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Author Topic: Tempests Sale  (Read 264 times)


Tempests Sale
« on: May 26, 2009, 02:41:08 am »
2 Belts of Eluding (lvl 12) = 12k a piece ( RESERVED )
Reflex +2
Hide +3
Move silently +3
Tumble +3
Expeditious retreat 1x per day

3 Healer Hug Belts (lvl 12) = 5k a piece ( RESERVED )
Cure Critical Wounds 1 use per day

Encircling Scale Belt (lvl 14) = 15k ( RESERVED )
Immunity Poision

IIsare Fiery Eye (lvl 17) = 20k
useable by: Arcane Archer, Good, Neutral, Ranger
AB +2
Bonus: spot +4

[SIZE=18]Best Offer[/SIZE]

Dwarvish Ring of Resiliance (lvl 23) = Starting bid 60k ( Current: 75k -  Drexia )
Constitution +2
Dex +2
Improved Saving Throws: Death +2
                                   Poison +2

Cobalt Chain Shirt (lvl 20) = Starting bid 25k
+2 (AC modifier)
Damage Reduction +2 soak 5 damage
Skill Bonus: Skill Bonus Parry +3

Armor of Horus-Re (lvl 19) = Starting Bid 50k
Chain Shirt
AB +3 (AC modifier)
Damage resistance: Electrical 10/-
                           Sonic 10/-

Mithril Star Shield (lvl 20) = Starting bid 60k
Armor Bonus: +2 (AC shield modifier)

Mithril Greatsword (lvl 15) = Starting bid 60k ( RESERVED )
Enchantment bonus +3

Enchanted Mithril Fullplate (lvl 31) = Starting bid 90k
AB = +3 (AC armor modifier)
Damage Immunity: Magical 25%
Damage reduction: +3 soak to 10 damage
Skill Bonus: discipline +3
Spell resistance: 20

Storm Armor (lvl 19) = Starting bid 55k ( RESERVED )
Studded Leather Armour +3
Damage resistance: Electrical 10/-
                           Sonic 10/-
Spell Resistance 10

Enchanted Mithril Star Shield (lvl 20) = Starting bid 85k
AB vs Piercing +4 (AC modifier)
AB +3 (AC shield modifier

No silent bids please!

Any questions send word to Sallaron Tempest


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 02:56:02 am »
I'll take the Encircling Scale for 15,000 true



Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2009, 03:30:49 am »
60k for the dwarvish ring



Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2009, 04:00:18 am »
Willing to pay the 80k requested for the Mithril Full plate.

Sasha Tomyris

*Realising that the armour is actually level 31 req she withdraws her offer*


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2009, 04:10:41 am »
//Do keep in mind there is very little mithril present on Layonara as it is. The prices should be hyperinflated.


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2009, 04:38:01 am »
I should like to purchase the storm armor for 55k.

Abi Firesteed


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2009, 09:54:08 am »
// Please note... small incrase in exceptional Mithril items due to current situation regarding rare ores.


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2009, 10:03:10 am »
//Mithril can be worth a million true an ounce, but if noone is willing to spend more than 100 true an ounce, guess what the real value is.

Withdrawls bid as it is made.


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2009, 10:53:11 am »
Will also take the belt of eluding and the three healers hugs!




Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2009, 12:09:08 pm »
Will take the last belt of eluding for 12k. I'm glad their are two fer sale.

Buddy Tenker

Script Wrecked

Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2009, 12:56:33 pm »
Quote from: Aerimor
//Mithril can be worth a million true an ounce, but if noone is willing to spend more than 100 true an ounce...

// ...then you wouldn't sell your mithril. People can be ornery that way. ;)


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2009, 01:32:06 pm »
I'll bid 75,000 trues for the dwarvish ring

//also, what kind of armor is the horus re armor?


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2009, 06:29:38 pm »
I'll bid the 60k true fer that mithril greatsword.


Re: Tempests Sale
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2009, 06:41:45 pm »
*signed underneath*

All items on bidding now ended.
Contact either Sallaron or Tegan Tempest in Haft Lake for Collection