter is not to be forced to work the way he is demanding."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2012, 06:50:15 am »
Daniella looks between Nijau and Lord Hrathan for a moment as they both finish, then glances at Lady Eliza and the others around the square that are able to overhear Lord Hrathan's shouts.

"Lord Hrathan, I understand your objections, and I'm sure that this is not what you had expected when you made this arrangement.  However, I will tell you that everyone within the Siphe Principality works."  She holds up a hand to stifle any objection.  "Now, I would ask that you please keep your insults to a minimum while describing this place and these people as they do work very hard to defend and maintain it."  She pauses for a breath to choose her words.  "The Sovereign Lord is not here to defend or deny his choice at the moment, but perhaps the Acting Lord has not expressed the reasoning behind the desire to have Lady Eliza gain her ranks through the Siphe Garra."  She again uses a hand to try to stop any objections.  

"This place is hardened by service and by battle.  Lady Eliza's involvement with the Siphe Garra would serve two purposes.  One, it would give her the opportunity to gain the respect of these people by earning ranks and rewards just as they do.  It would make her one of them.  It would also give her the opportunity to get to know the people that you would one day have her lead.  And I use that word specifically, Lord Hrathan, as the arrangement you are seeking for her is not a position to rule, but to lead.  You cannot lead troops without knowing what you have at your disposal, and you cannot lead a people without knowing who they are."

She looks between them again, and glances briefly at Lady Eliza once more before continuing.  "Now, that being said I understand that Lady Eliza has had experience with the militia for many years already, First Rank, is there any other way that she can accomplish these things, abide by the Sovereign Lord's wishes and still appease Lord Hrathan's objections at least partially in the spirit of a compromise?  Or..." she looks to Eliza, "perhaps the Lady has an opinion on the matter?"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2012, 08:13:42 am »
Lady Eliza looks to Daniella for what seems like ages before she reaches up and removes the House Karlgarl clasp on her cloak and hands it to her father. Then she pulls up the sleeve on her blouse showing her left forearm where a tattoo is clearly marked.

She raises her arm to those around her, including a number of Siphe garra of different ranks drawn by the shouting.

She raises her voice and holds her arm aloft showing the tattoo.
"I am Lady Eliza Karlgarl, my father and my family is honoured in Hilm and have been for generations. From the beginning our blood has been spilled in defence of its lands. This tattoo marks me as a member of the Fifth Hilmside Regulars who have a long an honoured tradition of serving Hilm and its people. Today I stand amongst you, unsure of my place, unsure of my future, unsure of what I can offer you. But I do know this. If you will accept me, I would gladly stand amidst the Ninth, I will gladly earn my place amongst you, and I would gladly share my blood with yours. This I promise you. I desire nothing from you that I have not earnt."  Slowly she lowers her arm. All around the area several heads nod in appreciation of her words.

"Have you gone mad?" Cuts across the clearing as lord Hrathan stands in shock unable to comprehend what his daughter has just declared. "Get your things, we are leaving, this was a fools errand and you knew it from the outset."

"No father, its time for you to go. The Kargarls made a promise to Lord Alexander and to Hilm, and as you have taught me. We always do the honourable thing." With her last few words she passed over a fine shortsword to her father. "You better take this too, I will have to earn a blade here amongst these warriors."

Lord Hrathan took the sword without further comment. Nodded to both Nijau and Daniella then marched off with his own people following along behind.

Lady Eliza turned in a slow circle before facing Nijau. "My Lord, who should I report to for training?"

Nijau regarded the woman before him with a newfound respect. "Tomorrow mornign will be sufficient. Kretoth of the Fifth will induct a new group of Ninths, you can report to him."

Lady Eliza bowed then walked away stiffly from the area as Nijau crossed over to face Daniella.

"Getting nervous Commander?... in all seriousness though, can she be trusted?"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2012, 09:12:20 am »
Daniella does not meet Nijau's eyes as he speaks to her.  Instead, she watches Lady Eliza with a mix of sadness and acceptance.

