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Author Topic: The Minstrel and the Pea..  (Read 1356 times)


The Minstrel and the Pea..
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:15:46 pm »
On the continent of Alindor in the city of Mariners Hold, there lies a majestic inn where are story takes place.
A wooden sign can be seen over the doorway, it reads "The Silver Buckle". As you enter, your eyes are greeted with a wondrous sight; A huge auditorium, in the center is a stage and elaborate tables and chairs are arranged neatly in front of the stage for the customers enjoyment. As you look left you see a small yet elegant lounge with a  roaring fireplace. As you glance back to your left you can see a elegant bar all made of the finest mahogany. Past the bar, are the guest chambers, where our story begins..
A middle aged male sits at a desk his elbow on the top of the desk made of cherry and his head propped on his hand snoring lazily. The room is luxurious and lavish. Along with the desk is a armoire of mahogany, chest of drawers of oak and a cozy bed with feathered pillows. A pixie sits on the bed regarding the male. She shakes her head with a subtle giggle. "Only my mage would sleep on a desk rather than a bed.."
A sound from outside the hall can be heard. She pauses to listens to the sound but, she can't make it out the sound clearly over the rumblings of the sleeping mage. She curses softly and takes to the air, her wings rapidly beating behind her.

"I wonder if it's him?" she thinks to herself as her heart beats faster with elation. She fiddles with the door trying to get it open.
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Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 06:19:50 pm »
The bard is pleased this bright and sunny day.  His song comes along nicely, notes falling into place as he hums; Amati has not broken a string all week; and his sister and Jane have thus far not returned from wherever they’ve wandered, which would not at first seem a joyous thing.  A soft rattle from the closed door to their room only serves his point however – Celador has come back and as the bard is terribly soft of heart,  he’s allowed the mage to use his old room, currently if theoretically occupied by the bard's sibling and her...friend.  After clearing it of feminine undergarmentry and other personal things of course, now secured in a chest in his room until the ladies return.

By Ilsare, he’s going to get in trouble for that.  Still, the man’s contributions to their farming project are too important to shuffle him off to another inn and so Celador once again lays his head in the room on the right.  Besides – he enjoys the man’s company.  Although...there is the matter of the whistles and catcalls.  He’s aware of Celador’s rather colorful background and the reasons the man likes purple so much, and perhaps were he not married he’d feel more adventurous, but really?  In front of Minu, even?  He’ll have to figure a way to broach that delicate topic without crushing the man’s hopes...


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 07:56:33 pm »
The latch finally comes free and she finally struggles to push the door open. With another curse she darts out of the room and into the shadows to stalk her prey...

As she flutters deftly out of the door she catches a glimpse of her mark as he heads to off to the stage.. The pixies whispers to herself..
"Just a bit closer to hear him better.. to gaze upon his eyes and look upon his soul.. to see if he is wearing tight pants.." She covers her mouth to suppress a giggle. Then she zips to the shadows to pursue her desire..


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 09:09:13 am »
Down the stairs, to the stage, humming all the while.  There are two families eating in the tavern's great hall, the children gobbling bread and picking unenthusiastically at jarred fish while their parents fuss.  Usually it's a bigger mix, but with just these two families in the room, he's inclined to sneak out some sugared fruits for the little ones.  But first!  No audience too small to earn an smile for Ilsare.  Tossing his long black leather coat across a chair, he sits on the stage steps and takes Amati under chin, not centering himself first - his mood is good, Amati sings the joy of the moment with him and the A string stays firmly in place.  There are rustles and a giggle behind him - Lola and Clarisse no doubt, they've been following him out of sight for days, some childhood game that only they understand.  He plays dumb.

A few songs in and a few giggles later, he sees his daughter and the lounge.  They are sorting Clarisse's gemstone collection, or more specifically Lola is with an expert eye.  She's using the loupe he purchased for her to detail any flaws in the various bits of colored mineral, he can just hear her pointing out an iron streak in a bit of hematite.  The hairs stand up on his neck - who the Muse is doing all the giggling now?


