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Author Topic: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...  (Read 820 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:54:20 am »
* After some weeks of aiding in rebuilding efforts at Hilm Castle, helping to clear rubble and relocating those poor citizens who lost their homes in the battle, the Runic Anvil dwarves have slowly begun packing their few belongings and are taking down their camp.

Kobal surveys the busy dwarves for a while before making his way to a meeting with Alexander Fortain, Lance Stargazer and Daniella Stormhaven (and whoever else wishes to participate).

Kobal makes a brief report about the efforts of his clan, both at Audiria, the Fort of Last Hope and in the final battle at Hilm Castle. He pays his respect to the leaders of the allied forces and lets them know that he admires the courage and resolve that was shown against this overwhelming foe.

Afterwards, he asks that it be recorded what the Runic Anvil did in this war and how many troops were sent to the aid of foreign kingdoms. He asks that diplomatic ties be established between the Hilm Protectorate and the Runic Anvil, perhaps enabled through the creation of a portal between Hilm Castle and the Runic Anvil. Kobal does not say it plainly, but makes it known that should the Runic Anvil ever be in need of allies, he trusts that Hilm will be there.

Lastly, he makes his personal goodbyes and asks whether anything more is asked from him or his clan. *
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Lance Stargazer

Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 04:40:13 am »
*Lance recieves Kobal , with a wary but polite smile, Ell his wife beside him *

Masterdwarf, It is on my full interest to extend the diplomatic endeavours, that was my intent when i first traveled to your kingdom during the battles we fought there. And indeed,  I personally make written in the records the deeds of every single allied kingdom that helped to make the castle stands.

It was and it still is a great effort that needed be here. Your kin has shown again great bravery and honor and its us whom are honored to had you as allies on this battle and the ones that fate make us coincide as allies.

**he bows respectfully *

**he will discuss the portal option with Lord Alexander if any, *

Script Wrecked

Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 04:56:39 am »
Argali bows and smiles to Kobal.

"It has been the honour, kin. Until we arre meeting on the battlefield again."


Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2011, 08:14:04 am »
Upon hearing from Lance about the imminent departure of the Runic Anvil soldiers he expresses gratitude for their aid and sadness that they are unable to stay the journey. The war is far from done and every able body is still needed to recapture Hilm and Kuhl from the Cult.

Lance is tasked with ensuring that other nations do not think that they can just walk away. Now, the real work begins.


Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2011, 11:08:34 am »
During all the words of departure and well-wishing, Connor walks up to Kobal in his turn and claps the dwarf solidly on his shoulder. Keeping his hand there firmly, Connor fixes Kobal with a gaze born of a century (give or take) of friendship and uncounted trials, speaking more in those few moments than any spoken words could do. He adds a slightly crooked smile that reaches his eyes, followed by a nod and another clap to the dwarf's shoulder before withdrawing his hand.

"Safe journeys, old friend," he says quietly before withdrawing and letting Kobal go about the business of departing.


Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2011, 11:25:46 am »
Daniella adds to Lance's thoughts that she understands that there has been a lot of fighting, but should the Runic Anvil choose to remain, their presence and strengths would be well appreciated in the continuing efforts to liberate Kuhl and retake Hilm even still.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2011, 01:09:05 pm »
* Kobal addresses those in attendance. *

We did battle in Sederra in defence of tha' oasis city, Audiria. Tha' same reasons brought us 'ere ter tha' fabled Fort of Last Hope. A shame tha' our efforts were nay enuff. Tha' general Soife be livin' up ter 'is reputation.

Foinally, we fought at Hilm, agains' overwhelmin' odds... *he licks his lips as he fixes the eyes of those regarding him* an' barely prevailed. Truth be tol' it was nay our own doin', bu' due ter tha' WILL behoin' tha' army disappearin' an' 'em soldiers loosin' their backbone. We fought well an' Vorax was wit' us on tha' field, bu' wha' decoided it was Molvaren leavin' tha' field.

Nauw tha' army be retreatin'. Even though 'em be still many an' stron' enuff ter continue tha' attack.

Molvaren s'got reason ter recall 'em. Oi donnae exactly know wha' 'em be, bu' Oi reckon he'll wish ter secure 'is own borders nauw, tellin' from tha' intelligence we be receivin'. He'll nay make more trubble 'ere at Hilm Castle at least, Oi reckon.

Ye'll need ter free tha' cities in Hilm still in Molvaren's clutches. Bu' ye donnae need our help wit' tha'. Once Hilm is freed of enemy influence, ye may turn yer regard ter tha' west, bu' mark my words ye'll be bloodied badly iffen ye contemplate takin' on Molvaren in Kuhl. He's still got a few dragons an' he's still got some of 'em lizardy folks. Even iffen ye somehauw managed dis feat, Oi aint sure ye're willin' ter pay tha' proice.

So, Oi advoise tha' ye focus on one thin' at a toime. Either ye retake Hilm an' secure its borders agains' future introsion from Kuhl, or ye pick yer brains until ye foin' a way ter remove Molvaren... bu' dah last pro'lly needs ter 'appen nauw, or really soon. Afore he is back in charge of all strings.

Anyway. Oi aint seein' tha' Anvil in any of dese battles. We came 'ere ter defend wha's good an' roight.


Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2011, 12:06:27 am »
*Wren listened to Kobal address the commanders. He nods to himself and says quietly* It was an honor to see you and your kin in action.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2011, 01:07:49 am »
* Kobal nods to those in attendance, a friendly gleam in his eyes. He sends Connor on his way with a pat on his back and a muffled "donnae git stuck in one of yer portals, laddy... oh, an' coul' ye send us on our way?" and turns to go back to his kin.

Only a few hours later the dwarves of the Runic Anvil make their way home, aching to feel the solid presense of Mount Norand below their feet. *

// They will go via portal, if Connor is able/willing to send them off. Else they will take the sea route - although the latter will cause a lot of angry looks, dwarven curses, spitting and vomiting along the way.


Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2011, 01:43:46 am »
*Griff grumbles as he see's all the Runic Anvil kin leaving, but then approaches Kobal before he leaves*

Aye Kobal was an hon'a ta foight wit ye n deh Runic kin.  Weh hate tah see all ye kin leav'n wit foight'n still tah be had, but Oi trust ye leadership ov deh Runic Anvil tah know dis beh deh roight choice fer ye n ye kin.  Deh Runic Anvil done lots tah help so far n deh war n ye suffered ye share ov losses.  Oi'm sure Vorax beh proud ov deh Runic's war contributions.  Nobody knows how dis war gona play out, so keep ye self safe n maybe we just moight see each oter 'gain on deh battle field before its all play'd out.  Oi pray Vorax walk wit ye n ye kin.

*He pats Kobal firmly on the back, nods and then takes some time to talk with some of the Runic Anvil kin that he fought with to say his goodbyes and farewells*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Leaders meet as the Runic Anvil dwarves start packing...
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2011, 01:44:59 am »
**Lance Adresses the dwarves and nods*

It is indeed a shame to lose your troops for the incoming battle, yet one has to do what it is feel right . We won't forgive your help, Depart in peace masterdwarf.

*he then is off to speak and keep organizing the troops*