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Author Topic: As the dust settles....  (Read 2108 times)


As the dust settles....
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:05:12 am »
Despite enormous distances, rumors seem to have a way of moving from the battlefields to he ears of commoners worldwide.  Each bit of news seemed to be bad as location after location fell to the forces of the Cult, most recently, and perhaps ominously, the Fort of Last Hope.  The one shining spot in all this seemed to be the oft-troubled town of Hlint, which was finally released from its quarantine with word that the Cult-made plague inflicted upon them had been cured and a seige by the Cult had been repelled.

But what of the army massing on Hilm Castle, the last refuge of free people in the Hilm Protectorate and rumors that Molvaren himself had been personally leading them in their seige?  This too seems to have gone well, according to the latest reports.  Molvaren is said to have abandoned his army at a crucial point and Hilm Castle was successfully defended.

More questions remain...questions which seem to have no answer yet. The biggest among them seems to be:

"Are we still at war?"

[SIZE=10](( More to come...))[/SIZE]


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 06:47:42 pm »
As those present stand upon the high and thick battlements of the walls of Castle Hilm and gaze out at the thousands and thousands of soldiers surrounding them there is no doubt in anyone's minds that the enemy are not done just yet.

What comes next for the defenders is anyones guess.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 08:26:08 pm »
Within days, word circulates amongst druids from within Kuhl of a massive sinkhole nearly a quarter mile across and fifty meters deep at its lowest point in the Stormcry Hollows region.  Strong tremors are said to have preceded the sinkhole's appearance, and while the druids do not believe its formation to be natural, neither have they yet been able to discern anything unnatural presently at work.  The local druids are planning on probing its depths more fully when they can be certain it is safe to do so.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 04:46:33 pm »
*After the strike on Stormcry Hollows, Wren makes his way back to Hilm if he can. To lend what help he can to the battle there. He was loath to leave Last Hope when he did but he understood the importance of the mission he helped put in motion*


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 08:47:26 am »
As the days pass at Hilm Castle, a curious stand-off continues between the defenders and those who would lay siege to the castle. The Cult army does not attack, but neither do they temper their aggressive posture.  After about a week, change finally comes.  Inexplicably, the Cult army begins to show signs of breaking camp and preparing to leave...


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2011, 08:50:03 am »
The Cult army leaves the surrounds of Hilm Castle by units, with supply wagons and other essentials leaving with each group of soldiers, as they all begin their march to the west toward Kuhl's borders.  They leave behind their siege engines, being generally too unwieldy to transport over long distances, smouldering fires, various bits of broken equipment and debris and large swaths of trampled grass and vegetation.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2011, 08:55:11 am »
Daniella watches the movement from one of the towers on Hilm Castle, then turns to Lance.  "Well... we can let them go, or we can pursue them.  Without the leadership of Molvaren they will be floundering, but I haven't seen his body yet, or heard any reports that he is dead, so until then I have to assume he is still alive.  We can't let them regroup in Kuhl.  That land has to be liberated.  Your thoughts?"

Lance Stargazer

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2011, 10:46:44 am »
**Lance return the sight to her , looking at his maps* We need to measure the size of their troops, At this moment we can't simply go out without knowing their numbers, we have to offer them surrender terms, they can't come to our door, try to kill us and simply leave as that.

**he frowns looking at the troops* Also we still have to figure the other troops, they are not defeate yet, Cyn Chen is in the south so , as long as one of their leader is alive, they have not lost, yet the moral is on our side.

Also if they don't surrender, **he shakes his head*  We need to figure out their numbers and ours ,

*+he looks at the attack reports on Western gate * Our numbers are spread. but also theirs are, **he points to the various location of troops on the map,* We need to refocus on the effort.  and start to recover the kingdom, perhaps freeing it slowly, this is the main force, so if we manage to get them and surrender them , it will be hard for them to recover and distribute to protect the rest of the kingdom .


