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Author Topic: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop  (Read 509 times)


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2008, 12:49:18 pm »
Oi, I'll take the kid if he's still fer sale.  Seems a good ripe age fer apprenticeship, those wee tiny fingers do good work on the gemwork and toughen up his back on the forge.  Ye say he's good with oxes?  Lemme know, I got room and board ready.  He kin share a bunkbed with Willy.

-Bjornigar Ironguts

P.S.  Willy says "dibs on the monkey"


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2008, 02:47:57 pm »
Hmm... interesting offer good sir.
Indeed... he is good with animals... and gardening.... and can hunt a little if you can starve the little bugger to the point he "has" to eat.

I think I'll trade him for about 5000 True.


** Sall chuckles as he write this, but pauses a few times, wondering if the signer is truly serious. Guess he isn't, he continues writing*


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2008, 03:01:05 pm »
*elegantly written and in large font a message is clearly left over the notices of selling one Trouble Tempest*

If my husband sells his son for the amount listed, then when he gets home he'll learn first hand what a MAD Sorceror can do and the person who bought him will be dealt with in a painful way!


Mad Sorceror


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2008, 03:07:43 pm »
** Sall coughs and splutters when he next passes the Trade hall.
Seeing the post, he hurriedly pens a reply*

Erm... the er... item currently up for sale has erm.. been.... withdrawn

** a little nervously, he hurries home*


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2008, 03:36:08 pm »
*Shiff happens by the notices with Tyra and Drakie soon after while out running Errands, and all three start laughing as Shiff reads them Sall and the Mad Sorcerer's notes*


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2008, 05:34:58 pm »
//plot cutscene

*somewhere in an office in Leringard, Bjornigar hears a knock on his door*

"Aye?  coom in... ah tis you.  Sorry lad, looks like he weren't serious after all, or at least his wife was even more serious than he was.  Tough deal too, most parents kill fer ah apprenticeship.  Might be able to talk ah price on the monkey though..."

*a dark, well-dressed figure grimmaces under the cowl*  

"this is most unfortunate...."

"Well, ah tried lad... oi, good ter see ye back in town.  Whar ye been ye bloody loon?  We all thought yer dead!"

*the figure smirks and pulls out a flaming skull filled with boiling blood, cackling madly at it as if it were alive* "Oh, but where haven't we been?  eh Petey?  Where HAVENT we been?!  AHAHAHAH!!"


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2008, 07:53:24 pm »
Hello, Sallaron.
I´d like to purchase one of your fine Tempest Mighty Parts for my bow, a platinum one to be precise. Just let me know when it´s available.


Fianon Brittlebow


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2008, 06:16:42 pm »
*small note tacked onto Salleron's Poster*
Greetings Sir,
I am interested in selling some of your fine wares to young adventurers. Please contact me care of the Krandor General Store, and we can talk details.
Riven Ring-Cleaver
Saddlebag Pawn Shop


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2008, 08:41:47 am »
*attached to all posters found in trade centers*

Due to time constraints,a lazy teenager  , bulk and type of orders, and the fact I am bloody exhausted... Sallaron and Trouble Tempest Carpenter's are taking an extended holiday.
For the moment... no new order's will be taken.
Order's already taken will be honoured such as:

Riven ( Saddlebags Pawnshop)

Sall and Trouble Tempest


Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« Reply #29 on: September 11, 2009, 02:59:16 am »

Trouble frowned up at the sign.

"Can't we make it Sallaron and Troubles Carpentry shop? Sallaron and "sons" sounds like Im still bloody ten years old."

Sallaron finished nailing the signpost to the wall and smirked down at his son.

" Sure. You go out... you do all the bloody work... you dig the sand and find the wood.. an I'll change it to Trouble."

Trouble frowned and folded his arms in his most stubbornest of expressions.

"Yeah.. I thought so."

Available on below date to sell weird and wonderful carpentry and tinkering goods from the master carpenter's shop.