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 06:05:52 pm »
She clears her throat lightly at first to get the bards attention. As he turns he sees a beautiful pixie in a exotic dress that barely falls past her midsection. She sits on top the piano with her legs crossed and a finger in her mouth eyeing him as a prize.

"You play very well minstrel.. Each note pulls at my heart.." Her words come out as a light whisper but get stronger as she gains courage.  "Do you think you could possibly play one more song for me?" She bats her eyes at the bard and gives him an enchanting smile. There is something dangerous and mischievous behind the look she gives him. After a short moment, her eyes never leaving his she says pleadingly. "Please?" As she gestures at the piano with her hand, inviting him closer.

There she sits, biting at her lower lip, arms propping up her body as she waits for his response.


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 11:06:07 am »
"If the lady asks, how can I refuse?"  He stands off the steps and bows to the families finishing their supper, then takes the stage and slides behind Ironsdottir.  The pixie is a cute one, nay - beautiful - with a seductive edge that him.  How very odd.  Or, merely an outrageous flirt, or an agent of some unknown evil.  His paranoia flutters, moth to his flame - dark elves have pixies too.

And yet she's quite the looker.  Is he wrong to look at her legs when she would barely stretch the length of his own hand?  Pff.  If it's wrong to admire a beautiful woman, he'll never be right.  Not that's he's really right, anyway.  He puts his hands on the keys, eyes on her.
 "Whom do I have the privilege of addressing, Milady?  I don't recognize you and I am certain I would remember such a lovely face.  Are you a friend of Lianna's, or one of our residents or guests perhaps?"


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 09:45:46 pm »
She giggles a bit before speaking. Her demeanor cool and relaxed and she purrs "Mm You may call me Lynessa Wind m'lord and I believe you know my master, Celador Blackleaf?  He wasn't the one whistling at your.." she pauses a moment to find the word. "..physique.."

She smiles lightly as the looks him up and down. "And might I had you look rather delicious this evening.."  She tucks her legs under her and lays on the piano.. "I'm very eager to see the song I inspire..."


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 10:52:03 pm »
And there is the giggle that's been following him...epiphany on wings.  Bloody good thing he hasn't yet tried to broach those whistles and catcalls with Celador.  "I do indeed know your friend, Milady Lynessa."  He starts sketching out a tune on the giant ironwood piano.  "A fine gentleman, he treats you well I hope?"  Gentle conversation to cover his surprise.  'Delicious...'  By the Muse, if he were not married and were one hundred and ninety-nine pounds lighter...the tune expands from noodling on the natural keys to something more complex, but not too much so - a little danger on a heavy E, F, G, up to A, back down through C.  His fingers move along independent of his mind which is contemplating her, her barely contained interest - in a human? - and the dangerously high hike of her skirt.  And, assuming he were in fact six or eight inches tall, how those wings would affect the dynamics of...things...which leads him to wonder about Plenarius and whether that's why the Bird Lord is perpetually single.  But that doesn't follow, he'd be on to...

Alright, that's quite enough, Tashe.  Play for the lady.


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2013, 06:12:37 pm »
She closes her eyes and lets the music take control. She sways lightly; her wings fluttering..Her wings beat faster as the music comes louder and intense.. Slowly she rises off the piano, twirling in the air. Her lips part and her voice matches his rhythm of his violin.. "Worlds apart; We've finally meet.." Her voice is soft but, alluring. "You sent me sailing into your arms.." She dances deftly in the air around Andrew drawing his eyes to her.. " In your warm embrace, There I will find no harm.." Little by little she move closer to him still in her dance. "Without you, I am incomplete..."

Closer she comes and she stretches out her hand and strokes his cheek as she passes.. "Hear my voice on the wind calling out your name, I am the voice of your desire." As she passes across the field of his vision she smiles lightly and her voice grows in strength and more enticing. "Come good sir, come and dance in my flame, Take my hand as the fire grows higher.."