"There is nothing to be nervous about, First Rank, unless you are speaking about this upcoming battle of dragons," she says quietly, "and even that seems to be that we have allies in the oddest of places."  Her face hardens to the calm neutral of the military commander that she is.  "As far as Lady Eliza is concerned, Sir Lance knows enough about your people as apparently was needed to find a woman who stood the best chance of being what the Sovereign Lord would desire in a partner.  As far as I've seen so far, there is no reason not to trust her.  You'll have her serve with the Ninths and move her way up just as everyone else.  You'll see if she can be trusted just as everyone else here has earned that trust with you."

She looks at him briefly.  "Everyone, perhaps, except me."  She frowns in thought for a second.  "But she is not the only choice that the Sovereign Lord has to choose from, and you will likely need to make tougher decisions in regards to the next arrival.  Or do you intend to see the Princess of Nesar also serving with the Ninths?"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2012, 09:16:28 am »
Discipline or not, word travels like wind; there are plenty of witnesses to the scene.  She isn't there to see.  She's been training with some of her brothers, true to her word to get more sword time as her bags are already packed and ready to go and all she needs is her orders.  By the descriptions, though, this one she wants to get to know.  Sounds like an iron spine and iron spines are what they need here.  Toran knows she could use a little more in hers.

Yeah, this one she wants to meet.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #67 on: June 28, 2012, 03:21:08 am »
Acting Sovereign Lord Nijau of the First Rank regarded Daniella with a very serious expression.

"The Princess will do as she is bid as per the Soverign Lords command. She will serve with the Ninth.

Now, raise the battle groups that you used to collect Lord Karlgarl and see his lordship and his people safely to Hilm. I will expect you back within a fortnight. That is when we will ride out with a group of the giants and sweep the outer perimeters to the south. It will be time to put your Toranites to the test."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #68 on: June 28, 2012, 06:35:58 am »
Daniella nods crisply, and then turns, sending orders in three different directions:  to Jillian Stuart to notify her of where she is going, to the stables to have the horses readied, and to a Third Rank nearby to have him get the units together to escort Lord Hrathan back to Hilm.  She then looks down at her pocket for a moment.  "And someone fetch me Lord Hrathan's wizard... I need to send word that he will be arriving so they can prepare as well."  She marches off deeper into the castle away from the square, never once looking back to where Lady Eliza left.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #69 on: July 02, 2012, 11:32:33 pm »
Daniella and the Siphe Garra manage to travel northward to escort Lord Hrathan back to Hilm, meeting the Hilmite soldiers and passing over the charges with a relatively uneventful journey.  

When they return, they are stopped by the border asking for identifications.  Daniella is recognized soon enough as are the other members of the Siphe Garra, and they are allowed entry.  Daniella casts an uneasy and suspicious look up at the large mounds that tower even over a tall man with the large stones that glow with an eerie red at the edge of the boundary of the lands.

She frowns and motions the soldiers to follow her as they picked up the pace to make it the rest of the way back to Fieroz City.  As they arrive, the place is abuzz with activity.  It doesn't take long before the information is gathered to know that the column from Nesar has reached the southern borders.

They will arrive on the morrow.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #70 on: July 03, 2012, 01:44:22 am »
At the same time that Daniella returns, word reaches her that Lady Eliza was injured during a training exercise and was currently being attended to in the Medical building. A converted storehouse within the castle walls.

Observers of the incident, including those Toranites in the Ninth keeping an eye on her noted that since her arrival in the Ninth the Lady had pushed herself to the point of exhaustion every day in order to prove to the others she was worthy of being in the Siphe Garra, this finally came to a halt when she leapt across a widening gap during a bridge crossing when no one else would and fell after missing the other side. Reports back to the Ninth were that she had two broken legs and a broken wrist. She has been healed but has been ordered to take a few days before rejoining her battlegroup of Ninths.

The day before the arrival of the Princess of Nesar sees the Fort a flurry of activity. First rank Nijau insists that all flags and accoutrements that the Siphe Garra possess are on display. He wants to ensure the Princess of Nesar is fully aware of where she is coming too and who is in command there. So too representatives of each Rank are called forward to be on display when the princess arrives in all their parade gear. The best battlegroups from each Rank will be on parade for her arrival.

As day passes into night word arrives by runner from the sothern outposts that the Nesar column is now camped inside the Principality lands and expect to arrive at the castle by midafternoon.

As the day creeps towards the time there is a last bustle of activity in readying the fort for the Princess' arrival. Even those in the city itself have come out and formed an avenue to the Castles main southern gate, itself still in the process of being restored after the devastation of the war.

Riders gallop along the avenue and into the castle proper where Battlegroups from the Fourth to the Ninth rank stand in perfect formations, their battle and group standards snapping in the light breeze. In the centre of them is a raised platform upon which the First to Third rank representatives stand in full uniforms. To one side is Lady Daniella and Lady Jillian with some of their senior staffers one who held a large banner of Toran proudly, despite Daniella being told not to carry any Toranite banners to the day by Nijau.

Relative quite settles over the large courtyard inside the castle. The large area cleared of all debris, rubble and left over buildings after the Garra took it over.

From outside loud cheers can be heard in the distance from the city folks who turned out to be part of the pomp and circumstance. As Nijau pointed out earlier it wouldnt matter if Molvaren himself walked towards the city the common folk just seemed to enjoy a celebration.

As they stood and waited the cheers grew louder as the Nesar column got closer to their destination and soon the clopping of horses on the stone laid road outside the castle became distinct and clear.

Acting Sovereign Lord, First Rank Nijau's voice suddenly echoed around the castle.

"BATTLEGROUPS! TEN, SHUN! SOUND THE CALL!" The two thousand gathered Siphe Garra stamped boots together as one and trumpeters one ach corner of the Castle blasted several short and sharp notes into the air.

As the last note faded the first of the Heavy Lancers of the Dark Guards rode into the castle. By two's they came, their powerful warhorses wearing darkened leather barding and red steel bridles, bits and accoutrements. Their own armour resembling the same colours of their mounts. Banners snapped on lances held high, Nesar and the Dark Guards including the Royal House of Nesar.
 As they entered the wide space of the courtyard they rode directly towards the raised platform then parted and moved to form a single line before First Rank Nijau.

Nijau counted the Dark Guards as they kept coming, pair after pair. After the fifteenth pair an elaborate carriage pulled by a six black horses entered the castle. The reign handler moved the carriage to a position before the raised platform so the carriage was side on, the door facing the platform. Two stepmen at the back quickly leapt off, one placed a roll of red carpet outside the door the other stood on the door step and faced Nijau, a long black rod in his hand.

Still more Dark Guards entered, Nijau counted another five pairs then frowned. There should have been more. Behind the last guards came several more wagons, servants and retainers for the Princess no doubt.

One of the last pair of guards rode over to put his horse between the platform and the carriage. He removed his helm which bore a large red feather from some exotic animal. He was a man in his middle ages with a long scar pulling the right side of his face down. He gazed up at those gathered at the platform and sneered openly at the sight of the Toranite flag before speaking with a very strong accent.

"First Rank Nijau, I am Phalanx General Ni'tok, Sworn Soulguard of Princess Shey'kar. Know that if any harm comes to the princess within your lands, I will personally kill you and anyone else involved."

Several looks were exchanged amongst those on the platform. To Nijau's credit he did not appear to react beyond a tightening of his fists by his side then speaking in a controlled voice.

"I am glad you have made your intentions quite clear General. What you must now realise is that you are on Siphe sovereign land and no longer in Nesar or Hilm. We are an independant nation and you would do well to be more careful with your threats."

The General snorted but glanced about him as if suddenly noticing the display of up to two thousand Siphe Garra in full parade battle gear and his mood sombered somewhat.

Nijau spoke again, "I was expecting more men to arrive with you General."

Ni'tok looked back at Nijau and nodded slightly, "We were attacked by shadows after leaving Sundance, I lost six men during the ambush and another four not long after who were scouting."

Nijau frowned slightly, "You have heard what is going on, you would have seen the stone on your way in."

The general nodded, "Bloody Dragons, need to be put down, the lot of them. We are here to protect the princess, with our lives if necessary. I expect the same from your people."

Nijau nodded, "We do not intend to let anything happen to the Princess General, an agreement was made and the Siphe Garra honour their agreements."

The General dismounted quickly and gave his reign to another rider nearby who led his horse away.

'I'm here to ensure you do." With that the general strode to the elaborate carriage and dropped to his knees beside the red carpet. At that motion the Stepman with the black staff stepped onto the carpet then turned and opened the door to the carriage. The end of his staff glowed softly and his voice was magnified.

"The Princess Shey'kar, of the Royal House of Maillard, the House of Nesar, Duchess of the northern cities."

With that he stepped back and raised a black gloved hand. Second later a slender arm reached out, braided platinum wires warpped around the wrist and extended up the arm where a scarlet coloured sleeve began. A thick gold armband studded with rubies could be seen as well. Then, out of the shadows of the wagon a young girl, dressed like a young woman in a scarlet red dress. Both arms were adorned with the platinum braided wires and thick gold armbands studded in rubies. Her narrow waist was shown off by a thickgold and black cloth belt with sashes of pure silver hanging off it at regular intervals. A great black onyx rested in the centre of the belt.

Her hair was tied back by a silver and gold tiara of exquisite workmanship and about her neck hung another huge ruby that seemed to glow with its own inner light. Apart from the platinum braids around her wrist up to her elbow her fingers were bare.

She stepped down from the carriage lightly then let go the hand that helped her and walked to her general cupping his face in her hands. Then, in front of everybody she leaned down and kissed him on the lips before telling him to stand. She then turned to look up at those on the platform and spoke. Her voice haughty.
"General, why am I down here and they are up there? Do they not know who I am?"

Even as she spoke Nijau was moving, he stepped down the stairs in front of the princess and walked towards her bowing deeply upon reaching her. "Princess Shey'kar, welcome to the Siphe Principality. I am First Rank Nijau, acting Sovereign lord."

"General, where is my future husband? I do not see him here?" The Princess ignored Nijau completely.

The General looked at Nijau who responded. "The Sovereign lord is away on business Princess, preparing for the war."

The princess finally looked at Nijau and spoke directly to him, it appeared to those nearby she shivered in delight. "War, that does sound exciting, it seems I have arrived at the right time."

Nijau decided to get straight to the heart of the matter, "Princess, it is the Sovereign Lords wishes that you join the ranks of the Ninth and begin training with the Siphe Garra."

The Princess laughed lightly, "it's his wish is it? Well, that is not unexpected. Mother did warn me he can be a stickler for rules. Very well Nijau, I can play the good girl for a while."

Nijau had to gather himself for a moment, he had been prepared for a fight , an argument at the least over his Lords wishes, but it didnt eventuate.

The next day word reached Nijau as he spoke to Daniella about the day prior that two Ninth had been killed by General Ni'tok for touching the Princess during weapons drills. When they went to investigate it was discovered that the Princess had killed them herself during weapons training and the General had offered to kill anyone else who tried to harm her for 'defending' herself.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #71 on: July 03, 2012, 06:48:06 am »
Daniella's expression was dark.  "How many more are going to die to appease this spoiled child of a Corathite Queen, First Rank?  They put all here in danger by their very presence.  If she should trip or stub her toe on a rock, are they going to kill the closest man, woman, and child?  Will they kill you for it?"  The agitation and anger and frustration over the situation is apparent on the Lady Commander's face as she paces, an obvious fury building in her eyes.  "I am not accustomed to pandering to Corath's minions, Nijau, nor do I intend to start, and these lands are currently occupied by a growing evil it seems.  These stones at your borders are tainted with it, as are these giants, and now the Nesarians.  I am not going to see Lord Siphe return just see that in his absence his lands have been overrun by evil!"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2012, 03:36:39 am »
"I dont like it any more than you Commander. It's all very well to rant and rave about what makes you feel uncomfortable, far better to spend that energy on finding a solution to the problem. I am very tempted to order a trial for the murder, we all know she is guilty. Tell me Commander, would you want to hang the sixteen year old daughter of the Queen of Nesar?

As it stands she is confined to quarters along with that General of hers until I decide what to do with her."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #73 on: July 04, 2012, 05:50:37 am »
Daniella runs a hand through her hair.  "If all circumstances were equal, yes, I would try her for her crimes, but we both know that they are not, and anything that is done to the princess will put this land in greater risk of the queen.  She is young, and I would prefer that there was some way to pry her away from the influences that she has grown up with, but I'm not sure if that is even possible."  She sighs and looks out at some distant point.  "I really hate politics sometimes.  It may be best to send some sort of charges to Queen Maillard, but were I in your position, I would consider all of your options."  Daniella looks again at Nijau.  "The only thing that we can do at this particular time is what you're doing by keeping her confined while you make your decision.  Limit the danger she can put others in for now.  We have the southern attack to worry about, and it seems we may have to deploy our troops to see about that issue, hopefully without having to worry about the situation here while we are gone."

She looks at Nijau again.  "I know that you are doing the best you can, and in truth you are doing things right, but Lord Siphe has to return soon to straighten out this mess with the ladies before things get worse.  I'm going to speak with Lady Eliza.  You know how to find me if you need my help."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #74 on: July 04, 2012, 06:20:01 am »
Quite literally a day later and yet two weeks prior to the return of Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe runners arrive from the southern borders.

Within minutes of their report to First Rank Nijau messengers are sent to Commander Daniella's quarters summoning her and Jillian to an urgent meeting.

Upon entering the command room of the main tower slowly being rebuilt inside the Castle walls Nijau and the rest of the council are present. he looks up at Daniella's arrival.

"Word has arrived of movement beyond the southern border. A great mist has arisen over a huge area of the roughlands. Whatever it is, its not natural, scouts report they have seen things moving in the mists.  I have sent word to Torgar who's currently at the eastern border but we are not going to wait for him. I know you have your own second but you will be commanding Siphe garra so you will take Third Rank Kaytar with you as your second in this matter. I am placing you in charge of the Third, Eight and twelth battlegroups of Ninth. Those are the ones that contain your Toranites.

Go south as soon as they are assembled and find out whats going on out there. This could be a pre-emptive strike or a test of our new defences."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2012, 08:18:55 pm »
*Lance stands with grim expression standing over the wall of the castle, one common sight on the last months, the man can be alone to think and able to hear his most inner thoughts, his concience on turmoil for the life he has now and the choices and sacrifices he had to do, And now this. ..*

- Commander , your horse is ready -

*The man looks down to the young squire, one of the minor noble houses lasts sons trying to earn a place on Hilm military, then nods*

Thank you, *he pass a scroll case to the squire *  Give this to captains on our detachment, I need the scouts to depart as soon as able, we'll be follow short after

*The young adult bow his head and taking the scroll case ran back, Lance turned his gaze towards the horizon, smiling at the irony, another war to figth and the first one was not even done, and on the way to Sundance.... again. Life spin around the loose ends of one life it seems.. what would be on the field, Only Toran knows, but no matter what that is, this continent only counted on the protectorate ..... again, that is what it was formed and so the duty has to be fulfiled.  

*The man start to move down the stairs, giving a last sight to the healer's tent, a small smile touched his lips as he reached to his faithfull steed and mount moving to the front of the column that was going to depart *


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #76 on: July 10, 2012, 06:31:15 pm »
On a ridge an undisclosed distance north of Sundance two Hilm scouts lie still observing the thick flowing mists that now cover much of the lands to the north that they can see rising to a height of at least a hundred feet.

The mists roil and twist in a manner suggestive of silvery silken sheets hanging in a wind but there is also something ominous in their intensity, ominous in the darker folds within the mist, and then there are the odd shapes, as if something presses against the edges of the mist trying to find a way out. Several times both of the scouts have thought they saw something more substantial in the midst and both times by the time they blinked and really looked they were gone.

As dusk began to slowly give way to night a chill coldness seeped towards the scouts position from the mist and then, suddenly, deeper into the thick layers a large shape moved, pushing the mist up and up, higher than the layers around it and slowly coalesced into a frightening apparition.

Both scouts lay rooted to the spot in abject terror as a creatures shape appeared in the mist, or was it the mist itself? Neither man could tell. To them it appeared as if a creature draped in Mist rose high above the landscape but in the backs of their minds it seemed the creature was the mist as well, but no one would believe them if they said that, or so they believed.

Mist flowed from the creature as it ascended but never dissipated from it and slowly it unfurled its wings to full extension, darkness and shadow draped it like clothing as it flew high then turned slowly and descended once more into the thick layer coating the Roughlands.

Both scouts drew back white faced and looked at each other to confirm what they had seen. Neither spoke, their hearts hammering in their chests until one, slightly braver than the other ventured to speak the dreaded truth.

"The shadow dragon himself."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2012, 11:26:04 pm »
*South of Briardusk there is movement.  At a distance it is a small group tightly bound and moving at a steady pace.  Some flags are up and there are a few horses in the front.  Moving closer the chanting can be heard.  It is distinctly dwarven war chants.  They are songs of battle and retorical shouts in chorus.  This is a dwarven war party.  This is the Voraxian contingent.

They are not horses, but Warponies up front.  The flags are of the Order of the Valorous Axe, the Red Axe Warriors and Vorax.  Three ride the Warponies up front in silver plate with red adornments.  The other warriors follow on foot and wear silver armor with red as well, but their armor is more warn and rough.  All are wielding great axes, battle axes or dwarven war axes.  The warriors count 50.  One of paladins on ponyback wears a mithril axe pendant around his neck, the sign of the Valorous Axe Champion.

One of the other paladins turns to talk to Griff.*

Captain Axenfeldya:  Aye Major Griff, Ye men are ready n prepared.
Griff:  Aye so they are n they sound confident *looks back at the kin following*
Captain Axenfeldya:  Aye Major, ye feel it?
Griff:  Aye feel it, been feel'n it since weh got in des lands.  The evil is unmistakeable and thick.
Captain Axenfeldya:  Aye.
Griff:  Inform deh battle group of dis, n tah beh ready fer deaders, shadows, n all deh basserds a dat loike.
Captain Axenfeldya:  Aye Major, but what ov dis mist dat has started tah form?
Griff:  *turns to look at the captain* Deh mist comes from deh evilness.  We bring deh holy moight n glory of deh Eternally Vigilant.  *Griff looks back at the singing dwarves and smiles*  Vorax is wit us brother, n the loight of deh Battle Fatha will shoine thru dis mist so dat our axes beh true.
Captain Axenfeldya:  Aye Major.  Praise Vorax!
Griff:  Aye Praise Vorax brotha.  Let's keep dis trek, n maybe weh meet up wit deh group outa Hilm.  If not, den weh nay wait'n, n weh take des bassards ourselves.

*Griff picks up where the songs and chants are and begins to sing in unision with the dwarven war chorus.  He grips Passion's mane and gives it a tug and the pony looks back slightly at Griff n a knowing look*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #78 on: July 13, 2012, 07:27:41 pm »
In Sundance, the city of Hilm that is taking a long time to get moving after the war, people begin having strange dreams at night. Children awaken from nightmares, adults prefer not to speak of what they see during the night.

All the while the huge bank of Mist covers the roughlands north of Sundance and south of the Siphe Principality, an ominous shadow.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #79 on: July 15, 2012, 12:45:17 am »
Word spreads quickly of the separate engagements against the strange Mist overriding the Roughlands of Hilm.

In the north grim battlegroups of Siphe Garra Ninth establish camps inside their lands where the dead and wounded can be properly cared for. The name and event on everyones lips being the fighting skills and bravery shown by Argali and the holy power possessed by Lady Daniella Stormhaven who, as the tales grow, almost singlehandedly held at bay all the shadows of the Pits with her glowing sword and holy Ankh of Toran. Truly a light in the darkness.

So too words of honour and respect are given for those many Siphe Garra and their Toranite allies who bravely fought the shadows of the mist.

Meanwhile, in the south, columns of Hilmite infantry and Toranite cavalry bear the bodies and wounded of their own encounter with the strange mist.

Sir Lance, having been caught up in Sundance handed over authority of the force to Captain Vrebel who led them north along with significant adventurer and mercenary support. On their way Voraxians led by Major Griff Silversand joined them.

But what they found was certainly not what they expected and after several engagements with creatures out of the mist they were set upon also by a shadowy dragon form. The battle raged for hours until night saw the combined forces close to rout. That was when Major Griff Silversand carried forth with a rousing speech sending what remained of his Red Axes against the dragon in a last ditch act of desperation. Boyed by the dwarves sacrifice and charge to glory Captain Vrebel rallied those still able to hold a weapon and joined the brave dwarves. At the end of the day it was Captain Vrebels blade that took down the dragon before its essence drifted back to the mist once more.

