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Author Topic: Stormcry Hollows  (Read 4267 times)


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2011, 04:18:43 pm »
Well that could work but we are assuming that the broken one and the blood pool are one in the same. If not we have two targets that both need to be taken care of. Of course if we can be sure it would work, destroying the blood pool could also destroy the broken one.

I just had a bad thought, what if the broken one is not just a big dead dragon body? what if it is some kind of undead dragon? *grins* Oh well we will deal with that when we find out *laughs*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2011, 09:07:06 am »
"So then, as I understand it, we travel by portal to an area near the Hollows.  From there, I assume we make a safe and quiet approach to the system of caves and simply wait until the diversion is launched.  During that time, we gather intelligence to determine the best fashion to make our way to the complex.  Once inside, we get a bearing on where the Pool or the Broken One are, track it down and destroy it?  Does that sound about right?"


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2011, 01:47:07 pm »
*Jennara enters the room, looking tired but determined.*

I can answer some of the questions.

First, there should be a diversion that surprises the Cult.  It is not only intended to assist us, as I understand, but we will hopefully benefit.  The surprise of the diversion may draw off forces from our target as the Cult scrambles to deal with the surprise.  If the fleet can also attract attention, perhaps we will not have to worry about dragons.

In case we do encounter afflicted dragons, I have two doses of the cure.  We should attempt to shatter them in their mouths.  At the very least, this should remove any cured dragons from the fight, and with any luck, they will recover enough to attack the Cultists and make our escape easier.  If a cured dragon should accompany us and help fight, we will all surely owe Deliar many presents and will be truly blessed to have any more luck the rest of our lives.

Second, I have the counter to the source.  It is carefully wrapped in my pack, within two containers, and will be easy for you to access if I should be incapacitated.  It is for use in the bloodpool.  The contents of both containers must be emptied into the bloodpool.  Pouring would be the safest method, but, as we will likely be rather pressed, smashing the containers together over the bloodpool will be faster.  If I should fall and you are tasked with this duty, do not let the situation rule you; smash the containers gently so the contents go into the bloodpool rather than around the area.  If things go very badly, we may attempt to throw the containers into the bloodpool, but they will need to shatter so that the counter and the bloodpool mix.  Throwing should only be attempted as a last resort.

If the bloodpool is somehow within what remains of Fezrekthania, contained and hidden, the first option is to make a hole in her.  This should be done as high as possible on her midsection to avoid spilling the bloodpool fluids.  If those fluids are allowed to spill, they could easily destroy all of Kuhl and possibly all of Belinara.  A safer but possibly less reliable alternative would be putting the counter down her throat.  Hopefully, none of this will be necessary because the bloodpool will be open and visible.

Once the counter has been poured into the bloodpool, a reaction will begin.  I have seen a reaction between the cure and a sample from Audira.  It is frothy and vigorous, and I expect the reaction between the counter and the bloodpool will be worse.  We will potentially have a few minutes to escape the area, but, if things go well, I suggest you already be on the way out while I add the counter, just in case.  I can catch up.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2011, 02:03:30 pm »
Daniel enters the room as Jennara finishes speaking.  He listens respectfully, before greeting those he knows saving Andrew for last.  In hushed tones he asks Andrew to catch him up on the discussion.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2011, 03:31:06 pm »
*Ferrit speaks from the corner where she has been quietly listening:* 'I don't know why this thing is called the Broken One, but I think there must be a reason. I suspect it's not just because it's dead or even undead. I think it might also be broken in its relationship to our world. Perhaps it is stuck only partly in our world and partly in some adjoining, but very different, world--one that contributes to the potency of its poison. If we must attack it, one thing that might be tried is simultaneous strikes in exactly the same spot with weapons charged with silver and titanium. My mithril shortsword and rapier are so charged, and I hope others of you have the same. If I fall, take my blades with you.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2011, 05:07:02 pm »
*Jennara shakes her head a little.* Fezrekthania was called the Broken One when she was alive, long ago, just as Yzyartkadrania is called the Long Storm, Shadrixkayl the Deepening Dark, and Drezzun... Drez’zlunkhazhn the Black Plague.  The designation is not new, though there may still be something unusual about what is left of her that may require special weapons.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2011, 05:50:09 pm »
Vrebel nods to Jennara in thanks happy to see her arrive albiet tired and greets those others joining the table

Quite a mouthfull.

