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Author Topic: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions  (Read 3037 times)


Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:33:00 pm »
Hello everyone,

We're planning to do a so-called a post-mortem.

In short, it means we'll allow you to ask a questions about the recent campaign.

We'll then have a look at them and decide which ones we can/will and which ones we cannot/will not answer.

We will of course not answer all questions, especially not if those answers would give away something of a yet-to-be completed story arc or loose end. Or if they tie in to other things we've got cooking.

But we thought it might be nice if we give you the opportunity to ask these kinds of questions. Do try to keep them specific though, we don't want to answer with pages of text :)

Please post your post mortem questions in this thread. If you want to discuss this idea, please go here.

The following users thanked this post: Polak76, Dorax Windsmith, Filatus, jadewillow, Ravemore, davidhoff, willhoff, RollinsCat


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - discussion
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2011, 02:57:26 pm »
Curious about a few things;

-has there been any known environmental (poison/plague) fallout from the explosion of the Broken One

-how much information is leaking out regarding the situation in Nesar - in other words, are people leaving if they can and bringing stories with them, how much is known about the governmental situation, etc.

-is there a rebuilding effort for Fort Hope or is it still occupied


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - discussion
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2011, 03:20:58 pm »
And based on the answers to RollinsCat's question, how has this affected diplomatic relations between Arnax and some of the other prominent governments?

Quote from: RollinsCat
how much information is leaking out regarding the situation in Nesar - in other words, are people leaving if they can and bringing stories with them, how much is known about the governmental situation, etc.


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 03:21:37 pm »
edit: A better question then.

What would have happened if the person referred to as the Claw had been eliminated?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2011, 03:25:08 pm »
Example questions:

What would have happened if we had not recovered Orn's Tear?

What would have happened if we did take the offer of Fisterion for alliance with the Council?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2011, 03:29:47 pm »
Not sure if this question belongs in this thread, but I'll post it just in case.

What happened with the Rael forces send to aid Sedera? Did they maintain a permanent presence and if so, does it look like they're settling in for the long haul. (such as building solid infrastructure instead of temporary camps)


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2011, 03:34:19 pm »
Have any governments changed the status of diplomatic relations with Arnax based on events in Khul?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2011, 04:37:16 pm »
In the realm or what would have happened. Could there have been a way to portal the broken one's body safely (not counting the attacks we would have had to repel) out of that cave? This could very well be a hypothetical question from Wren to Conner.

Next question:
Do we know that there is a huge army of undead shuffling around?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2011, 04:40:29 pm »
What would have happened if the Forest Realm (Horn Kingdom) entered into an alliance with Kuhl?

gilshem ironstone

Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2011, 04:42:09 pm »
Could the opening of the Path of the Claw been prevented?

Script Wrecked

Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2011, 11:47:51 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
Example questions:
What would have happened if we had not recovered Orn's Tear?
What would have happened if we did take the offer of Fisterion for alliance with the Council?

Those two, plus:

  • What if we had failed going to [THREAD=149952]Knad'radoniad's aid[/THREAD]?

  • What if [THREAD=182512]Orn's Tear[/THREAD] had not been stolen from Fisterion in the first place?

  • What if we hadn't been able to rescue [THREAD=201902]Queen Langovale[/THREAD]?

  • Given that the Nesarans seem to have been able to muster such an effective [THREAD=283186]counter attack[/THREAD] against the Cult's army, why did they let the Cult use [THREAD=204412]their fleet[/THREAD] to sail to Mistone?

  • What if we had stopped Molvaren from walking the [THREAD=238922]Path of the Claw[/THREAD]?

  • What if one of us had successfully walked the Path of the Claw?
  • What if we had murdered a certain amnesiac in his sleep?

  • What if we had acquiesced to [POST=1712778]Rael's request[/POST]?

  • What if we had offered [THREAD=282565]Ractraferioz[/THREAD] a kingdom, say Trelania, in exchange for his help?

  • Did the Cure make a difference to the outcome thus far?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 01:28:39 am »
For the group that went to Stormcry Hollows, what were those contraptions/orbs that controlled and maintained the power of Molvaren's pad?  And, was there something that we could have done with them that would have changed the outcome?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2011, 06:48:11 am »
4.Given that the Nesarans seem to have been able to muster such an effective counter attack against the Cult's army, why did they let the Cult use their fleet to sail to Mistone?

8.What if we had acquiesced to Rael's request?

I can answer these two fairly readily.
First of all at the time in question the Cult had the Corathites pegged inside their temple in Arnax and a rather large force threatening Nesar. They had little or now way out of the agreement to aid the Cult.

It took a considerable amount of effort behind the scenes for the Corathites to being enough force to bear to drive the Cult from Nesar. Once they were clear and the Corathites had guaranteed aid from other sources and could give Nesar the assurances it needed they were free to act.

Even so as you may have noticed the Nesar army was mainly made up of conscripted peasants and while may have had a moderate amount of numbers they were no match for the enemy. Kuhl penetrated deep into Nesar before the Black Wizards deal saw them withdraw to deal with the allied forces in the north.

A large part of the army was lost near Amaria, more at Zolinar and even more in the advance towards Sundance to the point where Gork and Razeriem are stuck with a few thousand soldiers from Nesar and facing a far superior and numerate force inside the city.

As to Rael's request, had you agreed to it the allies could have attacked Kuhl directly through the Deep rather than engage in a contracted land war in Fort of Last Hope which was relatively untenable once Ractrafiorez decided to act in his own interests there.

