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Author Topic: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)  (Read 309296 times)


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2011, 09:13:10 pm »

11 Silk @ 57
28 Aloe @ 29
33 eggs @ 85

Total - 4244


Walking stick of the Heirophant - 1500
Lesser Mage Robes - 2750

Total - 4250

Placed 431 trues in the true chest 425 + 6 to cover the amount I was short

K. Malvaunt


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2011, 08:23:20 am »
Priestess Raelyn Blair
 Previous history
Previous Credit: 4202
 New Transactions
36 Wheat x 22 each - 792
72 Corn x 22 each - 1584
2376 + 10% = 238 (deposited into sales chest)

New Total Current Credit: 1826
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2011, 09:21:37 am »
Priestess Raelyn Blair
 Previous history
Previous Credit: 1826
New Donation
35 Wheat Flour x 75 =  2625
12 Milk x 100 = 1200  
4 Butter - 2 milk to make 1 Butter - 800 (approximate value)
1826 + 4625 = 6451

New Transactions
36 Eggs x 85T = 3060 + 10%(306T) (deposited into sales chest) = 306
36 Honey x 50T = 1800 + 105(180T)(deposited into sales chest) = 180

New Credit = 1591

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2011, 08:26:12 pm »
In neat italic script:

Took: forty milk (4000), fourteen sage ( 798 )

Left: Platinum harp (3500) plus credit (555), 1900 True (payment from last visit, four hundred for milk, and cash for sage).

Remaining credit - 0.

Andrew Reid


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2011, 03:55:43 pm »
*Lindara enters the store*

Hiya! *waves*

I got some stuff!


Owl's Wisdom potions x4 = 1920
Endurance potions x3 =  1140
Eagle's potion = 480
Cats Grace potion x 2 = 960
Strength potion x2 = 960
Oak Short Bow = 1500
Jaguar Leather = 1200
Charm Monster Scroll = 650
Web scroll = 350

Total = 9160


Mahogany Short Bow = 5000
Lion Leather Armor = 1400
1000 oak copper arrows = 1500
500 oak bronze arrows = 1000

Total = 8900//

*Trades the goods and leaves 890 Trues with TinPin*



Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2011, 05:44:45 pm »
Took: darkened unicorn cloak (10000)
Left: 2 Electric enhancements I (@2000) and 2 electric enhancements II (@3000) = 4000 + 6000 = 10000 credit

Left:  1000 true coins
Remaining credit - 0.
Katelyn Poetr


Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2011, 07:41:23 pm »
Aust Moonbrook Took:five fire agates
Left: 100 gold

Left 10 gold in 10%chest

Lance Stargazer

Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2011, 11:35:56 pm »
*A rider approaches the pawnshop and arranges a delivery of ginseng in the name of the Stargazer house, The man presents the papers that acknowledges the credit and select some ginseng roots and then departs back towards the north, leaving the approapiate amount in the chest

// Took your ginseng . 206 trues put on the charity chest.


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    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #28 on: December 18, 2011, 08:31:55 am »
    Ytsim found an oak short bow that suited her needs.  She left 1500 true in the money chest.


    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #29 on: December 18, 2011, 12:56:52 pm »
    *Tergiversator enters the building cautiously and looks around. His fingers itch at seeing all of the items for sale and trade, but cautions himself that someone may be watching... besides, it is naughty to steal, isn't it?

    After some careful consideration and not finding the oak shortbow he seeks, he instead takes another bow and leaves some items and some trues in compensation.*

    Compound Oak Shortbow   5500

    Wand of Fire             1800
    Oak Club                    800 (to make the account up to date: he will exchange this for another item of value seeing as there were two oak clubs there already and that was all he had to make the difference)
    Staff of Heirphant      1500
    Potion of Lore             480
    OverLord's Emergency Brew 1120

    Deposited:                550

    Balance:                   200 in credit

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #30 on: December 18, 2011, 06:56:40 pm »
    *Robyn attaired in her red cloak enters the room, and points to several boxes outside on a wagon*  Greetings, My masters want to do bussiness with your pawnshop again, we have brought high quality goods and wares for your store that you may find intresting if not useful. *Then she proceeds to present a list and making a general balance on this*

    [TABLE=head;SORT=1]Quantity|Material |Credit| Total
    118| Greenstone dust |  826 |
    51  |Phenalope dust    |357|
    19  |Aventurine dust  | 152|
    10  |Diamond dust     |3250 |
    10  |Silk              |570|
    35  |Salt pieces       |350 |
    15  |Branchs of Mahogany|  2x 3000 |= 6000

    With the previous 6382 I do think that our credit now stands for 17887 isnt it?

