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Author Topic: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)  (Read 339004 times)


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2080 on: June 28, 2024, 10:55:25 pm »
** a parchment with a muddy paw print **
put in various chests
10  Unprepared Pipeweed -- Flatbottomed Leaf
5 Spider Silk - 500T
1 Ettercap Silk Gland - 50 T
16 Cotton - 160 T
9 Cotton - 90 T
Yet Another 9 Cotton - 90T

** bartering and trading is not normal for the wemic peoples so please forgive any blunders **

Picked up
1 Cougar Hide Armor - 300T
1 Cape of the Panther -450T

and dropped 300 T in chest

750 Purchases
890 Drop offs
300 coin
440 T Credit (not including pipeweed)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2024, 12:14:17 am by 55060hacker »
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2081 on: July 02, 2024, 02:05:32 pm »
Reyna drops off some trade resources at Saddlebag:

40 cotton x 10 = 400
11 honey x 50 = 550
71 barley x 30 = 2130
18 wheat x 30 = 540
19 salt x 10 = 190
10 white mushrooms = 100
9 raspberry x 45 = 405
Total Deposited = 4315
Previous Credit: 1548
New Credit = 5863

takes a bronze mace: 450
Bronze katar 300
bronze sai 300
ring of owl wisdom: 1750
T.H.'s bracer: 75% of lens = 2430
Total taken: 5230

Paid 523 True
New Credit = 633

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2082 on: July 04, 2024, 05:22:12 pm »
Dropped off:
Boots of Hardiness +2 (+2 constitution +2 dodge ac, level req. 14), @16146T
Caduz's Defeat cloak, @43359T
Slayer's Belt, @19500T
Total: 79005T

Old credit: 723806T
New credit: 802811T

/Markyl Hufvudsson\
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2083 on: July 04, 2024, 09:35:27 pm »
Reyna returns to Saddlebag:

Previous Credit = 633

She drops off these items:
18 corn = 540
19 barley = 570
28 Wheat = 840
2 honey = 100
6 pecans = 360
aventurine 12
greenstone 21
phenalope 12
Total deposited = 2455
plus previous credit of 633 = New credit of 3088

She picks up Julia Colt's cloak: 75% of lens = 1980
She picks up 33 topaz dust  x33 T = 1108
Total acquired = 3088
Pays 309 True into the chest.

New Credit = 0
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 01:10:26 am by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2084 on: July 05, 2024, 01:22:51 am »
Reyna returns to Saddlebag to drop off some goods:
52 corn x 30 = 1560
9 wheat x 30 = 270
9 barley x 30 = 270
3 honey x 50 = 150
3 grapes x 45 = 135
7 white mushrooms x 10 = 70
fire bomb: 75% of lens = 3900
Total Deposited: 6355

Acquires Fire I Enchantment: 1500
Acquires Ring of Bull Strength I: 1750
Total Taken: 3250
Pays 325 True into the chest.

New Credit = 3105
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2085 on: July 05, 2024, 04:47:47 pm »
Picked up:
Caduz's Defeat cloak, @43359T
Paid 4336T to the chest

Old credit: 70970
Credit remaining: 27611T

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2086 on: July 09, 2024, 02:48:41 am »
Reyna drops off some goods:

33 corn = 990
56 wheat = 1680
59 barley = 1740
5 limestone = 250
Total deposited = 4660

Previous Credit = 3105
New Credit = 7765

Picks up:
51 skeleton knuckles. 510
16 comfrey x 30 = 480
Total taken = 1000
Paid 100 True

New Credit = 6765

Returned to pick up:
2 graveyard dirt x 40 = 80
3 black onyx x 50 = 150
9 comfrey x 30 = 270
8 garlic x 50 = 400
8 pecans x 60 = 480
15 witch hazel x 66 = 990
25 aloe x 30 = 750
14 purple mushroom x 50 = 700
= 3820
382 True Paid

New Credit = 2945
« Last Edit: July 09, 2024, 03:33:09 am by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2087 on: July 11, 2024, 04:39:55 am »
Reyna picks up a cat's grace I ring: 1750
and a Fire I Enchantment: 1500
Total taken: 3250
Pays 325 True.

