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Author Topic: Camped at the edge of a crater...  (Read 1190 times)


Camped at the edge of a crater...
« on: May 26, 2011, 03:16:18 pm »
... the strike force licks their wounds and celebrates their success, albeit quietly and warily given their location as being still inside Kuhl.

Several begin their journeys home, or to Hilm, or perhaps to Westgate. Others still have duties to perform.

Quote from: Gulnyr
*Shortly after the creation of a huge sinkhole, Jennara (properly embarrassed) suddenly remembers she has the talking stone from Blackford Castle. She holds it in the "right" orientation and sends a message.*

"Commander Lance Stargazer,

Commander Creekskipper reporting destruction of the Fezrekthania bloodpool. Molvaren was present, but ran away after being injured. He may have escaped by magical means."

Steel waits to see what reply Jennara receives.
The following users thanked this post: Lance Stargazer, davidhoff, willhoff


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 03:18:17 pm »
The reply comes within a few minutes.

Quote from: Lance Stargazer
**Lance will answer to the stone**

"Excellent news Commander,

The city holds, three dragons have been slain and Hilm is standing proudly, We heard of Molvaren leaving the battlefield, Return safely to Hilm we'll speak of the next steps after."


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 03:25:40 pm »
Steel looks to Jennara.

"Unless I'm assuming too much given the brief message from the Knight, an army still exists between us and Hilm. It will take this group weeks to return to Hilm regardless unless it has magical help. Perhaps we should consider traveling south to Westgate to report what happened there and give an account of the countryside along the way."


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 04:16:34 pm »
*Jennara nods.*  Perhaps he forgot we do not have a portal with which to get back as easily as we left.

The raiders under Storold were supposed to attack in the area of Westgate.  If that mission occurred as it should have, Cult forces will likely be on alert.  I do not remember the region being very heavily forested.  Do you think we would be able to hide well enough to succeed?


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 05:27:23 pm »
//Wren will head to Hilm in any way the group decides to go.

We did a good job here but we really should not dally long. I say we make our way back to Hilm by whatever means we have open to us. *he looks down at his feet and lifts one up and then the other* These got me out of here before *he grins*


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 05:48:01 pm »
As we are so few, avoiding contact and detection would be best.  The safest path back to Hilm may be along the river to Swarm Lake, then into the Horn Kingdom to avoid the defended Kuhl border with Hilm.  The border with Horn is likely less guarded by Cult forces.  Horn may not appreciate the intrusion, though.  I may be able to help.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 11:41:37 pm »
*Tralek finishes organizing his bags and cleaning his swords as he sits on a rock near the group.  He looks out over at the crater*

Well, one heck of a sink hole we left over there.  You know, we should really send some scouts down there to see if there is anything left to salvage.  I particularly would like to see if there are any remnants left of those two arcane control devices we found.  If they are still intact and working, then now would be the time to really study them.  Could be they are controlling more than we originally thought.

As far as where we go after that...I'm not sure, I think I'll let the group decide, but Steel's idea seems intriguing.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2011, 11:53:30 pm »
We do not have the equipment nor the time to move tons of stone and earth.  You should lead a fully equipped, safe expedition after the Queen has been returned to the throne.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2011, 12:28:39 am »
Vrebel gazes out to their newly created crater as he listens to the ideas presented for their next course of action

It will take some time to get back ta Hilm on foot no matter which course we take and it will be dangerous.

He nods to Steel

We may be of better use stayin' here in Kuhl and headin' ta Westgate to help Storold's assault group.  Havin a strike group deep in Kuhl were Molvaren's regroupin could have its advantages.  They already got a full fledged army in Hilm as it is.  I'll do what you think best Steel and provide my blade were needed.  Maybe we need ta put another call into Commander Stargazer and tell him we dont got no portal ta get back.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2011, 12:29:24 am »
*Tralek stands and kicks a small stone with his boot*

Yeah, you're right Commander...yep you're absolutely right.  Must have been my inquisitive side getting the better of me.  I really wanted to study them more before, but we were rushed for time pretty bad down there.  So, guess I was trying to make up for that now, which now, well, you're right we don't have the time and resources.  But I'd like to be on that team that does come back to dig around down there.

Hmm...*looks about* so where to now then?


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2011, 11:10:56 am »
Steel sits and removes one of several maps from a scroll case. He looks it over for a short time.

"By my estimation, it would take more than twenty days of travel to go directly from here to Hilm. Going up through Horn would add another ten days to the journey, making it a month before we reach Hilm. By that time, the war may be over. Travel to Westgate will take less than two weeks, and to Phal even less, though as the Commander suggests, we will have a hard time finding cover. We have magic to aid us, but that doesn't always work, and we would have to sleep cold, as fire would make us seen. We could use the stone to request magical help from Hilm to return to it, but even Connor needs some manner of portal to transport so many people, and portals take time to establish. I'm open to suggestions, but this mission has in many ways taken us out of the direct fight."

Then Steel chuckles.

"Maybe we can capture a Myrdrach or small dragon and coerce it into flying us all in a net back to Hilm. Actually, if we could find a dragon and manage to cure it before it or us were killed, flight just might be an option."


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2011, 05:02:28 pm »
*Jennara prepares the talking stone again.*

Commander Lance Stargazer,

Travel time by foot to Hilm Castle is estimated at one month.  Do you have information on Storold's raids and the Westgate area?

*After the message is sent, Jennara looks at the stone, holds it to her ear a few moments, then squints at it dubiously and mumbles in halfling.*  Lekus yrca legim ryumi znir ud tyimryd riit dy.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2011, 09:27:43 pm »
Andrew is quiet the entire time this discussion takes place, head buried in his journal, writing.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2011, 07:44:22 am »
He finally looks up, humming a slow tune with a twist of military cadence.  "What's the plan, then?  To Hilm, to Westgate?"


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2011, 01:47:10 pm »
With the lack of heavy forest cover, I believe a smaller group would do better as scouts of the regions to the south.  We are too many to hide well, and a few may be able to do what all of us could not.  Two to four people would be a good size for the scouting group.

The rest of us can march hard to return to Hilm Castle.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2011, 01:59:14 pm »
"Hilm for me."  He checks his supply of licorice.  "I can help with marching speed."  He stands, dusts off his clothes (to no real avail) and prepares to get moving.


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2011, 02:06:51 pm »
*Hardragh stands up and slings his pack over his shoulder* "Reckon I'll join the group heading for Hilm. Be glad to be out of Kuhl for sure, I didn't bring rations for an extended stay."


Re: Camped at the edge of a crater...
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2011, 02:25:30 pm »
Daniel looks undecided, "I cannot move quietly, but can move unseen if a priest is needed.  Otherwise, I too shall make for Hilm."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde