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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 10554 times)


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #140 on: September 14, 2012, 06:42:24 pm »
In the Siphe Battlegroup, Daniella steps away from the others into the command tent.  She pulls a small stone from a pouch on her sword belt.  She sets her jaw and frowns, then speaks a command word and watches the stone awake with a soft glow.  Taking a deep breath, she starts the series of short relays.

"Commander Stargazer, this is Commander Stormhaven..."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #141 on: September 17, 2012, 01:03:07 pm »
*The man lowers the hand holding the now not lighted pale blue stone the echos of the last words still sounding on his mind, as he goes out of his tent, his eyes looks upon the drills and the soldiers, the cavalry ready for the response, waiting was killing him, now with the distressing news he had. .. more prisioners, more good men and woman driven into dispair by this war, the moment last few seconds as he resumes his resolute stance and attitude ... *

- This is why we are figthing Lance, and if it was easy anyone could do it - *the innervoice sound on his head, the voice of the long past teacher and the father figure he had -

Yes Linus . I know .. *the man start to walk over towards the main tent again to keep the preparations for the next bouts *


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #142 on: September 17, 2012, 02:38:19 pm »
“This is my armor. It guards my body from the blow of the enemies of His Light.”
Battle dawned upon them in the eerie light of fire arrows, torches, fires and the glow of the stones. He made sure his armor was fitting well, having it worn so long like almost a second skin, he had made some adjustments. Some more since he joined the Siphe Garra once more.
Most of the other soldiers were in a hurry, so he mumbled to himself: “As our faith in you guards our souls from the touch and taint of your enemies.”
The others were stationed with another group, assigned to reinforce the lines, they were spread so thin.
“With devotion I shall keep it in good shape.”
His voice was older now, had a clear and strong baritone.
“By training, reading and prayer we shall keep our minds and bodies strong.”
He made sure the grips and straps of his shield were in good shape. They were.
“No taint should fall upon it, and as I, it will always be ready.”

He checked his helmet.
“Do not idle.”
All good.
“My duty is to fight and to die. My life, Toran, I devote to you.
It shall be so.
This is my sword. It shall cut the veil of taint, treachery and darkness.”

Sacrifice was sharpened, the enchantment runes glowing with a blue-white light. It was not the kind of blade that needed to be anointed regularly. His voice was sure and not exactly quiet.
“We are the edge of His might.
I shall never let it dull or draw it in anger, hatred or fear.
We are the heralds of His light.  
My sword is part of my body, and I will strike true and with precision. My blade, Toran, I devote to you.
It shall be so.”

He put his helmet on and reached for his shield. Order was to form ranks. With measured steps, William joined ranks with his section.
“As I commit my body to battle, I will guard my mind and soul with your Light.
So that no taint and treachery will befall us.
From the falsehood of illusions, Toran, deliver me
Your light rips the veil!
From the touch of corruption, Toran, deliver me
Your light burns the twisted!
From the shadow of doubt, Toran, deliver me
Your light illuminates the black!
I am a paladin of Toran
The herald of his Light!
I am the edge of his will
The bane of his foes!
I stand ready to fight in his name
And I know no fear!”

They came over the fortifications a bit too easily, a hissing, howling, shouting, roaring, growling pandemonium. There was a clash when they collided with the unit, and for a moment, the soldiers seemed hesitant, being nearly swept away.

“For Fiorez City and Toran!”

Strike and counterstrike. One of his shield straps broke in one of those attacks, and he had to fight without it. It made moving back and forth between different parts of the unit easier. He was running short on bandages and good willed words, so he eventually just gave the latter up. It made things easier.
He was thrown into the dust a few times, and got up one time over, doing his best to keep the enemy at bay, pushing them back one step after another. And where he was insecure in controlling Toran's Might before, burning through his heart and soul and blade, it just became a part of him now. He shouted challenges, he fought with his fists as well as his blade. He ducked away from spears, blades, hooks, claws, tentacles, relying on the Hand of Virtue to protect him. He never shouted his wrath in a yelling way that might appear unpleasant, just talked loud so everybody could hear.

“Give them no quarter! Close ranks! Kill them, kill them all! No fear, and no mercy! Toran is with us!”

It was a comforting thought that at least Toran's Chosen would see another day and carry on the legacy, if faith and Toran should so decide.

“See how they fear the light! None of these abominations will pass! Fight, proud sons and daughters of Fiorez!”

He was covered in the blood and grime, sweat and dust, but he never lost the aura of confidence, the intense stare that could be hateful for his enemies and understanding for the wounded.

“Stand strong! It is time for them to die!”

He lost many. Too many. And once the battle was over, and the weary and wounded left the battlefield, he took care of the fallen. Those that he could find, at least. He wrote the names in  his diary, multiple pages full. His own injuries were not so bad, and calm and with reverence he buried the men and women, or tended to their wounds. It took a long time to finish the task, and even when ordered by a commanding officer to rest, he could not. He took his diary and started to write after finishing only two letters.

Pain is weakness leaving the body, so the mental pain is just emotional weakness leaving the body.
I does not deserve my title lest I earn it, nor do I deserve my name until I prove to be worthy of it.

For certain is death for the born
And certain is birth for the dead;
Therefore over the inevitable
Thou shouldst not grieve.

From here, where should I go, my path covered in mist, doubt, resentment and contempt. Valor, Empathy, Conviction, Humility, Sacrifice, Honorable Combat, Restraint. Maybe I can explain these things, but no more to those I once was close to. I burned Raelyn's gift today, after having used it for a bandage. No use. The man died, he lost too much blood. I have to move on, have to pick myself up and not give attention to what they might or might not want from me. I couldn't sleep, it's cold, and Toran doesn't help against that. He's not a blanket, just a man that ascended to the Heavens. I carved the names of the dead into my armor, and it is black with ash and oil and blood. I might have lost direction, but I still can kill and remember the fallen. I can keep some alive, not all. It is not evil to like the rush of battle, to motivate to kill and to fill panic in the heart of the enemies of Toran with my righteous wrath. I know how the men and women look at me. The fear me, I think. I haven't spoken a word since the end of the battle, and I was ordered to take a rest.
But I cannot sleep, or I will dream again of a helmet shaped like a skull, a silver anhk carved into its forehead, my eyes under the helmet glowing red. My armor is black, black but for the silver ankh. By my deeds they know me, by my colors they fear me, and I am an angel of death. I have lost direction. Maybe I die soon. But not yet. Not yet. I feel no more pain inside, but loss for Raelyn, for the men we lost today. All things must pass. All I can do is to move on, and paint my armor black on the day the war engulfs and consumes us all. Can I life a life away from death, from fight? Away from steel and blood and ashes? I have no soul worth saving, but I know those who are, and thus my duty is set. Serve, teach, protect. And in War, my armor shall be black, and my helmet a skull, so my enemies and my allies know that death has touched me, but by my voice and deeds, by my wrath and discipline, my humbleness and carefulness, the flower of life shall bloom.
I consecrate myself to Toran, death and fight, so others must not step upon the same path.
This is the last gift I can offer those around me, and Jhon and Raelyn.
May my spirit find rest, Toran, if you grant me such blessing, at least for this night, so I am strong again tomorrow.

And the day after, and the day after...
He sat on the fire in front of his tent and could not sleep, edging names into his armor, silently, looking up occasionally, not finding rest until he is too tired to go on and hurts himself. Only then he allows himself to sleep a dreamless sleep, and begins his day with exercise that aims at being better then the others. Enduring more. His body was by now used to it.

I know I can do better than this...


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #143 on: September 18, 2012, 09:07:38 am »
After weeks of sifting through reports at camp, Daniella disappears for a time into her tent, seemingly thoroughly exhausted.

A few hours later, she emerges again looking rested and determined.

"I need to speak with Lord Siphe immediately.  And find me the Mercenary Steel.  Don't let him go anywhere until I've spoken with him.  If he's already left, track him down and bring him back."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #144 on: September 20, 2012, 04:15:21 pm »
Soon after, Daniella is seen meeting with Lord Siphe and the two have a brief discussion before Daniella heads off and calls two Toranite officers to help her pack up some supplies, obviously getting ready for a journey of some sort.

The following day, the Mercenary Steel is escorted with sentries to the camp and shown directly to Commander Stormhaven's tent where from time to time voices are raised during their conversation.  Afterwards, Daniella exits the tent, followed shortly after by the masked mercenary.  Neither of them seem to be in a good mood.

Daniella then joins with her two officers and the three of them set off on horseback into the mountains, leaving the rest of the Toranite forces at Camp Siphe under the command of Lord Jaedon Siphe until her return.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #145 on: September 21, 2012, 08:57:43 pm »
It seems by the time of Steel and Razeriem's arrival at Siphes Battlecamp rumours that the Lady Commander Daniella Stormhaven has left have circulated. Several of the Toranites stationed in various battlegroups are given a hard time with questions demanding why she had abandonded them at such a time. In the meantime Siphe is seen inspecting each battlegroups defensive positions, his measures are harsh if he is not pleased with what he sees.

Some of the men are heard making comments after his rounds that he does not appear to be himself of late.

However... several hours later Steel and Razeriem have been taken on a tour of the camp and its various defence structures. Raz, bored very quickly with the whole tour, instead heads to one of the fire giants glowing boulders to inspect that. It is here, just as the sun drops below the horizon that the warning of the attack comes first.

One minute Raz is joking with the two fire giant guards about what the boulder can do and the next a low thrumming sound is emmitted from the boulder and the red lines begin to glow a dull red. The giants swing into action, one charges off towards the closest guard tower while the other pulls covers off large stacks of boulders and spears.

Razeriem turns to gaze out over the rugged harshness of the Roughlands, the first spells on his lips. What he sees is a fog bank that spreads across the ground like a wave drawing closer and closer. Within its depths creatures move and surge forward.

The horns are sounded and Siphe Garra move to the defensive positions. Steel joining one particular section and casting a number of spells in preparation while trying to study the enemies approach to gain some measure of understanding of them.

The fog bank draws closer and surges up the ramparts in front of the defenses then grows higher and higher forming a solid wall of fog taller than the guard towers that seems to be trying to push forward. The dull red glow and low sound from the giants magical boulders grows and then there is a whump of sound and the shockwave hits the fog barrier causing it to dissipate. That done, it reveals hordes of clawed, toothed and fanged, winged and more types of unusual creatures not from Layonara. Interspersed with them are larger shadow like creatures with an odd draconic look about them.

Their protection gone they surge forward and into the waiting lines of the Siphe Garra. Brilliant explosions light up the night sky as Steel and Razeriem let loose, but these are short lived and before long Raz and Steel are forced to draw steel and engage with the enemy in hand to hand as their sheer weight of numbers overwhelms the defensive positions.

For long hours into the night the battle rages. Just after midnight the fighting pushed Steel and Razeriem together briefly, both weary, both bloody from numerous cuts and scraps but neither ready to give up the fight. Then the surge of the enemy pushes them apart again and once more they are fighting to save themselves and the lives of those around them.

In another section where Jaedon Siphes banner stands high above the battlefield the fighting is heaviest. The creatures seem intent on reaching the Sovereign Lord and ending his existence there and then. Siphe garra desperately throw their lives at the creatures assaulting them to defend their beloved leader. It seems that hundreds of the creatures perish for the loss of several Siphe garra, but its enough to slowly whittle down the defenders a few at a time. Even the Toranites, seen here and there go down under the onslaught and suddenly there is a breakthrough by the enemy and a massive surge pushes them through the Siphe Garra lines and into Siphes personal guards.

The Second and Third Ranked guards form a solid wall of steel against the surge into which steps Jaedon Siphe, his twin longblades dripping blood, and against all the force assaulting them, they advance. Swords whir in a swirling dance of death with Jaedon Siphes the deadliest. Any creature his weapons reach is killed instantly, each blow true. The best men and women the Siphe Garra have produced at his side and even they cannot match his speed, his grace and his deadly intensity.

In the face of incredible numbers they advance, cutting a deadly swathe through the enemies surge and then suddenly the attack falters. Reserve battle groups close in on the enemy flanks and collapse into them and the breach is closed. The Siphe Garra reform their ranks and hold their ground while the enemy recoils, adjusts and drives forward again.

Midmorning, the assaults intensity wanes but the enemy numbers do not. The Garra's third defensive lines are barely held. Steel struggles to raise his sword arm to fend off the claws and teeth and fangs of the creatures attacking them. Checking his pouch he notes the amount of healing potions he has gone through in the last few hours. Fresh Garra around him from battlegroups being rotated in and out of the battle give him a moments reprieve to flex cramping arm muscles. Suddenly out of the dimness of the battle Raz stumbles over to him out of breath and stands leaning on his rapier. His armour is coated in enemy blood and he shows signs of several nasty injuries that must have been recently healed by magic or potions. Raz notes that Steel is in much the same condition.

"Come with me to see the world huh? Have some fun you said!" Razeriem breathed in deeply trying to make the most of their moments respite.

Steels voice emerged amusedly from his dented and bloodied but all to familiar helm. "You were getting a little soft anyway."

"How much longer do you think they can keep this up?" Asked Razeriem.

"You mean how much longer can the Garra hold?"

"That too," replied Raz.

"According to Siphes plans he showed me when we got here if the enemy overrun this line everyone will fall back to a larger raving about ten miles inside the border and establish a new camp there. I saw a large creature pick up one of the fire giants glowing boulders an hour again and carry it off, I imagine the same has happened to the other one too. I think thats why the fog has returned, it seems to give the enemy strength. Siphe was right, we need to close that portal. It wouldnt matter how many forces he had, the enemy would eventually overwhelm him. Good note though, the Toranites seem to have some extra energy against the enemy, they would rather attack a Garra than a Toranite. For once in my life I think I'd be grateful to see a dozen divisions of Toranite infantry show up right about now."

Raz grinned at him through bloodied lips, "What? And spoil all our fun!"

"What was I thinking?" laughed Steel.  "Right, I'm rested, how about you?"

Raz straightened, "I was waiting for you old man."

Together they moved into the nearest line of fighting and renewed their assault.

An hour before dawn the sky began to lighten marginally the fog bank had thickened and moved right up to the back of the enemy forces seemingly giving them an endless supply of fortitude.

Runners appeared at Jaedon Siphes banner and the Sovereign Lord withdrew from yet another enemy surge at his position to speak with them.

"My Lord," said the Eight Rank runner. "Second Rank Kerin, Ashew and Kurn are overrun and their battlegroups wiped out or scattered amongst the enemy host, we've lost another four battlegroups over on the northern wing and the enemy hold the third line. If we dont move soon they are going to surround us.

Jaedon merely nodded, "Signal the retreat, we reassemble at Corral Ravine, send word to Camp Oaxsama that we have moved to the secondary staging site." As the runners nodded and raced off Jaedon sheathed his swords and stood face towards the Orsgaunt mountains for several moments. By he time he was done horns were sounding the retreat and the Garra, tired, exhausted, noses bloodied, remembered their training and formed small, highly mobile defensive units and left the battlefield to the enemy.

Jaedon Siphe moved to a large rock and quickly climbed it to get a better viewpoint. All he could see to the south was a fogbank filled with the enemy. Everywhere he looked to the left and right of him his people fought to disengage from the enemy. Something had to be done or many would die as they retreated. Jaedon once again looked skyward and this time he nodded slowly. Coming in low from the east, several dark shapes barely visible in the slowing rising light of the sun.

They started at the enemy line furthest east, Ractrafiorez came first unleashing torrents of fire onto the enemy forces, incinerating anything his breath touched. The other smaller shapes, themselves huge fire drakes added their fire and targeted the larger creatures with their deadly claws.

By the time Ractrafiorez reached Siphes position the enemy were falling back into the cover of the fogbank. Still he continued with the fire drakes until the Siphe Garra and their Toranite allies could break free and head north towards their next staging point. As they finished their straffing run the fog bank nearst them suddenly formed a long tendril like arm that reached out for the mighty dragon, instead it missed and latched onto one of the fire drakes and dragged it screaming into the fog bank where its screams abruptly ended.

As Ractrafiorez and the remaining Drakes climbed higher into the air and away from the fog bank Jaedon leapt down from the rock he had been standing on to his personal guard and turned his back on the enemy to move north.


Unbekownst to Jaedon Siphe, the same sort of battle was being fought further east by those at Camp Oaxsama, except there, the order to retreat had been given just after midnight by First Rank Nijau.


As daylight rose over both battlefields a huge fogbank extended along the south eastern edge of the Siphe Principality. Shadrixkayl's forces having taken the defensive positions and began removing the fire giants stones they had captured.

Long columns of weary Siphe Garra and their Toranite allies wended their way through the dusty paths of the Roughlands to where they would establish new camps and prepare once again to face the enemy.

The one good piece of news that Jaedon Siphe received on arriving at the new camp was that fifteen hundred Toranite heavy cavalry, many of them members of the Shining Hand, from Hilm castle were at the western border post asking permission to enter Principality lands and join the battle. They brought with them another 2500 Hilmite pikemen as well. An order that by this stage, Jaedon was pleased to give.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #146 on: September 21, 2012, 10:53:12 pm »
Far to the south, even as the Siphe Garra retreated from their border positions the amies of Hilm faced another problem.

"Day beh temptin us, dey want teh foight an Oim 'appy teh give it to em," growled an angry Griff. Him and three other Red Axes faced Vrebel and one of the Hilm Cavalry's Field Commanders.

