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Author Topic: Club of Bashiness  (Read 32 times)


Club of Bashiness
« on: January 26, 2008, 08:04:45 pm »
[SIZE=24]From the Tinkering and Carpentry tables of Sallaron and Trouble Tempest....
... comes a perfectly carved and crafted item of unparalleled workmanship.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Tempest's Club of Bloodiness[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Carefully constructed from the finest crafted resources from across all of Layonara, this club would serve as the ultimate trophy or ornament in one's house.
Or... if you think yourself strong and wise enough to learn how to use it, watch your enemies flee in terror, as your knock them senseless and beat them into submission.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]This Item is currently up for auction, remaining so for 3 days. If no interested parties are interested, it will become a fine ornament in my home, and likely used by my partner for certain.. disciplining techniques. However, should a suitable bid be offered, this one off and unfindable item will be given to the luckiest man with the most True's.

Imagine... if you had a poweful mage or Cleric as your ally...who could place even more powerful magicks on this weapons, and decided to take this great weapon up the slopes of the Thunderpeaks... or across Belinara![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Club of Bloodiness
Bludgeoning Extra Damage: 1d4
Piercing Extra Damage: 1d4
On hit: Daze - DC 16 - 50% to cause Daze for two rounds
Only usable by:
Half Giant
Half Orc
( Or... ANYONE with Use Magic Device of 14 or greater )
( Remember... this can be enchanted with Greater Magic Weapon and Darkfire .. and possibly given Elemental Rod enchantments. (( No silver or Titanium should be added ))

Bids start at 10000 True

* At the bottom someone seems to have scribbled " Ark... eat your heart out!*


Re: Club of Bashiness
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 11:28:01 pm »
If still available, i'll bid 10,000 true.


Re: Club of Bashiness
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 02:18:59 am »
Sold! And thank Folian it is!

I've been tempted to use this bloody thing on a certain teenager who doesn't listen! I'll be glad just to get it out the house.