    // OOCly disclaimers .

    1 .- I am using an NPC to do the deals here, The transaction will be done in name of Robyn of Vale, oocly the character who is behind this is Aesthir Stargazer.

    Fian Bearsark

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #31 on: December 18, 2011, 09:53:49 pm »
    Drawna enters the shop and begins emptying out her bags of various cumbersome items:
    1 Alexandrite dust (33)
    6 Greenstone dusts (42)
    1 Topaz dust (33)
    7 Spider silk (399)
    8 ginseng (486)
    4 cranberries (124)
    19 sage (1083)
    2 dire bear skin (400)
    5 mineral malachite (100)
    1 mineral fire agate (20)

    total credit 2710 for future considerations

    "whew! that was heavy."


    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #32 on: December 27, 2011, 06:07:40 pm »
    In cramped script.

    Added - Stone's Boots of Protection (3500).  With previous credit, credit balance of 3684.

    Ty R-D


    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #33 on: December 29, 2011, 03:16:05 pm »
    *Deekin sneaks into the establishment, grabs a few handfuls of handy spell components, decides to do some business and puts in some scrolls to the bookshelves and then removes on long scroll*
    *Then he tells Tinpin what he did, and escapes through the portal after throwing 2 big and one small bag of coin to him*

    1x Scroll (Grease) 1st Circle - 250T
    1x Scroll (Combust) 2nd Circle - 350T
    1x Scroll (Find Traps) 3rd Circle - 650T
    1x Scroll (Remove Blindness & Deafness) 4th Circle - 1500T
    1x Scroll (Clairaudience & Clairvoyance) 4th Circle - 1500T
    1x Scroll (Energy Buffer) 5th Circle - 3500T
    = 7750T

    1x Scroll (Ethereal Visage) 6th Circle - 7000T

    7750T - 7000T = 750T credit left and 700T placed within the 10% chest, thank you.//


    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #34 on: January 01, 2012, 02:44:22 pm »
    In cramped script.

    Added amulet of cat's grace.  Credit now 5784.

    Also your water keg's spigot is against the wall.  Kind of hard to tap it.

    Ty R-D

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #35 on: January 20, 2012, 08:08:06 pm »
    *Argos approaches and smiles at his neighbors *

    Added an Elemental Swarm scroll to the scrollshelf for a credit of 40,000,

    Took 2 pieces of honey for 100 trues

    10 trues left on the charity chest

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #36 on: February 04, 2012, 04:08:21 am »
    *After some efforts to get in with the security, an elf attaired in Vagagbound clothes is seen dealing with the barters in haven, leaving some beverages and other things he sets himself towards several pieces and gems dealing with the barter, he'll approach to the halfling that seems to be running the bussienss,

    Materials given
    [TABLE=head;SORT=1]Quantity|Material |Credit| Total
    21| Dwarf head ale |2415|
    8 | Dwarf sledge   |800|
    29| Chestnuts |1653 |
    10| Honey |500 |

    Materials taken
    [TABLE=head;SORT=1]Quantity|Material |Credit| Total
    1| Greenstone |  28 |
    5 |Phenalope |125|
    4 |Silk | 228|
    1 |Feldspar |40 |
    1 |Fire agate |20 |
    14 |Cotton |140 |

    // left 58 trues on the charity chest.

    // Dealings with Remiel Meredith btw

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #37 on: February 05, 2012, 03:07:25 pm »
    *Argos accompanied with two girls is seen entering the shop, after some deals he leaves 16 phenalope, 14 alexandrites and takes 12 honey pieces *

    On previous transactions 39900 credit he had.  

    Adding 1800  and subrstracting 600 For a new credit of 41100

    Deposited 60  trues on the charity chest


    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #38 on: February 05, 2012, 05:28:41 pm »
    //you pimp Argos, you ;)

    Lance Stargazer

    Re: UPDATED - SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for tr
    « Reply #39 on: February 05, 2012, 08:00:12 pm »
    /// Those are his daughters you.....