Vrebel sighed, "I know Major, I want to as well but we'll lose too many in saving the few. They want us to go out there and get massacred. I cant believe Im saying this but the Field Commander is right, its literally suicide."

"Bah, you're turnin into a soft headed pansy lad." Griff made a fist and showed it to Vrebel. "Deh can't do this, those scum of the earth need teh beh taught a lesson."

Frustrated himself Vrebel raised his voice, "Right, I know, just tell me where we can get another fifteen or twenty thousand soldiers and I'll lead the charge myself and we'll wipe them all out. Or are you telling me you can handle thirty odd thousand of the enemy by yourself?"

Griff grumbled and tugged at his beard angrily. "Well we nay beh sittin round dis place much longer. Well go after dem cultists ifn we ave teh alone."

The argument took place at the top of a bluff overlooking the series of ravines around the Dry Gorge that the Horde from the Orsgaunt mountains had taken over. An open space lay well behind enemy lines and in it many of the captives from over a week ago had been pegged out on the ground and left to die of exposure in the burning sun of the Roughlands. It was a deliberatly provocative gesture by the Orchish leaders of the Horde. Every day just on midday a half orc dressed in shamans robes and bearing a symbol of Grand would emerge and examine the bodies before turning his gaze to where he knew the allies forces would be watching him as if challenging them to come and stop him.

Even with the ten thousand soldiers arriving from Briardusk a few days earlier they had nowhere near enough numbers to mount a rescue.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #147 on: September 22, 2012, 10:40:24 am »
"Hey, Willy, I heard your Commander left the place!"

William shrugged. "You need her to hold you hand or something because of these abdominations crawling around and hiding from our wrath and light?"

And hours later, he wishes he had the same amount of experience in combat than the Chosen One had. Either way.
He fought the best he could, with what he had, and tried to keep as much soldiers alive as possible. Lacking the blessings a cleric could give, many died regardless, and their names found their way into his book and onto his armor.

When it was time to retreat, he noticed that they had lost quite a lot of people, and wondered if it was even possible to bring the regiments back to old strength within one generation - humans did not grow on trees or were summoned by dark magics. And they had to be trained as well.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #148 on: September 22, 2012, 04:28:32 pm »
*Vrebel scans with his looking glass down at the captives that are being strung out in the mid day sun and then to the cave were the others are being kept.  He examines the mountain were the captives are being kept  and closes his viewing lense.*

I can't let them suffer like this.  *He turns to one of the scouts of Jil who led them to their vantage point.  Find Jil and lets see if we can find another way into that mountain were the cave is.  Take a few dwarves who are good at digging *he thinks* preferably ones who have knowledge of this area and who are light of feet.  Look for a weak spot were we can dig our way inside.  Maybe we can tunnel under and bring the captives out the back side.  Oh and run my crazy idea by Commander Stargazer if you see him or I'll tell him myself when I get back inta camp.

*He sends off the scout and turns to the Field commander, Griff and the other red axes.*  Risky I know, but if we can find a place to start diggin' I may need a diversion. *He pats Griff on his armoured shoulder*  Keep yer axes sharp and yer wits intact you may get your chance to cleave some orc just yet.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #149 on: September 22, 2012, 05:13:36 pm »
Almost all of the caves around here are filled with all kinds of horrid things like what we have already faced.  Scouting them will be much more dangerous than scouting the surface.  Not only that it will take alot more time than I believe the prisoners have.  We have no idea what tunnels or caves stretch out to where, whats in them, the many dead ends ... I am not sure that its a good idea.   But as you said, lets run it by Lance and get his take on it.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #150 on: September 22, 2012, 06:44:56 pm »
I agree Jil its a long shot but maybe there is a way.  I'd like to slice that half orc's grin off his face and feed it to the dogs every time he looks my way.  Thank you for yer lookin' into it.  None of this is goin to be easy.  

Lets here from the commander and in the mean time if you think of a way to help them I'm all ears.

*Vrebel llifts off his half plate armour and tosses it to the ground.  Once inside his tent he starts rumaging through various maps of the area.*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #151 on: September 22, 2012, 07:01:54 pm »
Daniella and her two Toranite companions return and pass along an item that looks like a torch to the Mercenary, Steel, and then heads immediately back to the front lines.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #152 on: September 23, 2012, 04:38:13 am »
Several weeks pass during which time the Siphe Garra are once again beset by the forces of Shadrixkayl. Their relentless assaults come every night. The reinforcement by the Hilmite soldiers was good, the insertion of the additional members of the Shining Hand literally a godsend. Their power and skill in defeating the enemies facing them a huge bonus for the Siphe garra ranks.

