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Author Topic: Dogma  (Read 499 times)


« on: August 11, 2006, 02:38:53 pm »
*A lone man stands before a few fellows of his clergy. His posture is straight and proud. His eyes gazing fiercely around, showing the passion of his conviction. He speaks in a clear, ringing out with a slight musical lilt of his Elvish heritage.* My brothers and sisters of The Deep Mother, I know these past weeks and years have been cruel and arduous. We were delt a great blow in losing Stone. Now Diamond Everglimmer has been taken. The deaths of Emerald Perfect Facet and Emerald Dloc Enchan rocked our foundation further still. There may be more that follow them. *He lowers his head for a moment, and considers his words carefully before he continues. As he raises his head he looks over the gathered with compassion and sympathy in his eyes.* We live by a code that tells us to hide when our enemies attack us but now they attack us at our core. *His eyes narrow slightly* There is nowhere to run, nowhere seek sanctuary. *He spreads his hands apart and looks to each of them* What will we do now? In the past we have scattered like that of gem dust blown in the wind and it has served us well. It not this time. *He pauses and shakes his head slightly* Now we must stand united ready to show our luster. This is our Goddess, our beliefs, and our home that they threaten. *Narrows his eyes once more* We must show them that we will not give in as we have done in recent times. Our faith chisels us, polishes our souls. We will stand as the cornerstones of Beryl with that Faith!   *His hard expression softens and he smiles at them. Hope and love for Beryl fills his inner being as he recalls his recent experiences. He knows what must be done.* Today, my friends... Today, my brothers and sisters of the heart we start a new trend. Today we fight for our right to exist in peace and give honor to Her Perfection by displaying all the colors that the deep earth holds. *He smiles, letting all of his love and devotion come forth in his eyes. He spreads his arms wide as if to gather forth each of his fellows in unity. His voice rings out with determination* Let it echo through the deep caves of the underdark that we will no longer sit idly by! We will no longer let wars and battles separate us! Let it be known that today we are united! Never again will we scatter and abandon! *He waits quietly for the voices raised with his to subside. He smiles gently once more*   To our allies, I call out for your aid in these dark times. The Deep Gnomes and Beryl need your help. * The spark in his eyes turns sad but still hopeful* You all were there for us when Stone fell. I ask you to be with us now again in our time of need. *He nods a little as he continues* I know these are trying times for all us. Even after the defeat of Blood, *he narrows his eyes* he left his one last mark by darkening our skies, precipitating the reign of anarchy that has swept over much of the land. *His voice rises and he shakes his head.* Now our enemies have begun to attack us at our core? If we are to succeed in pushing back the enemy we will need your support, and you ours. I know within my heart that if we stand, united, against this force we can stop it. We can reshape our lives. Make a new facet for the Deep Gnomes and Her Perfection. *He smiles and gazes around him.* Join with me now and let this be the first step in restoring glory to all the lands of Layonara!    *He pauses and his expression falls dark. His determination never more evident than now. He narrows his eyes and looks past those gathered into the unknown before him. His voice becomes dangerously cold, the melody of it sending shivers to any who can hear him speak.*     I have a message to those that take advantage in these times of troubles. Know that we will never give up hope for a peaceful world. Your efforts to stop that and to take advantage in these times has not gone unnoticed. We know you. Your trickery has been revealed. We will track you down. We will end your reign of terror. Baearon Ca'Duz and your followers, your recent actions and murders are known and your plans foiled. Your hopes to separate us have failed. What you have created is a bond with the good nations and races of these lands and you have drawn out the inner beauty housed within us all. Let it be known that whenever you lift your ugly head we will stand together and stomp you like the creeping spider you are. *He balls his fist in carefully controlled anger.* You play in the darkness that you think you understand. Be prepared to be lost in the darkness you have created. *He raises his voice once again.* We demand immediate release of the Diamond Everglimmer! We demand immediate release of Emerald Perfect Facet! We demand immediate release of Emerald Dloc Enchan! I promise you, I will not rest until they are safe back in their homes and with their people. *His balled fist of his right hand rises into the air and he calls out loudly* Your crimes will not go unpunished! *He holds his hand in the air looking at it at first in determination and then in wonder. The scattered cheers of his small audience not really sinking in. He gazes at his fist and realizes something. He whispers quietly to himself* We no longer fear you; we fight you. We are no longer passive. You have pushed us too far this time. No more will you rule us with fear. Beryl... *He smiles in almost a daze watching his hand slide down out of the air* Beryl heard my call. She hears the call of her faithful. She has faith in us. I have faith in us. *The calls of his brethren finally sink in past his wonderment. He smiles at them and steps in embracing each.*
    *His daze fading like a vision retreating and he smiles at his friends* We are faith.


Re: Dogma
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 10:24:54 pm »
*stands up on his chair and raises his tankard* AYE!!! NAW YE BE HAVEN DE 'IGHT WAY LAD! TE BE'YL, TE WINNEN!


RE: Dogma
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 11:00:28 pm »
Ael quietly listens from the shadows.  After Quil is finished he steps forth, lingering in the back of the chamber until he catches Quil's eye.  He nods once to his friend with a trace of a smile.  Holding Quil's gaze for a moment, Ael silently conveys both agreement and encouragement to his friend.  Swiftly he turns and departs into the beckoning night.