He nods respectfully to Jennara a stern look to hold back a grin to his quip.

You've come well prepared as always Commander.  I thank you fer the breakdown but I got some questions in case like you said *a brief pause* you get incapacitated.

If we encounter any diseased dragons I assume you have a means of gettin' in range to their mouths to shatter the cure before yer a snack?

He leans back in his chair a bit

If we have ta throw the vials of counter in the pool as the last option can we count on the blood pool to disolve the vials and release the counter?

I take it we dont really know the status of the Broken One whether she is alive or undead and could pose a threat or if she's just a big mound a rotten flesh?

I'm not really sure why the blood from the dragon spillin' is all that bad if were expectin a blood pool on the ground in the first place but I'll take yer word fer it as I'm no expert.

We gotta exit plan?  How we gonna get away once the counter is planted?  

Should we plant some explosives in the cave to detonate on our way out to cut off anything chasin' us or contain the explosion?

He regards Ferrit with a smile

I gota titanium or silver charged greatsword and I dont use nothin' less than mithril.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2011, 06:56:20 pm »
Hardragh who up to that point had been listening in quiet comfort, suddenly speaks up.  

"I do not think we should be going out of our way to cure any corrupted dragon we might encounter. A dead dragon is still better than a cured one, aye?"

"Also, I reckon we should be mindful about splitting up too much. If groups are stretched too thin, they might fail if only one or two members fall. Relying on stealth is fine when the enemy is not expecting you, but if they are, you'll need more than secrecy."

He clacks his tongue and shows a slight smirk.

"For a diversion to work, it would have to be targeting something the Cult actually fears of losing. Whoever does it should make an honest attempt at fighting their way towards the Bloodpool, otherwise... might as well march up bearing flags with 'diversion' stitched on them, in golden threads."

"Reckon that our greatest weapon in this should be speed, not secrecy. And any diversion should strike at the exact same time as the group heading for the bloodpool. Ships might spoil the element of surprise, considering the Cult has the means to scout their seas far off the coast. They might recall more troops to the Hollows, if they learn of the push in advance."


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2011, 07:00:17 pm »
Daniel speaks quietly with a glance at Jennara, "One of the virtues Toran seeks in his followers is sacrifice yet we the Lord Protector strive for Justice. I believe Justice is balance. Many souls have been taken during this long war, now some must be given to restore balance. I do not know if the gods mean for us to live through this, only that stopping this calamity is a duty that we must not fail. If that means one of must crush the vial in our hands and leap to our death, so be it."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2011, 07:23:53 pm »
*Jennara glances at Hardragh briefly before speaking generally to everyone.*  An unconscious dragon is better than one fighting us.  The cure is, in this case, a weapon.  It takes too much time and effort to kill dragons, more than we can afford on this mission.  I do not know how long it will take a dragon to recover from the reaction in its blood.  It may take hours or days.  Any dragon we cure may die from the destruction of the bloodpool.

To cure any afflicted dragons, which removes them as a threat, the vials of the cure are small enough to fit easily on arrows.  If the vial can be attached so that the vial will break when it impacts, and it hits in the mouth of the dragon, it may be that no one needs to get close enough to any dragon's mouth.  In the absolute worst case, the vial can be poured into a wound, but this seems almost impossibly hard compared to aiming for the mouth.  

It may be best to prepare two arrows with the vials before we enter the cave.  Please understand these doses are very dear.  There is no way to create more.  If you are trusted with one, please do not try to use it if there is nothing but hope guiding your aim.  Try to be sure to hit within a dragon's mouth.