Even so, their numbers were not enough to hold back the power of Shadrixkayls forces. Slowly but surely Jaedon Siphe and his beloved Garra were forced further and further back towards their mighty fort that as yet remained largely incomplete since the last battles fought to claim it.

Even the arrival of Lady Daniella Stormhaven a week into the fighting was not enough to stop the advance of the enemy, however, her glowing sword and bright nimbus whenever the enemy attacked at night became a rallying factor for the Toranites and the Garra alike and the Garra could not help but admit that without her guidance and her tempering of their Lord Commanders growing ill temper they would have been overrun far sooner and the Principality lost.

The Fire giants had taken their losses as well but a steady stream of reinforcements from the mountains had ensured they kept up their numbers.

By the end of the third week another division of Toranites arrived from Hilm and were promptly dispatched to Camp Oaxsama who were struggling to hold ground. More Hilmite soldiers also arrived in that week. Sir Lance and Lord Karlgarl together making the request for Hilm to support the Principality before Lord Alexander agreed.

And in all that time there was still no word from those who journeyed into the realms of the Pits in order to find a way to stop Shadrixkayls growing power. Hope was fading amongst the Garra, their beloved Lord was changing the longer he remained under Ractrafiorez's direct influence, the lands they had fought had to take were now being slowly stripped from them and soon their families would be threatened as well.

By the end of the fourth week the front lines of the Garra were within sight of the only partially reconstructed southern wall of Castle Siphe, the one Ractrafiorez tore to pieces during the war to capture the fort. Ironic now that the massive dragon fought alongside the same people to defend it. it was at this time that a strange event took place.

A battlegroup under the command of Third Rank Breemar found itself separated from the main bulk of the Garra during a clash with Shadrixkayls forces. Isolated and cut off the group formed a back to back stance and tried to move through the enemy back to the main Garra lines but found themselves unable to do so and were being slowly whittled away by the enemy surrounding them.

In the Garra lines a unit of Ninth nearest the isolated battlegroup, having lost their own leader formed together and initiated a brave drive to try and open a path for the battlegroup. One of their number, none other than Lady Eliza Karlgarl led the way and when others nearby saw what she was doing and why more joined them and the battlegroup were soon able to rejoin the main host and the fighting resumed. Third Rank Breamar, recognising the bravery of the small group and the leadership of the Lady Eliza gave her a field promotion on the spot to the Seventh and put her officially in charge of the unit she had led. Those with her were promoted to the Eighth.

Other stories of bravery filtered through also during the days of fighting but none as spectacular as the services the Dark Guards performed when they finally joined the Garra at Camp Oaxsama. Rumours after the fighting circulated that First Rank Nijau himself had left Camp Oaxsama when the fighting was in sight of the castles walls and ridden hard to Castle Siphe to confront Phalanx General Ni'tok directly and ordering him to send his Dark Guards South to enter the confrontation. Words must have been spoken but it was Nijau that won the battle and he returned to Camp Oaxsama with the entire regiment of the Dark Guards, General Ni'tok and the Princess Shey'kar, herself of the Ninth rank but having excluded herself from fighting with the Battlegroup she had been assigned too.

When the Dark Guards, the elite of the Nesarian cavalry, had charged into the enemy they ploughed a furrow deep into the enemy ranks. General Ni'tok had shown how he had the reputation of one of the best demon hunters in Belinara when he engaged with the enemy. None seemed able to touch him atop his huge black warhorse and he had killed any who came near him, bellowing constantly at the top of his voice and relishing in the pleasure of killing. Shey'kar had been no less formidable fighting close by the General's sides during most of the conflict, her skills with a blade impressive. The Dark Guards proved their worth and for several days Camp Oaxsama held ground over the enemy.

Then, as the enemy was within sight of the buildings of Fiorez City, of the walls of the Castle, of the barren but ploughed fields beyond those it all changed.

The fog bank that had so far protected and provided sustenance to the forces of Shadrixkayl suddenly thinned and the enemies attack faltered, they began to fall back under cover of the night and the combined defending forces were happy to let them do so. As commanders gathered to discuss the sudden fortune many began to think that just maybe Steel's mercenaries had been successful in their mission.

There were no further attacks over the next week and the forces had a chance to recoup, regain strength and to dig proper defences. Then word arrived that Steel, Razeriem and the mercenary forces had returned to the Castle and the word was that they had suffered heavy losses but succeeded in closing the portal sustaining Shadrixkayls power and providing him with a seemingly endless supply of soldiers to use in the fighting. The news was well received by all the defenders, even mroe so the news that many of the mercenaries that returned with Steel would join in the push to drive back Shadrixkayls forces.

But even with the loss of the portals power Shadrixkayls forces did eventually strike again, however this time the Garra and their allies managed to hold and even to gain some ground. The fighting ground to a halt several days later as the Garra retook the positions about 10 miles inside their original borders.

It was then word arrived that things had been happening in the south that were about to impact on the north. The fighting far from done the Garra and their allies dug in to await what was to come.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #153 on: September 23, 2012, 05:30:39 am »
As a weary band of Pit travellers returns lighter of soul strands, Arfur Dumas, Ilsarian, does what he does best and puts his heart to song, that perhaps one with more skill like Andrew might sing to lift this mixed and masked procession that for whatever personal reason, done good.
 Triple S you're a one make a big noise
 Playin' in the Pits gonna be a big mask some day
 You gotta shut that gate
 You big hiddin'face
 leadin' your masks all over the place
 We will we will close you
 We will we will close you
 TripleS you're a young one hard one
 Shoutin' in the Mozad gonna take on the world some day
 You got blood on yo' face
 You big hiddin'face
 Wavin' your banner all over the place
 We will we will close you
 We will we will close you
 /unashamedly stolen


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #154 on: September 23, 2012, 08:10:28 am »
William took a sip from his canteen and realized that he had no place to go but to be here. Nothing really to go home to, and his usefulness here was limited. Because you don't have the guts to take command. As if that was the only thing that mattered. He wanted to imbue fury into the soldiers he was fighting with, fearlessness, a sense of unyielding, uncompromising courage. The most important quality, to be found here in abundance. He should have focused on learning lore and blessings, be a healer. But only the dead follow me, and only the men that came to terms with death will follow me. Ha!
He smiled a grim and somber smile. Dead and lack of that here, either.

It was then that he realized that he had to become more vicious and smart, and that he his still stood, no matter his anger and wrath, and the burded of memories and names carved into metal and painted in ink. No sense of pride in that. He was alive, so he would continue to fight, even if in the end, other got the glory, fame, riches, medals, all that.
I do care about that, still. But I don't want to. I am made for war, fighting and death, so others must not to.

The moment was over. Time to return to his duties.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #155 on: September 23, 2012, 11:54:04 am »

We will we will close you
We will we will close you

I had a nice laugh at this. Thanks for that! I can imagine what's left of the still recovering group sitting around a fire, bandages and bloodshot eyes, singing the new song and having a good laugh themselves.


Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #156 on: September 23, 2012, 09:44:41 pm »
*Lance can't help to show his joy once the mist start to move back , he present the troops with the order to be ready to do the counterattacks when deemed right . in the mean time he awaits for the events on his own side, has been long since the group led by Vrebel and Griff alongside his faithful scout Commander Jill went into the rescue mission, with that in mind he awaits, in the mean time he calls the scouts in order to study the position and borderlines of the enemy camp,*

Thank Toran for this blessing. We'll march soon. *musses to himself *

*And yet he awaits for the report and does a small prayer for the success of the mission *

// Just need to confirm if the group is heading back to Sundance or staying camping near the enemy.  If they come back then i'll reply for their remarks.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #157 on: September 24, 2012, 12:35:02 am »
Full bloody circle.  He's standing on the south wall, where just, what - two years ago? - he tossed down a rope and sang invisibility to help a defender against Siphe's forces climb to safety.  Fort Hope's walls are only partially rebuilt, and some of the damage he remembers all too well.  He spent a lot of time up here, firing arrows, singing, offering lifelines.  Ducking rocks.  To his right and down a few lengths, the very spot where one of the net-throwers had entangled drakes.  To his left, a chunk of wall bearing Racta's distinctive claw damage.  

And behind him, inside the fort, the army he had then fought to hold back.  The victors.  His enemy.  He is here to sing for them now, against the new army they fight to hold back - the new enemy.  Same garbage, different day.

Bloody dragons.

