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Author Topic: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods  (Read 244 times)


Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
« on: January 27, 2007, 05:28:37 pm »
[SIZE=16]Mylindra and Tyrians New, Used, and Crafted Goods:[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]*Remember to support your local Independent crafters* [/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13]Interesting Items:[/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Divinity Ring I - 2500 True (grants three bonus first level spells of the divine) 2500 True  Divinity Ring II - 6000 True (grants three bonus second level divine spells) 6000 True  Minor Enchantments of  Lightning, Cold and Fire - 2000 True (grants 2 point of elemental damage to a weapon)   Lesser Enchantments of Fire, Electricity and Cold - 4000 True (1d4 elemental damage)   Elemental Resistance I to Fire, Electricity and Cold - 4000 True (damage reduction 5)  Silver Weapon Enchantment I - 3500 True (2 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)  Silver Weapon Enchantment II - 7000 True (1D4 points damage vs. undead and werebeasts)  Prayer Beads -  2000 True (cast bless once per day) 2000 True[/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Weapons:[/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Iron Mercurial Great Sword with electrical I enchantment - 4000 True (2d6 dam, crit x4, +2 electrical damage)  Iron Katana with Electricity I Enchantment - 2500 True  Iron Mace with Electricity I Enchantment - 2500 True  Iron Great Sword with Fire I Enchantment - 3000 True (2d6 damage, crit 19-20 x2, +2 fire damage)  Iron Bastard Sword with Fire II Enchantment - 4000 True (1d4 fire damage)  Iron Hand Axe - 1250 True  Iron Falchion - 1750 True  Iron War Hammer - 1750 True  Iron Nunchaku - 2000 True  Iron Heavy Flail - 2250 True  Iron Heavy Mace - 2250 True  Iron Maul - 2250 True  Iron Dwarven War Axe - 2250 True (1d10, crit x3, +1AB)  Iron Shurikens (25)- 500 True  Lion Sling (AB +1) - 1500 True  Bronze Dagger - 250 True  Bronze Mace - 750 True  Bronze Longsword - 1000 True  Bronze Battleaxe - 1000 True  Bronze Heavy Mace - 1000 True  Bronze Great Sword - 1000 True  Arrows of Fire (99)- 1200 True (+2 fire damage)  Arrows of Electricity (99) - 1200 True (+2 electricity damage)[/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Interesting Weapons:[/SIZE][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Last Defense Great Sword - 9000 True (EB+1, +3 vs. monstrous, 2d6 dam, 19-20 crit x2, lvl req. 11)  Bloodfall Longsword - 4000 True (AB+2, EB+1)  Bloody Lash Whip - 2000 True (BD 1-3, Crit 19-20 x3, Bonus feat - disarm, on hit wounding DC-16, lvl req:16)  Hamaji's Fan - 7500 True (1d2 damage, +2AB, slashing damage 1d10, lvl req:14)  Snake Fang Dagger with electricity I enchantment - 5000 True (on hit poison 1d2 con damage DC14, 2 points electricity damage)  Tooth of the Viper (50) - 2500 True (dart, AB+1, on hit poison 1d2 con damage, DC 16)  Walking Stick of the Hierophant - 750 True  Arrows of the Destroyer (25) - 5000 True (1b8 fire damage, usable by CE, CN, NE, TN only)  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Armor, Helms, Shields:[/SIZE][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Iron Chain Shirt - 4000 True (AC4, AC mod+1, Parry +3, lvl req: 8 )  Iron Scale Mail - 4000 True (AC4, AC mod +1, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )  Iron Chain Mail - 5000 True (AC5, AC mod +1, AC mod +1, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )  Iron Banded Armor - 5000 True (AC6, AC mod +1, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )  Iron Half Plate - 6000 True (AC+1, lvl req:6)  Iron Bascinet - 750 True  Iron Shield, small - 1750 True  Iron Tower Shield - 2500 True  Bronze Chain Mail - 2000 True (AC5, 5% bludgeoning immunity, lvl req:6)  Bronze Scale Mail - 2500 True (AC4, 5% bludgeoning immunity, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )  Bronze Banded Armor - 3000 True (AC6, 5%slashing immunity, concentration +3, lvl req:8 )  Cougar Leather Armor - 2000 True (tumble +3, lvl req:1)  Wolf Leather Armor - 2500 True (AC vs animals + 2, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )  Jaguar Leather Armor - 3000 True (search, spot, tumble +3, lvl req:5)  Worg Leather Armor - 3500 True (AC vs. goblinoids +2, Discipline +3, lvl req:8 )  Leopard Leather Armor - 3500 True (AC+1, +1 fortitude save, tumble +3, lvl req:10)  Crocodile Armor - 4000 True (AC4, +2 vs. disease and