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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5376 times)


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #180 on: May 06, 2011, 07:53:39 am »
The latest assault had been repelled and he'd ended up a combat medic of sorts with his healing songs, for those who didn't wear Rofierin's claw anyway.  Unconscious Toranites could sort things out later with their god, he didn't mind healing them and neither did Ilsare.  Tiller gave him a wave from the shed where last decoy they had the materials to build was being assembled as he passed by.

Tiller.  Reads gnomish, has assembled two net throwers and decoys for both the net throwers and Argali's Boomstick.  Ran one of the net throwers with him and had the eyesight to actually make a shot.  Hm...

Daniella was heading to the Western Wall at a pace that was brisk despite how tired he knew she must be.  Gaman, girl.  With a little extra speed he caught up to her.

"Commander.  I've been thinking.  If we end up falling back at some point, we should take Tiller with us.  He may not be more than adequate as the solider he signed up to be but he's invaluable when it comes to those net throwers.  I'd like to take him off the wall entirely and have him get measurements and plans ready in case we have to build more of these from scratch.  Who can you spare for me to train to shoot it in his place?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #181 on: May 06, 2011, 07:57:54 am »
Quote from: RollinsCat

"Commander.  I've been thinking.  If we end up falling back at some point, we should take Tiller with us.  He may not be more than adequate as the solider he signed up to be but he's invaluable when it comes to those net throwers.  I'd like to take him off the wall entirely and have him get measurements and plans ready in case we have to build more of these from scratch.  Who can you spare for me to train to shoot it in his place?"

Her voice booms back at him without even stopping or slowing her pace towards the commotion at the Western wall.  "Not now, Mister Reid!"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #182 on: May 06, 2011, 09:08:09 am »
Daniel left Mulevy in charge of the north wall with orders to rest the men as he was able and to keep a sharp watch and made his way to the injured area closer to the center of the fort. Surveying the injured, he immediately set to work, the more powerful of his prayers saved for those closest to death."By the Dragon, such a waste." He muttered passing Andrew who was spell singing to an unconcious Toranite fighter and giving him a pat on the shoulder.  Opening his bag of healing supplies, he was discouraged to see so few, yet did not hesitate to apply those he had left.  Hopefully, there were more ..somewhere.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #183 on: May 06, 2011, 09:51:49 am »
Quote from: Alatriel
"Not now, Mister Reid!"

"I'll take that as a yes, then."  With a mutter, he spun back toward Tiller's shed to speak to the man about his future...


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #184 on: May 07, 2011, 12:18:06 am »
Less than half an hour later Captain Nelson of the Brelin infantry strides up to Daniella with four Brelin guards at his back.

"Commander, you sent for us?"

Daniella spun on her heel to face the older man a frown creasing her features.

"No I did not Captain and I should like to know who told you that."

The Captain frowned himself, "The Rofireinite, Captain Daniel told me to come see you, said it was urgent and I had to hurry and to bring my guards with me."

Daniella's eyes narrowed, "Just what was your position Captain? Were you near the western wall?"

"No Commander, we were guarding the entrance to the Fort's main food stores."

A terrible sickening sensation entered Daniella's stomach and before she knew it she was running and calling for guards to attend her. They got within two streets of the main food stores and there was a cacophanous roar and a column of flame soared into the sky before a wave of heat rolled out and hit them in the face.

Horns started to sound in the fort and soldiers with water buckets raced towards the scene of the inferno.

Daniella and her group rounded the corner of the street where the main food storages were to see flames climbing over several buildings nearby and the main storage building burning steadily. In the middle of the street, arms raised to ward off the intese heat emanating form the food storage building and the other buildings that were alight two men causally tossed fireballs and sheets of flame into more buildings setting them alight without abandon.

Daniella ordered her group to capture the two men and raced down the street. She got halfway then had to duck as one of the men turned and saw them coming launching a fireball towards them. Heat washed over her back and she heard men scream in pain behind her. Racing towards them still, her legs on fire from the effort she almost reached them when one took out a tome and opened its pages. The other cast a spell then gripped his partners arm and together they blinked out of sight. What was left was a hovering ball of incandescent red light. It shimmered and seemed to shiver and pulsated growing larger with each pulse. Realising it for what it was Daniella glanced around her seeing soldiers running towards the area from every direction.

She skidded to a halt desperately trying to be heard above the din screaming at the men and women to get back and clear the area. There was a soft popping sound and Daniella turned as the ball of light detonated sending waves of heat and fire into each area on the street. Men and women nearby were incinerated instantly while others further out were thrown back and sustained terrible burns and injuries.

