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Author Topic: Nesar-Hilm  (Read 2550 times)


« on: April 24, 2011, 09:10:23 pm »
// This takes place the day that Ractrafiorez breaks the southern wall of Fort of Last Hope.

"What do you think?" Razeriem frowned as he passed the looking glass back to Hardragh.

Hardragh took a look, scanning the areas of the town visible from the small farmhouse they had moved up into to get a better look at what lay ahead.

"I can't see much, a few towns folk moving around. Wait, there they are. Looks like some Cult regulars walking around the town, probably a patrol. We could send in some of the peasant enlistments, they can probably blend better and maybe speak to a few of the locals and find out what numbers we have to deal with."

Razeriem took the eyeglass back and looked once again. Slowly a smile spread across his face.

Hardragh grinned, "Or maybe not."

Razeriem snapped the looking glass shut, "Nothing like a brisk attack against unknown odds."

The two men withdrew from the house to where their horses and a half a dozen guards waited for them. Razeriem spoke to three of them.

"Herrin, go back to Sergeant Alkis tell him to bring his peasant regulars marching up the main road straight towards Prim. Make as much noise as you can, wave the banners around, whatever it takes. But loud."

"Loyd, you ride over to Lieutenant Jarnon and get him to take the cavalry round to the southern side of the city into those trees over there and wait for my signal. Then he is to charge into the town from that side."

"Jayk, I want you to tell Corporal Hayden to break the remaining infantry into units of forty men and march them in formations across the fields towards Prim behind the peasant enlistments."

The three men saluted casually, since Razeriem was not the type for many of the typical military accoutrements.

"So what are we doing?" Hardragh asked.

Razeriem gave him a cheeky grin, "We? We're going to go and knock on the door."

Together, followed by the remaining four guards their small group allowed their horses to walk forward along the main road to the city. As they drew closer they could see small guard posts set at many of the street entrances to the city with figures moving about in them.

As they drew even closer, to within a hundred metres of the first guard post a loud din began to arise down the road further back. Razeriem glanced behind him to see the several hundred peasants of his thousand strong army marching in columns, banners held high, voices yelling at the top of their lungs. Furthern back spread out in ten groups and advancing across the fields and dishevelled farms in outlying Prim came his Nesar regular infantrymen. He also trusted that the small cavalry force was now moving into position amongst the trees.

The noise of the peasants stirred Prim into action. The few townsfolk on the streets fled into their homes and suddenly Drachs and Cult regulars began rushing around to take their positions to defend the large town. One man, a tall Drach stepped forward commanding them to stop about 30 metres from the Cult lines into the town.

"This is a city of Kuhl, you are not welcome here, turn your army around and leave or we will slaughter you all."

Razeriem stepped down from his horse and walked towards the man hands out to show he held no weapon. The Drach appeared confident in his own abilities and only told Raz to halt when he was several feet from him.

With a flourish Raz bowed to the man and gave him his most winning smile.

"My good man, I'm simply here to rescue many damsels in distress. I was well informed that you people might know where I can find some."

The Drach looked momentarily off guard then resumed his tough stance.
"My commands stand, you will not have this town. It belongs to Kuhl. leave or die."

"My good man, I'm afraid we can't do that." His voice took on a harder tone. "You see I will rescue those damsels with or without your help. I really dont care if you die here I'm sure by the time I finish with your men at least one of them will give me what I want."

"Why you.." The Drach drew a large blade and moved to strike Raz down then stumbled and glanced down in suprise as the tip of Raz's rapier, pushed through his boiled leather armour and penetrated his heart with deadly speed and accuracy.

The area exploded into movement as Hardragh shouted a warning then leapt off his own saddle to face a group of crossbowers levelling their bows at Razeriem. His voice burst forth and the entire group fell to the ground blood pouring from their eyes and ears, their nose and mouths. Each one of them dead.

One of Raz's guards suddenly sounded a loud horn and the attack began.

The peasants started to run towards the city, the infantry jogged in formations towards it as well. More and more drach soldiers converged on the western edge of the town to face the incoming Nesar soldiers and as they did so the Cavalry swept in from the south driving up the narrower southern road and overrunning the cult positions, trampling the soldiers into the ground with the hooves of their warhorses and driving towards the heart of the town.

Razeriem and Hardragh lashed out with magic, voice and blades as they cut their way through the forward defences of the Cult. It seemed that the Cult had left merely a holding force at the town, a handful of Drachs and a larger handful of general Kuhl soldiers. By the time the peasant army reached the entrance to the town they fell upon those wounded or had somehow managed to escape Hardragh and Raz's dramatic advance.

Soon the infantry hit the western edge of the town, groups of forty men and women advancing through every street, encountering fleeing Cult soldiers here and there and other pockets of resistance.

The Cavalry narrowed their columns into the town and pushed to wards the main square. Driving smaller elements of the Cult forces before them and crushing those who fell in the street.

Within an hour Hardragh and Razeriem stood in the centre square of the large town. The cavalry were arrayed around the southern edge of the courtyard and infantrymen stood guard over two hundred Kuhl soldiers who had surrendered while the peasant enlisted folk began going door to door to let the townsfolk know they were safe.

Soon after Razeriem met with the Mayor of the town and learn't the news that every women and girl child in the town had been taken north soon after the Cult had captured the town.

The only good news was that a dozen women and children had been able to be kept hidden during the occupation.

As their men secured each part of the city and hunted for any remaining cult soldiers Razeriem and Hardragh interrogated several of the prisoners before making plans for their next move.  (PM sent)
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Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 02:46:08 pm »
Hardragh looks for Razeriem when he has some spare time in between his responsibilities.

"You know, I vaguely recall a Nesarran demon hunter falling to the Cult, perhaps this Marnasan is the same one." He shows an amused smirk. "Reckon I don't envy your command. We have no idea what their timetable is on the transfer to either Tulam or Zolinar. But it seems to me that waiting for the other forces at the lake and making a slow march to Sundance, is akin to chasing a horseman on foot. Depends on whatever this 'processing' might involve perhaps."

He takes a moment to look north. "Not that the Kuhl Forest is any better mind you, though it might grant some cover. Ohh, and reckon we should take a look at the equipment of the Cult's forces we captured or killed? They've no use for it, so you might want to scavenge what we can."


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 04:27:58 am »
"You're a barrel of fun you know that? I'm proud of us, we took a lightly defended town from the Cult.  It's a great start, and I am already formulating a plan.

Truth is, we better hope Cyn Chen shows up somewhere other than near us or we won't get a chance at freeing those slaves.  But no point worrying about that.  What i do have in mind however involves those uniforms from the captured prisoners.  Before we leave we are taking all the uniforms with us. They just might come in useful before this is done.

You have a better plan? If not I am going to march us up to Lake Tempest and set up camp.  Once that is done we are going to start sending scouts into southern Hilm and find out what the Cult has going on there.  Once we have an idea, we will send those scouts north to Sundance and see what is going on there.  We need to find out where the Cult armies are, what's going on in Sundance and where the slaves are exactly.  Once we do that, I'll come up with some madly brilliant plan that will bring us to the brink of disaster and give us a chance at the big coup.  *grins at Hardy* And you know that is exactly why you joined up with me.  You know I am crazy enough to try and you hope I'm dangerous enough to pull it off.  In any case, you know it'll be fun trying.

I'd like to find a way to try to get to those friendly forces in the forest and get them to join us.  Especially before those Corathites get to them.  But the slaves are the priority.  As for the  Fort Commander's time table  *raz grins again* we will see.

*During a break in conversation with Hardy, Raz orders his troops to prepare to march to Lake Tempest and to strip all the prisoners of their uniforms and take them with us.  Any servicable uniforms from the fallen and or storehouses in town.  Scouts are from this day to be given the option of taking a Cult uniform to wear at their discretion while on scout assignment.*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 08:33:41 am »
// 6 days after the recapture of Prim

True to their words Razeriem and Hardragh set out on the second day after recapturing Prim from the Cult leaving a handful of regular soldiers with a larger group of peasant infantry to watch the prisoners in Prim until soldiers from Holar were to arrive several days hence.

By evening of that day as the column of roughly 700 stopped and were making camp guards suddenly raced to Raz and Hardragh to tell them of a stranger at the edge of the camp.

Sensing the mens fear both Hardragh and Razeriem followed them to find a hulking brute of a man bearing a massive double headed axe and a surly temper. Hardargh grinned immediately and exchange greetings with the Half-Orc.

"Bout time you showed up, I'm afraid you've missed most of the fun but your just in time to dig the latrines for us."

Gork grunted in his usual fashion throwing a light travel pack at one of the guards near him watching him nervously.

"You's not loose that pack or you's lose you head." Then he regarded Hardragh. "From the stink me thought you already dug them." A slight change in his tone the only thing the guards noticed but to Hardagh is was the closest Gork often came in general conversation to making a joke.

Gork and Raz regarded each other for a few moments as if sizing each other up before Raz politely piped up.

"Lord Gork, just so you know right from the start, I'm in charge here."

Gork grunted, "We's see."

Raz's smile faded partially until he saw Hardragh grinning at him and decided to take Gorks comment as another joke.

That night was spent filling Gork in on what had happened at Miritrix and then Prim while Gork explained that he'd arrived late at Miritrix and followed Raz's trail to Prim then finally caught up to them as they had camped for the night.

The next two days were spent travelling overland from Prim to the little used road that wound around Tempest lake and which then headed north, eventually reaching Sundance.

Finally, on the sixth day after capturing Prim their small column arrived at the designated campsight near the lake where Miritrix Fort Commander Sir Polamic was to be waiting.

Sir Polamic was indeed in the camp having arrived a day before but he had had three skirmishes with Cult troops trying to reach the region. Small groups that had crossed the border from Kuhl along the Sun River  to engage the Nesar soldiers heading north.

Thus on the seventh day out of Prims capture, Sir Polamic, Razeriem, Hardragh and Gork sat down to work out their plans for the next stage of their mission. A full 200 miles still to be covered by the army to reach Sundance and the potentiality of Cult groups crossing from the Kuhl forest to engage them on their left flanks as they tried to cover 200 miles of dry ground that marked the edges of the Roughlands on the Hilm side and the rich lush forests of Kuhl on the Kuhl side of the border.

Partway through the meeting guards approached escorting yet another elf into their midst. Tralek bowed nonchalantly and grinned as he saw Raz's face in the group before he joined them ready and eager to participate in what was to come.

// Missing person found! Thanks...


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 04:48:52 pm »
*Upon meeting with G'ork, Raz's face darkens and his tone goes acidic.*


What side are you on this time Merc? The Cult gain your ire because they stole all the children before you could?

Don't like the competition?

*Raz turns his head partially, looking to a more than likely smirking Hardraugh.*

He is your responsibility, I'd rather gut him.

*Raz return's his full focus to an imposing G'ork for any response before pointedly turning his back to G'ork, returning to the main company and ordering them to continue to the Lake.*

//Providing they don't come to blows, Raz goes about readying the troops. Spending time amongst them (and away from G'ork.)  In meetings Raz can continues to be cold and chiding to G'ork (more than likely to G'ork's amusement.)  Some assumptions made for ease and time constraints, rewrite available.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2011, 08:15:53 am »
*Tralek arrives and gives Raz a smirk as he watches Raz interact with Gork and Hardy.  After Raz leaves he addresses Gork and Hardy.*

Well this is going to be fun (sarcastic tone).  I'm glad I finally met up with you fellas.  I got some payback to dish out on these Drachs from my recent stint in Miritrix and I've been wanting to rescue those women hostages.  Glad you guys are here.  Let me know if you request anything from me, I'm gona go talk with Raz.

*With that Tralek seeks out Raz amongst the troops*

Hey Raz!  I heard you're running this show.  Congratualtions on your commission.  Let me know where you want me and how I can best aid this effort.  Looks like you've done a smashing job so far; lets keep it up.

