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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5417 times)

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #140 on: May 01, 2011, 12:32:58 am »
"Turn ourr trebuchet against theirr trebuchet. Make zurre ourr trebuchet still has the coverr behind the building. The ballistae will do theirr best to ensurre the drragons arre not destrroying it."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #141 on: May 01, 2011, 02:01:17 am »
A grizzled dwarven artillery veteren of the Fort braves a look over the western wall with a few instruments for measuring distance then ducks back behind a ruined crenellation.

"Oi dunnae loike our chances of reachin dat far Captin Argali. We'd ave teh move deh trebucket roight up behind dis wall and dat will take days. Asides from dat dere bloomin dragons and dere catapults will have more chance of hittin our trebuchet..."

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #142 on: May 01, 2011, 02:32:17 am »
Argali purses her lips a moment in thought.

"Mmm... What arre chances of making trebuchet arrm longerr orr putting morre weight in the trebuchet bucket to be making it fling furrtherr, without brreaking the trebuchet?

"What about using the lighter boulderrs zo they can be flung furtherr? It iz only the trebuchet we arre trrying to be hitting. They arre not the robust like the wall."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #143 on: May 01, 2011, 06:02:31 am »
His uniform tattered and quite frightfully battered,
 the halberdier that once proudly shadowed Andrew
 tends to the wounds in his uniform
 while his own bleeding body waits it's turn.
 He resolutely works his craft...offering hope for heroes..
 Long hours had passed, death came so fast
 Bravely they bled away
 Dragon roared loud, and in the mad crowd
 Wounded and dying lay
 Up goes a shout, a hero dashes out
 Out for their Boss to do
 Sneaks away to where he lay
 Then came a plan he knew
 Did you think I would leave it lying
 when there is room in my plan for two
 climb up here we'll soon be flying
 Get the general and trebuchet too
 Each one to ruse the other
 Perhaps in the battle noise
 We can take it so much further
 When we have their two little toys


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #144 on: May 01, 2011, 10:01:38 am »
Daniel worked feverishly to stem the flow of blood from the young man's leg. It had been torn off completely by an errant stone dropped when one of the towers fell. Calling to the Lord Protector, he felt only the faintest trickle of healing fire flow from his hands and the bright red flow slowed to a slow ebb. He was too tired, to distracted, to overwhelmed by the death and destruction around him to focus properly. Frantically, he applied bandages and tied his own belt around the limb above the amputation, yet still the young man's eyes dimmed. Daniel could do nothing but hold the young knight in his arms as his soul fled to the heavens. "Be sheltered under golden wing, my brother." Daniel muttered eyes red from the smoke and his own grief. "Until we serve together again."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #145 on: May 01, 2011, 05:10:42 pm »
*With a heavy heart Wren looks out over some small piece of shattered wall, his thoughts on Ferrit and Gel. Knowing there is no way to take a strike team out into the field at this point. He says a silent pray to Folain to watch over them. To no one he mumbles*

Make your way back here Ferrit or get the hell away but be safe.

*He then looks to the Orsgaunt Mountains wondering if there is a way around through them. He goes off to find any of the fort guides to ask*

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #146 on: May 01, 2011, 11:09:14 pm »
Argali advises Wren that Ractraferioz has taken up residence in the Orsgaunt Mountains with the aim of preventing travel through them.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #147 on: May 02, 2011, 11:08:27 am »
*speaking with Argali*

I am sure a large force would be easy to spot but what about a few small well dispersed stealth teams? We have gotten past dragons without detection before *he grins*. Thoughts?

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #148 on: May 02, 2011, 12:10:00 pm »
Argali stares out over the mountains, her thoughts briefly taken by other concerns. "Maybe," she replies absently.

"It iz just the 'notherr perril to be facing along the way to whateverr dangerr you arre zeeking to courrt." She smiles to Wren.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #149 on: May 02, 2011, 01:30:17 pm »
*Griff is seen on the South wall with a pick in his axe hand barking orders to soldiers as they move boulders of rock to fill in the final touches of the reconstruction  (//Griff is helping Kromlek as was suggested by Dezza's last post).  He looks like a ghost with the dust and boulder ash covering him head to toe.*

Aye move some more in dis spot 'ere *points at his feet* n get dat part up der by deh wall shore'd up der *points again*.  Aye den dat should do it boys....real foine job weh don 'ere.  Get ye some grub n drink when ye ern't it.