Daniella herself stood against the blast, the waves of heat and fire washing over her causing blackened soot stains on her armour and clothing but leaving her relatively unharmed. As the waves of fire diminished Daniella glanced around at the scene of burning devastation. Through the sounds of the wounded and dying, the crackling of flames on the buildings and the raging inferno of the main food supplies she sought out a familiar face.

As it turns out Argali and Daniel were closest to the disaster and arrived just as Daniella was searching. She strode towards Daniel thunder on her face.

"I want to know how they got into the Fort without our knowing, two Drach Ori, in our fort! They've destroyed the main food supplies." Then she turned to Argali. "I need you to inventory what we have left Captain." Then she looked at Captain Brelin, "Get your men to clean this mess up and see to the wounded."

With that she strode off thinking desperately about how they could contain the slowly falling apart seige of Fort of last Hope.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #185 on: May 07, 2011, 12:24:38 am »
Kromlek races up his leg healed finally and regards the fires just as Daniella storms off. He looks around and goes over to Argali.

"Oi take it dat dis ney beh gud den eh? Food huh? Oi'd love teh know how dem boogers got in here den."

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #186 on: May 07, 2011, 12:37:50 am »
Argali nods to the Lady Commander and sets about the task. In passing, she mutters something in dwarven about magic that causes Kromlek to double-take the captain.

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #187 on: May 07, 2011, 01:02:49 am »
Quote from: Harlas Ravelkione
* Taking a break from the fighting to get some food, Kobal seeks out Argali at one of the launchers. *

Argali. * He blinks as another missile is loosened with an audible TWANG! *

Coul' ye ask one of yer goiants ter pray fer some rattlin' an quakin' of tha' ground near our walls? Especially tha' west wall.

We got a feelin' 'em sappers be busy tunnelin' an' a good shake will loikely bring tha' soil dauwn on their heads. *he grins*

T'wont do much ter tha' Fort is mah judgement. Nay worse than wha's already goin' on 'ere.

Argali pinches the cheek of the Thane to make sure it is him, and, whispering into his ear, asks him:

"Zh'azk poaziurlath urwa k'a ponururt urwa k'a aazhk'?"

// "What becomes of the blood of the earth?" //

Her look to him implies she requires a correct answer.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #188 on: May 07, 2011, 01:22:48 pm »
Daniel looks shell shocked at Daniella's outburst. "My men are watching the northern wall, Commander.  I gave no orders to Captain Brelin to seek you out.  I swear this by the Dragon himself.   As for those. *he gestures vaguely at the Ori* I have no idea how they got in here, but it solves the mystery of the strange orders no?  I will be be personally at the North Wall from here on out, Commander. *Daniel salutes stiffly and turns to go clearly puzzled and angry*
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #189 on: May 07, 2011, 01:30:25 pm »
"From now on, I want each company to have a secure word for all orders given by any captain or commanding officer.  If those words are not used, they are not to follow orders," Daniella says, frustration evident even as she does her best to remain as calm as possible under the circumstances.  "If we still have issues past that, then we have traitors in our midst and I want to know where the information is leaking.  Determine these passwords and do so discretely, but do it quickly."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #190 on: May 07, 2011, 04:26:19 pm »
The fire was not good for morale.  Whether there was enough food to make it through the siege or not, reasons and rumors began to spread.  Andrew switched gears, singing and also acting as a morale officer of sorts while trying to find someone in charge who could tell him how it really happened.  To that end he hunted down Daniel.

"Hey, tin can."  A smile for his friend.  "I'm not sure what happened but I'd like to help keep the forces calm, what can you tell me?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #191 on: May 07, 2011, 04:27:23 pm »
*wren hears of Ferrit and Gel's return. He waits for them to make thief reports and then goes to see them*

Glad you made it back in one piece. I heard a bit about your report already. Anything more *grins*?


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #192 on: May 07, 2011, 05:49:57 pm »
*Griff listens to Kobal's suggestion to Argali and nods*

Aye, dis is what weh discussed

*trying to reassure her the request by Kobal is sound.  He then goes to the West wall and establishes the password to be used for giving out orders and distributes it to Kobal and other trusted soldiers in charge.  After which he approaches Daniella.*

Aye Lady Commanda.  Oi figure ye figure deh same ting as Oi bout des false orda's.  Meh tink deh Sappa's come underneath deh Wes Wall n may beh underneath us now.  Oi gota suspicion deh got some moind flayas er somtin down der mess'n wit our heads.  Oi got two toughts on dat n ye can 'elp on deh firs.  Get some paladins tah comb deh ground on dis soide ov deh Wes Wall tah try tah locate deh tunnels underneath by try'n tah detect der evilness.  Den at least weh know ifn der under us n maybe bouts where.