*Tralek turns to regard Raz as he pops some razberries in his mouth*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 12:00:30 pm »
*Hardragh nods to Tralek and watches him walk of to find Raz, then turning his attention to G'ork*

"And here I was just starting to think nothing could ruin his mood. Tis good that you are here though. Reckon that Raz would never admit it, but we sure could use your skills. That is if you managed to get rid of all that council fat, travelling through Belinara."

He gives the half-orc an appraising look then adds. "Raz' plans rely on good intel from our scouts about the situation around Sundance. Sounds right up your alley considering your infiltration of the Silver Crescent base. Maybe give those scouts a few pointers or show them how its done. What do you say?"


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 07:40:53 am »
// Day 8 of Ractrafiorez's ultimatum to Fort of Last Hope, and 2 days since Gel and Ferrit returned to the Fort of last Hope. 9 days since leaving Prim. 2 days since Alandric arrived at Vilsna.

The bleak terrain continued on for as far as the eye could see. For the fifth time that day Razeriem wondered why he'd agreed to take the path leading through the Roughlands towards Sundance and not the road that skirted the Kuhl forest along the border with Hilm that Sir Polamic had taken.

After leaving the assembly point near Lake Tempest just over a day ago Raz and Tralek had by default taken over command of a regiment of Peasant Infantry, 1500 Nesar regular infantry from Holar and about three hundred light cavalry. While they were travelling with Gork and Hardragh it was already apparent they were not a particularly unified force. Gork and Hardragh were now leading about five hundred peasant infantry, a thousand Miritrix Nesar regulars and five hundred light cavalry. Their columns wounds their way slowly through the roughlands trudging the dust on the ground and regularly coming across signs of Cult activity.

Dust hung in the air and covered the soldiers and horses, it stuck to their sweat until each man and woman looked like red dust ghosts marching along their way.  Occasionally a creature of the Roughlands would venture forth but most were in hiding from the Cult forces or had been killed already their twisted corpses half rotting left in various places. All in all it was a dreary, dirty and unpleasant march through nothing but hostile terrain and sadly was likely to remain the same for many days to come.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2011, 10:14:56 am »
// The day Daniella meets with Jaedon Siphe

Tendrils of energy crackled through the air leaving the flash and afterimage in the retina's of the soldiers who witnessed the blast as they licked around the fleeing Myrdrach searing flesh and wings. The creature fell to the ground where several brave soldiers leapt towards it stabbing fairly ineffectively with long spears. Into their midst came Tralek and Razeriem to finish the badly wounded creature.

With it finally dead Raz glanced northwards at the bleak rugged roughlands.

"I wonder how many more pockets of them we are going to encounter?"

Tralek joined him looking north. "We knew we'd start to encounter resistance sooner or later, these were just scouts we can expect more soon enough." He glanced to the east where a long line of soldiers were strung out on the other side of a shallow ravine.

"Looks like Hardragh and Gork hit a pocket of scouts too."

Raz glanced over to see clouds of dust near the front of the column and the movement of bodies in combat. Their army had split the day before which really didn't bother Raz. he'd had more than enough of Gork and didn't say no when hardragh suggested that he and Gork take half the army and branch to wards the east to come at Sundance from that angle. Raz and Tralek would continue north and hopefully Sir Polamic would hit from the west. Except now, still at least 3 or 4 days from Sundance they were starting to come across Cult scouts. They had flushed out two groups so far today, the second one slightly larger than the first.

"Alright Tralek, lets get this column into some semblance of order I guess and get moving again."

Tralek dragged his eyes away from the battle going on with Hardragh and Gorks column and nodded.

Meanwhile about half a mile to the east a battle as engaged.

Hardragh had been telling Gork about his visit to Moraken's tower when out of nowhere ahead of them half a dozen Myr'drachs had suddenly appeared and cut into the unfantry in the front ranks. Chaos had ensued until Gork had bellowed at the infantry to get into formations and he and Hardragh had entered the fray. Hardragh bellowed himself at the Myr'drachs with some small effect, enough to stun some of them long enough for Gorks heavy double axe to cut great gashes in them and for the pikemen to rush forward and stab at the creatures.

The battle was brief but almost a dozen valuable infantry had been lost and another four wounded. After the mop up and the line was moving again Hardragh and Gork moved to the front of the lines trusting in their own skills to help prevent another suprise attack. An hour later they discovered why their outriders didnt warn them of the Cult position. They were found dead in another shallow ravine.

Hardragh commented "I guess this is where it starts to get bloody."

Gork merely grunted. "Wes move till dark, tomorrow wes start to be more careful."

Meanwhile moving along the Kuhl-Hilm border was proving to be difficult for Sir Polamic. His men were being subjected to constant raids by groups of Cult soldiers across the border. He just didnt have the manpower to pursue the raiders and was trying to ensure he didnt fall to far behind the deadline he had set with Raz and Hardragh for the combined attack on Sundance.  On the other side of the coin he didnt want to reach Sundance with hardly any men left.

After two days of almost constant attacks he dispatched several messenger birds back to Fort Miritrix requesting urgent aid to try and get his army through safely and timely.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 06:08:45 am »
// 4 days after the Drach Ori camp south of Fort of last Hope is destroyed

"This isnt going to be that easy Raz." Tralek handed him the looking glass and peered over the dusty dirty rock and ravine strewn unnappealing land to the south of Sundance. The Roughlands was aptly named and it certainly had been a very rough approach to the large city.

Every step of the way they had been beset by attacks on them from groups of Tesak or Myr'drachs. The Tesak would strike at any time from the cover of the ravines and rocky hollows that the Roughlands were made up off. The Myrdrachs would fly over them in the night and come at their supply wagons in the rear when unexpected forcing them to turn about and defend them as well. In the end frustrated at the attacks of the enemy Raz and Tralek brought the supply wagons into the middle of the force. It was more awkward and slowed down the march but they could'nt afford to reach Sundance and not have provisions. The lands would not provide much in the way of sustenance for an army the size with them.