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2011, 10:58:34 am »
"With the last few days in this stand off our troops should be fairly well rested."  Daniella's eyes stay more-or-less looking  on at the movement in the distance, but she doesn't seem exactly focused on it.  "I can have approximate troop numbers for you within the next day at least in this area.  It may be a while before we hear how the attack on Westgate fared.  

"We have a lot of losses.  I believe most of our dead have been collected, though."  She presses her lips together in a thin line for a moment, keeping herself collected.  "The injured ones should be healed enough to fight again if necessary within a week's time provided the healers are all able.  The troops are tired... but I agree, I think their morale is boosted with seeing the enemy start to withdraw."

Script Wrecked

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2011, 11:14:57 am »
Argali meets with the giant chieftains. She acknowledges their support and the debt they are owed. She tries to ascertain the extent of their losses, their current morale, and perhaps what their intentions are.

Lance Stargazer

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 11:18:47 am »
**Lance looks at Daniella*  Please do so. That is crucial to the next step of strategy, **Lance finishes produces a small scroll and delivers it to one of his officials *  Take this to the wizards inside there are instructions, This are the surrender terms for the enemy

**Lance goes and stand beside Daniella and observes the enemy lines in the distance, his thoughts on the war and his eyes focused*  I never tought I'll do what i am thinking to do. but this is war , isn't it'  ?  *frowns a bit*


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 05:14:05 pm »
Without looking at him, Daniella replies quietly, "War makes us do a lot of things we never thought we'd have to do.  We just have to have faith that we are doing what is right and that our sacrifices are worth it in the end."

She clears her throat softly and swallows.  "I'll have someone tell all of the unit Captains to start the count.  If you need me... you know how to find me."

She turns, and lays a gauntleted hand on Lance's shoulder for just a moment, looking at him in the eyes.  "I've been proud to have you as the Commander of this campaign, brother.  We'll see this through to the end.  At least now it may be near."

With that, Daniella moves towards the stairs to descend from the tower and make sure that the message is relayed so that they could gather a number of how many were left to work with.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2011, 06:30:54 pm »
*Wren looking at the movements of the cult army says to those around him* We should take them to task. We did not manage kill Molvaren when we had him so you have to believe he will re-join his troops and rally them against us once again. We need to put this threat to rest once and for all. How much damage do you think strike teams can do to them as they leave? *looks around*


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2011, 08:22:55 am »
Several days after the armies around Hilm start to withdraw, Daniella receives a letter.  She reads the letter, then looks up for a moment.  Then she reads the letter again.  Finally, she goes to find Lance.

"Commander Stargazer, I've received word from General Jaedon Siphe.  He has been ordered by Molvaren to return to Kuhl immediately to secure the lands against us... but he is choosing instead to pull all of his men that are loyal to him out of Kuhl.  He has formed what he is now calling the Siphe Garra.  He is not surrendering, nor is he advancing.  Instead, he and his men are holding what remains of the Fort of Last Hope while he considers things.  He says we should not attack him."  She looks at him for a while.

"Lance, I gave him a lot to think about... and he says that what we discussed has caused him to rethink all that he has thought up to now.  I think we should let him think a while longer while we deal with Molvaren.  Obviously, according to this it says that Molvaren is not only still alive, but intends to hold Kuhl.  I think we should keep an eye on Siphe, but focus on Molvaren.  If we get a chance, I'll try to speak with the General.  If he can see the truth about what he was fighting for, or if he has seen it, if he chooses to fight against it he would be a valuable asset.  But if he decides to try to become his own city state within Hilm... that's another problem entirely.  I could speak with him, but we seem to already have our hands full."

gilshem ironstone

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2011, 10:13:57 am »
Gel'larian returns to Hilm with the rest of the strike team, and immediately sets off the Driran encampment.  After a few hours spent there, he goes off to find Lady Daniella.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2011, 12:19:52 pm »
Ferrit looks to Wren and says, 'I'm ready.  What shall we do first?'

Lance Stargazer

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2011, 02:21:06 pm »
**Lance nods at Daniella , and smiles a bit* You have resumed my thoughts flawlessly. Send him a courier a message for a truce then,  I want to believe that he will hold true to his word.