Drops off:
8 wheat: 240
5 barley: 150
7 cranberries: 210
2 ginger: 100
Total deposited = 700

Previous Credit: 2945
+700 = 3645
Minus purchases of 3250
= New Credit of 395

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2088 on: July 16, 2024, 02:34:54 am »
Reyna returns to Saddlebag.

Previous Credit = 395

Drops off:
45 corn = 1350
49 wheat = 1470
11 barley = 330
21 honey = 1050
8 walnuts = 480
10 grapes 450
8 elderberries = 240
5 hazelnuts = 425
Total deposited for Credit = 5795
+ previous credit of 395 = Credit of 6190

Picks up a Fire Enhancement I: 1500
Paid 150 into chest

New Credit = 6190 -1500 = 4690
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2089 on: July 17, 2024, 06:22:56 pm »
4x Pear @60T = 240T
1x Pear Juice @125T
Paid 365T to the chest

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2090 on: July 20, 2024, 12:33:20 am »
Reyna returns to Saddlebag:

Drops off Bull Strength Amulet I: 2100
16 corn = 528
9 barley = 270
13 wheat = 390
7 honey = 350
1 silk = 100
Total dropped off = 3738

Previous Credit: 395
Total Credit = 4133

Reyna picks up:
17 topaz dust x 33 = 561
Vrool Gulix's mace (copper with fire) 30% of lens = 1178
Frem Angleshe's gloves (plain leather with fire) 30% of lens = 588
Total picked up: 2327

Paid 233 into chest.
Uses credit for the 2327.

New Credit = 1806

UPDATE: before i could leave Saddlebag I crashed, losing the mace, topaz, and gloves. So, I'm going to say Reyna has credit for those items:
New Credit = 4133

« Last Edit: July 20, 2024, 12:56:18 am by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2091 on: July 23, 2024, 08:12:31 pm »
Reyna returns to barter with the Saddlebag Pawn.

Drops off:
4 Lion Skins x 75 = 300
Kesha Snyderlin's small shield (Heal +4): 75% of lens = 357
7 birch x 40 = 280
20 wheat x 30 = 600
9 corn = 270
8 barley = 240
4 honey = 200
8 apples = 480
Total Dropped off = 2727

Reyna acquires the following:
small iron shield = 1000
50 topaz dust x 33 = 1650
Total picked up: 2650
265 True paid

Previous Credit = 4133
+ 2727 dropped off today = 6860
Minus 2650 purchases today = New Credit of 4210

« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 03:55:47 am by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2092 on: July 24, 2024, 03:22:22 pm »
5x Hazelnut @75T = 375T
6x Clover @10T = 60T
Paid 435T to the chest

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2093 on: August 02, 2024, 01:54:29 am »
Reyna returns to the Saddlebag Pawn:

Picks Up Brown leather Armor: 1400
Pays 140 T into the chest.

Previous Credit = 4210
minus 1400 =  new credit of 2810

Drops off:
72 barley x 30 = 2160
36 wheat x 30 = 1080
15 corn x 30 = 450
9 rice x 30 = 270
White Stag leather Armor: 1600
Total dropped off = 5560
Previous Credit of 2810

The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2094 on: August 12, 2024, 06:32:02 pm »
A dark figure leaves the shop after snooping around...

Truly what has become of these trusting in this day in age. Decor..tacky at best. I found some rings (End+1) and a Necklace (Als End+1) that caught my eye. As per your...charming note of borrowing now and retturning can fetch it off my cold dead corpse, should it be needed sooner. Until then...ill return once my power is restored.

I hope you learn from this rather large error in pitiful security and organisation. If anything, I am helping you grow. You're welcome.

Signed..Nathaniel Birch

//SORRY, found this forum post AFTER the fact. I did drop a bunch of sand/clay / glass, runes , all i had on me to the general value as best I could.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2095 on: August 13, 2024, 01:00:07 am »
Tinpin, looking flustered, greeted Riven as he returned to the shop from a trek.

“Sorry to say, Sir,” the halfling stammered, “a gentleman left a rather rude note, after taking some goods from the chest marked “Crafter’s Loaner Buff Items”.

“Oh?” Riven read the note with subtle amusement. “Well, he can read, obviously, since he can write. And the shop rules are obvious. So….is it a theft or a “borrowing” of gear in a way that disrespects the shop and our efforts? And did you speak with the “gentleman”?”