Razeriem looked for himself. He followed the lines of several close by ravines to a higher flatter area where a river from the mountains made its way just behind the city. The river in flood would bring nutrients to the area around the city, enough that it was viable to build the city there in the first place. But it also meant much of the land they could forage from was on the other side of the city and well defended.

Sweeping the glass back and forth he could see numerous defensive lines and trenchs dug around the outside of the city and many figures within them. Not only that observers for the Cult could be seen on top of the highest structures in the city no doubt watching him and his force at the same time trying to determine what each other was going to do in the days that followed.

"There is a lot of ground to cover between here and the city Raz, a lot of open unfriendly ground." Tralek mused quietly and brushed some red mud  from the Roughlands from his sleeve.

Raz turned slightly and look towards the east further along the rise where his army camped, to a similar region a few miles away. Hardragh and Gorks force had arrived the day before almost a day behind Raz and Traleks force and taken up position near some rocky upthrusts. Tralek had sent a runner to their camp just after they arrived who had returned and explained that they had met heavy resistance in the ravines they had had to travel through in order to reach the outskirts of the lands around the city. They had lost a number of soldiers and needed a day or so to settle in before they came to discuss what would happen.

In the meantime Raz and Tralek had sent out scouts at regular intervals trying to guage paths and means to approach the city without taking too many losses. The problem was the exposure any force had on their approach to heavily fortified positions around the city. Beyond that food and water was going to be a big issue if they could not find places to forage.

Raz finally handed the glass back to Tralek. "Is Hardragh going to be here soon?"

Tralek nodded as he placed the glass back into its protective leather pouch.

"Lets get back to the camp then and hope he doesnt bring Gork with him."

Tralek grinned at Raz's comment and together they went back to the camp. Just in time as it turned out to see Hardragh approach with four guards and no sign of Gork.

Raz breathed a sigh of relief and invited Hardragh to his tent. Once inside they all sat ready to talk.

"I've got about twenty five hundred soldiers fit and ready to fight but I've lost most of my provisions to the Myr'drachs so I'm going to need some of yours." Hardragh said it as if it was a done deal.  "I've had scouts out since we arrived including Gork and he's found a ravine that travels almost right up to the south eastern edge of the city which I figure I could get a score or two of soldiers too without being seen. I haven't quite worked out what I'd do with them once we got there but its there anyway."

Razeriem looked at a roughly sketched map he'd been putting together with Tralek since they arrived.
"If you're taking some of our supplies thats going to leave us really short. We've got just under three and a half thousand in our camp and our estimates at this point are that we are dealing with at least seven or eight thousand regular soldiers and another 1500 or so Drach Garra and a small group of Drach Tesak and Ori, not to mention at least three or four flights of Myr'drachs."

Tralek spoke up after Raz finished, "One thing we are desperately lacking is magic in both of our armies. I'll do what I can when things get moving but apart from what Raz can do and a few mediocre Al'nothists and a couple of mixed clergy we don't have a lot in that respect."

Hardagh looked over both of them for a moment then seemingly into the distance a slow smile spreading over his face.
"I may be able to call in a favour or two and also I've been thinking about the river."

Raz and Tralek glanced at him with interest, "What about the river?" Quipped Raz.

"I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking about it and I need some more time but one of the scouts whose father came from Sundance said its close to the time of year when it floods and that there are a series of dams closer to the mountains built slowly since the city was first built to better control the flooding."  He paused deep in thought before resuming. "It may very well be possible to break one of more of the dams and flood the city or at least the surrounds. Gork has taken a small group up the river to take a look and should be back in a few days."

Tralek's face fell, "Days? With rations the way they are we can't afford to many days."

Razeriem glanced back at him, "Since Sir Polamic still hasn't arrived yet and we can't do this assault without his soldiers we'll have to wait anyway Tralek."

Hardragh looked at both of them, "He was supposed to be here around the same time as us and he's got the bulk of the army. You realise those Cultists down in Sundance are more than happy sitting in there knowing full well the difficulties we are going to have out here in the Roughlands with this many soldiers."

Razeriem nodded, "Well you go think about the river, I'm not sure how that will work in our favour yet but I'll think about it too. And go call on your mystery help and meanwhile I'll keep an eye out for Sir Polamic. Let us know what Gork finds too."

Hardragh nodded and left the tent to return to his own camp.

Tralek glanced back to see Raz lost in thought. "What are you thinking Raz?"

"Thinking?" He sighed slightly, "I'm thinking, we need more food, more men, more cover and more of a lot of other things before we can take that city. Unless of course we might just have to get a bit creative, but I'm thinking about that too."


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2011, 06:56:33 pm »
// A week prior to the big plot quests

Razeriem looked up as a shadow fell over him to see Tralek standing before him bags packed.

"I can't wait any longer Raz, Sir Polamics over a week behind schedule and Wrens contacted me. Things are moving up north I need to get up there to help out with a special mission. Hardraghs coming over this morning too to talk to you about something. I'm sorry."

Razeriem nodded with a slight frown, "Hey, you were honest with me from the start, I'm going to stay here though and see what I can salvage from this standoff. Good luck."

Tralek nodded, guilt plainly evident on his face then turned to leave.

Hours later Hardragh sauntered into the camp and spoke with Raz. After some small chit chat and updates on the situation in his camp Hardragh got down to the serious stuff.

"I'm letting you know I'm pulling out and heading north, Wrens got a mission lined up that I won't miss. Its a waste of time us hanging around here. They've got Sundance locked up nice and tight and we dont have the soldiers necessary to crack it open and Sir Polamic still isnt here. Far as I see it its a stalemate. I've left Gork in charge up there. I know how you feel about him but its not my problem anymore. I even had a favour I could call on to help out but the situation never came.  Gork figures if you need it he can take some men back to the dams and bring a few down, problem is that the volume of water up there could very well flood us out as well so its a tricky business. Thats it then, I'm off."

Razeriem watched him leave, suddenly feeling alone in the midst of all the hubbub of the camp. Supplies were running low, fresh water was hard to get since Sundance sat on the river itself and Raz had to send people far to the north or south to get water and bring it back to the camp and on top of that Sir Polamic had still not arrived.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 07:21:15 pm »
// 3 days later

"Raz! There's a large body of soldiers over to the west."