Meh second thought would beh tah have some search'n toypes look round deh Wes Wall n som'a dem build'ns near it tah look fer loose stones or a place where deh are com'n up from deh tunnels.  Ifn weh can 'elp em foind deh tunnels by detect'n der evil, would make der job easy'a foind'n where deh com'n up.

Aye, jus some thoughts Oi had *Nods*.

*Griff would tell Daniella his secret password for orders and wait for her response before heading back to the West Wall*


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #193 on: May 07, 2011, 07:21:58 pm »
Daniel grins wryly at Andrew's greeting, much of tension leaving him. "Not much, Captain Brelin and his men were guarding the food stores when he thought I ordered him to report to the Commander. Whilst away, our food stores were set afire." Daniel looks a touch worried. "We are establishing passwords to help with such matters now, yet little can be done about the food short of tightening our belts, friend." Daniel looks thoughtful for a moment, "I heard a rumor among the men that we may have sappers under a wall, is this true? If so there is a prayer I could call for that may collapse them. Perhaps you could mention this to the Commander? I am not feeling confident she would hear myself at the moment."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #194 on: May 07, 2011, 08:28:45 pm »
Vrebel looks wild eyed and enraged after the explosion to the food stores.  After a brief assessment of the situation near the food stores he rushes back up to the top of the North wall to confer with Captain Daniel regarding a codeword as ordered by the Commander.  He does a double take as he spots Daniel making sure its the "real" Captain Daniel.

"It okay to talk to you?"

He offers a grizzled half grin

"Heard what happened back there.  Its a nasty mess those Ori are stirrin up.  Commander seemed purty fired up.  She wants us ta come up with a code word which seems like a good idear considerin'.  I got some ideas but I dont think we should talk out here if ya know what I mean"

His head swivels slowly to the troops at the wall

"We best do our talkin' in a secured area maybe by the portals so the codes dont get compromised.  I'll meet ya there if we ever get a respite from these  boulders."

As he heads down the wall he offers a nod back to Daniel

"Good thing you assumed the wall duty when ya did Captain."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #195 on: May 07, 2011, 08:54:54 pm »
Either unaware or unconcerned with the goings-on outside, Connor and the other mages continue working, and on the day after Gel'larian and Ferrit return from their scouting mission, the portal at last comes to life. While normally such a thing would be cause to relax a bit, such was not in the cards on this day.  Immediately and with careful protections laid in place, they begin to probe the portal, seeking out any signs of tampering, redirection interference or other efforts by the Ori.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #196 on: May 08, 2011, 08:59:24 am »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Argali pinches the cheek of the Thane to make sure it is him, and, whispering into his ear, asks him:

"Zh'azk poaziurlath urwa k'a ponururt urwa k'a aazhk'?"

// "What becomes of the blood of the earth?" //

Her look to him implies she requires a correct answer.

* Kobal furrows his brows and whispers the correct answer into her ear - probably repeating it a few times before she hears it over the noise around them. *


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #197 on: May 08, 2011, 09:05:40 am »
He frowned at the idea of double orders.  "Do you have True Sight on?  We have few mages but the ones we do have are running full-out, so maybe it got overlooked by them - it's possible someone is running around playing doppleganger.  If you can bless yourself with it, I'd most certainly do that, and as many other key people as you can.  I'll see what I can suggest to Dani but she'd taking on too much responsibility in my opinion and won't have time to hear me either.  That girl needs to learn to delegate."  He chuckled.  "Suggest your spell to Kobal, Kromlek or Argali - they have the authority to move on it without bothering her and from all the grumbling I've heard will be plenty glad to have an idea about how to stop those sappers.  What spell were you thinking, out of curiousity?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #198 on: May 08, 2011, 10:46:45 am »
Daniel frowned at his friend's familiar use of Dani for the commander, but nodded, " I shall seek out Defender Argali then and offer my services. Tis a powerful prayer - earthquake - and may tumble more than sapper's tunnels so I hesitate to use it unless I consult with the stoneworkers first.  As for the Dragon's sight, Aye, I could do so, but unless a specific location and time is known, I fear its lapse when most needed.  The Al'Noth has limits like men's strength, Andrew."  Daniel goes of to find Argali and offer his prayer.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #199 on: May 08, 2011, 12:16:42 pm »
Quote from: Harlas Ravelkione
* Kobal furrows his brows and whispers the correct answer into her ear - probably repeating it a few times before she hears it over the noise around them. *

Argali nods to Kobal, and heads off to find Mogrrin and Herjak about quaking the sappers under the west wall.

