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Author Topic: Stormcry Hollows  (Read 4301 times)


Stormcry Hollows
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:28:04 am »
//Planting this thread to start the conversation on planning for the strike team. Please list here if you are going on it and what PC you are bringing. Then we can have a virtual round table chat.
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Script Wrecked

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2011, 03:08:19 am »
// Is this parallel to Fort of Last Hope/Hilm Castle? //

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2011, 07:08:00 am »
// It will not be parallel to what is going on at the Fort of Last Hope. It will, however, be happening at the same time as the plot finale at Hilm Castle.

People at the Fort of Last Hope can decide where they want to be. :)


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2011, 02:39:40 am »
//join as the conversation goes.

*Wren looks around the table* So we need a plan. We are going into a heavily armed under ground compound where we will most likely face a foe that is indestructible. There will be waves of powerful drakes, there will be many powerful mages as well. We will have to climb down a cliff face to get into the caves just to start and to do that we will be hovering above the ground where a small army is guarding the main entrance.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2011, 02:54:35 am »
//guessing this is being held in a bunker or something deep under Hilm Castle?

*Vrebel sits slouched a bit in his chair looking to the others that share the table then turns to Wren*

How are we gonna be hoverin' above ground?  Just so ya know Wren I can't fly yet. *a slight smirk*

Molvaren I heard aint indestructable, he's tough, but he can be defeated if thats who yer referin' to.

First off I think we need clear and defined objectives for this to be successful.

Then we can talk tactics.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2011, 04:52:28 pm »
*Görm, who was at Last Hope just not so long ago, has come back and joined the ranks of the SSS*

Strip 'is wards 'n' he ken be taken down.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 11:01:17 pm »
*wren speaks up*

We have one clear objective. Remove or destroy the source of power used to create the drachs and the dragon poison. Everything else is secondary. As for hovering, I mean we will be descending down a cliff face with a army below us. Steel was working on a diversion plan. We need that plan to happen.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2011, 02:58:40 am »
*Vrebel gets up without exusing himself and checks with the mages at the castle as to whether their meeting room is protected from scrying or listening in by magical means before returning and resting both elbows on the table and scratching his head*

A diversion would be needed fer us to slip into this cave seein' as there's a small army outside.  What kinda diversion did you have in mind?

I've heard that the Broken One is the source of Molvaren's power.  The Broken One, thought to be dead, is being used somehow to make the dragon poisons, create the mydrach's and control them.

Is this true?  And if so do we need to destroy the Broken One and were good?  I've also heard of blood pools bein' used as well.  Do we need ta destroy them as well?

I got lots a questions on this and we're gonna need solid information on this before goin' in.

*He looks around the table to everyone eye to eye*

If you got information that'll help nows the time ta spill it.  I dont care if its truth or suspicions.  If we need to bring in someone who knows more then we do it.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 03:07:59 pm »
Gel'larian speaks up from the back.

"Ruben Wintersby vouched that Molvaren is not indestructible, just one of the more tenacious and capable foes on Layonara.  

Has anyone received word from Steel since the action in Sederra?  If not, perhaps we should think of a back up plan."


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 12:25:18 am »
*Tralek waves his hand a bit and begins to stand*

This is a mission of utmost importance and it must be planned to every degree possible.  Therefore I have some questions and anyone may answer who feels capable:

1.  What is the diversion Steel is planning?  Who is required to attend his diversion team, or is it something he's going to do by himself or before hand?  How does Steel intend to get himself and the others involved in the diversion back to the main strike group without signaling our position?

2.  If the diversion allows us into the cave unnoticed, we need to know everything about our cave dive.  What kind of resistance is in the cave (traps, guardians/enemy soldiers, barricades).  Do we plan to fight our way in or go in stealth?  Do we have the cave mapped out so we know exactly how to get to our target and get out?  Has anyone determined the approximate time it will take us to enter the cave, destroy the target and exit the cave?  How do we plan to get away to safety after exiting the cave?

3.  What is our target exactly?  If its the Blood Pool, then do we know exactly where it is?  How do you plan on destroying the Blood Pool?  How are we going to work on the Blood Pool with out being seen and attracting enemy forces to our position?  This is very important, how do we get out of the blast radius of the Blood Pool in time to save our skins?  Obviously you must know a way to affect the Blood Pool in a way that does not destroy it immediately, but does explode after some time....please elaborate on how this works.

4.  The Broken One.  If it is there, is that also a target, or are you hoping it will die when the Blood Pool explodes?  I imagine it will be guarding the Blood dow we work on the Blood Pool without it seeing/detecting us?

*Tralek takes a deep breath*

Please, some of us that were not on the first recon mission were not privy to much regarding this Target.  Please be patient with us and bring us up to speed as much as possible.  Our lives and destiny of Layonara lie in balance.