"Standards?" Razeriem fairly leapt out of his chair near the command tent and ran to the edge of the camp fumbling to take out his looking glass as he ran.

Soldiers joined him running alongside forming a group as they did, all around the camp work spread and soon soldiers were standing, wondering what was going on.

Raz reached the spot and gazed down over the inhospitable terrain. Sure enough soldiers were moving along a shallow ravine out to the west. Moving up and down the column he paused on the standards and smiled.

"It's them." He handed the looking glass around to the excited soldiers. "Killian! Get some men together and come with me we're going down to meet them."

"Sure thing Raz." Over the last few weeks Razeriem had insisted the men call him Raz, the elfs carefree attitude and relaxed approach to things had won over a good deal of the soldiers with him while some of the older more seasoned veterans complained about the lack of proper army discipline.

Two hours later Raz approached the rocky bluffs where Sir Polamics force were slowly setting up their campsites. Raz noticed that they were tired and battered, morale seemed very low and there were a great deal of wounded with the army. Many looked up at him with despondant faces as he and his group moved amongst them.

Raz finally reached Sir Polamics tent, one of the first to be raised and the solemn faced guards allowed him entry.  Inside were most of the man's main staffers all standing around his bed where a cleric of Aeridin from Northpoint knelt over the man.

Sir Danyl, Sir Polamics second in charge from Fort Miritrix moved over to Raz and shook hands. "Razeriem, good to see you made it safely here. Sorry we were late but we have had a demon of a time getting here. We've been attacked by Tesak, Myr'drach, Ori and regular Kuhl soldiers the entire trip. We've lost just over quarter of the army and another portion are wounded in some way or another. We've not slept in two days and Sir Polamic's badly wounded. But we are here."

Razeriem nodded and moved through the group to the mans side. He was unconscious, his face pale and wan. He appeared a shadow of the man he was when they left Fort Miritrix almost a month ago. Raz glanced at the cleric.

"Can't you heal him?"

The cleric looked up, she was young and her eyes haunted as if she had seen more in the last few weeks to last her a lifetime. War had a tendency to do that to people.

Raz's face softened and he helped her stand putting a comforting hand around her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I did mean that accusatory, I just mean't can you help him in any way?"

She was clearly exhausted and Raz felt her sag against him "I've tried everything I know, but one of the Ori appeared in the middle of us several days ago, right next to him and stabbed him with a poison coated dagger. Since then he's been comatosed and life fading. His muscles seem to act with a life of their own in spasming and he regularly coughs up blood."

Razeriem suddenly grew concerned, keeping a steadying hand on the young female cleric he turned to Sir Danyl. "If whats been done to Sir Polamic is what I think has been done to him, he's already dead. You need to burn the body before he infects all of you."

Angry faces of his command staff turned to him shouting abuse and denying that it should happen until Raz bellowed over them and cut them off.

"You fools! He's infected with the poison. Leave him long enough and he'll change into a mad thing and tear you all apart or worse, turn you into them too! Burn him or I'll do it."

An hour later a short solemn ceremony was held and Sir Polamics body burnt on a pyre outside the camp. Sir Danyl assumed command. Razeriem gave him three days to get organised and rest his soldiers and then they would decide how to deal with Sundance. In the meantime Raz went to try and find a way to get more food supplies as quickly as possible.

In the middle of this the earth trembled and rumbled and to the east the armies watched as a volcano in the southern Orsgaunt mountains began spewing smoke and ash into the sky.

As Raz stood in his camp black dust and soot raining down over the landscape, the sky above dark with angry looking clouds from the volcano to the east he wondered. "What else could happen to make things anymore difficult?"


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2011, 09:37:39 pm »
// On the last day of the 3 day assault on Castle Hilm

Raz cursed bitterly as the water sluiced its way through he city and continued through the many ravines, gulleys and gorges that made up the roughlands. Torrents and torrents of the stuff just kept coming. Filled with red dirt, dust, debris, ash and soot it carved its own paths through the region and for the third time in the last week Raz and his limited armies were forced to withdraw from the lands surrounding Sundance.

Three days after they burnt Sir Polamics corrupted body Sir Danyl and Raz had formulated a plan to assault the city with the limited soldiers they had. The plan was not so much as to try and take the city but to try and at least capture some of the cities food supplies for them to use for their own soldiers.

And so the assault had progressed with Gork leading his soldiers close to the city near the eastern edge before mounting a suprise attack. Sir Danyl had led his to the west near the grain silos and Raz had taken a select group of soldiers and adventurers he knew could handle themselves and headed straight for the main gates confident his spells and sheer bravado could give Sir Danyl the distraction he needed.

The entire assault had gone off like clockwork until four Drach ori had appreared near the main gates and countered everything Raz threw at them then the gates had opened and five hundred cavalry had poured forth.

Raz decided then it was time to retreat but Gorks force missed the signal and took heavy losses before they could gain some distance and escape the enemy cavalry. Reports to Raz indicated that Gork almost single handedly held off the pursuing cavalry until his soldiers had got clear.

They had successfully managed to plunder some of the grain stores however which gave them more chance at feeding their men for the length of time needed to break into Sundance, but not much more.

The next assault Raz tried stealth, taking again a select group with him to try and enter the city from the river side. They reached the docks filled with fishing boats and managed to get close to the shore line where the beach quickly turned into the edge of the city but found it heavily defended by Myr'drachs and were forced to withdraw once again.

After that Raz decided to give Gork the green light to go north and break some of the damns and see if they could flood the city and force them out.
Now, as he watched some of the rivers water did break its banks and flow into the city but only the streets close to its edge. Sadly it broke its banks further upstream and poured out into the Roughlands gouging new paths and ravines in its path and flooding the area all the way around the city forming a man made moat and turning the area into a sodden mass of red and ash stained mud.

