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Author Topic: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters  (Read 130378 times)


Borris enters wearing a white
« Reply #660 on: February 28, 2014, 02:10:02 pm »

Borris enters wearing a white rhobe which is now tathered, torn, and bloodied.

He stinks of whisky and cigars.

He drops off a few items to one of the chests.

1platnum ingot2 T200=T200

4gold ingots@T100=T500

4bow strings @T200=T800

This gives himT1500 more in store credit, added to his T3003 in credit gives him T4503 in credit.

As he is exiting you notice a pair of tattered, torn, and bloodies whit slippers sticking out of his back pocket.


//pening aproval.




*Zig strolls in and drops off
« Reply #661 on: March 04, 2014, 02:46:44 pm »

*Zig strolls in and drops off some raw diamonds.  He then pulls out some parchement and quills a quick note*

Be Zigruum of de Frostbeards n' druid of de woilds.  Dropped ye off seven loose doimands Oi collected over de years.  Oi be in de market for some raise dead scrolls.  Let me know how many dat gets me and if Oi gots a balance wit ye foine guild.




Master Frostbeard,Diamonds
« Reply #662 on: March 04, 2014, 07:42:24 pm »

Master Frostbeard,

Diamonds are worth 1000 trues each as barter.

Raise dead scrolls are priced at 7,200 trues.



Aye den,  Keep me diomands
« Reply #663 on: March 04, 2014, 11:09:32 pm »

Aye den,  Keep me diomands den.  Oi'll start me credit and add some tings down de way.





Boris hurriedly delivers nine
« Reply #664 on: March 05, 2014, 12:45:47 pm »

Boris hurriedly delivers nine platinum ingots @t200ea (=T1800), eight gold ingots@ T100ea (=T800), one gold nugget@T50, and one platinum nugget@ T100. Adding T2750 to his T4503, giving him T7253 in credit. 


//unless otherwise advised or noted.//





Gromak drop off a bunch of
« Reply #665 on: March 12, 2014, 11:44:04 am »

Gromak drop off a bunch of hops with some sprigs of rye and sage in the food chest and the rightmost barter chest.  Me not wanting credit for thems or anything.  It a donation for you good peoples because you have lots of tasty complimentary food and drink there that me like to snack on.  Me will drop off tasty things me find that good for pies and beers every so often.  Please keep up the good work as Gromak likes you tasty beer.





Gromak Buying 3 Type 2
« Reply #666 on: March 12, 2014, 11:58:00 am »

Gromak Buying 3 Type 2 Element Resisting dusts, cold, fire and electric.  Price is 5720 each or 17,160 for all three.  For 15% discount on buying 3 items that go down to price of 14,586 for all three.  Gromak is using his store credit of 2,380 and deducting that from cost to be 12,206 true paid in chest for elemental dusts.  Gromak's store credit should now be down to 0 after purchase.


_Gromak Kneesplitter


(edit: decided to go with the 3 item special and paid 7916+4290 and used 2380 store credit towards that.  Gromak is now broke, but happy.)



*riley wanders in off the
« Reply #667 on: March 16, 2014, 06:50:00 am »

*riley wanders in off the road , he collects his previous order leaving the trues in the order chest , he also purchases An old style Addy full plate and leaves 11000 trues in the same chest , Finally he also purchase  some resistance dusts ,m one of each of the following , Fire 2 , electric 2 and cold 2 , he leaves 5720 for each one in the same chest* // I hate working out discounts so i just payed teh full amount for each , thanks if i have any credit please let me know.


gilshem ironstone

Dear Guildsmen,I would
« Reply #668 on: March 17, 2014, 01:39:12 am »

Dear Guildsmen,

I would gratefully the following be furnished: a compound mahogany longbow, fitted with bow parts of the third circle.  I will provide all the requisite materials for a sizeable discount.  Please notify me with the price.  I can be reached at the Temple of Xeen, Katherian.