Black Cat

Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2011, 11:06:46 am »
Ok, one I'm sure will not be answered :)

- What happened to the Lumbrals; did Angela, Alantha, Grohin and Co. did all this for naught?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2011, 11:34:09 am »
Quote from: Dezza
As to Rael's request, had you agreed to it the allies could have attacked Kuhl directly through the Deep rather than engage in a contracted land war in Fort of Last Hope which was relatively untenable once Ractrafiorez decided to act in his own interests there.

Yes... but what kind of debt would we have been in for that "favor" and how many lands would now be under Rael's control?  The whole of Dregar?

Black Cat

Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2011, 12:45:02 pm »
Quote from: Alatriel
Quote from: Dezza

8.What if we had acquiesced to Rael's request?

As to Rael's request, had you agreed to it the allies could have attacked Kuhl directly through the Deep rather than engage in a contracted land war in Fort of Last Hope which was relatively untenable once Ractrafiorez decided to act in his own interests there.

Yes... but what kind of debt would we have been in for that "favor" and how many lands would now be under Rael's control?  The whole of Dregar?

I would say that, had we agreed to Rael's request, the real dwarves (aka "surface" dwarves) might not have helped as they had. I know Azk'a would not have (dunno if he's particular in that matter, but I know he should not)... He didn't came to help Audiria for that reason. Although I, of course, cannot speak for Norand or the whole dwarven kingdoms.

So that actually leads to another question:

- What would the dwarven kingdoms (I have mostly Norand in mind, since those dwarves brought down a few dragons) and armies (Voraxian from Ulgrid, Bloody Gates, etc.) would have done had Rael's request been accepted?


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2011, 03:23:46 pm »
How does "fight heavily in Kuhl" equal "rule all of Dregar?"


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2011, 03:31:47 am »
Quote from: Alatriel
Yes... but what kind of debt would we have been in for that "favor" and how many lands would now be under Rael's control?  The whole of Dregar?

Well..that comes down to Raels motivations for offering his aid in the first place.

Yes he was attacked, which meant no matter what, he had to act to save face with his people.

Rael has gone to great lengths over the years to curry favour amongst the civilised surface nations. True, he probably doesn't care one bit about them but he is a realist as well as a Raelist teehee and values law and order very highly, this is why he evicted the Toranites and accepted the Rofireinites. Toranites act more on their own moral compass rather than ascribed Laws so they are uncertain and in his mind unreliable. Rael wants other surface nations to realise that he is not only extremely powerful but he expects law and order to be a currency of the land and if it isnt then you're in trouble. Sadly he recognises that surfacers prejudices being what they are most will never come to understand his motivations but it certainly wont be from him not trying. Yes yes this all sounds very benevolant of him...hang on...Rael the Benevolant......hmm heard that somewhere before..

But for the most part he is making efforts.....albiet his own way.

So...if you had agreed to his demands well...he wanted recognition from the War Council of his efforts...nothing more, nothing less. Its all about building goodwill for the case, you know..he goes to war with a few other people.....


Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2011, 03:33:48 am »
Quote from: Black Cat
I would say that, had we agreed to Rael's request, the real dwarves (aka "surface" dwarves) might not have helped as they had. I know Azk'a would not have (dunno if he's particular in that matter, but I know he should not)... He didn't came to help Audiria for that reason. Although I, of course, cannot speak for Norand or the whole dwarven kingdoms.

So that actually leads to another question:

- What would the dwarven kingdoms (I have mostly Norand in mind, since those dwarves brought down a few dragons) and armies (Voraxian from Ulgrid, Bloody Gates, etc.) would have done had Rael's request been accepted?

As it turned out 10,000 Rael troops and assorted auxillaries fought in and around Castle Hilm.

And now Succession, and Sederra are certainly in Raels debt...

Hmmm currying favour indeed....

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2011, 04:54:02 am »
Quote from: Black Cat
I would say that, had we agreed to Rael's request, the real dwarves (aka "surface" dwarves) might not have helped as they had. I know Azk'a would not have (dunno if he's particular in that matter, but I know he should not)... He didn't came to help Audiria for that reason. Although I, of course, cannot speak for Norand or the whole dwarven kingdoms.

So that actually leads to another question:

- What would the dwarven kingdoms (I have mostly Norand in mind, since those dwarves brought down a few dragons) and armies (Voraxian from Ulgrid, Bloody Gates, etc.) would have done had Rael's request been accepted?

I can only answer for the Runic Anvil and Norand.

Kobal Bluntaxe was to make that decision and although it did not sit well with him he chose to fight both in Audiria and Hilm Castle. Kobal, due to his background as adventurer, is not as set in his ways as probably some other decision makers.

The Runic Anvil came to Hilm because it concerned an invasion of Dregar and had it met with success it might have caused problems even for Norand in the long run. Aside from that it was the right thing to do - in Kobal's opinion - and strengthening ties to Sedera was an extra benefit.

Fighting at Hilm was a more dificult decision, but was done due to Kobal's background and his belief in the good cause.

Kobal thought twice about getting involved because of Rael's involvement, but on the other hand it offered the unique possibility of close inspection of the Rael army tactics and machines of war. The Anvil did not mingle with the Raelites, but fought on the same side. Not necessary liking it, but choosing to do so nonetheless, where others might not.

