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Author Topic: *A bounty Notice*  (Read 202 times)


*A bounty Notice*
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:08:55 pm »
*A small notice posted in the One-eyed Harpy.*

To all bounty hunters, mercenaries, and would be adventures.

I am offering a bounty on all spider kind and their close relations (Ettercaps, etc.).

*A few lines are scribbled out*

Increased to 1200 true for every box of glands brought to me, or 30 per gland.

If interested in collecting a bounty, leave a note for me with the innkeeper.




Also I am interested in the following items:

-Alchemist's Fire
-Iron Spikes
-Acid Flasks
-Sapphire Dust
-Tanglefoot Bags

I can offer you the same deal as for the venom glands (30 for one, 1200 for a box of random items).


Re: *A bounty Notice*
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2009, 06:30:51 pm »
Find ye Kurn Blackwater any chance ye git.  I been hunting round spots where Bastard Sword and Queen Spiders hunt me, so I'll save ye some gland boxes.  Mebbe even take ye hunting around some spots iffn ye find me in a good mood.  Hard liquor helps with thar.  I be the mad cyclone double scimitar massacre wit black platemail, grinnin skull helm and arms the size ah tree trunks.  Kinnah miss me if ye saw me.

-Kurn Blackwater, Admiral of the Blood Ocean up past Slaughter Creek.


Re: *A bounty Notice*
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 07:21:33 pm »
*Written underneath in neat script*
 Ah kin sell ye three boxes o' mixed glands right away if ye waant them.
 Ah huv mair tae go, maistly Bastard Swords, as well.
 ~~ duchess


Re: *A bounty Notice*
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 10:30:29 am »
*Jehoram walks up to the notice boards and surveys the responses with a slight frown. He then pulls out a quill and edits the first parchment before taking a note of Kurn Blackwater's name and scribbiling a reply to Duchess.*


I'll find you soon enough.