Kalberen Starseeker


gilshem ironstone

A hobbled elf, carrying a
« Reply #669 on: March 17, 2014, 10:32:40 am »

A hobbled elf, carrying a heavy sack enters the guild store.  He moves the contents of the sack to a drop off chest and takes a tower shield, then leaves a note:

I have left sufficient raw ore to make a tower shield of adamantium and three raw mineral diamonds and 500T as payment.  If this is not sufficient, please contact me at the Leringard Arms.

-The Night Elf

//Left 18 nuggets of adamantium, 3 mineral diamonds and 500T in the second drop-off chest



Borris delivers 39 bags of
« Reply #670 on: March 24, 2014, 02:07:03 am »

Borris delivers 39 bags of sand reciecing 1170T in credit added to his 7253T, his new total is 8423T in credit. He purchases a Weteels Wraps cape for 5000T reducing his credit to 3423T.



*riley wanders in shroded and
« Reply #671 on: March 28, 2014, 09:52:31 am »

*riley wanders in shroded and brouses the wares before picking up a few bits*  1 cobalt half plate (new type) , 1 cobalt tower shield , 1 electircial 2 enhancement  and 1 electrical  visual ...... *he then drops some bits off in the  exchange creats*  5 ingots of Addy , 2 nuggets of addy and 1 ingot of titanium ....   //// Id like tou se my credit that i have and Also the value of what i dropped off , i think il be owing some money if you let me know how much it is il drop it , thanks



Letter sent to Riley Walters.
« Reply #672 on: March 28, 2014, 07:45:43 pm »

Letter sent to Riley Walters.



Letter sent to Riley Walters.
« Reply #673 on: March 28, 2014, 07:46:01 pm »

Letter sent to Riley Walters.



(No subject)
« Reply #674 on: March 30, 2014, 02:16:02 pm »

Deverain walks in to inquire about the price of a Mithril Bastard Sword, and if there is anything the guild needs that he could bring in to help pay for the sword



(No subject)
« Reply #675 on: April 02, 2014, 09:27:59 am »

Master Deverain,

A mithril bastard sword is 84,000 trues.  Currently, we are in need of sand or glass, coal, clay, silver, titanium, cobalt, mithril, bodak teeth, and emeralds.


Ferrit Pandorn, Angels Guild

Edit:  posted values are up to date for barter



(No subject)
« Reply #676 on: March 30, 2014, 06:07:51 pm »

And your posted lists are up to date as the price of what you need?



(No subject)
« Reply #677 on: April 04, 2014, 10:10:55 am »

Borris enters covered in cobwebs. He drops off a few things and picks up one thing in particule.

He has 39ginger, and 19 aloe, for which he gets 2716T in credit. He adds this to his 3423T and gets a total of 6139T


He then, ever so slowly makes his way over to the chest where the boots are. He retrieves A pair of aracanoid boots priced at 2500T, subtracted from his store credit, gives him a remaining ballence of 3639T in store ctedit.


He procedes to kiss the boots lovingly and exits too slowly.



(No subject)
« Reply #678 on: April 15, 2014, 12:54:04 pm »

Borris enters holding an ingot of copper in one hand, a new dent in his helmet, and a bag of materials in the other, which he quickly deposits into the chest.

The items are;

13 Ginger @ T56    = T728

13 Ginsing @ T150  = T1950

6 Platinum ingots @ T200 = T1200

4 Gold ingots @ T100 = T400

3 Bow strings @ T200 = T600

10 Greenstones @ T28 = T280

14 Topaz @ T100 = T1400

6 Silver @ T300  = T1800

Giving him T8358   In store credit. Added to his T3639 gives him a grand total of  T11,997 //I think//

He exits still carrying the ingot of copper. 




(No subject)
« Reply #679 on: April 27, 2014, 11:13:43 am »

Mangus crunch enters. He takes one look around and says; "Hmm! Yes this is the type of place I've been looking for." he purchases a copper tower shield, and a copper half plate armor, and he leaves 666 in true in the chest.  He also deposits 12 Ginsing in another chest giving him 1800 in true. He then uses that along with 700true in coin which he places in the chest to purchase a belt of cunning. 


