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Author Topic: Hungry  (Read 2555 times)


« on: November 29, 2012, 11:27:44 pm »
Daylight seeps under his door and he's not slept at all.  A night of writing letters to any food vendor he knows, to Denock Wisefoot of Wisefoot Trading, to White Mouth Harbor, to Bydell...anywhere he might find a source of sustenance.  The fishermen he'll deal with in the...oh, yes.  Well.  In a half an hour, probably.

Despite his depression, despite the music that he feels unable to make, he is hopeful.  They've come, his Bucklers; Charlie and Kat, Rook and Melody, the Captain, Vell, even Keela and SehKy have thrown their hands into the effort.  And his wife, trying so very hard to help him, and this once completely unable.  He aches for her.  A healer who cannot heal, even as he is the cause of her pain.

It doesn't change anything to know that.  No music he makes will ever come close.  He is a fraud, and he's passed up perfection in favor of his moral compass.  He can look at himself in the mirror.  He just doesn't want to.

Enough.  There is too much to be done to indulge in another round of pity-me.  That hundred thousand dollars he didn't spend is about to be put to use, for he's certain the fishermen will not part with their catch cheaply these days.  He and Minu are handling that as they are well-known on the docks.  Melody and Kat have agreed to go to the merchant's quarter and take note of the vendors, what they're selling, and to ask about what farms are still farming and what farms are failing and who's already left.  Keela and SehKy are going to spend some time in the poorest parts of town learning what the people really need, what they really want, so the soup kitchen does what it needs to do and not what he thinks it needs to do.  Vell has agreed...well, that's not quite right, he's been voluntold to figure out how to mushroom farm.  They grow fairly quickly, after all, and he can cook the pits out of a mushroom.  Good protein, excellent flavor...Melody's idea to rent the warehouse and use it to grow the mushrooms until they have a food supply is brilliant as well.  Another ripple of hope, not a wave but he feels it.  He has good friends.  It is a blessing.

Argali has proposed some locations to put farms that are not targets for the dark elves or the pit moths, one of which she's visiting - Bear Island.  If farms there can be protected from bugbears, they're certainly out of the way enough to not attract attention.

One last letter to write and it isn't long.  He seals it with a read wax clef.  Instead of her name, he sketches her on the envelope - the curved ears, the flowing hair, the luscious figure draped strategically in green...alright, perhaps it's a bit much detail, and perhaps he's spending too long getting those details just right.  He's tired and making mistakes that have to be re-drawn.  That's his story and he's sticking to it.

And...there.  A black bear by her side, and it's done.  He prays a moment that she'll answer, and she'll know.  He's prepared to bankroll a lot of testing to bring those farms back.  It all depends on knowing how.

For the hundredth time he picks up a cigar, then puts it down. Lola is in here, curled in his red chair and fast asleep.  Minu does not like him smoking around the child; she begs for a puff too often.  So long as she's in here he cannot indulge and his teeth are starting to itch from want.  Which means time for Miss Lola the night owl to be taken to bed and for him to get started on his day.

Night owl.  That's a good name for her.  His little night owl...
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Script Wrecked

To Bear Island
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 06:46:09 am »
Argali set out early the next day, very early, in fact. There was nothing like the first chorus of bird song in the pre-dawn light to give a place a sense of peace, before people got up and remembered the nature of their troubles. Namely, where they were getting their next meal from. She headed on long the main road for the town of Krag where she hoped to secure a boat to take her across the shallows of Hazewater Bay to Bear Island.

She would be sure to take note of all the signs of famine along the way, but her goal was to find out to what extent the flora and fauna of Bear Island were affected. Though it had been a very long time since she had done any [POST=837712]mapping[/POST], she hoped it would not take too long to survey the island. A twinge of nostalgia had biten her as she had packed her mapping equipment; it seemed a lifetime ago now, in different times...


Re: Hungry
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 07:59:41 am »
**Bris dusts herself off and steps into the inn looking about for a face she recognizes. She slips off her bear helm and nestles it gently in the over laden pack hanging from her shoulder. She leans hard on her staff and with a puff blows her hair up from her eyes then watches it flutter unceremoniously back into place. She walks up to the bar and orders the hardest drink available and whatever is cooking currently ***

"I am looking for Andrew Reid, he had sent me a letter implying he might be here and in need of my aid...could you point me in his direction?"