“Er…no sir,” the halfling blanched, “I watched from hiding, as he was a…oh…how shall I say it…a rather intimidating and unpleasant sort, from the look of him, and all in dark colors like he’s used to skulking in the shadows. And, as evidenced by his actions and the tone of his letter, I think my read was accurate.”

Riven smiled at the shopkeeper. "What did you tell me years ago, Tinpin? Don’t judge a bloke by the color of his cloak? If he was a thief, he wouldn’t have left a taunting note, would he? Signed too. And judging by the enchanted chests, his name is accurate, other than missing an “e” at the end. Let’s write a note to the “gentleman” and leave it in an obvious place. And please do speak with him the next time he comes around.”

Tinpin coughed, “Well, that’s not all, sir. He placed “bits of sand” in the chest for sand bags. That’s just disrespectful, or he’s daft. I’ve recorded the value of what he’s put in the boxes in our ledger. It only comes to 1318 True. And he took 5600 True of jewelry, plus Tildspearfard’s Cloak, which is worth a nice sum. So, he nay paid the 10% in coin, nor donated enough to cover the items in trade credit.”

Riven sighed. “Daft or disrespectful or both. But he 'did' donate some goods, so....let's assume he's daft, with a chip on his shoulder. You never know what folks are dealing with in their life, nor how they were raised. Well, I’ll pen a letter to the er..."gentleman", and post it in plain sight. And next time he comes in, do talk to him, or give me a holler if I’m upstairs.”

Riven then pens a letter, leaving it on the easel that any customer would walk right into, if they weren't careful:

Dear Nathaniel Birche,

Please read the shop rules, and abide by the rules, or I’ll ban you from the shop, and if need be set a bounty on your head for theft.

If you wish to purchase endurance jewely, then return the crafter’s buff items, and find the jewerly in the for sale display cases. Then either pay in coin, or build a credit with legitimate donations and then use your trade credit AND 10% of item value in coin.

You’ve donated the following:

7 clay x 25 = 175
6 “bit of sand” (not bags of sand) = 0 value
Shadow al’noth aventurine rune II: 25% of lens = 344
Shadow tidal al’noth fire agate rune I: 25% of lens = 299
9 graveyard dirt x 40 = 360
28 gum arabic x 5 = 140
Riam’s Cloak of Reflexes placed into the crafter’s loaner chest - but that does not help crafters, and we already have two of these cloaks, so we really have no need of it.
So, all told, only a value of 1,318 True.

If you wish to make purchases, the price of gear is on scrolls in the chests. For example:
Ring of Endurance I: 1750
Ring of Endurance I: 1750
Amulet of Endurance I: 2100
Sigriagrin’ Tildspeafard’s Cloak: not for sale (it’s in the Crafter’s loaner chest, not a for sale chest), but would be valued at 75% of lens if it were for sale.

Riven Ring-Cleaver, Proprietor
« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 01:48:34 pm by Riven »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2096 on: August 13, 2024, 03:56:35 pm »
The shadowy figure returns to the establishment - once again fiddling with the chests, walking past the signs...

His raven familiar Vispilio drops off some parchment in his claws, it reads:

"Sir Riven,

As much as a good bounty gets the heart pumping there is no need to threaten me with a good time. Your items are returned...they weren't my colour anyway.

Yours, Nathan"

Vispilio seems to be enjoying eating some nibbles from a nearby chest before flying off.

Bill me.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2024, 04:50:14 am by PoD »
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck, Riven


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2097 on: August 15, 2024, 01:46:57 am »
Reyna returns and deposits 99 wheat x 30 = 2970 credit
Takes 5 graveyard dirt x 40 = 200

Previous Credit = 8370
- 200
New Credit = 11,140

Paid 20 silver into the chest.
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2098 on: August 20, 2024, 12:44:56 pm »
Dropped off:
Nymph Cloak +2 @5226T
Edna's Vanity clothing @41817T
Previous credit: 27611T
27611T + 47043T = 74654T
New credit: 74654T

Görmungard Boulderanvil
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck


Re: SADDLEBAG PAWN SET PRICES (Please post here for transactions)
« Reply #2099 on: August 23, 2024, 07:45:59 am »
*Hank Everdale drops off a ring of eagles splendor.  He'll comb through his ledgers to find  his balance and get back with the store*
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck

