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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 10536 times)

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #40 on: May 24, 2012, 11:06:15 am »
*The man holds the stone as the light fades back again to a lower pale light once the message conveyed and transported by the magic falls latent again, he shakes his head again, and moves down, he looks upon the officer that is escorting him*

- Prepare a report from all the patrols so far, and let me know when the next envoy to Fiorez city departs, the wheels are in motion already, I'll be at the healer's tent myself -


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #41 on: May 24, 2012, 12:30:46 pm »
As Daniella's stone loses the magical charge left in it before she completes her final message she sighs and replaces the stone in its designated pouch.  "I need to find a wizard who would know how to charge this thing."  She looks back at Jillian Stuart of the Shining Hand as well as Arak of the Fourth Rank of the Siphe Garra.  "I don't know about you two, but I'm feeling like I've been here before.  Find out where Nijau is.  I need to pass along a message to him from Hilm.  We've got work to do until Lord Siphe returns."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #42 on: May 24, 2012, 05:57:49 pm »
*grins as Daniella tells them to find Najua*  I'll find him ... he and I tend to think alike anyhow.  Besides, it will vex him to be summoned by you.. *heads off to find Najau for her*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #43 on: May 25, 2012, 10:42:06 am »
Daniella frowns again as Jillian heads off to find Nijau, and then looks back towards the mountain pass where Siphe and his men rode off into the distance.  "Yes, I'm sure he'll probably be thrilled to have me summoning him."

She places her hands on the stone battlement between the merlons and lowers her voice to a whisper.  "Hurry back, Jaedon."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2012, 06:51:08 am »
Almost half an hour later Jillian returns with Nijau who seems to be trying very hard to maintain a nuetral expression. When he speaks however it is with short clipped words indicating his annoyance.

"Commander Daniella. The Lady Jillian passed along your request that should I have a moment you would like to speak with me. While I find it odd you did not come to find me yourself I was by chance heading this way anyway. What is it that concerns you?"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2012, 07:26:58 am »
Daniella and Nijau have what seems to be a rather tense conversation before the two of them march off stiffly in different directions.  The guards nearby watch uneasily at the icy looks passed between the Commander and the Sovereign Lord's First Rank.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2012, 07:48:01 am »
Several days pass uneventfully, then on the evening of the fifth night, just after night has fallen lookouts on the eastern wall shout warnings, bells ring out loudly and Third and Fourth Rank Garra begin rousing soldiers and setting up defensive formations amongst the lower ranked Garra behind the eastern gate.

The Keep goes into a flurry of organised chaos. Riders are sent out the other gates into the city warning citizens not to leave their homes until further notified.

Amidst the call to arms Second Rank Kajoi arrives at Daniella's quarters, first notifying her and then Jillian in the next room as a courtesy that several legions of Garra have been ordered to assemble at First Rank Nijau's orders at the Eastern Gate as something has been seen in the Eastern passage advancing on the high stone wall of the Fort.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2012, 07:51:44 am »
Daniella moves quickly to don her armor and pull on her cloak against the cold winds as she heads out to meet Nijau and the others at the designated location.  Keeping her expression neutral, she asks Nijau for any further information and if he wants her to do anything.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #48 on: May 30, 2012, 11:18:42 am »
Taking in the chaos, William does as he is ordered and looks around if he can see the others anywhere, stoic preparing to meet whatever is approaching the city with the rest of the Garra.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2012, 09:48:40 pm »
Those gathered atop the wall look towards the dim light reflecting off the ugly Orsgaunt mountains and the darker shadows of the pass into it from the Eastern gate. Back inside the Fort on the ground six full divisions of Siphe Garra are assembled looking much like large green and black checkered squares on the parade grounds. Torches flare into life at regular intervals along the wall. Tensions mount and seconds pass into minutes.

Suddenly out of the misty blackness of the passage huge shapes emerge. Lumbering Fire Giants bearing huge spiked clubs and carrying massive shields easily bigger than the tallest men in the fort.

"READY ARMS!" Comes the call from First Ranked Nijau. The rattle and clanking of the men and women preparing pikes, swords and crossbows fills the air.

Before the next command arrives however the giants slow their advance and stop spreading out so that a full dozen can be seen. One steps forward and raises a flag bearing a Red Dragon clutching a Green and Black torn banner in its claws. (The Siphe Principality banner) Its deep voice carris up to those on the battlements.


Whispers race along the battlements as this strange turn of events. Below in the passage now over a score of giants have gathered.

Men and women of the Siphe Garra look towards First Ranked Nijau, Acting Lord of the Pinrcipality, for directions, uncertainty in their eyes. For a moment he looks at Daniella then Jillian and then the other First Ranked around him.

"Counsel!" he demands of those around him, then pauses looking again at Daniella and Jillain. "Both of you too. If you have something to say I'd hear it now."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2012, 10:09:13 pm »
Daniella looks out on the forms of the giants and especially the flag.  Her jaw clenches and for a moment there is very obvious concern in her eyes before she looks back at Nijau.  "Hold off your men, but keep them at the ready.  I don't know that we can trust them within the gates, but they are bearing the standard.  One way or another, they know where Lord Siphe is."  There is a touch of anger mixed with worry as she alludes to the fact that Lord Siphe may be missing.

"They have hailed us as allies, or at least in that they serve the same lord and dragon.  If they are holding Lord Siphe hostage in some way, we need to know.  My advice is to send out a deputation to meet them.  We need to protect the people here, and bringing that many giants into our gates would be beyond foolish."

She looks at Nijau in the eyes.  "I think you know well enough that I volunteer to ride out to meet them."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #51 on: June 03, 2012, 07:01:52 am »
Others venture forth their own opinions, none of which is to open the gates to the host of giants that now number closer to thirty. Each and every one carrying heavy battle gear.

Below in the courtyard 4th and 5th Ranked men and women circulate the current situation to the assembled troops but to their credit the highly disciplined Siphe Garra, dotted occassionaly with Toranite allies stand fast and wait for orders at the ready.

Minutes pass as Nijau considers all those who would have words with him, occassionally he nods or replies but at all times he listens carefully. A trait that reminds a few of Jaedon Siphe himself, some of the other First Ranked nod assuredly that Jaedon has been grooming Nijau well. Finally the last voice speaks and Nijau turns to face those around him.

"It's decided. I will take four of the 3rd Rank, the best we have. Together we shall go and meet them." He glances at Daniella for a moment and warring emotions cross his face before he speaks again. "Our Sovereign Lord regards your counsel highly, it would be remiss of me not to take advantage of everything we have at our disposal, you will ride with us and your second if she wishes." The offer seems genuine even if not delivered in a tone that seems as such.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2012, 07:40:14 am »
Daniella nods once and calls for her horse.  "We shouldn't keep them waiting.  I don't know how patient fire giants can be, but I'm not willing to test that tonight."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #53 on: June 03, 2012, 08:19:20 am »
Jillian agrees with Daniella when there are discussions of what should be done.  As is characteristic for her when she is in public in Siphe Principality, she keeps her mouth shut but merely sends for her horse and mouts up.  She does however nod at Nijau when he specifically invites her along.  "Thank you."  She then looks to Daniella, takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly and mutters to herself.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2012, 09:18:46 am »
Not long after seven figures make their way out of the Eastern gate before its huge steel reinforced doors, twice the height of a man on a horse, close with a heavy thud, followed closely by the sound of the cross bars falling into place.

The ground outside the castle wall is hard and unrelenting, barren and lifeless, rocks and red soil. To the left and right rise sheer cliffs, each corner tower of the Eastern wall is built into the cliffs effectively making it impossible to access the eastern wall itself without scaling the dangerous Orsgaunt mountains or flying into the passage.

Nijau and his group move forward watched by hundreds of pairs of eyes on the battlements behind them. Eventually they pause within 30 feet of fire giant that had spoken. Even mounted the Fire Giant towered over the group.

Nijau sat straighter in his saddle and called out loudly, his words echoed upon the battlements and relayed to the soldiers in the staging grounds inside the castle.

By this stage at least two score giants filled the immediate area and it seemed more were behind them still coming up the passage.

"In the name of our Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe, I accept your greeting. I am Acting Lord, First Ranked Nijau of the Siphe Garra." Nijau's voice was strong and clear.

The giant peered down at Nijau, looking almost as if at any moment it would leap forward and crush him into the passage floor with his huge spiked mace. Instead it passed the mace and its massive shield to one of the giants beside it then knelt on one knee until its eyes drew level with Nijau's head.

"It is true what the Lord said then, his people are not soft, whimpering cowards. I am Torgar Mountainflame, Clan leader of the Burning Death, named for our Dragonlord, Ractrafiorez. War is coming with the Shadow.

Your Sovereign Lord is with the Dragon, they make plans for the war. I carry word to you of things that must be done."

Nijau glances back to those with him, not expecting this turn of events. "It took a great many of you to deliver these messages?"

Torgar slowly stood again, "We will teach your soldiers to fight the shadows, our weapons have been touched by the Dragon and will harm them far more than your insignificant ones. We bring the fire of the dragon to you so that your weapons too may penetrate the realm of shadow. Now you will take us through the Fort to a place where we can set up camp. Deliver to us one hundred servants by morning and 200 of your best soldiers. We also must have these stones placed in each corner of your kingdom."

Even as he speaks a dozen giants move up the passage bearing between them on thick ropes huge square cut blocks of stone, each one glowing a soft red colour from within. The giants strain and sweat under the weight of the eight blocks of stone. As they draw closer the group feel the heat emanating from them as well.

"You will provide 100 soldiers will travel with each group of giants to the borders and place the stones according to Ractrafiorez's wishes. They will remain there until the Sovereign Lord returns in two moons."

Nijau goes quiet, saying nothing, weighing up everything in his mind. Finally he turns to Jillian. "Tell them to open the gates." Then he moves closer to Daniella and says softly. "Everyone stays on high alert, make sure when I escort the giants in the higher Ranks know my wishes."

He then pulls away and turns his horse half way from Torgar. "Welcome to Siphe Castle, Clan Leader Torgar Mountainflame."

The progressions begins towards the castle where Jillians command has been heeded and the gates slowly swing open. Nijau rides at the giants side allowing Daniella and the others the chance to ride ahead into the Fort where over a thousand Siphe Garra stand in battle formation.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #55 on: June 05, 2012, 09:34:15 am »
Daniella sits in her saddle beside Nijau while he speaks to the giant, and nods to him as he whispers his wishes to her.  As he escorts the giants, she rides ahead with Jillian and the others.  

As the gates open, she rides in ahead of Nijau and speaks to the soldiers in a clear voice.  "The giants are to be allowed entrance into the city.  They are here to ally with us and aid us against the shadows.  You will remain on your guard, but you will not harm them unless ordered by the Acting Lord.  Any act against that order will be considered an act of treason.  For now, keep the children and those not serving with the Garra under lockdown until further notice for their own safety."  

Making sure that her words are understood, she then moves aside so that Nijau can escort the fire giants inside.

"Servants of Toran, to me," she calls to her own men as she rides forward.

As they gather, she speaks to her own soldiers that are stationed with her in Fiorez City.  "Stay on your guard.  We are in a precarious position.  If they truly are here to help us, then we will accept that.  But keep your eyes and minds aware."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2012, 09:45:16 am »
Mari's eyes widen, again and again - these are not the grunting brutes of the Forest of Fog...

...there is no way she'll be chosen to help fight.  And she shouldn't be, she knows.  But those blocks, she can help move one of those.  Well - help guard the movement.  Standing with the ninth rank, her face is plainly eager, and she has to restrain herself from holding up her hand.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2012, 03:55:46 pm »
Marker stones. Fire to keep Shadows at bay. Old magic, possibly. But will it work? Or is there a hook?

William stood quietly, listened and waited for orders to be passed out, his eyes taking in the scene that unfold before him with a certain concentration and calm expression.

We need quite some people to get those things moved. Supplies, too. That'll pull some strength and labor and fighting force from the City itself, making it vulnerable when the time comes. Maybe.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #58 on: June 19, 2012, 07:35:44 am »
Torgar Mountainflame, Clan leader of the Burning Death, named for their Dragonlord, Ractrafiorez was true to his word.

Within a week of their sudden and unexpected arrival the giants had established a rudimentary camp a mile from the western wall of the once great castle. Even now, twelve months after bitter fighting saw it almost completely torn down it was still a fragile shell of what it was being restored to. Siphe plans for the keep would not only eventually restore it to its former strength, but improve upon the original designs. If they could ever get it finished. Even now builders put the works at being ten years to completion.

By the end of the week the camp was in place, the 200 servants provided in hired manpower from those coming to the province seeking new lives. Never ones to waste any resource the Siphe Garra put any newcomers into work as fast as possible.

It was at this time that Torgar held council with Nijau, the other Firsts and of course the Toranite leaders at the castle, Jillian and Daniella.

He requested, most deteminedly, that battle groups of Eight and Ninth ranks be assigned to them as well as some of the Toranites who knew about the undead. These groups would travel with enough giants to transport the oddly glowing boulders to specific points around the borders of the Principality over the next fortnight.

The battlegroups would then reinforce the border outposts until further orders were received. No battle group was to leave the Principality without permission from Torgar.

Daniella was given the role of taking a smaller Field unit of sixth and seventh ranks to meet the incoming column from Hilm expected within days. While Nijau had orders from Jaedon Siphe to arrange a greeting fit for a queens daughter when it was indicated the column from Nesar was going to arrive in several weeks time.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2012, 11:46:03 am »
Word spread like hot oil and she thought the reactions were just as volatile.  Some mumbled about dishonor and even evil taking orders from giants; others were afraid, as was she, although they all kept it in check.  There was no alternative.  She'd wanted to she was going.  Nothing more to be done but keep her eyes and ears open, and for crying out loud learn to fight better.  Too much patrol, not enough practice.  The harsh safety of Fiorez city seemed almost cushy when she thought of where she'd been soon enough; even the bones of thieves swinging in their baskets that had formerly knotted her stomach and caused her such sweats were pleasant wind-chimes.  Siphe wind-chimes...the vastly inappropriate giggle that followed that thought drew a few strange looks.

Better pack.  Better be ready the second they said move out.  And Toran, please, look after me.