I'll leave to you on how to deal with it, I'd send a courier proposing a truce or an non aggression treatment that will state our intent.

Now **he gestures to one of his lieutenants *  The withdrawing army has one day to answer the surrender order. If they don't answer we'll start to move our lines, **he bits his lower lips*  As i said. We'll start the chase, we will not let them to join the rest of their troops. Our first intent should be get prisioners , the soldiers after all are just fighting for their country, but we shall be ready to deal with the inevitable consecuences of the war.

**he gestures to the captains*  Prepare the troops.. soon we'll start to regain our defensive positions.

**he looks over Jill and the rest of the scoiuts *  Send Advancing teams, I don't want surprises, they have not answered the surrender withdraw so they might be trying to gain time for setting traps  *


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2011, 02:55:32 pm »
Daniella nods respectfully, "As you say Commander.  I'll have the non-aggression pact drawn up immediately and sent out to General Siphe.  My men and woman are ready to move should the Cult forces refuse to surrender."  She salutes him crisply, then moves off down the corridor.

Once the message is written, signed, and sealed, Daniella sends a messenger to the Siphe Garra and the remains of the Fort of Last Hope.


Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2011, 03:07:29 pm »
Unwelcome in the halls where busy people in blue and gold stride purposefully from meeting to meeting making decisions, Andrew heads out to once again talk to the soldiers after returning to Hilm.

He asks where they are from.  Who they miss and if they have any special requests.  He can't get to them all, of course, or even a fraction of them, and their most frequent request has him spending nearly two days singing eulogies, but he does his best - as he'd done during his time in Fort Hope - to seek out the most deeply affected.  Including, to his great relief, one Infantryman Tiller who would survive his wounds, although the man would likely return home on crutches.

During all this he writes and sings his drafts aloud.  He solicits opinions, changes the words constantly.  Before word gets out of a move on Kuhl he's singing his latest version in an impromptu concert very near Lance's fountain.

In a dance of leaves and light
Reflecting under in dappled shade
All the plots and plans best laid
Converging into war

We wait to hear win lose or draw
Tired, sprawling by this tree
I know naught but what I see
A shade worth fighting for

Shade from poisoned dragon’s wings
Shade from cults who would be kings
Shade from bloody armored clash
And broken lives that wartime brings

From first sighting to last writing and all the pain between
Temples old and legends told and paths built out of dreams
Plagues and cures from gods long gone
And once more we must play the pawn
Carving grey from black and white
Wondering who we serve this fight...

Sitting in coats of mountain dust
Shaded from unyielding sun
I sing a prayer for Broken One
And all who trod this stage before

Those who waded clue by clue
Those who stayed to see things through
Those who stood in Hilm and knew
The odds camped at their door

Those first to see the wings on high
Those who heard the bard and died
Who answered when Fort Hurix cried
Who gave and gave a little more
Those who prayed for mighty gales
Those who led a sea of sails
Those who charged the claws and scales
And fell to save Sedera's shore

Those who fought without a stone
Truer heroes I've never known
Men and women far from home
With only one goodbye in store

I have only walked behind to wend the path that they defined
Watched armies marching off to die and sung for them in kind
I watched them line a rubble slope
Wirren’s soldiers, one last hope
Hold until the very end
Once more unto the breach, dear friends...

Sprawled beneath oak canopy
A question crowds my mind
Will we share this world’s shade
Will they appreciate our aid
Have we grown enough to be allowed a place at the big table
Will they peel back the page
Masters of a bygone age
Justifying every word of fear from the legends and the fables

And leave it for another day as we prepare to march
Shade fading slowly into treasured memory
There is no ending yet to this extended story
We'll stand all together as we mark our place in lore

Regardless of the response, he insists it isn't finished yet...

gilshem ironstone

Re: As the dust settles....
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2011, 03:13:03 pm »
After leaving Lance Stargazer's command center, Gel'larian hastily walks back towards the Driran encampment.  A short while later he is seen again with his pack heading for the gate.