cold)  Dragon Scale Shield - 5000 True[/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Clothing:  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Acenders March Boots - 8000 True (ac dodge mod +3 vs. elementals, giants, goblinoids)  Gloves of Fury - 4000 True  Gloves of Swordplay - 500 True (Parry +3)  Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 2500 True (+1 str)  Bracers of the Scout - 1000 True (+1 AC, cast darkness once per day)  Boots of the Tiger - 2000 True (+2 tumble, +4 reflex, lvl req:8 )  Robes of Fire - 500 True (fire resistance 10)  Robes of Lightning - 500 True (electrical resistance 10)  Lesser Cloak of Azzata - 1500 True (casts sanctuary, 25 charges)  Cloak of the Watchers - 3000 True (can cast: protection from evil, true seeing, web,  single use of take to the air)[/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Magic Things:[/SIZE][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Wand of Neutralize Poison - 2000 True  Wand of Camoflage - 2000 True  Wand of Bull's Strength - 2000 True  Wand of Melf's Acid Arrows - 2000 True  Book: Details of Destruction - 2500 True (can cast: combust, gust of wind, lesser missle storm, scintilating sphere, 25 charges)  Book: Dissertation on Divinity - 2500 True (can cast: clairaudience/clairvoyance, find traps, identify, 25 charges)  Book: Seeing the Forest for the Trees - 2500 True (can cast: invis purge, camoflage, one with the land, 25 charges, ranger only)  Book: Permutations on Protection - 2500 True (can cast minor glove of invulnerability and protection from alignment, usable by: sorceror and bard)[/SIZE][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Exceptional Items:[/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]  [/SIZE][SIZE=13]  Exceptional Feldspar ring set in copper - 1000 True (death saves +2)  Exceptional Feldspar set in copper amulet - 1500 True (death saves +2)[/SIZE][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Scrolls:[/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]0 circle (100 True each):  Light, Cure Minor Wounds    1st Circle (250 True each):  Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Identify, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Summon Creature I, Bless, Sleep, Magic Missle    2nd Circle (400 True each):  Cats Grace, Darkness, Ghostly Visage, Endurance, Bulls Strength, Web, Summon Creature II    3rd Circle (750 True each):  Fireball, Find Traps[/SIZE][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Rings:[/SIZE][/b][SIZE=13]    [/SIZE][SIZE=13]Lesser Ability Rings  --------------------  Ring of Bull’s Strength I - 2250 (+1 to strength)  Ring of Fox’s Cunning I - 2250 (+1 to intelligence)  Ring of Owl’s Wisdom I - 2250 (+1 to wisdom)  Ring of Cat’s Grace I - 2250 (+1 to dexterity)  Ring of Eagle’s Splendor I - 2250 (+1 to charisma)  Ring of Endurance I - 2250 (+1 to constitution)    (all rings lvl req:6)  (amulets lvl req:5)    Silver Rings  ------------  Silver rings with Alexandrite - 3000 (+4 skill Dicipline & Taunt, lvl req:5)  Silver rings with Topaz - 3000 (+4 skill Hide in Shadows & Move Silently, lvl req:5)  Silver rings with Sapphire - 3000 (+4 skill Spellcraft & Concentration, lvl req:5)  Silver rings with Fire Opal - 6000 (+2 reflex save increase, lvl req:7)    Platinum Rings  --------------  Platinum rings with Greenstone - 1500 (+2 save increase vs. poison, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Malachite - 1500 (+2 save increase vs. disease, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Fire Agate - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. fire, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Aventurine - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. electricity, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Phenalope - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. cold, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Amethyst - 2000 (+2 save increase vs. acid, lvl req:5)  Platinum rings with Feldspar - 3000 (+2 save increase vs. death, lvl req:7 )  Platinum rings with Garnet - 3000 (+2 save increase vs. mind affecting, lvl req:7)    Amulets can be made as well, many in stock today![/SIZE]  


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Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 05:37:13 pm »
I'll take the arrows,
J'ser Arcanebow


RE: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 05:42:51 pm »

We shall hold the lot of arrows for you.  PLease contact Mylindra or myself to arrange a time to pick them up.