*She pauses and changes subjects.*

If the counter has to be thrown, we have done very poorly.  I do not believe we can rely on the containers breaking within the bloodpool.  They may break someday, but that is not good enough.  We have to be sure they break.
 *She frowns and looks exhausted for a few moments.*  If it is so dire, I am willing to charge the bloodpool and break the containers as I dive in.

*There is a long pause - during which she seems to be lost in thought - before she continues.*

I do not know anything about the current nature of Fezrekthania.  I did not mean to confuse you previously when I mentioned spilling the fluid.  It is not the dragon blood that is the problem.  *She takes a deep breath and gathers her thoughts.*

You may have heard stories of the... the poison, how it almost seems alive.  The source is the same.  If we should spill the source, it will flow and spread.  It will be unstoppable.  It will destroy everything it contacts, maybe even magic.  Xora estimates it could easily cover all of Kuhl.  If we consider it spreading in all directions evenly, it would also cover much of Hilm.  That is a conservative estimate; it could spread to cover all of Belinara, and I do not know what may become of it should it enter the sea.

It is this reason we must be very careful if the bloodpool is within Fezrekthania in a way that we cannot reach.  If we should cause a spill...
*She shakes her head sadly.*

At the risk of dampening morale, I am more concerned with getting in than getting out.  I have died one hundred thirteen times, and not all were for such important causes as this.  Even so, I do not like dying and would like to make it out safely, regardless of any... untenable notions of fairness.  I believe we would all benefit by acting as a cohesive unit, in and out, but, as Xora said to me, "I think it is safe to say, you had better pour and run."  Whatever else we do, we should run away first.  The destruction of the bloodpool may destroy the cave by itself.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2011, 07:50:43 pm »
*Tralek nods as he listens to the discussion*

We are going to get this job done and we are are going to make it out.  *stern look at everyone and a wink*

Hardy makes a good point about the diversion.  The enemy tasked to guard the cave entrance may have strict orders to stay put except for dire reasons.  They may not budge at all if an allied fleet approaches from sea, and worse they may actually put the cave on high alert status.

*he shakes his head and closes his eyes and the opens them*

I don't know what kind of diversion we need or what might pull the most enemy away from the cave without alerting the enemy in the cave, but we need to think on that.  It seems simple, but maybe we all just go in the cave under greater sanctuary?  Or if we could find a way into the ....*he trails off*.  Well, lets think on that then...I don't want to abandon the diversion but it needs to be thought out.

Once in the cave is when it gets tricky, or trickier.  There may be multiple tunnels so we'll have to scout each pass out, unless someone has a way of "detecting" the presense or location of the Pool?  Also, if the enemy does block the passages in the tunnel and there is no other way around we fight our way through and use valuable time?  Some of us may not be able to sneak by, so we need to be considering those situtaions.

Also, just in case I suggest you bring a couple Cloaks of Watchers.  I have 3-4 I can bring, but we may need them.  Also, lets bring some rope and climbing equipment.

*Tralek bows out and lets the others discuss*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2011, 08:31:00 pm »
*Gel'larian listens closely to all that is said and in a lull speaks up again.*

Jennara, I am not as talented as many with th Al'Noth but one thing I am capable of is shooting an arrow of unerring aim. Perhaps I should have at least one dose of cure on an arrow. From what I see Ferritt is the next best archer here, I would give the other to her.

With all due respect Hardragh, I fear that if our diversion presses to hard toward our goal lest their defenses become concentrated. I am no expert strategist though. I'll leave that to more capable than I.

Has anyone ever been near a Blood Pool before?  Do they make a unique impression on the Al'Noth?  If someone knows we could look for that. Master Garvill I think has seen one. Perhaps he knows.

