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Author Topic: Leringard and Kuhl  (Read 240 times)


Leringard and Kuhl
« on: July 07, 2008, 05:49:08 am »
*Talk begins to spread of Kuhl, passed from one adventurer to the other carefully and quietly, though only a few seem to know where the source of the information came from.
Some answers are revealed, but more questions arise from it.

A more detailed account is sent several days later, to BumbleBee for the Dragons Whisper*

We'll speak of Leringard first.
All know of the tradgedy that happened there.
What some may not know is why.

Needless to say, some people tried to do a "good" thing... as misguided and deceived as they were.
It was told that Fisterion was deceiving us, that he knew of and had the means to track down and end the growing trouble that these "Dragon-Stealing" Cult were starting.
That by stealing a particular artifact from them, the looming danger the Cult promised could end.

They were wrong. Tricked by the Dragon-Stealers, the item was mistakenly given to them, and the Adventurer's and Leringard payed the price for their mistake.

It's not really important right now who they are. When they fix what they broke, they will likely step forward and take responsibility.
But not right now.

The Cult has been tracked to having dealings, and possibly being based in the Kingdom of Kuhl, in Belinara.
Many may know already of the Dragons now controling the cities of Ash and Phall, Dragons poisoned by old magics and in control of the Dragon Cult.
Some may know of the Cult "assisting" Kuhl in securing a trade agreement with Sedara, again by the use of their "controlled" Dragons.
And further rumours suggest Amaria may be the next target for them.

What may not be known, is what is trying to be kept quiet within Kuhl's borders.
That they are preparing for war, with "Strangers" in the northern part of their country. Few know exactly who or what these "Strangers" are.
The Town of Tammil it is said has been over-run by these "Strangers"... and the last report from Kuhl was that fighting had already broken out in Tulam.
Tracks have been found in that region, tracks of the reported " Dragon Creatures"... taller than a man, having connections to the Cult.

It is possible it is these creatures that Kuhl is at war with, although recent events would make this seem unlikely. But then... who knows?
Who knows what is truly happening over there?
But the more we keep guessing, the more we are likely to get it so wrong.
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Re: Leringard and Kuhl
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 12:58:33 am »
A man in dark robes wearing a wicker hat is seen around the storm crest shack.  It he speak quietly to those who enquirer.  He tells tales of dragons past and of dragons now.