My Thanks,


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    RE: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #3 on: January 28, 2007, 10:47:48 am »
    i am interested in some more of your items. please look me up.
    signed- James Hearth


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 08:58:29 am »
    hi there i would be interested in the wand of bulls strength please

    Amilia Tannes


    RE: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 06:02:04 pm »
    Miss Tannes,

    I shall hole one of the wands for you.


    Let me know what ye need and I can toss it in my pack, or I shall speak with ye next time I see you.

    My Thanks,


    RE: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 06:18:44 pm »
    I am interested in pruchasing 10 sets of fire arrows. I can be reached any of the usual ways.
      Balthazar Woll
      // A PM may be fastest as I don't get much time during the week.

    Jearick Hgar

    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #7 on: January 31, 2007, 06:15:00 am »
    My client, Tath Zo'layum, has not yet learned how to write in common, but wishes to order one lesser enchantment of cold. Please contact him in Hlint where he frequents. He is dark skinned, stands well voer seven feet tall, has many tribal tattoos, and has hair, which is fasioned in dread locks, that come down to mid chest.

    In my client's place, Tath Zo'layum
    Dedrick Rialus


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #8 on: January 31, 2007, 05:07:54 pm »
    *walks up and looks at the notes*


    I shall seek ye both out with yer orders.

    My Thanks,


    RE: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #9 on: February 01, 2007, 09:31:30 am »
    * a small polite note is tacked beside the list*
      I would be interested in acquiringthe boots of the boar, if they are still in stock. I am generally to be found in Hlint or Fort Llast.
      Mirrim Cade


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #10 on: February 01, 2007, 09:40:46 am »
    If you come accross a Snake Fang dagger without elemental enchantments, I would be very interested.

    -Stygian Achnuman


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #11 on: February 01, 2007, 05:06:16 pm »
    *notices the last two notes*


    We still have a set of the boots.  I shall hold them for ye.  Seek out myself or Mylindra Kylock.
    *a short description of the two follows*


    I may have a spell to remove the enchantment from the blade.  I shall let ye know if it works.

    My Thanks,


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #12 on: February 05, 2007, 06:00:18 pm »
    *she tacks up a fresh revised notice*


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #13 on: February 05, 2007, 06:08:51 pm »
    I need one ring of owls wisdom (first level enchantment) and a ring and amulet of endurance of the same level please.



    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #14 on: February 07, 2007, 08:30:39 am »
    *she runs her finger the length of the list, then takes a quill and adds to the bottom*

     I see no listings for boots of boar or cougar skin.  Could you please list a price



    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #15 on: February 07, 2007, 08:56:32 am »
    *leans on the counter waiting for the customer in front to finish*

    Peanut would like to put in an order for those fine Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power.  Let me know when I can pick them up.

    *writes her name on a piece of parchment and hands it to the clerk*


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #16 on: February 07, 2007, 09:51:29 am »
    I have acquired a Snake Fang dagger. Please disregard previous inquiry.

    -Stygian Achnuman


    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #17 on: February 07, 2007, 10:47:28 am »
    *written in small script*

    Do you still have the acender's march boots?  I would like to buy them if you do.



    Re: Tyrian and Mylindras New, Used, and Crafted Goods
    « Reply #18 on: February 07, 2007, 07:00:02 pm »
    *makes some notes at the bottom of the page*


    I'll toss the rings and amulet in my pack.

    Mr. Zup,

    We still have the boots and shall hold them for ye.


    The gloves are yours.  I shall toss them in my pack as well.

    To the writter of the unsigned note,

    Unfortunatly we do not have boots of the boar or cougar.  Hopefully I shall get better with needle and we shall have some soon.

    My Thanks,