It would be days now before the water found its natural path again and more time before the mud dried enough to give them any sort of chance of getting near the city.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2011, 09:40:20 pm »
// There will be a plot quest coming soon to deal with this problem here. Waiting on responses from people who might wish to try and help since this is now moving into times where Molvarens withdrawing soldiers from Castle Hilm and back to Kuhl.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2011, 06:52:51 pm »
//How do people that were/are in Hilm get word of this so as to try to help?


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2011, 07:54:16 pm »
As Molvarens army leaves the channels of communication can open again and Raz can get word to Fort Miritrix who in turn pass on that information. it will be a slower process due to no portals or portal capable mages available to carry messages but after a week or so its reasonable to assume word arrives in Hilm of the difficulties the Nesar armies are having in the south of Hilm and south of Kuhl. This includes;

- the defeat at Amaria,
- the ongoing conflict for Zolinar
- the stalemate at Sundance


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2011, 08:48:19 pm »
// Three-four weeks after Daniella leaves Castle Hilm to march south, // roughly 2 months after Molvarens armies leave Hilm Castle.

Razeriem lounged in the chair one of the Nesar peasant soldiers, who was a carpenter back home, had knocked together for him. Rain continued its relentless pouring down on the tent flap under which he sat. All around him was thick with mud and slush. His campsite made a miserable sight indeed. Soldiers hunkered down in tents or fitfully burning campfires. Raz had had to order only one campfire between a group of tents due to the scarcity of fuel to burn in the Roughlands. At least in the last few weeks two wagon trains of food had arrived from Fort Miritrix as well as another five hundred soldiers but still it was nowhere near enough to assault Sundance without significant losses and high chances of defeat.

He and Gork had ceased speaking to each other over a month ago after the failed attempt to flood out the city had turned into aimply making a massive quogmire around it and preventing any chance of assaulting it. Then the volcanic eruptions had played havoc with the weather and now rain poured down over the regions simply making matters worse. Raz sighed then felt a faint tingle in his neck and moments later a Lucindite from Castle Hilm ran around the corner towards his tent through the driving rain.

Carsus Mayre ducked under the tent flap where Raz sat nonchalontly on a chair looking out into the rain and smiled. "Razeriem, good to see you, shame about the weather."

Raz smiled up at the young mage who had travelled back and forth three or four times now between Hilm and Raz's camp since a temporary portal in Fort Miritrix from castle Hilm had been created and the young mage had travelled to this campsite from Fort Miritrix with one of the wagon trains in order to provide an anchor point for his teleports so he could start the transfer of information as required. The process wasnt great. Carsus had to physically travel back to Fort Miritrix to use the portal there to go to Hilm. But at least when he was at Hilm he could just teleport back to the camp so in that regard it was better than anything they had set up previously which was, nothing.

Carsus walked into the tent and came back with a bottle of fine wine and two glasses pouring one for himself and one for Raz until Raz indicated no and grabbed a bottle of fresh pear juice from the ground beside him and poured his own drink from that. As he sipped from the glass the young mage began speaking. "Things are moving Raz but I don't think its going to help you much for a while longer. Lady Daniella has recaptured much of the south and her army has reached the outskirts of Briardusk and set up camp to gather intell while she leads a group off to speak with Jaedon Siphe. Lance has been trying to convince all his allies not to abandon the fight and is now leading an eight thousand strong force towards you here but he is still at least two weeks away and thats if he can get past Briardusk without having to stop and help."

Raz snickered "Isn't anyone interested in coming to such a lovely spot? I mean, look at what we have here, mud, sluch, leeches and hostile Roughland creatures as well as a lovely view to the east of an exploding volcano. Not to mention a city down there surrounded by dangerous water laden ravines, quicksand, traps and only the gods know what else."

Carsus grinned, he was comfortable with Raz's offhand manner. "I think you have a few friends, there is another wagon train about to reach you in a day or so and there are a number of adventurers with it as well as 2000 Nesar heavy Infantry all the way from Arnax."

"Any Corathites?" Raz's face suddenly turned serious.

"Who knows," shrugged the young man. "You'd think they would be lying low after what they did to Zolinar but..."

Raz cursed "They all need to be strung up and flayed alive for what they did, although I imagine some of them might actually enjoy it."

"I think you're getting them confused with Xeenites," chuckled Carsus.

Raz snorted, "Now Xeenites, I dont mind looking at some of them, particularly the female kind, but they have to many strange ideas for my liking." He smiled at Carsus.

Carsus laughed, "What do you want me to do now? Head back to Miritrix or wait here for a bit?"

Raz thought for a moment before answering, "Wait here for the time being, rest up a bit before you have to travel. I'll see if we are ready to make any sort of move once these fresh troops arrive. I don't know what we'll do about Lance at the moment, it sounds like he might not even get to us within a  month, I'm tired of this place already."

"What about Gork?"

Raz glanced at the young mage his eyes flashing angrily, "What about him? As faras I'm concerned he can stay over there where he is in his own mud."

Carsus shrugged "You'll need him if your going to do anything here without Lance."

Raz grimaced, "I'll deal with that when I have to, maybe one of the adventurers you spoke of will act as an intermediate but I sure as the Pits won't be going out of my way to speak to him."

Carsus chuckled and sipped from his glass. For a while they both just looked out at the pouring rain, watching rivelets of water make their way between the tents of the hunkered down Nesar army, such as it was, waiting for an opportunity to present itself.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2011, 09:48:03 pm »
However things don't always turn out as one expects.

// 3 days later...As Daniella marches to meet with Jaedon Siphe, her army reaches Briardusk and begins to set up camp on the northern edges. Lances smaller army a day behind them.

The sounds of heavy booted feet marching in unison echoed along the ravine to the back of the main camp. Something in the precision enough to annoy Raz more than he was already. Early in the morning forward scouts had arrived from the main body of the wagon train that came with fresh soldiers, much needed supplies and new orders from Nesar.

When the columns of heavy infantry from Arnax arrived ahead of them a group on horseback bearing heavy standards rode forth to meet Raz, Carsus and Sergeant Killian who had become Raz's right hand man in dealing with the soldiers of the few months since Prim.

Field Captain Felderin of the 5th Arnax Heavy Infantry stopped his mount before Raz and looked down on him with almost a contemptuous glare. By order of the Queen her loyal soldiers and followers are to be handed over immediately to my authority.

Raz bit his tongue to keep from telling him there were none of those present. he actually suprised himself that he was able to do so and merely nodded to the arrogant Captain and stepped aside to let them pass. As they did so the captain looked at Killian. "With me Sergeant, I want all the soldiers to fall out into their squads immediately for inspection and I want somewhere for my infantry to set up and rest."

Killian glanced between the Captain and Raz, he had come to respect Raz's style of command but the captains bellowing voice boomed again and he reluctantly turned to carry out his new orders.

Raz and Carsus watched the long lines of infantry file past, as the last went by another group appeared. This time theyr bore Hilm standards and stopped before Carsus. An elderly man looked down on them form his horse recognising Carsus.

"Carsus, I'm glad to see you well."

"Hello Captain Varrel, I am well thank you. This is Raz whom we have been communicating with."

The elderly man dismounted carefully and took a moment to straighten his back. His attendants drew their horses to the side of the road out of the path of the wagon trains now starting to pass by. Once he had stretched the man regarded Carsus and Raz.

"We may have a problem gentlemen. I know of the captains orders in regards to you Razeriem and I am sorry. He is regarded as a stickler back in Arnax I believe and the man who rides with him is one of the Queens Informers. A dangerous man at the best of times so be wary of him. I am afraid we are going to have some problems here. The captain has ordered a large meeting this afternoon to outline the next stage in the plans for Sundance but I wonder." He glanced at Razeriem calculatingly. "Would you do an old man a favour?"

Razeriem shrugged nonchalontly, "Why not, its not like I've got anything else terribly pressing on my plate."

A frown passed over Varrels face, 'You have my sympathies Razeriem, you have done a tremendous job with precious little aid and resources. Hilm recognises that, even if Nesar is not that willing. But Field Captain Felderin has a much higher authority than Sir Polamic did and he has orders from the Queen to take over here. Anyway, I want to capture Sundance in tact if we can. The horrendous stories coming back from Zolinar compel me to try and resolve this peacefully if possible or with as little bloodshed as possible. I am afraid however the catain may not listen to my plan and it may not be viable anyway.

Near the southern edge of the city where the river flows around its lower corner there is an old watermill, it used to pump water through underground causeways into the lower regions of the city to flush the sewers. It was quite the ingenouis contraption I must saw. Courtesy of a family of gnomes who lived in Sundance some time ago. They eventually moved on and the pump house continued for many years until the expansion of the city moved past its capacity and it was left to rot.

It may be possible that the causeways are still accessible. If so we can find a way into the city through them and into the city. If you can scout the ravines that lead to them and return this afternoon for the meeting it would be much appreciated."

Raz shrugged again, "Sure, why not, I've not yet seen enough mud and dead things." Raz bid them goodbye, collected a few things from his tent and set off.

Later that afternoon a meeting was indeed held, a fiery confrontation occuring between Captain Varrel of HIlm and Field captain Felderin of Arnax. The argument was over the fact that the Queen had decreed that any and all lands to the south of Sundance are now in the control of Nesar and will remain that way until further notice. Arguments raged back and forth between the two parties as the adventurers who arrived with the wagon train arrived at the command tent to observe.

It quickly became evident what was happening and the infamous mercenary Steel interjected with his thoughts on the matter while Vrebel spoke strongly in support of Captain Varrel.

The conversation contiunued in a heated manner until Raz returned from his scouting trip and was greeted warmly by a number of those present. After listening to the continuing arguments for some time he cut across them all to announce that the way into the watermill was defended but not impassable.

What followed was a lengthy discussion around tactics, responsibilities and actions. Eventually it was decided that Raz would lead the adventurers to the Millhouse and try to acces the city overnight to warn the local citizens inside the city to be ready and to allow Gork and Steel access to take out members of the leadership inside the city or try to open the gates. In the meantime the armies would move up for assault and Field Captain Felderin would offer terms to the enemy in exchange for their surrender of the city.

Within the hour the adventurer group moved out, comprised of; Razeriem; former leader of the Nesar group around Sundance, Tralek; who helped Raz for a while, Vrebel; fresh from the battlefields to the north, Steel; infamous mercenary, Hardragh; who helped Raz for a while then worked with Gork, Azka; the solid and dependable dwarf, Viper; the enigmatic and silent mercenary, Wren; fresh from his plots and intrigues and hunting of enemies in the north, and a strange sea elf simply called Ele.

As one they moved into the ravines to the south of the city pressing forward through driving rain, mud and quicksand soaked ravines, sinkholes and all sorts of nasties until they reached some defensive lines set up by the enemy. The first lines the adventurers crashed into almost literally with a great deal of confusions going on in the initial moments of the fighting. The Cult had stationed Deadeye Drach tesaks in the passes in well hidden positions , their arrows causing a great deal of damage before they were rooted out and killed by the adventurers.

After taking the forward positions the adventurers rallied and took time to prepare more thoroughly before proceeding.

The next encounter was jsut as difficult, the enemy had set up very clever defenses in the time they had had control of Sundance and the adventurers had to fight for every piece of ground they could. At the end of that battle the infamous Mercenary Steel had disappeared. Once moment he had been in the thick of the fighting and the next gone. The adventurers so inclined searched briefly for him but finding no sign of him pressed on leaving only a couple to continue the search.

As the others moved into the next ravine and encountered more Myr'drachs in ambush those left behind searched and searched coming up with nothing and all but the sea elf decided to rejoin the main group ahead of them in the ravines. The Sea Elf entered the mud again and again and eventually found Steels dead body in a deep section of bog. Dragging it out she restored life to the mercenary and together they stumbled their way in the adventurers path of destruction.

Meanwhile fierce pitched battles had been fought but as the adventuers drew closer to the southern outskirts of the city they met less and less resistance.