Maybe he's not supposed to be up here.  Rules, rules, rules.  Fort of Siphe's Hope is not what it was.  Before there was song, Gel's, his, others.  There was an esprit de corps.  Now there are bodies in cages and a red-armored man who scowls and has a real jerk for a first officer, at least by what he's heard in the very little time since they returned from Mozad.  Oh, Muse, Mozad...I will see you again if I have to get on my hands and knees and beg Connor for a ride.  

Footsteps.  He can't blend into anything, there are no shadows.  Lights everywhere.  Fine, he belongs up here.  If you can't hide, bluff.  And when that's done, sing.  These people need song.  If he's going to be a dragon's pawn, he's going to be a loud one.

There is a group down there, ninth, eighth, third, whatever.  The promotion system does have the benefit of simplicity at least.  They're on a rare break and he's got a new song plus Arfur's.  A long breath...not the enemy anymore, not the enemy anymore, not the enemy...and he climbs down rebuilt stairs to try and raise spirits.  Of these soldiers who are Not His Enemy.

It's still Fort Hope to him though.

"A song short and sweet of battle and pain
A suicide mission for us lacking in sane
The mist and the monsters have come for a war
The Blue Man and Elf have something in store

"Oh, yeah they do.  And it’s a doozy.

"A lantern that glows with a mystical light
Will shut down the source of those creatures of night
From Storm’s Haven to merc the handoff is made
We leave on our mission right after the trade

"Next time I’m taking a boat.

"A ride off of this world which is really the Pits
Rough on the stomach, we’re tossing up bits
Not once and not twice but three time’s the charm
By the time we arrived I thought I’d bought the farm

"Don’t eat before you go is all I have to say.

"The odds were quite bad when our feet hit the dirt
Swarms of fiends looking for something to hurt
They can’t be worse that the traveling there
We dragged ourselves up and went on a tear

"Lost a few, but they lost more!

"Shadows to left and shadows to right
Shadows that stay at the edge of your sight
We rattled their teeth and shattered their bones
With metal and magic and arrows and stones

"Without that mist?  Easy pickings.

"The portal was huge and quite hard to miss
A beacon lighting up that entire abyss
On the top of a mount behind a writhing mass
Of shadow-spawn creatures we had to get past

"You know what they say at times like this, folks?  Giddyup.

"We waded on in and fought back to back
Trying to survive each fresh attack
We cut our way through at least thousands, plus ten
And finally got to the magic, and then

"Well, the Blue Guy stuck his hand right on in, lantern and all.  Hurt.  A lot.

"Rumbles and shaking and we all went uh-oh
The mountain was shaking and ready to blow
No one had time to make good an escape
Which is why we all ended up in bad shape

"How bad?  Keep listening.

"The portal went BOOM and most of us died
I still have bits of Steel stuck in my hide
Four of our number was all that remained
Standing and even they were pretty maimed

"We got it together and raised up our dead
Before they could regroup well, we pretty much fled
Came back to here and now I’m in this room
And that’s our whole story from beginning, to boom!"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #158 on: September 24, 2012, 09:22:11 am »
And that’s our whole story from beginning, to boom!

We sure do like ending with a boom! ;) ////


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #159 on: September 24, 2012, 10:04:34 pm »
// For those in the south, a quick recap of their situation as I think there are a few crossed wires.

1/ There are now approximately fifteen thousand mixed Hilm/Toran soldiers in Sundance that have built defences for the city, they are led by Sir Lance.

2/ Several days north of Sundance Vrebel and Griff have a smaller secondary force (2000 dwarves, 1500 Cavalry, 2500 Hilmite soldiers) that tried to break the prisoners free and found the enemy numbers just too vast.

3/ North of them, nestled neatly along the edge of the Dry Gorge is over fifty thousand creatures led by the Chief Warleader Argemek and the strange half orc shaman of Grand that had delighted in teasing Vrebels host by torturing the captives.

4/ The captives are not in caves. They are staked out on the ground in the middle of the enemy host on a flat piece of ground.

5/ A days march to the west of the enemy horde is another camp, this time made up of Shadrixkayl worshippers, they number a few thousand. The horde appears content to sit and wait. They are not threatening to move south towards Sundance or Vrebels force in any way.

6/ About a weeks forced march north of the Horde is the southernmost edge of the fog bank that protects Shaddy's forces. It used to reach halfway to the Horde but now does not.

7/ The fog bank extends to the borders of the Siphe Principality.

8/ 10 miles inside the border the Siphe Garra and their Toranite allies prepare to push south Shadrixkayls forces back to their border.

//Hopefully that clarifies things for people.