** she looks over her shoulder and quirks her ears around listening intently to the noise around her**


Re: Hungry
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 09:00:13 am »
Charlie eyed the elf woman a moment from his position at the end of the bar.  Something about her reminded him a bit of his father or Kat, but he really couldn't get his finger on exactly what so he did what he always did, he offered up a grin and said,  "Drinks are free, Miss.  I see yer appreciative of the harder drinks as I am.   Iffn yer lookin fer Mister Andy, he's either in his office smokin or gone ta bed.  I'd check his office first like.  He ain't there, then I guess I could be bothered ta fetch him from his chambers.  I'm Charlie Poetr by the'd be?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 11:33:34 am »
*Jetta grumbles from a shadowy perch nearby where she may have been overlooked, but from which she overlooked very little.*

"Charlie, we're tryin' to start a soup kitchen for folks who can't afford food, losing supply contracts left and right, and you're giving away free drinks that are paid for by my boss to every woman who walks in and catches your fancy?  Gaaah!  What kind of fool are you?  At least find out who she is -before- you go to offering drinks on the house, and if she can afford to pay, let her."


Re: Hungry
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2012, 11:34:59 am »
Charlie shrugs and slides the cost of the drink to barkeep, "Happy Jetta? Now shut it will ya..else that or go get Mister Andy, this heres serious business, I'm thinkin."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 11:43:32 am »
*stares down Charlie with narrowed eyes*

"You more or less walked out of here years ago, losing any kinda authority or seniority you might've been able to imagine having over me, fella.  And if you tell me to shut it, or try to give me orders again, you'll be losing more than you can afford.  So you go ahead and quit drooling over the woman and go get Andrew yourself."

*turning to Brisbane and ignoring anything further from Charlie, Jetta addresses her with a polite, if somewhat strained smile.*

"Sorry about his lack of discipline Miss.  Please, take a seat and be welcome to the Silverbuckle, I'm sure Charlie will have Mister Reid on his way to greet you personally in just a moment."


Re: Hungry
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 11:55:04 am »
Oblivious to the bickering, Andrew tours the food pantry with Heloise and takes notes on what they can no longer obtain locally.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 01:10:42 pm »
"Well ah erm um..Riight, I'll do that then. " Charlie heads for Andrew's office to check there first.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 04:02:43 pm »
*The sun is up, but barely so, when Kat sets out for the merchants' quarter.  She walks among the farmers' wives as they set out their wares, noting the quality, quantity and type of produce available.  As soon as she finds ones ready for business, but not yet engaged, she approaches, giving her name, mentioning the Buckle, and asking about the harvest.  She has lots of questions, but is patient, not wanting to interfere with any sales the vendors might make.  Kat admires their produce and their children and sympathizes with their difficulties.  Taking notes unobtrusively over the course of that market day and subsequent ones, she compiles lists of who is still farming and where; what they're growing,how much, and what price it's bringing; and even when they expect to bring future crops to market.  Kat asks whether some plants seem to be doing better than others in withstanding the blight.  She also asks about relatives' and neighbors' farms--which ones are in trouble and which have been deserted, pinning down locations as well as she can.  In all of this, she tries to coordinate with Melody so they can gather information more quickly and not duplicate one another's efforts.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2012, 01:14:23 am »
Seeing how its well past harvest time and not nearly into growing time the merchant areas are well devoid of anything fresh.  A few suppliers have onions, garlic and winter squash, a sparse smattering of root crops.  Fresh meat is limited to hares and chickens while salted fish, pork and beef are plentiful if one has the coin to pay the import prices from Sun, Morholt and other areas not struggling.  Winter weather has forced most of the fishing fleets to port until things break up in the spring and the fish become easier and less deadly to catch.  Whale blubber from the fall runs is easy to find as is their salted flesh.
Farms outlying the city are batten down for the winter and not willing to part with precious food stuffs.  Some families have banded together to forcefully protect what they have and are quite agressive in protecting it.  They have little sympathy for city dwellers.  Most of those remaining in cities are either well off enough to purchase imported food or so destitute they don't care what they are eating, as long as they are alive.
The overall number of farms has actually increased as people abandon the cities and town over returning to subsistance agriculture.  Finish trades are suffering from lack of skilled peoples. Luxury and cash crops such as cotton, hemp, sugar etc are only available as imports as local farmers are focusing on growing enough to support their families and livestock first before turning to anything for off farm income.  Larger urban and suburban populations are stuggling to keep themselves fed.
The land falters but is not dead.  Harvests were much lower than in previous decades but not as bad as the dark times.

Script Wrecked

Argali Reports About Bear Island
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2012, 02:23:33 am »
Some time later, Argali returns to Mariners Hold and the Buckle and shares her findings. This is what is related:

Quote from: minerva
Bear Island is not all that farmable being composed of topsoil on bedrock.  The effects of the famine are here as well.  The bugbear population has been held in check and is not expanding.  Wildlife is present but in lower sustainable numbers given the barreness of the vegetation and prey.

As to farming - anything large scale is out.  Small scale plots would need to be defended against the bugbears and natural predators such as deer, rabbits and the like.  Plant and go will not work.

Also usable water is a concern.  It may be surrounded by seawater, but you can't water crops with seawater.  The island does have several natural springs and small streams, brooks and a few small marshes and lakes but no major fresh water ways to be easily used with out significant infrastructure.  Drilling wells in bedrock is something a dwarf might tackle but not most others.

After a night's rest in a familiar bed, Argali intends to book passage on the next vessel to the Dragon Isles to see what the state of the famine is there.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2012, 04:37:31 am »
//place holder awaiting response from minerva :). Im not ignoring ya'll I promise!


Re: Hungry
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2012, 10:19:36 pm »
Stiring from her reverie early in the morning, she readies for the days task before she heads downstairs. Mostly nibbling at a piece of bread, with a touch of honey, and a cup of milk as she finally sits down at a free table. Clearly her thoughts are elsewhere, in front of her lying a parchment and in the hand not holding the piece of bread, she holds her quill, and then begins to make a list.  


Available Fish?




Who is selling what?

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Hungry
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2012, 10:28:24 am »
*?  Melody,works with Kat, listening to what she asks of the vendors, only speaking and interjecting with her most ~persuasive~ smiles and suggestions but only in a very subtle manner.  If there are children about, she opens a bag of some candy she has been toying with and creating to give to the children, only after getting permission from the parents.  She would also entertain them the children if they seem to be getting underfoot of the parents as they set up their wares, all the while still listening to Kat's questions and interjecting as mentioned before. ?*


Re: Hungry
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2012, 12:28:08 pm »
Keela and Sehky search out the darker more seedy areas of town to find those who have made their way to the alleys and ship docks either searching for handouts for themselves and their families or for resale out in the country side to make ends meet. After much talking and passing out some old preserves that have been sitting on the Shelves in their own pantry Keela finds out that clothing and medicene are much needed too. They found that some Husbands and fathers are too pround to ask for free handouts and others ask that we take care of their wives and children as they go out to find work on farms or the few fishing vessels that are going out to sea. Some even are hoping to get contructions jobs.
Keela forms a list of concerns and takes them back to the next meeting at the Buckle and finds out the latest there.

1. Land renewal
2. Work
3. Clean Water
4. Shelter (many had this one on top)
5. Food (many had this one on top but decided it was better to fix the problem of the land so that they could provide #2-5)
6. Clinics, at least traveling ones.

 And one that Sehky and I thought wouldn't have made the list.

7. Peace


Re: Hungry
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2012, 03:48:19 pm »
One day in the morning, a small roll of parchement finds its way to the Silver Buckle, bound together by ring braided from a willow twigs. The message simply reads:
The solution to todays problems
does not reside in the decisive and courageous action of able mortals
Teach, and open a new path where none has been before.


Somewhere else, he changed his skin. Observed. Studied. Prepared short reports - reactions, adaptions, such things. Bought people time, where he could. Kept things in check, as was required or ordered.



Re: Hungry
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2012, 12:04:04 pm »
// Please disregard Bris as a passing hallucination. Until the other day I didn't realize that Brisbane was missing in action, she would have never received the letter she was responding to due to This update on the famine

I apologize for any confusion.


Re: Hungry
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2012, 02:27:56 pm »
Charlie starts a weekly hunting party for any of the townsfolk interested in such things.  He keeps to the public lands outside Mariners.  His groups usually focus on fishing, but will go for bigger game if opportunity provides itself. (Rumors of deer, bear, or if Charlie encounters the tracks of such)
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hungry
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2012, 09:01:23 am »
Letters go out to every person who had contact with Connor and the others, seeking information on the specifics of curing soil affected by the blight.  Meanwhile, Andrew and Elly head out to the docks to speak with the fishermen.*

//*pm sent