*Griff stands on a pile of debris and puts a leg up on a rock with one hand on a knee surveying the area with a keen dwarven eye as he spits out some dirt.  He notices the large amounts of unused boulders and wall parts and left over mortar.  He then goes to visit Daniella to speak to her.*

Aye Lady Commander ifn Oi could have a few minutes.

*He waits her response and if given some time he would continue*

Got meh a couple oidears 'ere.  Oroight, den meh firs' oidear.  Oi heard deh enemy gota big rock chucker hit'n meh West wall.  Oi know weh got some mages round loik'n tah cast spells n what not.  Oi'd loike permission tah have some more mages join deh ones already on deh West wall for a short task.  Get a lil group ov em togetha loike.  Den Oi'd sugges' dat deh target dat big rock chucker wit some foire balls all at deh same toime.  Oi've seen dem foire balls cast befer n dem tings got some range tah em.  If'n jus a few ov dem mages hit dat bugger meh tinks it will burn loike a box ov matches in dis heat.

*Griff nods looking at Daniella and is about to spit when he realizes it might offend her and continues*

Roight (a bit gargled now), meh second oidear is 'bout dem digg'as on meh west wall.  Weh gota lot ov des extra boulders n morta from repair'n deh south wall.  Oi'd loike tah throw a'lota dat over deh West wall n deh holes deh been try'n tah dig.  Gona need a tempo'ry shift ov some archers tah cover deh goints n oter folks who gona trow it over deh soide.  Weh gona have tah keep 'n oeye n deh sky fer dragons, but dat ain't nut'n different.  Meh tinks dat will really puta fix on dem diggas over der n give deh wall a chance ta hold.

What say ye Commander, can Oi go ahead n give des a troy?

*He winks at her and swats out some dust in his beard and hair*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #150 on: May 02, 2011, 07:38:32 pm »
*Vrebel helps Argali down off the rubble that was the south wall even though he is cleary having more trouble at keeping his footing than she*

If ya ever need a dance partner in the future Captain ya got one

*He briskly heads over to were Captain Daniel is on the North wall*

Darn fine job Captain now I know why Audira held as long as it did.  I'm gonna go talk to our Commander.  *He gives a brief salute*

*As he walked by the now closed south gate his thoughts drifted to Ferrit and Gel.  He had a sick feeling in his gut.  He didnt like sending people into harms way.  This captain stuff was taking a toll on him.*

*Vrebel approaches Commander Daniella near the center of the fort*

Commander excellent work pushin that drach wall back like ya did.

*He nods scratching his sideburns a bit and then looks to her*

You know that south wall over the tunnel collapsin gave me an idea.  Those drachs are gonna be lookin' for us when or if we find a way out through them demon caverns.  I know were hopin' that the big lizard comes and finishes them off but it might be a good idea to have another plan.

*He gazes over to the Eastern passage*

If we can make them drachs think we went east to the water to escape we might be able to collapse em with an avalanche.  I noticed durin' the rescue of the supply wagons that them ledges be awful unstable.  If we can lure them in to the passage and cause an avalanche we could at least block em in from headin' to Hilm, the non winged ones that is.  Otherwise, all they'll do is head ta Hilm once they figure we ditched em.

Maybe have some peasants up there waitin ta push over boulders er maybe have some kinda trip wire they hit toward the middle of the passage who knows.

*He has a sip from his canteen pouring the rest over his head to wash off the dust and blood*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #151 on: May 02, 2011, 07:44:41 pm »
When Griff comes to speak with Daniella, she listens, but as his speech gets more garbled, her expression pinches slightly.

"Captain, as far as the mage idea goes, I'll see who is available and send them over.  It's worth a shot.  For the second idea, however, I think you should discuss it with Thane Bluntaxe.  I'll agree to whatever he decides."

Afterwards she turns and listens to Vrebel.  She stays quiet for a few moments before she responds.

"I'll consider it, Captain.  For now, just continue as you are."

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #152 on: May 03, 2011, 10:28:15 am »
Four days after they left to scout the enemy forces, Gel'larian and Ferritt are lead to Lady Daniella, under guard, by Adjuntant Werrin. They are brought to a safe distance from the Commander and the Adjuntant advances, saluting crisply.  Upon acknowledgement from Lady Daniella, he speaks in a measured and concise manner.

Commander.  We found these two climbing the southwestern wall in Cult Regular uniforms.  Before we had a chance to engage them, they tore off the rags, surrendered and started going on about portals and sabotage. I presume they are spies, here to feed us false information, but that judgement is beyond my purview.  What would you like done with them?

Werrin stands awaiting Daniella's word.  Gel'larian looks up at Daniella with a glazed countenance and then to Ferrit and then slumps to his knees.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #153 on: May 03, 2011, 11:12:49 am »
Following a "rest" that became catatonic unconsciousness for a while, Andrew awakes and catches up on anything that happened.  His relief that the scouts have returned alive is reflected in his voice; he makes his way to the Commander, singing as he goes for the men and women around him.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #154 on: May 03, 2011, 11:44:22 am »
Quote from: gilshem ironstone
Four days after they left to scout the enemy forces, Gel'larian and Ferritt are lead to Lady Daniella, under guard, by Adjuntant Werrin. They are brought to a safe distance from the Commander and the Adjuntant advances, saluting crisply.  Upon acknowledgement from Lady Daniella, he speaks in a measured and concise manner.

Commander.  We found these two climbing the southwestern wall in Cult Regular uniforms.  Before we had a chance to engage them, they tore off the rags, surrendered and started going on about portals and sabotage. I presume they are spies, here to feed us false information, but that judgement is beyond my purview.  What would you like done with them?

Werrin stands awaiting Daniella's word.  Gel'larian looks up at Daniella with a glazed countenance and then to Ferrit and then slumps to his knees.

Daniella returns the salute, then looks over the two in question.  "Well done, Adjutant.  They aren't spies, however, at least not for the enemy.  Please release Mister Windsbreath and Mrs. Pandorn, thank you for bringing them here.  You are dismissed."

She then turns her attention to Gel'larian and Ferrit.  "Alright, I expect reports."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #155 on: May 03, 2011, 11:51:18 am »
Daniel rushes in looking alarmed at guards surrounding his guildmate and friend but relaxes slightly at Daniella's words.  With haste he moves quickly to Ferrit and Gel'larian, helping the elf to his feet. "For pity's sake, give them a moment to recover their wits, I am certain it was a most harrowing experience for them." Making small tsk noise of irritation he tends to any hurts either of them may have and sees that they eat and drink before allowing them to report.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #156 on: May 03, 2011, 12:00:56 pm »
Gel'larian looks up to her with a weary grin, his lips cracked from lack of water, his face smeared with mud.

Good.... to see you too.

After he is released by the guards, he sits on the ground, the weight of the past days stooping his posture.  He speaks in a ponderous fashion, his thoughts distract due to hunger and exposure.

We got close.. found a way through the muck... There is a lot out there... a raid?  Maybe a bad idea... But then!  We got closer.  Camp of Ori were talking.. Said the portal being built... was being redirected by them.  Anyone going through... would end up in the.. Ori camp.  Can I have water?

He looks up at Daniella hopefully.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #157 on: May 03, 2011, 12:50:27 pm »
"Certainly, Master Gel'larian, here, take my canteen." Daniel holds it to him before Daniella can say anything. Daniel waits for him to drink then departs with a small smile at them both. "Tis good to have you back safely."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #158 on: May 03, 2011, 01:31:09 pm »
"Captain Poetr, thank you for your dilligence, I'll take it from here.  Mister Windsbreath, Ms. Pandorn, if you'll come with me, I'll see that you get food and drink and a place to wash up, but we need a full report before this portal is operational.  If you would please follow me."

She offers them each a hand to help them up if they aren't already standing, and then leads them towards the interior of the Fort looking for Connor, or someone who can get in touch with him quickly.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #159 on: May 03, 2011, 01:39:04 pm »
With a grunt he accepts her help and stumbles along behind Daniella.  The thought of food, water and a hot cloth tantalizing his senses.  As they walk along he mutters the question:

Is it working yet?