*He sits with a determined look on his face*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2011, 12:40:47 am »
*Tralek takes anther look around*

Also, Do we have the right personel for this strike?  I'm thinking we're going to need at least a cleric and a good scout.  A bard would come in handy for morale and also a couple staunch dwarves in case things get messy.

So far it looks like Tralek, Vrebel, Jennara, Hayley, Wren, Steel, Hardy, Daniel and Gel.  Hmm, if all those do make it we may just have a fair chance.

*He looks at the doors hoping more friends will volunteer*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2011, 01:09:02 am »
*wren answers Tralek's questions*

I think Steel was planning a invasion by sea to keep the shore forces tied up and draw out any dragons that are guarding the caves.

It took a huge effort just to find the location and get out without altering them. It was of paramount importance that we did not let them find out that we found the location of the broken one. We are going in blind except for knowing where it is and how large the outside forces are. We know that and the location of the upper cliff guard posts. We have no idea how big the caves are, how large the forces in the cave are, or how long it will take to get in and out.

Our targets in order are the broken one, the blood pool, and then Molvaren. Now you should know that there is a chance that the broken one's body is the blood pool. You should also know that death in close proximity to a blood pool will result in a touch from the Soul Mother.

The location is fully masked by illusion and I am sure it is blocked to scrying as well. We have to expect that there will be heavy resistance inside the cave. I would keep a force of my strongest and best guarding my center of power were I Molvaren.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2011, 02:48:01 am »
*Tralek nods to Wren*

Understood and you guys did a heck of a good job to find the Target and not let them know you did.

So, Broken One, Pool and Molvaren in that order aye?  Alright, well if the Pool and the Broken One are one-in-the-same, thats a two-fer.  Molvaren, I imagine may tome or portal from the front lines when or if he sences a disturbance with his pet project.

Blind once in the caves *nods and thinks a bit*

Still we need to know more about the diversion and the Blood Pool.  If our strike team is going to be making the diversion and also entering the cave, I'd like to know how you plan on breaking away from the diversion without being noticed, so we can enter the cave?  Or is it just some of us doing the diversion and they will meet us at the cave entrance?  Or maybe, our team isn't involved in the diversion at all, and we have some valiant volunteers who plan to launch a suicide sea to land invasion?  We need more details on this please.

The Blood Pool.  I have limited *stops to think* strike knowledge of Blood Pools.  Jennara will be with us maybe she does.  Do we know how we are going to destroy the Blood Pool in a way that will give us time to get out?  Please, we need to know exactly how you plan to do this.  Do you plan on throwing a chest filled with holy water into the pool, and expect that the melting of the chest and glass will be our "timer" and give us the time to get out.  We need to know how we plan to take out this Blood Pool specifically.

If we need to bring in someone with more knowledge about Blood is the time to make that call.

*Tralek regards those present for response*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2011, 09:46:21 am »
Slips into the back of the room, arms folded, head down, listening.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2011, 12:53:41 pm »
When the opportunity arises, Steel visits Daniella and Lance.

"The fleet that delivered the Toranite and Rofireinite troops to Nith- is it still floating there? And how many fighting men remain aboard? In short, what do you think of that fleet sailing up to the Hollows and creating a diversion for the strike force?"


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2011, 03:35:08 pm »
I think that Steel is working on a plan of diversion that will not include the strike team. Furthermore I have no idea how to destroy a blood pool. On that front Steel and Raz will address us on how to do it. Understand that there may not be a way to escape and that some of us may have to go down with the blood pool. I am sure that there will be no porting in or out of that cave, they went to great measure to protect it so we should consider that porting will be blocked to us.

There is a good chance that this is a one way trip for some or all of us.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2011, 03:45:28 pm »
"Kobal said there is a vial that must go in to the Blood Pool.  Made by Xora.  But the Blood Pool must be inactive for it to work.  If we know that is the case, then I just need to get in to line of sight, mount the vial on an arrow and fire away.  Unless of course the Pool is heavily warded against such nonsense...

Probably wont know that until we are there right?

That being said, can everyone agree that this is a stealth mission?  Meaning that contact with the enemy is the last choice?  Even if it seems the easiest?"

He looks around the room for people's reaction.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2011, 03:49:13 pm »
If we can do what we need to do without contact with the enemy then great. But I highly doubt that will be the case. It is more likely that we will have to fight our way all the way in. I vote for stealth but we need to be more then ready to be in a fight for our lives.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2011, 03:55:46 pm »
Gel grimaces.

"I'm ready, but we need to keep in our minds that violence is the last choice.  Not because I am scared, but that we are more likely to succeed if we attract as little attention as possible.  Even our violence should be stealthy I think."

Again he looks around for some sort of consensus.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2011, 04:05:30 pm »
"It could be that two groups will be needed - a double diversion.  The first diversion being Steel's, the second diversion being the group "fighting their way in", and the third group being the stealthiest who actually get the vial to the Bloodpool."