She lingers in his view, swaying in rhythm of his bow strokes, her movement graceful and beguiling. "I'm the light of your earth, I will give you sight to your eyes.." She cups her hand to her chin and blows lightly as the pixie dust flutters from her hand. "Here at the moment of our birth, With your new vision, I have been stripped of my disguise."

She slides forward in the air toward his shoulder and delicately lands. Her voice is faint as if whispering to a lover. " Feel the rhythm of my heart, Do you hear the lover's call?. " she steps closer to his ear. "Worlds apart; Our love they will condemn." Her hand touches his cheek and strokes it lightly at first but then she leans her body into him, holding him. "Alas, this is my requiem.. But, let's make it a sweet, sweet goodbye. Sing ,Sing me to sleep.. It will be our only time.." He can feel something cool and wet touch his face. "As our eyes close, you will not see me weep."


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2013, 01:14:19 pm »
Musings drift away as smoke fanned by tiny silvered wings; his fingers move along the piano keys, to inspire her movements and be inspired by them at the same time.  That this moment could ever be pursued is not in question - but that is then and this is now, and now, right now, the moment owns him.  He responds in a smooth baritone still touched by the warm tenor of his youth.

"Your tears are a gift
Your heart a rare book
I would read and read over
Were I able to look

"Your heat draws me in
Wings toward a flame
I hear you, I hear you
Singing my name

"Smoother than rose petals
Sweeter than nectar
Your voice is a spectre

"Haunting and fragile
What might have been
Worlds apart as we sit
Skin to skin

"I will sing in your slumber
Till sun dissolves night
Close your eyes, close your eyes
Dream well and sleep tight..."

The right hand plays the melody, his left reaches to his shoulder to stroke the pixie's hair gently - ever so gently - with his thumb.


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2013, 09:41:38 pm »
She tenderly places her hand over his thumb and pulls it a way and whispers softly so the family cannot hear. "Thank you my minstrel.. Perhaps in another life we could have been together and happy.. But, alas.. we as the song says we are worlds apart.."

She flutters off his shoulder and reluctantly flies toward the mage's room. She pauses and turns and looks at Andrew. She smiles and says "But, at least from a distance know that you will always be in my heart my minstrel. And I hope I would be in yours.. I am small.. I wouldn't take much room."

She turns away from him and and takes a deep breath. "And know that I will forever be your pixie.. No matter how much the mage complains.."

She tilts her head back and winks toward the bard and with the last glance she darts through the air, back to her room where the mage still slumbers peacefully on his chair.


Re: The Minstrel and the Pea..
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2013, 10:24:52 pm »
Lynessa's wings stream golden trails through the candlelit air.  He watches until she rounds the corner toward the Residence Halls.

His pixie.  By her choice, not by any magical coercion or spell.  His expression shifts from wide-eyed to contemplative as he turns back to the piano.  It is only as he stares at the keys that he remembers where he is and looks to his right.  The family sits silent, transfixed by the sheer oddity of the tableau before them.  With an embarrassed smile he slides off the stool.

"I trust you enjoyed the show?"

"That was a show, mister?"  The speaker, a girl of perhaps five, pushes a brown braid off her shoulder and looks up at him.

"Always something new here at the Buckle."  

"I never seen a real fairy before!  She was so pretty!"  Indulgent smiles from the parents at his explanation, although one of the mothers - trying to wrestle two young boys back into their worn wrap-lace boots - clearly doesn't believe him.  He taps the table once with a distracted smile, turns toward his office, then stops - left bottom pocket - with the crinkle of waxed parchment paper, he pulls out a handful of sugared dates and puts them on the table for the children, who, having picked at their gelatinous fish and plain bread, fall upon the sweets like a small, furless wolf pack.  More smiles from the parents and he nods and walks, slower than usual, to his private space.

His pixie.

Celador had best not take that one for granted, nor cause her pain.  He'd be watching...