*He looks around the room, his stomach beginning to recognize the occasion upon them.*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2011, 08:45:16 pm »
*Jennara nods to Gel'larian's suggestion, but speaks on a different topic.*

If the guards have strict orders, and if they are disciplined, no diversion will matter.  Good guards will immediately alert someone further within of trouble nearby, especially if they intend to investigate.  A previous encounter with Cultists in the Hammerbound Peaks showed their care; while the majority of the force stood to fight and prevent our passage, a messenger was sent ahead to warn the Cult forces farther into the mountains.  I cannot imagine we will face incompetent guards at such a site.  

If distant diversions do not attract enough attention to have forces diverted from the cave, I think a quick advance is the next best option.  If the outer guards are engaged quickly, forces inside will have less warning.  An attempted diversion nearby or a slow advance will give forces inside warning of nearby danger and more time to better prepare against us.  I recommend leaving the diversions to others elsewhere and hope for the best.  We should focus on infiltration of the cave and reaching the target.

*She furrows her brow and thinks a moment.*

I believe bloodpools are rather overwhelming.  I do not doubt they can be felt, but I do not know if it is possible to use that as guidance through a cavern.  What if it feels strong forward, but we really need to take the left fork to go around?  *She shrugs.*  Someone else may know.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2011, 11:11:42 pm »
*wren listens to everyone then says*

First off, yes we will be ported to some where near by, maybe a day or so away. We will make our way to the cliff tops and yes await the diversion. From there I agree with Miss Jennara fully that speed will be our best weapon. I am prepared for this to be a one way trip if need be. I am fast but not as fast as you Miss Jennara, you are our best hope of reaching the blood pool with the containers. If we have to cut into the broken one to deliver the fluids then I will do my best to be at your side to do so. If Drexia could join us then the two of you can run it in as we bring what mayhem we can.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2011, 12:28:59 am »
Vrebel nods to Wren

I think the best we can hope fer on the diversion from sea is to peel off some of the gaurds out front.  With Nesar invading Kuhl from the south it possible the Cult may think the sea attack is part of the effort to take over Kuhl with the Toranites and Rofirenites taking parts of Northern Kuhl and working down and not an attack on the blood pool itself.  The Cult might actually want less of a presense outside the cave so as not to give away the importance of the cave to any wandering scouts from them ships.

Gettin this deep inta Swarm Lake is no easy feat let alone actaully findin' the cave with the pool *a nod of appreciation to Wren and his group*  The Cult is an arrogant lot and I'm bettin the least they expect is that we've discovered the location of the pool.  They'll send whatever troops they can ta quell the sea invaders before they happen up on the cave.

I agree its a stealth mission but we're gonna meet resistance.  We'll need ta scout our way all the way in and only come outa stealth when we have ta.  The longer we linger in the cave the more time the Cult has to bring in reinforcements *coughs* like Molvaren.

If its gotta be a one way mission so be it but I dont stretch this pretty neck out on the chopin block unless I have ta.

Once we find the pool we may have ta create a second diversion ta let the Commander slip in and pour.


Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2011, 12:33:51 am »
I'm not stealthy, but I do know how to make a diversion. Whatever the rest of us can do to help to help buy time we will try and do.

*Tegan moves forward a little deeper into the room*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2011, 01:05:04 am »
*Wren moves to Tegan's side*

It sounds like we are all ready to make sure that Miss Jennara will get to the target. We stand together *he holds Tegan's hand* and we act as one unit. I say we set our plan here and now, pick a leader, and follow the plan and the leader. What say you all?

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2011, 07:15:53 am »
*Gel'larian grins a little and nods in agreement.*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2011, 08:29:54 am »
*Gel'larian grins a little and nods in agreement.*


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2011, 02:24:45 pm »
"Great.. shoot the last remaining cure at a dragon and I'm a dead man walking. I dare reckon, I won't be worrying much about how we'll be getting out, considering what'll be waiting when I return. No good deed goes unpunished it seems, though the empty promises back in Sedera are the salt in an open wound."

*he looks at Gel*

"You better not be missing any shots with those bloody vials."