Here they found a slightly flooded ravine and followed the course of the water towards the city. It was when the were within sight of the old water mill that they realised why this area had been so quiet. Before them was a massive corrupted bear that set upon them with wild abandon as soon as it smelt them. The battle was fierce with the bear tearing into the adventurers with ease. Its massive claws raking great gashes through varous individuals. The fight became one of cat and mouse as the adventurers realised they could not fight one on one with the beat and survive and they started to dart in and out trying to strike the bear and then flee before it could retaliate. But the bear was faster than they could imagine and several fell to the beast razor like claws before eventually it was brought down and rose no more.

Leaving the beast in the shallow stream he adventurers moved to the watermill which was in a far worse state than hey expected. The sea elf was sent into the ruins to find the causeways underneath completely flooded. As she emerged to try and explain what had happened inside the adventurers outside had realised something.

As the bear had died from its massive injuries its blood had spread to the shallow stream running towards the river. The great reddish black stain spread out and everything it touched near the waters edge withered and died. Adventures leapt away from the waters edge and watched helplessly as the blood permeated the water system and entered the river beyond. It was then the Sea Elf pointed out that the poison had also entered the water in the watermill.

And as darkness fell completely on the area the adventurers realised their plans were thwarted and with heavy hearts decided to retreat back to the main army. With no way to cross the river and the underground causeways flooded and contaminated they could do nothing more here. They withdraw a short distance, set up camp for the night and in the morning began to move as quickly as htey could along the ravines back to the main camp.

As they emerged from the ravines Raz lead them towards the city via the overland route rather than moving through the ravines. They figured they could be more open in their actions now and hurried towards the north where the army would be waiting.

As they approached an odd sight awaited them. Far to the right Gorks force could be seen in battle formation watching the city. In the centre a pitched battle was being fought on the wet and muddy grounds before the open gates to the city. Much of Raz's former force and the Arnax heavy infantry were engaged in a pitched battle with various Drachs and Myr'drachs and taking heavy losses.

Far to the left Sir Danyl's force were holding in a similar arrangement to Gorks on the far right.

As the adventurers moved closer they could see Field captain Felderins command post nearby and a familiar figure turned to see them and came racing towards them.

Sergeant Killian stumbled as he tried to run quickly over the uneven terrain and came to a stop before Raz gasping for breath.

"Raz, Raz, you've got to do something, our men are getting slaughtered!"

"Whats going on?" demanded Raz.

Killian sucked in gulpfuls of air then spoke in a rush of words.

"Feldering issued the ultimatum to the Cult forces in Sundance, that they surrender the city and can leave peacefully. Whoever he spoke to agreed to the surrender as long as they were allowed safe passage to the border. They opened the gates and the army moved forward to secure the city but then they were attacked by Drachs and Myr'drachs from inside the city. I dont think the person who Felderin negotiated with expected them to do that. Now its all one big confusion. There are Cult forces inside the city who are refusing to fight and only the Drachs and Myr'drachs engaging us."

"Well Im not opposed to cleaning up a few Myr'drachs." He glanced back to the others to already see many of them preparing spells and equipment.

Raz turned back to Killain, "Alright Sergeant, looks like we are going to clear up this mess for everyone, again." Killian looked relieved then turned and raced back to the command post to let them know.

Not long after the tide of battle changed as the adventurers joined the fray and fought their way to the frontlines. Magic flashed and thundered across the area as Raz, Tralek and the Sea Elf Ele cast as fast as they could. Blades flashed and thudded as Vrebel, Azka, Steel, Viper and Wren tore into the Myr'drachs. Hardraghs booming voice sowed fear into the enemy or stunned them long enough for soldiers or adventurers to cut them down.

Before long the battle ceased, the last remaining Myr'drach fell down to the ground peppered with Wrens arrows where Azka and Vrebel finished it off. Only the sounds of the wounded filling the air. Stunned and bloodied Nesar infantry stood around looking at their many lost comrades.

Within the hour a Captain of the Kuhl regiments of Amaria formerly surrendered to captain Felderin, taking those who wished to return to Kuhl with him and leaving those unwilling to return under Molvarens leadership at the mercy of the Nesar army and the few remaining original inhabitants of the city.

On the road near the gate as the forlorn Kuhl troops began their long march home Raz suddenly appeared with Tralek and grabbed the Captain roughly. raz shoving him against the palisade anger clearly eviden in his face.

"Where are the Prisoners! The ones taken from nesar and Hilm? Where are they!" Raz snarled in his face while Tralek stood their menacingly facing off against anyone who sought to interfere.

The captain melted under Raz's rough hands, squirming a bit at first but then slumping in abject defeat. "Gone, they were taken weeks ago, to Briardusk, Molvaren wanted to use them for something there. Thats all I know, I swear!"

Raz released the man and shoved him aside. he walked to the side of the road and kicked a helmet lying in the mud so that it squelched and tumbled over the edge towards the river. Moments later he turned to face Tralek determination in his eyes. "Alright, we go to Brairdusk next." Tralek nodded in agreement and together they returned to the city.

Meanwhile along the banks of the slowly moving, muddy river travelling west through the roughlands south of Sundance a thin black veil spread out across the water killing anything it touched for several miles down stream.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2011, 12:57:59 pm »
Hardragh watches the corrupted water slowly spread for a while, before he makes his way to find G'ork. "G'ork, no idea what your angle is at this point, but figure we should do something about that poison in the waters while you still have men to command?"


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2011, 10:27:39 am »
Slogging through the muck, fresh scars from the Myr'drach claws a deep purple against cobalt skin, Steel confers with Razer and the other adventurers with him.

"If you make for Briardusk, I trust you to inform the Champion of what has transpired here. I must now inform the Council of the taint spreading through the waters here. If time and luck permit, I will catch up to you in Briardusk. If you have anything else to report to the Council, I will take it now."

With that, Steel takes a wood-bound tome from his pack and opens it, giving the others a moment to speak before he begins the incantations that will take him thousands of miles away to the much less muddy and much more tranquil southern Trelania.

